+ {{template "repo/header" .}} +
+ {{template "base/alert" .}} + {{template "repo/sub_menu" .}} + {{if .DefaultBranchBranch}} +

+ {{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.default_branch"}} + {{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsDeleted)}} + + {{svg "octicon-arrow-switch"}} + + {{end}} +

+ +
+ + + + + + + +
+ {{.DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.Name}} + {{if .DefaultBranchBranch.IsProtected}} + {{svg "octicon-shield-lock"}} + {{end}} + + {{template "repo/commit_statuses" dict "Status" (index $.CommitStatus .DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.CommitID) "Statuses" (index $.CommitStatuses .DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.CommitID)}} +

{{svg "octicon-git-commit" 16 "tw-mr-1"}}{{ShortSha .DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.CommitID}} · {{RenderCommitMessage $.Context .DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.CommitMessage (.Repository.ComposeMetas ctx)}} · {{ctx.Locale.Tr "org.repo_updated" (TimeSince .DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.CommitTime.AsTime ctx.Locale)}} {{if .DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.Pusher}}  {{template "shared/user/avatarlink" dict "user" .DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.Pusher}}{{template "shared/user/namelink" .DefaultBranchBranch.DBBranch.Pusher}}{{end}}

+ {{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsDeleted)}} + + {{end}} + {{if .EnableFeed}} + {{svg "octicon-rss"}} + {{end}} + {{if not $.DisableDownloadSourceArchives}} + + {{end}} + {{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsDeleted) (not $.IsMirror)}} + + {{end}} +
+ {{end}} + +

+ {{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.branches"}} +

+ +
+ {{template "shared/search/combo" dict "Value" .Keyword "Placeholder" (ctx.Locale.Tr "search.branch_kind")}} +
+ +
+ + + {{range .Branches}} + + + + + + + {{end}} + +
+ {{if .DBBranch.IsDeleted}} +
+ {{.DBBranch.Name}} + +

{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.branch.deleted_by" .DBBranch.DeletedBy.Name}} {{TimeSinceUnix .DBBranch.DeletedUnix ctx.Locale}}

+ {{else}} +
+ {{.DBBranch.Name}} + {{if .IsProtected}} + {{svg "octicon-shield-lock"}} + {{end}} + + {{template "repo/commit_statuses" dict "Status" (index $.CommitStatus .DBBranch.CommitID) "Statuses" (index $.CommitStatuses .DBBranch.CommitID)}} +

{{svg "octicon-git-commit" 16 "tw-mr-1"}}{{ShortSha .DBBranch.CommitID}} · {{RenderCommitMessage $.Context .DBBranch.CommitMessage ($.Repository.ComposeMetas ctx)}} · {{ctx.Locale.Tr "org.repo_updated" (TimeSince .DBBranch.CommitTime.AsTime ctx.Locale)}} {{if .DBBranch.Pusher}}  {{template "shared/user/avatarlink" dict "user" .DBBranch.Pusher}}  {{template "shared/user/namelink" .DBBranch.Pusher}}{{end}}

+ {{end}} +
+ {{if and (not .DBBranch.IsDeleted) $.DefaultBranchBranch}} +
+ {{/* old code bears 0/0.0 = NaN output, so it might output invalid "width: NaNpx", it just works and doesn't cause any problem. */}} +
+ {{end}} +
+ {{if not .LatestPullRequest}} + {{if .IsIncluded}} + + {{svg "octicon-git-pull-request"}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.branch.included"}} + + {{else if and (not .DBBranch.IsDeleted) $.AllowsPulls (gt .CommitsAhead 0)}} + + + + {{end}} + {{else if and .LatestPullRequest.HasMerged .MergeMovedOn}} + {{if and (not .DBBranch.IsDeleted) $.AllowsPulls (gt .CommitsAhead 0)}} + + + + {{end}} + {{else}} + {{if not .LatestPullRequest.IsSameRepo}}{{.LatestPullRequest.BaseRepo.FullName}}{{end}}#{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.Index}} + {{if .LatestPullRequest.HasMerged}} + {{svg "octicon-git-merge" 16 "tw-mr-1"}}{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.pulls.merged"}} + {{else if .LatestPullRequest.Issue.IsClosed}} + {{svg "octicon-git-pull-request-closed" 16 "tw-mr-1"}}{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.closed_title"}} + {{else if .LatestPullRequest.IsWorkInProgress ctx}} + {{svg "octicon-git-pull-request-draft" 16 "tw-mr-1"}}{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.draft_title"}} + {{else}} + {{svg "octicon-git-pull-request" 16 "tw-mr-1"}}{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.issues.open_title"}} + {{end}} + {{end}} + + {{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .DBBranch.IsDeleted)}} + + {{end}} + {{if $.EnableFeed}} + {{svg "octicon-rss"}} + {{end}} + {{if and (not .DBBranch.IsDeleted) (not $.DisableDownloadSourceArchives)}} + + {{end}} + {{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .DBBranch.IsDeleted) (not $.IsMirror)}} + + {{end}} + {{if and $.IsWriter (not $.IsMirror) (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsProtected)}} + {{if .DBBranch.IsDeleted}} + + {{else}} + + {{end}} + {{end}} +
+ {{template "base/paginate" .}} +