# DNS Statistics Collector [![Bugs](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=dns-oarc%3Adsc&metric=bugs)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=dns-oarc%3Adsc) [![Security Rating](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=dns-oarc%3Adsc&metric=security_rating)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=dns-oarc%3Adsc) DNS Statistics Collector (DSC) is a tool used for collecting and exploring statistics from busy DNS servers. It can be set up to run on or near nameservers to generate aggregated data that can then be transported to central systems for processing, displaying and archiving. Together with `dsc-datatool` the aggregated data can be furthur enriched and converted for import into for example InfluxDB which can then be accessed by Grafana for visualzation, see this wiki on how to set up that: - https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dsc-datatool/wiki/Setting-up-a-test-Grafana DSC data transforming and enriching tool can be found here: - https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dsc-datatool More information about DSC may be found here: - https://www.dns-oarc.net/tools/dsc - https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc/data/dsc Issues should be reported here: - https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dsc/issues General support and discussion: - Mattermost: https://chat.dns-oarc.net/community/channels/oarc-software - mailing-list: https://lists.dns-oarc.net/mailman/listinfo/dsc ## Dependencies `dsc` requires a couple of libraries beside a normal C compiling environment with autoconf, automake, libtool and pkgconfig. `dsc` has a non-optional dependency on the PCAP library and optional dependency on the MaxMindDB library (for the `asn` and `country` indexer). To install the dependencies under Debian/Ubuntu: ``` apt-get install -y libpcap-dev ``` To install the dependencies under CentOS (with EPEL/PowerTools enabled): ``` yum install -y libpcap-devel ``` To install the dependencies under FreeBSD 10+ using `pkg`: ``` pkg install -y libpcap ``` NOTE: It is recommended to install the PCAP library from source/ports on OpenBSD since the bundled version is an older and modified version. ### DNSTAP support To enable DNSTAP support, first install the necessary dependencies and then run `configure` with `--enable-dnstap`. - Debian/Ubuntu: `apt-get install -y libdnswire-dev libuv1-dev` - CentOS: `yum install -y dnswire-devel libuv-devel` - FreeBSD: `pkg install -y libuv` - OpenBSD: `pkg_add libuv` `dnswire` packages for Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS exists at [https://dev.dns-oarc.net/packages/](https://dev.dns-oarc.net/packages/), for other distributions please see [https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dnswire](https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dnswire). ## Building from source tarball The [source tarball from DNS-OARC](https://www.dns-oarc.net/dsc/download) comes prepared with `configure`: ``` tar zxvf dsc-version.tar.gz cd dsc-version ./configure [options] make make install ``` NOTE: If building fails on FreeBSD/OpenBSD, try adding these configure options: `--with-extra-cflags="-I /usr/local/include" --with-extra-ldflags="-L/usr/local/lib"`. ## Building from Git repository If you are building `dsc` from it's Git repository you will first need to initiate the Git submodules that exists and later create autoconf/automake files, this will require a build environment with autoconf, automake, libtool and pkgconfig to be installed. ``` git clone https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dsc.git cd dsc git submodule update --init ./autogen.sh ./configure [options] make make install ``` NOTE: If building fails on FreeBSD/OpenBSD, try adding these configure options: `--with-extra-cflags="-I /usr/local/include" --with-extra-ldflags="-L/usr/local/lib"`. ## Puppet John Bond at ICANN DNS Engineering team has developed a puppet module for DSC, the module and code can be found here: - https://forge.puppet.com/icann/dsc - https://github.com/icann-dns/puppet-dsc