path: root/plugins/55/edittable/renderer/inverse.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/55/edittable/renderer/inverse.php')
1 files changed, 778 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/55/edittable/renderer/inverse.php b/plugins/55/edittable/renderer/inverse.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65dbb17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/55/edittable/renderer/inverse.php
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+ * Renderer for WikiText output
+ *
+ * @author Adrian Lang <>
+ */
+// must be run within Dokuwiki
+if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
+require_once DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/renderer.php';
+class renderer_plugin_edittable_inverse extends Doku_Renderer {
+ /** @var string will contain the whole document */
+ public $doc = '';
+ // bunch of internal state variables
+ private $prepend_not_block = '';
+ private $_key = 0;
+ private $_pos = 0;
+ private $_ownspan = 0;
+ private $previous_block = false;
+ private $_row = 0;
+ private $_rowspans = array();
+ private $_table = array();
+ private $_liststack = array();
+ private $quotelvl = 0;
+ private $extlinkparser = null;
+ protected $extlinkPatterns = [];
+ function getFormat() {
+ return 'wiki';
+ }
+ function document_start() {
+ }
+ function document_end() {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc = rtrim($this->doc);
+ }
+ function header($text, $level, $pos) {
+ $this->block();
+ if(!$text) return; //skip empty headlines
+ // write the header
+ $markup = str_repeat('=', 7 - $level);
+ $this->doc .= "$markup $text $markup".DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ function section_open($level) {
+ $this->block();
+# $this->doc .= DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ function section_close() {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ // FIXME this did something compllicated with surrounding whitespaces. Why?
+ function cdata($text) {
+ if(strlen($text) === 0) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ return;
+ }
+// if(!$this->previous_block && trim(substr($text, 0, 1)) === '' && trim($text) !== '') {
+// $this->doc .= ' ';
+// }
+ $this->not_block();
+// if(trim(substr($text, -1, 1)) === '' && trim($text) !== '') {
+// $this->prepend_not_block = ' ';
+// }
+// $this->doc .= trim($text);
+ $this->doc .= $text;
+ }
+ function p_close() {
+ $this->block();
+ if($this->quotelvl === 0) {
+ $this->doc = rtrim($this->doc, DOKU_LF).DOKU_LF.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ }
+ function p_open() {
+ $this->block();
+ if(strlen($this->doc) > 0 && substr($this->doc, 1, -1) !== DOKU_LF) {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ $this->doc .= str_repeat('>', $this->quotelvl);
+ }
+ function linebreak() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '\\\\ ';
+ }
+ function hr() {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= '----';
+ }
+ function block() {
+ if(isset($this->prepend_not_block)) {
+ unset($this->prepend_not_block);
+ }
+ $this->previous_block = true;
+ }
+ function not_block() {
+ if(isset($this->prepend_not_block)) {
+ $this->doc .= $this->prepend_not_block;
+ unset($this->prepend_not_block);
+ }
+ $this->previous_block = false;
+ }
+ function strong_open() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '**';
+ }
+ function strong_close() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '**';
+ }
+ function emphasis_open() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '//';
+ }
+ function emphasis_close() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '//';
+ }
+ function underline_open() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '__';
+ }
+ function underline_close() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '__';
+ }
+ function monospace_open() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "''";
+ }
+ function monospace_close() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "''";
+ }
+ function subscript_open() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '<sub>';
+ }
+ function subscript_close() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '</sub>';
+ }
+ function superscript_open() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '<sup>';
+ }
+ function superscript_close() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '</sup>';
+ }
+ function deleted_open() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '<del>';
+ }
+ function deleted_close() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '</del>';
+ }
+ function footnote_open() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '((';
+ }
+ function footnote_close() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '))';
+ }
+ function listu_open() {
+ $this->block();
+ if(!isset($this->_liststack)) {
+ $this->_liststack = array();
+ }
+ if(count($this->_liststack) === 0) {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ $this->_liststack[] = '*';
+ }
+ function listu_close() {
+ $this->block();
+ array_pop($this->_liststack);
+ if(count($this->_liststack) === 0) {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ }
+ function listo_open() {
+ $this->block();
+ if(!isset($this->_liststack)) {
+ $this->_liststack = array();
+ }
+ if(count($this->_liststack) === 0) {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ $this->_liststack[] = '-';
+ }
+ function listo_close() {
+ $this->block();
+ array_pop($this->_liststack);
+ if(count($this->_liststack) === 0) {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ }
+ function listitem_open($level, $node = false) {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= str_repeat(' ', $level * 2).end($this->_liststack).' ';
+ }
+ function listcontent_close() {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ function unformatted($text) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ if(strpos($text, '%%') !== false) {
+ $this->doc .= "<nowiki>$text</nowiki>";
+ } elseif($text[0] == "\n") {
+ $this->doc .= "<nowiki>$text</nowiki>";
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= "%%$text%%";
+ }
+ }
+ function php($text, $wrapper = 'code') {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "<php>$text</php>";
+ }
+ function phpblock($text) {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= "<PHP>$text</PHP>";
+ }
+ function html($text, $wrapper = 'code') {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "<html>$text</html>";
+ }
+ function htmlblock($text) {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= "<HTML>$text</HTML>";
+ }
+ function quote_open() {
+ $this->block();
+ if(substr($this->doc, -(++$this->quotelvl)) === DOKU_LF.str_repeat('>', $this->quotelvl - 1)) {
+ $this->doc .= '>';
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.str_repeat('>', $this->quotelvl);
+ }
+ $this->prepend_not_block = ' ';
+ }
+ function quote_close() {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->quotelvl--;
+ if(strrpos($this->doc, DOKU_LF) === strlen($this->doc) - 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ function preformatted($text) {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= preg_replace('/^/m', ' ', $text).DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ function file($text, $language = null, $filename = null) {
+ $this->_highlight('file', $text, $language, $filename);
+ }
+ function code($text, $language = null, $filename = null) {
+ $this->_highlight('code', $text, $language, $filename);
+ }
+ function _highlight($type, $text, $language = null, $filename = null) {
+ if( $this->previous_block ) $this->doc .= "\n";
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= "<$type";
+ if($language != null) {
+ $this->doc .= " $language";
+ }
+ if($filename != null) {
+ $this->doc .= " $filename";
+ }
+ $this->doc .= ">";
+ $this->doc .= $text;
+ if($text[0] == "\n") $this->doc .= "\n";
+ $this->doc .= "</$type>";
+ }
+ function acronym($acronym) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= $acronym;
+ }
+ function smiley($smiley) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= $smiley;
+ }
+ function entity($entity) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= $entity;
+ }
+ function multiplyentity($x, $y) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "{$x}x{$y}";
+ }
+ function singlequoteopening() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "'";
+ }
+ function singlequoteclosing() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "'";
+ }
+ function apostrophe() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "'";
+ }
+ function doublequoteopening() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '"';
+ }
+ function doublequoteclosing() {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '"';
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function camelcaselink($link) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= $link;
+ }
+ function locallink($hash, $name = null) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "[[#$hash";
+ if($name !== null) {
+ $this->doc .= '|';
+ $this->_echoLinkTitle($name);
+ }
+ $this->doc .= ']]';
+ }
+ function internallink($id, $name = null, $search = null, $returnonly = false, $linktype = 'content') {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "[[$id";
+ if($name !== null) {
+ $this->doc .= '|';
+ $this->_echoLinkTitle($name);
+ }
+ $this->doc .= ']]';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle external Links
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @param $url
+ * @param null $name
+ */
+ function externallink($url, $name = null) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ /*
+ * When $name is null it might have been a match of an URL that was in the text without
+ * any link syntax. These are recognized by a bunch of patterns in Doku_Parser_Mode_externallink.
+ * We simply reuse these patterns here. However, since we don't parse the pattern through the Lexer,
+ * no escaping is done on the patterns - this means we need a non-conflicting delimiter. I decided for
+ * a single tick >>'<< which seems to work. Since the patterns contain wordboundaries they are matched
+ * against the URL surrounded by spaces.
+ */
+ if($name === null) {
+ // get the patterns from the parser if available, otherwise use a duplicate
+ if(is_null($this->extlinkparser)) {
+ if (
+ class_exists('\dokuwiki\Parsing\ParserMode\Externallink') &&
+ method_exists('\dokuwiki\Parsing\ParserMode\Externallink', 'getPatterns')
+ ) {
+ $this->extlinkparser = new \dokuwiki\Parsing\ParserMode\Externallink();
+ $this->extlinkparser->preConnect();
+ $this->extlinkPatterns = $this->extlinkparser->getPatterns();
+ } else {
+ $ltrs = '\w';
+ $gunk = '/\#~:.?+=&%@!\-\[\]';
+ $punc = '.:?\-;,';
+ $host = $ltrs . $punc;
+ $any = $ltrs . $gunk . $punc;
+ $schemes = getSchemes();
+ foreach ($schemes as $scheme) {
+ $this->extlinkPatterns[] = '\b(?i)'.$scheme.'(?-i)://['.$any.']+?(?=['.$punc.']*[^'.$any.'])';
+ }
+ $this->extlinkPatterns[] = '(?<=\s)(?i)www?(?-i)\.['.$host.']+?\.['.$host.']+?['.$any.']+?(?=['.$punc.']*[^'.$any.'])';
+ $this->extlinkPatterns[] = '(?<=\s)(?i)ftp?(?-i)\.['.$host.']+?\.['.$host.']+?['.$any.']+?(?=['.$punc.']*[^'.$any.'])';
+ }
+ }
+ // check if URL matches pattern
+ foreach($this->extlinkPatterns as $pattern) {
+ if(preg_match("'$pattern'", " $url ")) {
+ $this->doc .= $url; // gotcha!
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // still here?
+ if($url === "http://$name" || $url === "ftp://$name") {
+ // special case - www.* or ftp.* matching
+ $this->doc .= $name;
+ } else {
+ // link syntax! definitively link syntax
+ $this->doc .= "[[$url";
+ if(!is_null($name)) {
+ // we do have a name!
+ $this->doc .= '|';
+ $this->_echoLinkTitle($name);
+ }
+ $this->doc .= ']]';
+ }
+ }
+ function interwikilink($match, $name = null, $wikiName, $wikiUri) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "[[$wikiName>$wikiUri";
+ if($name !== null) {
+ $this->doc .= '|';
+ $this->_echoLinkTitle($name);
+ }
+ $this->doc .= ']]';
+ }
+ function windowssharelink($url, $name = null) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= "[[$url";
+ if($name !== null) {
+ $this->doc .= '|';
+ $this->_echoLinkTitle($name);
+ }
+ $this->doc .= "]]";
+ }
+ function emaillink($address, $name = null) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ if($name === null) {
+ $this->doc .= "<$address>";
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= "[[$address|";
+ $this->_echoLinkTitle($name);
+ $this->doc .= ']]';
+ }
+ }
+ function internalmedia($src, $title = null, $align = null, $width = null,
+ $height = null, $cache = null, $linking = null) {
+ $this->not_block();
+ $this->doc .= '{{';
+ if($align === 'center' || $align === 'right') {
+ $this->doc .= ' ';
+ }
+ $this->doc .= $src;
+ $params = array();
+ if($width !== null) {
+ $params[0] = $width;
+ if($height !== null) {
+ $params[0] .= "x$height";
+ }
+ }
+ if($cache !== 'cache') {
+ $params[] = $cache;
+ }
+ if($linking !== 'details') {
+ $params[] = $linking;
+ }
+ if(count($params) > 0) {
+ $this->doc .= '?';
+ }
+ $this->doc .= join('&', $params);
+ if($align === 'center' || $align === 'left') {
+ $this->doc .= ' ';
+ }
+ if($title != null) {
+ $this->doc .= "|$title";
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '}}';
+ }
+ function externalmedia($src, $title = null, $align = null, $width = null,
+ $height = null, $cache = null, $linking = null) {
+ $this->internalmedia($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $linking);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders an RSS feed
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+ function rss($url, $params) {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->doc .= '{{rss>'.$url;
+ $vals = array();
+ if($params['max'] !== 8) {
+ $vals[] = $params['max'];
+ }
+ if($params['reverse']) {
+ $vals[] = 'reverse';
+ }
+ if($params['author']) {
+ $vals[] = 'author';
+ }
+ if($params['date']) {
+ $vals[] = 'date';
+ }
+ if($params['details']) {
+ $vals[] = 'desc';
+ }
+ if($params['refresh'] !== 14400) {
+ $val = '10m';
+ foreach(array('d' => 86400, 'h' => 3600, 'm' => 60) as $p => $div) {
+ $res = $params['refresh'] / $div;
+ if($res === intval($res)) {
+ $val = "$res$p";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $vals[] = $val;
+ }
+ if(count($vals) > 0) {
+ $this->doc .= ' '.join(' ', $vals);
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '}}';
+ }
+ function table_open($maxcols = null, $numrows = null, $pos = null) {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->_table = array();
+ $this->_row = 0;
+ $this->_rowspans = array();
+ }
+ function table_close($pos = null) {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_table_to_wikitext($this->_table);
+ }
+ function tablerow_open() {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->_table[++$this->_row] = array();
+ $this->_key = 1;
+ while(isset($this->_rowspans[$this->_key])) {
+ --$this->_rowspans[$this->_key];
+ if($this->_rowspans[$this->_key] === 1) {
+ unset($this->_rowspans[$this->_key]);
+ }
+ ++$this->_key;
+ }
+ }
+ function tablerow_close() {
+ $this->block();
+ }
+ function tableheader_open($colspan = 1, $align = null, $rowspan = 1) {
+ $this->_cellopen('th', $colspan, $align, $rowspan);
+ }
+ function _cellopen($tag, $colspan, $align, $rowspan) {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->_table[$this->_row][$this->_key] = compact('tag', 'colspan', 'align', 'rowspan');
+ if($rowspan > 1) {
+ $this->_rowspans[$this->_key] = $rowspan;
+ $this->_ownspan = true;
+ }
+ $this->_pos = strlen($this->doc);
+ }
+ function tableheader_close() {
+ $this->_cellclose();
+ }
+ function _cellclose() {
+ $this->block();
+ $this->_table[$this->_row][$this->_key]['text'] = trim(substr($this->doc, $this->_pos));
+ $this->doc = substr($this->doc, 0, $this->_pos);
+ $this->_key += $this->_table[$this->_row][$this->_key]['colspan'];
+ while(isset($this->_rowspans[$this->_key]) && !$this->_ownspan) {
+ --$this->_rowspans[$this->_key];
+ if($this->_rowspans[$this->_key] === 1) {
+ unset($this->_rowspans[$this->_key]);
+ }
+ ++$this->_key;
+ }
+ $this->_ownspan = false;
+ }
+ function tablecell_open($colspan = 1, $align = null, $rowspan = 1) {
+ $this->_cellopen('td', $colspan, $align, $rowspan);
+ }
+ function tablecell_close() {
+ $this->_cellclose();
+ }
+ function plugin($name, $args, $state = '', $match = '') {
+ $this->not_block();
+ // This will break for plugins which provide a catch-all render method
+ // like the do or pagenavi plugins
+# $plugin =& plugin_load('syntax',$name);
+# if($plugin === null || !$plugin->render($this->getFormat(),$this,$args)) {
+ $this->doc .= $match;
+# }
+ }
+ function _echoLinkTitle($title) {
+ if(is_array($title)) {
+ $this->internalmedia(
+ $title['src'],
+ $title['title'],
+ $title['align'],
+ $title['width'],
+ $title['height'],
+ $title['cache'],
+ $title['linking']
+ );
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $title;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper for table to wikitext conversion
+ *
+ * @author Adrian Lang <>
+ * @param array $_table
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _table_to_wikitext($_table) {
+ // Preprocess table for rowspan, make table 0-based.
+ $table = array();
+ $keys = array_keys($_table);
+ $start = array_pop($keys);
+ foreach($_table as $i => $row) {
+ $inorm = $i - $start;
+ if(!isset($table[$inorm])) $table[$inorm] = array();
+ $nextkey = 0;
+ foreach($row as $cell) {
+ while(isset($table[$inorm][$nextkey])) {
+ $nextkey++;
+ }
+ $nextkey += $cell['colspan'] - 1;
+ $table[$inorm][$nextkey] = $cell;
+ $rowspan = $cell['rowspan'];
+ $i2 = $inorm + 1;
+ while($rowspan-- > 1) {
+ if(!isset($table[$i2])) $table[$i2] = array();
+ $nu_cell = $cell;
+ $nu_cell['text'] = ':::';
+ $nu_cell['rowspan'] = 1;
+ $table[$i2++][$nextkey] = $nu_cell;
+ }
+ }
+ ksort($table[$inorm]);
+ }
+ // Get the max width for every column to do table prettyprinting.
+ $m_width = array();
+ foreach($table as $row) {
+ foreach($row as $n => $cell) {
+ // Calculate cell width.
+ $diff = (utf8_strlen($cell['text']) + $cell['colspan'] +
+ ($cell['align'] === 'center' ? 3 : 2));
+ // Calculate current max width.
+ $span = $cell['colspan'];
+ while(--$span >= 0) {
+ if(isset($m_width[$n - $span])) {
+ $diff -= $m_width[$n - $span];
+ }
+ }
+ if($diff > 0) {
+ // Just add the difference to all cols.
+ while(++$span < $cell['colspan']) {
+ $m_width[$n - $span] = (isset($m_width[$n - $span]) ? $m_width[$n - $span] : 0) + ceil($diff / $cell['colspan']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Write the table.
+ $types = array('th' => '^', 'td' => '|');
+ $str = '';
+ foreach($table as $row) {
+ $pos = 0;
+ foreach($row as $n => $cell) {
+ $pos += utf8_strlen($cell['text']) + 1;
+ $span = $cell['colspan'];
+ $target = 0;
+ while(--$span >= 0) {
+ if(isset($m_width[$n - $span])) {
+ $target += $m_width[$n - $span];
+ }
+ }
+ $pad = $target - utf8_strlen($cell['text']);
+ $pos += $pad + ($cell['colspan'] - 1);
+ switch($cell['align']) {
+ case 'right':
+ $lpad = $pad - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'left':
+ case '':
+ $lpad = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'center':
+ $lpad = floor($pad / 2);
+ break;
+ }
+ $str .= $types[$cell['tag']].str_repeat(' ', $lpad).
+ $cell['text'].str_repeat(' ', $pad - $lpad).
+ str_repeat($types[$cell['tag']], $cell['colspan'] - 1);
+ }
+ $str .= $types[$cell['tag']].DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ return $str;
+ }
+//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :