#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # backport-resolve-issue # # Based on "backport-create-issue", which was itself based on work by # by Loic Dachary. # # # Introduction # ============ # # This script processes GitHub backport PRs, checking for proper cross-linking # with a Redmine Backport tracker issue and, if a PR is merged and properly # cross-linked, it can optionally resolve the tracker issue and correctly # populate the "Target version" field. # # The script takes a single positional argument, which is optional. If the # argument is an integer, it is assumed to be a GitHub backport PR ID (e.g. "28549"). # In this mode ("single PR mode") the script processes a single GitHub backport # PR and terminates. # # If the argument is not an integer, or is missing, it is assumed to be a # commit (SHA1 or tag) to start from. If no positional argument is given, it # defaults to the tag "BRI-{release}", which might have been added by the last run of the # script. This mode is called "scan merge commits mode". # # In both modes, the script scans a local git repo, which is assumed to be # in the current working directory. In single PR mode, the script will work # only if the PR's merge commit is present in the current branch of the local # git repo. In scan merge commits mode, the script starts from the given SHA1 # or tag, taking each merge commit in turn and attempting to obtain the GitHub # PR number for each. # # For each GitHub PR, the script interactively displays all relevant information # (NOTE: this includes displaying the GitHub PR and Redmine backport issue in # web browser tabs!) and prompts the user for her preferred disposition. # # # Assumptions # =========== # # Among other things, the script assumes: # # 1. it is being run in the top-level directory of a Ceph git repo # 2. the preferred web browser is Firefox and the command to open a browser # tab is "firefox" # 3. if Firefox is running and '--no-browser' was not given, the Firefox window # is visible to the user and the user desires to view GitHub PRs and Tracker # Issues in the browser # 4. if Firefox is not running, the user does not want to view PRs and issues # in a web browser # # # Dependencies # ============ # # To run this script, first install the dependencies # # virtualenv v # source v/bin/activate # pip install gitpython python-redmine # # Then, copy the script from src/script/backport-resolve-issue (in the branch # "master" - the script is not maintained anywhere else) to somewhere in your # PATH. # # Finally, run the script with appropriate parameters. For example: # # backport-resolve-issue --key $MY_REDMINE_KEY # backport-resolve-issue --user $MY_REDMINE_USER --password $MY_REDMINE_PASSWORD # # # Copyright Notice # ================ # # Copyright (C) 2019, SUSE LLC # # Author: Nathan Cutler # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> # import argparse import logging import json import os import re import sys import time from redminelib import Redmine # https://pypi.org/project/python-redmine/ from redminelib.exceptions import ResourceAttrError from git import Repo from git.exc import GitCommandError github_endpoint = "https://github.com/ceph/ceph" redmine_endpoint = "https://tracker.ceph.com" project_name = "Ceph" status2status_id = {} project_id2project = {} tracker2tracker_id = {} version2version_id = {} delay_seconds = 5 browser_cmd = "firefox" no_browser = False ceph_release = None dry_run = False redmine = None bri_tag = None github_token_file = "~/.github_token" github_token = None github_user = None redmine_key_file = "~/.redmine_key" redmine_key = None def browser_running(): global browser_cmd retval = os.system("pgrep {} >/dev/null".format(browser_cmd)) if retval == 0: return True return False def ceph_version(repo, sha1=None): if sha1: return repo.git.describe('--match', 'v*', sha1).split('-')[0] return repo.git.describe('--match', 'v*').split('-')[0] def commit_range(args): global bri_tag if len(args.pr_or_commit) == 0: return '{}..HEAD'.format(bri_tag) elif len(args.pr_or_commit) == 1: pass else: logging.warn("Ignoring positional parameters {}".format(args.pr_or_commit[1:])) commit = args.pr_or_commit[0] return '{}..HEAD'.format(commit) def connect_to_redmine(a): global redmine_key global redmine_key_file redmine_key = read_from_file(redmine_key_file) if a.user and a.password: logging.info("Redmine username and password were provided; using them") return Redmine(redmine_endpoint, username=a.user, password=a.password) elif redmine_key: logging.info("Redmine key was read from '%s'; using it" % redmine_key_file) return Redmine(redmine_endpoint, key=redmine_key) else: usage() def derive_github_user_from_token(gh_token): retval = None if gh_token: curl_opt = "-u :{} --silent".format(gh_token) cmd = "curl {} https://api.github.com/user".format(curl_opt) logging.debug("Running curl command ->{}<-".format(cmd)) json_str = os.popen(cmd).read() github_api_result = json.loads(json_str) if "login" in github_api_result: retval = github_api_result['login'] if "message" in github_api_result: assert False, \ "GitHub API unexpectedly returned ->{}<-".format(github_api_result['message']) return retval def ensure_bri_tag_exists(repo, release): global bri_tag bri_tag = "BRI-{}".format(release) bri_tag_exists = '' try: bri_tag_exists = repo.git.show_ref(bri_tag) except GitCommandError as err: logging.error(err) logging.debug("git show-ref {} returned ->{}<-".format(bri_tag, bri_tag_exists)) if not bri_tag_exists: c_v = ceph_version(repo) logging.info("No {} tag found: setting it to {}".format(bri_tag, c_v)) repo.git.tag(bri_tag, c_v) def get_issue_release(redmine_issue): for field in redmine_issue.custom_fields: if field['name'] == 'Release': return field['value'] return None def get_project(r, p_id): if p_id not in project_id2project: p_obj = r.project.get(p_id, include='trackers') project_id2project[p_id] = p_obj return project_id2project[p_id] def has_tracker(r, p_id, tracker_name): for tracker in get_project(r, p_id).trackers: if tracker['name'] == tracker_name: return True return False def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--user", help="Redmine user") parser.add_argument("--password", help="Redmine password") parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Show debug-level messages", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--dry-run", help="Do not write anything to Redmine", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--no-browser", help="Do not use web browser even if it is running", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("pr_or_commit", nargs='*', help="GitHub PR ID, or last merge commit successfully processed") return parser.parse_args() def populate_ceph_release(repo): global ceph_release current_branch = repo.git.rev_parse('--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD') release_ver_full = ceph_version(repo) logging.info("Current git branch is {}, {}".format(current_branch, release_ver_full)) release_ver = release_ver_full.split('.')[0] + '.' + release_ver_full.split('.')[1] try: ceph_release = ver_to_release()[release_ver] except KeyError: assert False, \ "Release version {} does not correspond to any known stable release".format(release_ver) logging.info("Ceph release is {}".format(ceph_release)) def populate_status_dict(r): for status in r.issue_status.all(): status2status_id[status.name] = status.id logging.debug("Statuses {}".format(status2status_id)) return None def populate_tracker_dict(r): for tracker in r.tracker.all(): tracker2tracker_id[tracker.name] = tracker.id logging.debug("Trackers {}".format(tracker2tracker_id)) return None # not used currently, but might be useful def populate_version_dict(r, p_id): versions = r.version.filter(project_id=p_id) for version in versions: version2version_id[version.name] = version.id return None def print_inner_divider(): print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") def print_outer_divider(): print("=================================================================") def process_merge(repo, merge, merges_remaining): backport = None sha1 = merge.split(' ')[0] possible_to_resolve = True try: backport = Backport(repo, merge_commit_string=merge) except AssertionError as err: logging.error("Malformed backport due to ->{}<-".format(err)) possible_to_resolve = False if tag_merge_commits: if possible_to_resolve: prompt = ("[a] Abort, " "[i] Ignore and advance {bri} tag, " "[u] Update tracker and advance {bri} tag (default 'u') --> " .format(bri=bri_tag) ) default_input_val = "u" else: prompt = ("[a] Abort, " "[i] Ignore and advance {bri} tag (default 'i') --> " .format(bri=bri_tag) ) default_input_val = "i" else: if possible_to_resolve: prompt = "[a] Abort, [i] Ignore, [u] Update tracker (default 'u') --> " default_input_val = "u" else: if merges_remaining > 1: prompt = "[a] Abort, [i] Ignore --> " default_input_val = "i" else: return False input_val = input(prompt) if input_val == '': input_val = default_input_val if input_val.lower() == "a": exit(-1) elif input_val.lower() == "i": pass else: input_val = "u" if input_val.lower() == "u": if backport: backport.resolve() else: logging.warn("Cannot determine which issue to resolve. Ignoring.") if tag_merge_commits: if backport: tag_sha1(repo, backport.merge_commit_sha1) else: tag_sha1(repo, sha1) return True def read_from_file(fs): retval = None full_path = os.path.expanduser(fs) try: with open(full_path, "r") as f: retval = f.read().strip() except FileNotFoundError: pass return retval def releases(): return ('argonaut', 'bobtail', 'cuttlefish', 'dumpling', 'emperor', 'firefly', 'giant', 'hammer', 'infernalis', 'jewel', 'kraken', 'luminous', 'mimic', 'nautilus', 'octopus', 'pacific', 'quincy', 'reef') def report_params(a): global dry_run global no_browser if a.dry_run: dry_run = True logging.warning("Dry run: nothing will be written to Redmine") if a.no_browser: no_browser = True logging.warning("Web browser will not be used even if it is running") def set_logging_level(a): if a.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) return None def tag_sha1(repo, sha1): global bri_tag repo.git.tag('--delete', bri_tag) repo.git.tag(bri_tag, sha1) def ver_to_release(): return {'v9.2': 'infernalis', 'v10.2': 'jewel', 'v11.2': 'kraken', 'v12.2': 'luminous', 'v13.2': 'mimic', 'v14.2': 'nautilus', 'v15.2': 'octopus', 'v16.0': 'pacific', 'v16.1': 'pacific', 'v16.2': 'pacific', 'v17.0': 'quincy', 'v17.2': 'quincy', 'v18.0': 'reef', 'v18.1': 'reef'} def usage(): logging.error("Redmine credentials are required to perform this operation. " "Please provide either a Redmine key (via {}) " "or a Redmine username and password (via --user and --password). " "Optionally, one or more issue numbers can be given via positional " "argument(s). In the absence of positional arguments, the script " "will loop through all merge commits after the tag \"BRI-{release}\". " "If there is no such tag in the local branch, one will be created " "for you.".format(redmine_key_file) ) exit(-1) class Backport: def __init__(self, repo, merge_commit_string): ''' The merge commit string should look something like this: 27ff851953 Merge pull request #29678 from pdvian/wip-40948-nautilus ''' global browser_cmd global ceph_release global github_token global github_user self.repo = repo self.merge_commit_string = merge_commit_string # # split merge commit string on first space character merge_commit_sha1_short, self.merge_commit_description = merge_commit_string.split(' ', 1) # # merge commit SHA1 from merge commit string p = re.compile('\\S+') self.merge_commit_sha1_short = p.match(merge_commit_sha1_short).group() assert self.merge_commit_sha1_short == merge_commit_sha1_short, \ ("Failed to extract merge commit short SHA1 from merge commit string ->{}<-" .format(merge_commit_string) ) logging.debug("Short merge commit SHA1 is {}".format(self.merge_commit_sha1_short)) self.merge_commit_sha1 = self.repo.git.rev_list( '--max-count=1', self.merge_commit_sha1_short, ) logging.debug("Full merge commit SHA1 is {}".format(self.merge_commit_sha1)) self.merge_commit_gd = repo.git.describe('--match', 'v*', self.merge_commit_sha1) self.populate_base_version() self.populate_target_version() self.populate_github_url() # # GitHub PR description and merged status from GitHub curl_opt = "--silent" # if GitHub token was provided, use it to avoid throttling - if github_token and github_user: curl_opt = "-u {}:{} {}".format(github_user, github_token, curl_opt) cmd = ( "curl {} https://api.github.com/repos/ceph/ceph/pulls/{}" .format(curl_opt, self.github_pr_id) ) logging.debug("Running curl command ->{}<-".format(cmd)) json_str = os.popen(cmd).read() github_api_result = json.loads(json_str) if "title" in github_api_result and "body" in github_api_result: self.github_pr_title = github_api_result["title"] self.github_pr_desc = github_api_result["body"] else: logging.error("GitHub API unexpectedly returned: {}".format(github_api_result)) logging.info("Curl command was: {}".format(cmd)) sys.exit(-1) self.mogrify_github_pr_desc() self.github_pr_merged = github_api_result["merged"] if not no_browser: if browser_running(): os.system("{} {}".format(browser_cmd, self.github_url)) pr_title_trunc = self.github_pr_title if len(pr_title_trunc) > 60: pr_title_trunc = pr_title_trunc[0:50] + "|TRUNCATED" print('''\n\n================================================================= GitHub PR URL: {} GitHub PR title: {} Merge commit: {} ({}) Merged: {} Ceph version: base {}, target {}''' .format(self.github_url, pr_title_trunc, self.merge_commit_sha1, self.merge_commit_gd, self.github_pr_merged, self.base_version, self.target_version ) ) if no_browser or not browser_running(): print('''----------------------- PR DESCRIPTION -------------------------- {} -----------------------------------------------------------------'''.format(self.github_pr_desc)) assert self.github_pr_merged, "GitHub PR {} has not been merged!".format(self.github_pr_id) # # obtain backport tracker from GitHub PR description self.extract_backport_trackers_from_github_pr_desc() # for bt in self.backport_trackers: # does the Backport Tracker description link back to the GitHub PR? p = re.compile('http.?://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/\\d+') bt.get_tracker_description() try: bt.github_url_from_tracker = p.search(bt.tracker_description).group() except AttributeError: pass if bt.github_url_from_tracker: p = re.compile('\\d+') bt.github_id_from_tracker = p.search(bt.github_url_from_tracker).group() logging.debug("GitHub PR from Tracker: URL is ->{}<- and ID is {}" .format(bt.github_url_from_tracker, bt.github_id_from_tracker)) assert bt.github_id_from_tracker == self.github_pr_id, \ "GitHub PR ID {} does not match GitHub ID from tracker {}".format( self.github_pr_id, bt.github_id_from_tracker, ) print_inner_divider() if bt.github_url_from_tracker: logging.info("Tracker {} links to PR {}".format(bt.issue_url(), self.github_url)) else: logging.warning("Backport Tracker {} does not link to PR - will update" .format(bt.issue_id)) # # does the Backport Tracker's release field match the Ceph release? tracker_release = get_issue_release(bt.redmine_issue) assert ceph_release == tracker_release, \ ( "Backport Tracker {} is a {} backport - expected {}" .format(bt.issue_id, tracker_release, ceph_release) ) # # is the Backport Tracker's "Target version" custom field populated? try: ttv = bt.get_tracker_target_version() except: logging.info("Backport Tracker {} target version not populated yet!" .format(bt.issue_id)) bt.set_target_version = True else: bt.tracker_target_version = ttv logging.info("Backport Tracker {} target version already populated " "with correct value {}" .format(bt.issue_id, bt.tracker_target_version)) bt.set_target_version = False assert bt.tracker_target_version == self.target_version, \ ( "Tracker target version {} is wrong; should be {}" .format(bt.tracker_target_version, self.target_version) ) # # is the Backport Tracker's status already set to Resolved? resolved_id = status2status_id['Resolved'] if bt.redmine_issue.status.id == resolved_id: logging.info("Backport Tracker {} status is already set to Resolved" .format(bt.issue_id)) bt.set_tracker_status = False else: logging.info("Backport Tracker {} status is currently set to {}" .format(bt.issue_id, bt.redmine_issue.status)) bt.set_tracker_status = True print_outer_divider() def populate_base_version(self): self.base_version = ceph_version(self.repo, self.merge_commit_sha1) def populate_target_version(self): x, y, z = self.base_version.split('v')[1].split('.') maybe_stable = "v{}.{}".format(x, y) assert ver_to_release()[maybe_stable], \ "SHA1 {} is not based on any known stable release ({})".format(sha1, maybe_stable) if int(y) == 0: tv = "v{}.{}.{}".format(x, 1, z) else: tv = "v{}.{}.{}".format(x, y, int(z) + 1) if tv in version2version_id: self.target_version = tv else: raise Exception("Version {} not found in Redmine".format(tv)) def mogrify_github_pr_desc(self): if not self.github_pr_desc: self.github_pr_desc = '' p = re.compile('', re.DOTALL) new_str = p.sub('', self.github_pr_desc) if new_str == self.github_pr_desc: logging.debug("GitHub PR description not mogrified") else: self.github_pr_desc = new_str def populate_github_url(self): global github_endpoint # GitHub PR ID from merge commit string p = re.compile('(pull request|PR) #(\\d+)') try: self.github_pr_id = p.search(self.merge_commit_description).group(2) except AttributeError: assert False, \ ( "Failed to extract GitHub PR ID from merge commit string ->{}<-" .format(self.merge_commit_string) ) logging.debug("Merge commit string: {}".format(self.merge_commit_string)) logging.debug("GitHub PR ID from merge commit string: {}".format(self.github_pr_id)) self.github_url = "{}/pull/{}".format(github_endpoint, self.github_pr_id) def extract_backport_trackers_from_github_pr_desc(self): global redmine_endpoint p = re.compile('http.?://tracker.ceph.com/issues/\\d+') matching_strings = p.findall(self.github_pr_desc) if not matching_strings: print_outer_divider() assert False, \ "GitHub PR description does not contain a Tracker URL" self.backport_trackers = [] for issue_url in list(dict.fromkeys(matching_strings)): p = re.compile('\\d+') issue_id = p.search(issue_url).group() if not issue_id: print_outer_divider() assert issue_id, \ "Failed to extract tracker ID from tracker URL {}".format(issue_url) issue_url = "{}/issues/{}".format(redmine_endpoint, issue_id) # # we have a Tracker URL, but is it really a backport tracker? backport_tracker_id = tracker2tracker_id['Backport'] redmine_issue = redmine.issue.get(issue_id) if redmine_issue.tracker.id == backport_tracker_id: self.backport_trackers.append( BackportTracker(redmine_issue, issue_id, self) ) print('''Found backport tracker: {}'''.format(issue_url)) if not self.backport_trackers: print_outer_divider() assert False, \ "No backport tracker found in PR description at {}".format(self.github_url) def resolve(self): for bt in self.backport_trackers: bt.resolve() class BackportTracker(Backport): def __init__(self, redmine_issue, issue_id, backport_obj): self.redmine_issue = redmine_issue self.issue_id = issue_id self.parent = backport_obj self.tracker_description = None self.github_url_from_tracker = None def get_tracker_description(self): try: self.tracker_description = self.redmine_issue.description except ResourceAttrError: self.tracker_description = "" def get_tracker_target_version(self): if self.redmine_issue.fixed_version: logging.debug("Target version: ID {}, name {}" .format( self.redmine_issue.fixed_version.id, self.redmine_issue.fixed_version.name ) ) return self.redmine_issue.fixed_version.name return None def issue_url(self): return "{}/issues/{}".format(redmine_endpoint, self.issue_id) def resolve(self): global delay_seconds global dry_run global redmine kwargs = {} if self.set_tracker_status: kwargs['status_id'] = status2status_id['Resolved'] if self.set_target_version: kwargs['fixed_version_id'] = version2version_id[self.parent.target_version] if not self.github_url_from_tracker: if self.tracker_description: kwargs['description'] = "{}\n\n---\n\n{}".format( self.parent.github_url, self.tracker_description, ) else: kwargs['description'] = self.parent.github_url kwargs['notes'] = ( "This update was made using the script \"backport-resolve-issue\".\n" "backport PR {}\n" "merge commit {} ({})\n".format( self.parent.github_url, self.parent.merge_commit_sha1, self.parent.merge_commit_gd, ) ) my_delay_seconds = delay_seconds if dry_run: logging.info("--dry-run was given: NOT updating Redmine") my_delay_seconds = 0 else: logging.debug("Updating tracker ID {}".format(self.issue_id)) redmine.issue.update(self.issue_id, **kwargs) if not no_browser: if browser_running(): os.system("{} {}".format(browser_cmd, self.issue_url())) my_delay_seconds = 3 logging.debug( "Delaying {} seconds to avoid seeming like a spammer" .format(my_delay_seconds) ) time.sleep(my_delay_seconds) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_arguments() set_logging_level(args) logging.debug(args) github_token = read_from_file(github_token_file) if github_token: logging.info("GitHub token was read from ->{}<-; using it".format(github_token_file)) github_user = derive_github_user_from_token(github_token) if github_user: logging.info( "GitHub user ->{}<- was derived from the GitHub token".format(github_user) ) report_params(args) # # set up Redmine variables redmine = connect_to_redmine(args) project = redmine.project.get(project_name) ceph_project_id = project.id logging.debug("Project {} has ID {}".format(project_name, ceph_project_id)) populate_status_dict(redmine) pending_backport_status_id = status2status_id["Pending Backport"] logging.debug( "Pending Backport status has ID {}" .format(pending_backport_status_id) ) populate_tracker_dict(redmine) populate_version_dict(redmine, ceph_project_id) # # construct github Repo object for the current directory repo = Repo('.') assert not repo.bare populate_ceph_release(repo) # # if positional argument is an integer, assume it is a GitHub PR if args.pr_or_commit: pr_id = args.pr_or_commit[0] try: pr_id = int(pr_id) logging.info("Examining PR#{}".format(pr_id)) tag_merge_commits = False except ValueError: logging.info("Starting from merge commit {}".format(args.pr_or_commit)) tag_merge_commits = True else: logging.info("Starting from BRI tag") tag_merge_commits = True # # get list of merges if tag_merge_commits: ensure_bri_tag_exists(repo, ceph_release) c_r = commit_range(args) logging.info("Commit range is {}".format(c_r)) # # get the list of merge commits, i.e. strings that looks like: # "27ff851953 Merge pull request #29678 from pdvian/wip-40948-nautilus" merges_raw_str = repo.git.log(c_r, '--merges', '--oneline', '--no-decorate', '--reverse') else: pr_id = args.pr_or_commit[0] merges_raw_str = repo.git.log( '--merges', '--grep=#{}'.format(pr_id), '--oneline', '--no-decorate', '--reverse', ) if merges_raw_str: merges_raw_list = merges_raw_str.split('\n') else: merges_raw_list = [] # prevent [''] merges_remaining = len(merges_raw_list) logging.info("I see {} merge(s) to process".format(merges_remaining)) if not merges_remaining: logging.info("Did you do \"git pull\" before running the script?") if not tag_merge_commits: logging.info("Or maybe GitHub PR {} has not been merged yet?".format(pr_id)) # # loop over the merge commits for merge in merges_raw_list: can_go_on = process_merge(repo, merge, merges_remaining) if can_go_on: merges_remaining -= 1 print("Merges remaining to process: {}".format(merges_remaining)) else: break