[common] home = Home dashboard = Dashboard explore = Explore help = Help logo = Logo sign_in = Sign in sign_in_with_provider = Sign in with %s sign_in_or = or sign_out = Sign Out sign_up = Register link_account = Link Account register = Register version = Version powered_by = Powered by %s page = Page template = Template language = Language notifications = Notifications active_stopwatch = Active time tracker tracked_time_summary = Summary of tracked time based on filters of issue list create_new = Create… user_profile_and_more = Profile and settings… signed_in_as = Signed in as enable_javascript = This website requires JavaScript. toc = Table of Contents licenses = Licenses return_to_forgejo = Return to Forgejo toggle_menu = Toggle menu more_items = More items username = Username email = Email address password = Password access_token = Access token re_type = Confirm password captcha = CAPTCHA twofa = Two-factor authentication twofa_scratch = Two-factor scratch code passcode = Passcode webauthn_insert_key = Insert your security key webauthn_sign_in = Press the button on your security key. If your security key has no button, re-insert it. webauthn_press_button = Please press the button on your security key… webauthn_use_twofa = Use a two-factor code from your phone webauthn_error = Could not read your security key. webauthn_unsupported_browser = Your browser does not currently support WebAuthn. webauthn_error_unknown = An unknown error occurred. Please retry. webauthn_error_insecure = WebAuthn only supports secure connections. For testing over HTTP, you can use the origin "localhost" or "" webauthn_error_unable_to_process = The server could not process your request. webauthn_error_duplicated = The security key is not permitted for this request. Please make sure that the key is not already registered. webauthn_error_empty = You must set a name for this key. webauthn_error_timeout = Timeout reached before your key could be read. Please reload this page and retry. repository = Repository organization = Organization mirror = Mirror new_mirror = New mirror new_fork = New repository fork new_project = New project new_project_column = New column admin_panel = Site administration settings = Settings your_profile = Profile your_starred = Starred your_settings = Settings new_repo.title = New repository new_migrate.title = New migration new_org.title = New organization new_repo.link = New repository new_migrate.link = New migration new_org.link = New organization all = All sources = Sources mirrors = Mirrors collaborative = Collaborative forks = Forks activities = Activities pull_requests = Pull requests issues = Issues milestones = Milestones ok = OK cancel = Cancel retry = Retry rerun = Re-run rerun_all = Re-run all jobs save = Save add = Add add_all = Add all remove = Remove remove_all = Remove all remove_label_str = Remove item "%s" edit = Edit view = View test = Test enabled = Enabled disabled = Disabled locked = Locked copy = Copy copy_generic = Copy to clipboard copy_url = Copy URL copy_hash = Copy hash copy_content = Copy content copy_branch = Copy branch name copy_success = Copied! copy_error = Copy failed copy_type_unsupported = This file type cannot be copied write = Write preview = Preview loading = Loading… error = Error error404 = The page you are trying to reach either does not exist or you are not authorized to view it. error413 = You have exhausted your quota. go_back = Go Back invalid_data = Invalid data: %v never = Never unknown = Unknown rss_feed = RSS feed pin = Pin unpin = Unpin artifacts = Artifacts confirm_delete_artifact = Are you sure you want to delete the artifact "%s" ? archived = Archived concept_system_global = Global concept_user_individual = Individual concept_code_repository = Repository concept_user_organization = Organization show_timestamps = Show timestamps show_log_seconds = Show seconds show_full_screen = Show full screen download_logs = Download logs confirm_delete_selected = Confirm to delete all selected items? name = Name value = Value filter = Filter filter.clear = Clear filters filter.is_archived = Archived filter.not_archived = Not archived filter.is_fork = Forks filter.not_fork = Not forks filter.is_mirror = Mirrors filter.not_mirror = Not mirrors filter.is_template = Templates filter.not_template = Not templates filter.public = Public filter.private = Private [search] search = Search... type_tooltip = Search type fuzzy = Fuzzy fuzzy_tooltip = Include results that also match the search term closely union = Union union_tooltip = Include results that match any of the whitespace seperated keywords exact = Exact exact_tooltip = Include only results that match the exact search term repo_kind = Search repos... user_kind = Search users... org_kind = Search orgs... team_kind = Search teams... code_kind = Search code... code_search_unavailable = Code search is currently not available. Please contact the site administrator. code_search_by_git_grep = Current code search results are provided by "git grep". There might be better results if site administrator enables code indexer. package_kind = Search packages... project_kind = Search projects... branch_kind = Search branches... commit_kind = Search commits... runner_kind = Search runners... no_results = No matching results found. issue_kind = Search issues... milestone_kind = Search milestones... pull_kind = Search pulls... keyword_search_unavailable = Searching by keyword is currently not available. Please contact the site administrator. [aria] navbar = Navigation bar footer = Footer footer.software = About this software footer.links = Links [heatmap] number_of_contributions_in_the_last_12_months = %s contributions in the last 12 months contributions_zero = No contributions contributions_format = {contributions} on {month} {day}, {year} contributions_one = contribution contributions_few = contributions less = Less more = More [editor] buttons.heading.tooltip = Add heading buttons.bold.tooltip = Add bold text buttons.italic.tooltip = Add italic text buttons.quote.tooltip = Quote text buttons.code.tooltip = Add code buttons.link.tooltip = Add a link buttons.list.unordered.tooltip = Add a bullet list buttons.list.ordered.tooltip = Add a numbered list buttons.list.task.tooltip = Add a list of tasks buttons.mention.tooltip = Mention a user or team buttons.ref.tooltip = Reference an issue or pull request buttons.switch_to_legacy.tooltip = Use the legacy editor instead buttons.enable_monospace_font = Enable monospace font buttons.disable_monospace_font = Disable monospace font buttons.indent.tooltip = Nest items by one level buttons.unindent.tooltip = Unnest items by one level [filter] string.asc = A - Z string.desc = Z - A [error] occurred = An error occurred report_message = If you believe that this is a Forgejo bug, please search for issues on Codeberg or open a new issue if necessary. not_found = The target couldn't be found. network_error = Network error server_internal = Internal server error [startpage] app_desc = A painless, self-hosted Git service install = Easy to install install_desc = Simply run the binary for your platform, ship it with Docker, or get it packaged. platform = Cross-platform platform_desc = Forgejo is confirmed to run on libre operating systems like Linux and FreeBSD, as well as different CPU architectures. Choose the one you love! lightweight = Lightweight lightweight_desc = Forgejo has low minimal requirements and can run on an inexpensive Raspberry Pi. Save your machine energy! license = Open Source license_desc = Go get Forgejo! Join us by contributing to make this project even better. Don't be shy to be a contributor! [install] install = Installation title = Initial configuration docker_helper = If you run Forgejo inside Docker, please read the documentation before changing any settings. require_db_desc = Forgejo requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 or TiDB (MySQL protocol). db_title = Database settings db_type = Database type host = Host user = Username password = Password db_name = Database name db_schema = Schema db_schema_helper = Leave blank for database default ("public"). ssl_mode = SSL path = Path sqlite_helper = File path for the SQLite3 database.
Enter an absolute path if you run Forgejo as a service. reinstall_error = You are trying to install into an existing Forgejo database reinstall_confirm_message = Re-installing with an existing Forgejo database can cause multiple problems. In most cases, you should use your existing "app.ini" to run Forgejo. If you know what you are doing, confirm the following: reinstall_confirm_check_1 = The data encrypted by the SECRET_KEY in app.ini may be lost: users may not be able to log in with 2FA/OTP & mirrors may not function correctly. By checking this box you confirm that the current app.ini file contains the correct the SECRET_KEY. reinstall_confirm_check_2 = The repositories and settings may need to be re-synchronized. By checking this box you confirm that you will resynchronize the hooks for the repositories and authorized_keys file manually. You confirm that you will ensure that repository and mirror settings are correct. reinstall_confirm_check_3 = You confirm that you are absolutely sure that this Forgejo is running with the correct app.ini location and that you are sure that you have to re-install. You confirm that you acknowledge the above risks. err_empty_db_path = The SQLite3 database path cannot be empty. no_admin_and_disable_registration = You cannot disable user self-registration without creating an administrator account. err_empty_admin_password = The administrator password cannot be empty. err_empty_admin_email = The administrator email cannot be empty. err_admin_name_is_reserved = Administrator Username is invalid, username is reserved err_admin_name_pattern_not_allowed = Administrator username is invalid, the username matches a reserved pattern err_admin_name_is_invalid = Administrator Username is invalid general_title = General settings app_name = Instance title app_name_helper = Enter your instance name here. It will be displayed on every page. app_slogan = Instance slogan app_slogan_helper = Enter your instance slogan here. Leave empty to disable. repo_path = Repository root path repo_path_helper = Remote Git repositories will be saved to this directory. lfs_path = Git LFS root path lfs_path_helper = Files tracked by Git LFS will be stored in this directory. Leave empty to disable. run_user = User to run as run_user_helper = The operating system username that Forgejo runs as. Note that this user must have access to the repository root path. domain = Server domain domain_helper = Domain or host address for the server. ssh_port = SSH server port ssh_port_helper = Port number that will be used by the SSH server. Leave empty to disable SSH server. http_port = HTTP listen port http_port_helper = Port number that will be used by the Forgejo web server. app_url = Base URL app_url_helper = Base address for HTTP(S) clone URLs and email notifications. log_root_path = Log path log_root_path_helper = Log files will be written to this directory. optional_title = Optional settings email_title = Email settings smtp_addr = SMTP host smtp_port = SMTP port smtp_from = Send email as smtp_from_invalid = The "Send Email As" address is invalid smtp_from_helper = Email address Forgejo will use. Enter a plain email address or use the "Name" format. mailer_user = SMTP username mailer_password = SMTP password register_confirm = Require email confirmation to register mail_notify = Enable email notifications server_service_title = Server and third-party service settings offline_mode = Enable local mode offline_mode.description = Disable third-party content delivery networks and serve all resources locally. disable_gravatar = Disable Gravatar disable_gravatar.description = Disable usage of Gravatar or other third-party avatar sources. Default images will be used for user avatars unless they upload their own avatar to the instance. federated_avatar_lookup = Enable federated avatars federated_avatar_lookup.description = Look up avatars using Libravatar. disable_registration = Disable self-registration disable_registration.description = Only instance administrators will be able to create new user accounts. It is highly recommended to keep registration disabled unless you intend to host a public instance for everyone and ready to deal with large amounts of spam accounts. allow_only_external_registration = Allow registration only via external services allow_only_external_registration.description = Users will only be able to create new accounts by using configured external services. openid_signin = Enable OpenID sign-in openid_signin.description = Allow users to sign in via OpenID. openid_signup = Enable OpenID self-registration openid_signup.description = Allow users to create accounts via OpenID if self-registration is enabled. enable_captcha = Enable registration CAPTCHA enable_captcha.description = Require users to pass CAPTCHA in order to create accounts. require_sign_in_view = Require to sign-in to view instance content require_sign_in_view.description = Limit content access to signed-in users. Guests will only be able to visit the authentication pages. default_keep_email_private = Hide email addresses by default default_keep_email_private.description = Enable email address hiding for new users by default so that this information is not leaked immediately after signing up. default_allow_create_organization = Allow creation of organizations by default default_allow_create_organization.description = Allow new users to create organizations by default. When this option is disabled, an admin will have to grant a permission for creating organizations to new users. default_enable_timetracking = Enable time tracking by default default_enable_timetracking.description = Allow usage of time tracking feature for new repositories by default. admin_title = Administrator account settings admin_setting.description = Creating an administrator account is optional. The first registered user will automatically become an administrator. admin_name = Administrator username admin_password = Password confirm_password = Confirm password admin_email = Email address config_location_hint = These configuration options will be saved in: install_btn_confirm = Install Forgejo test_git_failed = Could not test "git" command: %v sqlite3_not_available = This Forgejo version does not support SQLite3. Please download the official binary version from %s (not the "gobuild" version). invalid_db_setting = The database settings are invalid: %v invalid_db_table = The database table "%s" is invalid: %v invalid_repo_path = The repository root path is invalid: %v invalid_app_data_path = The app data path is invalid: %v run_user_not_match = The "user to run as" username is not the current username: %s -> %s internal_token_failed = Failed to generate internal token: %v secret_key_failed = Failed to generate secret key: %v save_config_failed = Failed to save configuration: %v enable_update_checker_helper_forgejo = It will periodically check for new Forgejo versions by checking a TXT DNS record at release.forgejo.org. invalid_admin_setting = Administrator account setting is invalid: %v invalid_log_root_path = The log path is invalid: %v allow_dots_in_usernames = Allow users to use dots in their usernames. Doesn't affect existing accounts. no_reply_address = Hidden email domain no_reply_address_helper = Domain name for users with a hidden email address. For example, the username "joe" will be logged in Git as "joe@noreply.example.org" if the hidden email domain is set to "noreply.example.org". password_algorithm = Password hash algorithm invalid_password_algorithm = Invalid password hash algorithm password_algorithm_helper = Set the password hashing algorithm. Algorithms have differing requirements and strength. The argon2 algorithm is rather secure but uses a lot of memory and may be inappropriate for small systems. enable_update_checker = Enable update checker env_config_keys = Environment Configuration env_config_keys_prompt = The following environment variables will also be applied to your configuration file: [home] uname_holder = Username or email address switch_dashboard_context = Switch dashboard context my_repos = Repositories my_orgs = Organizations view_home = View %s filter = Other filters filter_by_team_repositories = Filter by team repositories feed_of = Feed of "%s" show_archived = Archived show_both_archived_unarchived = Showing both archived and unarchived show_only_archived = Showing only archived show_only_unarchived = Showing only unarchived show_private = Private show_both_private_public = Showing both public and private show_only_private = Showing only private show_only_public = Showing only public issues.in_your_repos = In your repositories [explore] repos = Repositories users = Users stars_one = %d star stars_few = %d stars forks_one = %d fork forks_few = %d forks organizations = Organizations go_to = Go to code = Code code_last_indexed_at = Last indexed %s relevant_repositories_tooltip = Repositories that are forks or that have no topic, no icon, and no description are hidden. relevant_repositories = Only relevant repositories are being shown, show unfiltered results. [auth] create_new_account = Register account disable_register_prompt = Registration is disabled. Please contact your site administrator. disable_register_mail = Email confirmation for registration is disabled. manual_activation_only = Contact your site administrator to complete activation. remember_me = Remember this device forgot_password_title= Forgot password forgot_password = Forgot password? hint_login = Already have an account? Sign in now! hint_register = Need an account? Register now. sign_up_button = Register now. sign_up_successful = Account was successfully created. Welcome! confirmation_mail_sent_prompt = A new confirmation email has been sent to %s. To complete the registration process, please check your inbox and follow the provided link within the next %s. If the email is incorrect, you can log in, and request another confirmation email to be sent to a different address. must_change_password = Update your password allow_password_change = Require user to change password (recommended) reset_password_mail_sent_prompt = A confirmation email has been sent to %s. To complete the account recovery process, please check your inbox and follow the provided link within the next %s. active_your_account = Activate your account account_activated = Account has been activated prohibit_login = Account is suspended prohibit_login_desc = Your account has been suspended from interacting with the instance. Contact the instance administrator to regain access. resent_limit_prompt = You have already requested an activation email recently. Please wait 3 minutes and try again. has_unconfirmed_mail = Hi %s, you have an unconfirmed email address (%s). If you haven't received a confirmation email or need to resend a new one, please click on the button below. change_unconfirmed_email_summary = Change the email address activation mail is sent to. change_unconfirmed_email = If you have given the wrong email address during registration, you can change it below, and a confirmation will be sent to the new address instead. change_unconfirmed_email_error = Unable to change the email address: %v resend_mail = Click here to resend your activation email send_reset_mail = Send recovery email reset_password = Account recovery invalid_code = Your confirmation code is invalid or has expired. invalid_code_forgot_password = Your confirmation code is invalid or has expired. Click here to start a new session. invalid_password = Your password does not match the password that was used to create the account. reset_password_helper = Recover Account reset_password_wrong_user = You are signed in as %s, but the account recovery link is meant for %s password_too_short = Password length cannot be less than %d characters. non_local_account = Non-local users cannot update their password through the Forgejo web interface. verify = Verify ;As https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/issues/2809 progresses, please update this error message if possible unauthorized_credentials = Credentials are incorrect or have expired. Retry your command or see %s for more information scratch_code = Scratch code use_scratch_code = Use a scratch code twofa_scratch_used = You have used your scratch code. You have been redirected to the two-factor settings page so you may remove your device enrollment or generate a new scratch code. twofa_passcode_incorrect = Your passcode is incorrect. If you misplaced your device, use your scratch code to sign in. twofa_scratch_token_incorrect = Your scratch code is incorrect. login_userpass = Sign in oauth_signup_tab = Register new account oauth_signup_title = Complete new account oauth_signup_submit = Complete account oauth_signin_tab = Link to an existing account oauth_signin_title = Sign in to authorize linked account oauth_signin_submit = Link account oauth.signin.error = There was an error processing the authorization request. If this error persists, please contact the site administrator. oauth.signin.error.access_denied = The authorization request was denied. oauth.signin.error.temporarily_unavailable = Authorization failed because the authentication server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. openid_connect_submit = Connect openid_connect_title = Connect to an existing account openid_connect_desc = The chosen OpenID URI is unknown. Associate it with a new account here. openid_register_title = Create new account openid_register_desc = The chosen OpenID URI is unknown. Associate it with a new account here. openid_signin_desc = Enter your OpenID URI. For example: alice.openid.example.org or https://openid.example.org/alice. disable_forgot_password_mail = Account recovery is disabled because no email is set up. Please contact your site administrator. disable_forgot_password_mail_admin = Account recovery is only available when email is set up. Please set up email to enable account recovery. email_domain_blacklisted = You cannot register with your email address. authorize_application = Authorize Application authorize_redirect_notice = You will be redirected to %s if you authorize this application. authorize_application_created_by = This application was created by %s. authorize_application_description = If you grant the access, it will be able to access and write to all your account information, including private repos and organizations. authorize_title = Authorize "%s" to access your account? authorization_failed = Authorization failed authorization_failed_desc = The authorization failed because we detected an invalid request. Please contact the maintainer of the app you have tried to authorize. password_pwned = The password you chose is on a list of stolen passwords previously exposed in public data breaches. Please try again with a different password and consider changing this password elsewhere too. password_pwned_err = Could not complete request to HaveIBeenPwned last_admin = You cannot remove the last admin. There must be at least one admin. back_to_sign_in = Back to Sign in sign_in_openid = Proceed with OpenID [mail] view_it_on = View it on %s reply = or reply to this email directly link_not_working_do_paste = Does the link not work? Try copying and pasting it into your browser's URL bar. hi_user_x = Hi %s, activate_account = Please activate your account activate_account.text_1 = Hi %[1]s, thanks for registering at %[2]s! activate_account.text_2 = Please click the following link to activate your account within %s: activate_email = Verify your email address activate_email.text = Please click the following link to verify your email address within %s: admin.new_user.subject = New user %s just signed up admin.new_user.user_info = User information admin.new_user.text = Please click here to manage this user from the admin panel. register_notify = Welcome to %s register_notify.text_1 = this is your registration confirmation email for %s! register_notify.text_2 = You can sign into your account using your username: %s register_notify.text_3 = If someone else made this account for you, you will need to set your password first. reset_password = Recover your account reset_password.text = If this was you, please click the following link to recover your account within %s: password_change.subject = Your password has been changed password_change.text_1 = The password for your account was just changed. primary_mail_change.subject = Your primary mail has been changed primary_mail_change.text_1 = The primary mail of your account was just changed to %[1]s. This means that this e-mail address will no longer receive e-mail notifications for your account. totp_disabled.subject = TOTP has been disabled totp_disabled.text_1 = Time-based one-time password (TOTP) on your account was just disabled. totp_disabled.no_2fa = There are no other 2FA methods configured anymore, meaning it is no longer necessary to log into your account with 2FA. removed_security_key.subject = A security key has been removed removed_security_key.text_1 = Security key "%[1]s" has just been removed from your account. removed_security_key.no_2fa = There are no other 2FA methods configured anymore, meaning it is no longer necessary to log into your account with 2FA. account_security_caution.text_1 = If this was you, then you can safely ignore this mail. account_security_caution.text_2 = If this wasn't you, your account is compromised. Please contact the admins of this site. totp_enrolled.subject = You have activated TOTP as 2FA method totp_enrolled.text_1.no_webauthn = You have just enabled TOTP for your account. This means that for all future logins to your account, you must use TOTP as a 2FA method. totp_enrolled.text_1.has_webauthn = You have just enabled TOTP for your account. This means that for all future logins to your account, you could use TOTP as a 2FA method or use any of your security keys. register_success = Registration successful issue_assigned.pull = @%[1]s assigned you to pull request %[2]s in repository %[3]s. issue_assigned.issue = @%[1]s assigned you to issue %[2]s in repository %[3]s. issue.x_mentioned_you = @%s mentioned you: issue.action.force_push = %[1]s force-pushed the %[2]s from %[3]s to %[4]s. issue.action.push_1 = @%[1]s pushed %[3]d commit to %[2]s issue.action.push_n = @%[1]s pushed %[3]d commits to %[2]s issue.action.close = @%[1]s closed #%[2]d. issue.action.reopen = @%[1]s reopened #%[2]d. issue.action.merge = @%[1]s merged #%[2]d into %[3]s. issue.action.approve = @%[1]s approved this pull request. issue.action.reject = @%[1]s requested changes on this pull request. issue.action.review = @%[1]s commented on this pull request. issue.action.review_dismissed = @%[1]s dismissed last review from %[2]s for this pull request. issue.action.ready_for_review = @%[1]s marked this pull request ready for review. issue.action.new = @%[1]s created #%[2]d. issue.in_tree_path = In %s: release.new.subject = %s in %s released release.new.text = @%[1]s released %[2]s in %[3]s release.title = Title: %s release.note = Note: release.downloads = Downloads: release.download.zip = Source Code (ZIP) release.download.targz = Source Code (TAR.GZ) repo.transfer.subject_to = %s wants to transfer repository "%s" to %s repo.transfer.subject_to_you = %s wants to transfer repository "%s" to you repo.transfer.to_you = you repo.transfer.body = To accept or reject it visit %s or just ignore it. repo.collaborator.added.subject = %s added you to %s as collaborator repo.collaborator.added.text = You have been added as a collaborator to repository: team_invite.subject = %[1]s has invited you to join the %[2]s organization team_invite.text_1 = %[1]s has invited you to join team %[2]s in organization %[3]s. team_invite.text_2 = Please click the following link to join the team: team_invite.text_3 = Note: This invitation was intended for %[1]s. If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. [modal] yes = Yes no = No confirm = Confirm cancel = Cancel modify = Update [form] UserName = Username FullName = Full name Description = Description Pronouns = Pronouns Biography = Biography Website = Website Location = Location RepoName = Repository name Email = Email address Password = Password Retype = Confirm password PayloadUrl = Payload URL TeamName = Team name AuthName = Authorization name AdminEmail = Admin email To = Branch name AccessToken = Access token NewBranchName = New branch name CommitSummary = Commit summary CommitMessage = Commit message CommitChoice = Commit choice TreeName = File path Content = Content SSPISeparatorReplacement = Separator SSPIDefaultLanguage = Default language require_error = ` cannot be empty.` alpha_dash_error = ` should contain only alphanumeric, dash ("-") and underscore ("_") characters.` alpha_dash_dot_error = ` should contain only alphanumeric, dash ("-"), underscore ("_") and dot (".") characters.` git_ref_name_error = ` must be a well-formed Git reference name.` size_error = ` must be size %s.` min_size_error = ` must contain at least %s characters.` max_size_error = ` must contain at most %s characters.` email_error = ` is not a valid email address.` url_error = `"%s" is not a valid URL.` include_error = ` must contain substring "%s".` glob_pattern_error = ` glob pattern is invalid: %s.` regex_pattern_error = ` regex pattern is invalid: %s.` username_error = ` can only contain alphanumeric chars ("0-9","a-z","A-Z"), dash ("-"), underscore ("_") and dot ("."). It cannot begin or end with non-alphanumeric chars, and consecutive non-alphanumeric chars are also forbidden.` username_error_no_dots = ` can only contain alphanumeric chars ("0-9","a-z","A-Z"), dash ("-") and underscore ("_"). It cannot begin or end with non-alphanumeric chars, and consecutive non-alphanumeric chars are also forbidden.` invalid_group_team_map_error = ` mapping is invalid: %s` unknown_error = Unknown error: captcha_incorrect = The CAPTCHA code is incorrect. password_not_match = The passwords do not match. lang_select_error = Select a language from the list. username_been_taken = The username is already taken. username_change_not_local_user = Non-local users are not allowed to change their username. repo_name_been_taken = The repository name is already used. repository_force_private = Force Private is enabled: private repositories cannot be made public. repository_files_already_exist = Files already exist for this repository. Contact the system administrator. repository_files_already_exist.adopt = Files already exist for this repository and can only be Adopted. repository_files_already_exist.delete = Files already exist for this repository. You must delete them. repository_files_already_exist.adopt_or_delete = Files already exist for this repository. Either adopt them or delete them. visit_rate_limit = Remote visit addressed rate limitation. 2fa_auth_required = Remote visit required two factors authentication. org_name_been_taken = The organization name is already taken. team_name_been_taken = The team name is already taken. team_no_units_error = Allow access to at least one repository section. email_been_used = The email address is already used. email_invalid = The email address is invalid. openid_been_used = The OpenID address "%s" is already used. username_password_incorrect = Username or password is incorrect. password_complexity = Password does not pass complexity requirements: password_lowercase_one = At least one lowercase character password_uppercase_one = At least one uppercase character password_digit_one = At least one digit password_special_one = At least one special character (punctuation, brackets, quotes, etc.) enterred_invalid_repo_name = The repository name you entered is incorrect. enterred_invalid_org_name = The organization name you entered is incorrect. enterred_invalid_owner_name = The new owner name is not valid. enterred_invalid_password = The password you entered is incorrect. unset_password = The login user has not set the password. unsupported_login_type = The login type is not supported to delete account. user_not_exist = The user does not exist. team_not_exist = The team does not exist. last_org_owner = You cannot remove the last user from the "owners" team. There must be at least one owner for an organization. cannot_add_org_to_team = An organization cannot be added as a team member. duplicate_invite_to_team = The user was already invited as a team member. organization_leave_success = You have successfully left the organization %s. invalid_ssh_key = Cannot verify your SSH key: %s invalid_gpg_key = Cannot verify your GPG key: %s invalid_ssh_principal = Invalid principal: %s must_use_public_key = The key you provided is a private key. Please do not upload your private key anywhere. Use your public key instead. unable_verify_ssh_key = Cannot verify the SSH key, double-check it for mistakes. auth_failed = Authentication failed: %v still_own_repo = Your account owns one or more repositories, delete or transfer them first. still_has_org = Your account is a member of one or more organizations, leave them first. still_own_packages = Your account owns one or more packages, delete them first. org_still_own_repo = This organization still owns one or more repositories, delete or transfer them first. org_still_own_packages = This organization still owns one or more packages, delete them first. target_branch_not_exist = Target branch does not exist. admin_cannot_delete_self = You cannot delete yourself when you are an admin. Please remove your admin privileges first. required_prefix = Input must start with "%s" [user] change_avatar = Change your avatar… joined_on = Joined on %s repositories = Repositories activity = Public activity followers.title.one = Follower followers.title.few = Followers following.title.one = Following following.title.few = Following followers_one = %d follower followers_few = %d followers following_one = %d following following_few = %d following follow = Follow unfollow = Unfollow block_user = Block user block_user.detail = Please note that blocking a user has other effects, such as: block_user.detail_1 = You will stop following each other and will not be able to follow each other. block_user.detail_2 = This user will not be able to interact with the repositories you own, or the issues and comments you have created. block_user.detail_3 = You will not be able to add each other as repository collaborators. follow_blocked_user = You cannot follow this user because you have blocked this user or this user has blocked you. starred = Starred repositories watched = Watched repositories code = Code projects = Projects overview = Overview block = Block unblock = Unblock user_bio = Biography email_visibility.limited = Your email address is visible to all authenticated users show_on_map = Show this place on a map settings = User settings disabled_public_activity = This user has disabled the public visibility of the activity. public_activity.visibility_hint.self_public = Your activity is visible to everyone, except for interactions in private spaces. Configure. public_activity.visibility_hint.admin_public = This activity is visible to everyone, but as an administrator you can also see interactions in private spaces. public_activity.visibility_hint.self_private = Your activity is only visible to you and the instance administrators. Configure. public_activity.visibility_hint.admin_private = This activity is visible to you because you're an administrator, but the user wants it to remain private. form.name_reserved = The username "%s" is reserved. form.name_pattern_not_allowed = The pattern "%s" is not allowed in a username. form.name_chars_not_allowed = Username "%s" contains invalid characters. [settings] profile = Profile account = Account appearance = Appearance password = Password security = Security avatar = Avatar ssh_gpg_keys = SSH / GPG keys applications = Applications orgs = Organizations repos = Repositories delete = Delete Account twofa = Two-factor authentication (TOTP) organization = Organizations uid = UID webauthn = Two-factor authentication (Security keys) blocked_users = Blocked users public_profile = Public profile biography_placeholder = Tell us a little bit about yourself! (You can use Markdown) location_placeholder = Share your approximate location with others profile_desc = Control how your profile is shown to other users. Your primary email address will be used for notifications, password recovery and web-based Git operations. password_username_disabled = Non-local users are not allowed to change their username. Please contact your site administrator for more details. full_name = Full name website = Website location = Location pronouns = Pronouns pronouns_custom = Custom pronouns_unspecified = Unspecified update_theme = Change theme update_profile = Update profile update_language = Change language update_language_not_found = Language "%s" is not available. update_language_success = Language has been updated. update_profile_success = Your profile has been updated. change_username = Your username has been changed. change_username_prompt = Note: Changing your username also changes your account URL. change_username_redirect_prompt = The old username will redirect until someone claims it. continue = Continue cancel = Cancel language = Language language.title = Default language language.description = This language will be saved to your account and be used as the default after you log in. language.localization_project = Help us translate Forgejo into your language! Learn more. ui = Theme hints = Hints additional_repo_units_hint = Suggest to enable additional repository units additional_repo_units_hint_description = Display an "Enable more" hint for repositories that do not have all available units enabled. update_hints = Update hints update_hints_success = Hints have been updated. hidden_comment_types = Hidden comment types hidden_comment_types_description = Comment types checked here will not be shown inside issue pages. Checking "Label" for example removes all " added/removed