// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package integration import ( "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "testing" gitea_context "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context" "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/webhook" "code.gitea.io/gitea/tests" "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) func TestNewWebHookLink(t *testing.T) { defer tests.PrepareTestEnv(t)() session := loginUser(t, "user2") webhooksLen := len(webhook.List()) baseurl := "/user2/repo1/settings/hooks" tests := []string{ // webhook list page baseurl, // new webhook page baseurl + "/gitea/new", // edit webhook page baseurl + "/1", } var csrfToken string for _, url := range tests { resp := session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequest(t, "GET", url), http.StatusOK) htmlDoc := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body) assert.Equal(t, webhooksLen, htmlDoc.Find(`a[href^="`+baseurl+`/"][href$="/new"]`).Length(), "not all webhooks are listed in the 'new' dropdown") csrfToken = htmlDoc.GetCSRF() } // ensure that the "failure" pages has the full dropdown as well resp := session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequestWithValues(t, "POST", baseurl+"/gitea/new", map[string]string{"_csrf": csrfToken}), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity) htmlDoc := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body) assert.Equal(t, webhooksLen, htmlDoc.Find(`a[href^="`+baseurl+`/"][href$="/new"]`).Length(), "not all webhooks are listed in the 'new' dropdown on failure") resp = session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequestWithValues(t, "POST", baseurl+"/1", map[string]string{"_csrf": csrfToken}), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity) htmlDoc = NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body) assert.Equal(t, webhooksLen, htmlDoc.Find(`a[href^="`+baseurl+`/"][href$="/new"]`).Length(), "not all webhooks are listed in the 'new' dropdown on failure") adminSession := loginUser(t, "user1") t.Run("org3", func(t *testing.T) { baseurl := "/org/org3/settings/hooks" resp := adminSession.MakeRequest(t, NewRequest(t, "GET", baseurl), http.StatusOK) htmlDoc := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body) assert.Equal(t, webhooksLen, htmlDoc.Find(`a[href^="`+baseurl+`/"][href$="/new"]`).Length(), "not all webhooks are listed in the 'new' dropdown") }) t.Run("admin", func(t *testing.T) { baseurl := "/admin/hooks" resp := adminSession.MakeRequest(t, NewRequest(t, "GET", baseurl), http.StatusOK) htmlDoc := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body) assert.Equal(t, webhooksLen, htmlDoc.Find(`a[href^="/admin/default-hooks/"][href$="/new"]`).Length(), "not all webhooks are listed in the 'new' dropdown for default-hooks") assert.Equal(t, webhooksLen, htmlDoc.Find(`a[href^="/admin/system-hooks/"][href$="/new"]`).Length(), "not all webhooks are listed in the 'new' dropdown for system-hooks") }) } func TestWebhookForms(t *testing.T) { defer tests.PrepareTestEnv(t)() session := loginUser(t, "user1") t.Run("forgejo/required", testWebhookForms("forgejo", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://forgejo.example.com", "http_method": "POST", "content_type": "1", // json }, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "", }, map[string]string{ "http_method": "", }, map[string]string{ "content_type": "", }, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "invalid_url", }, map[string]string{ "http_method": "INVALID", })) t.Run("forgejo/optional", testWebhookForms("forgejo", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://forgejo.example.com", "http_method": "POST", "content_type": "1", // json "secret": "s3cr3t", "branch_filter": "forgejo/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("gitea/required", testWebhookForms("gitea", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://gitea.example.com", "http_method": "POST", "content_type": "1", // json }, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "", }, map[string]string{ "http_method": "", }, map[string]string{ "content_type": "", }, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "invalid_url", }, map[string]string{ "http_method": "INVALID", })) t.Run("gitea/optional", testWebhookForms("gitea", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://gitea.example.com", "http_method": "POST", "content_type": "1", // json "secret": "s3cr3t", "branch_filter": "gitea/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("gogs/required", testWebhookForms("gogs", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://gogs.example.com", "content_type": "1", // json })) t.Run("gogs/optional", testWebhookForms("gogs", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://gogs.example.com", "content_type": "1", // json "secret": "s3cr3t", "branch_filter": "gogs/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("slack/required", testWebhookForms("slack", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://slack.example.com", "channel": "general", }, map[string]string{ "channel": "", }, map[string]string{ "channel": "invalid channel name", })) t.Run("slack/optional", testWebhookForms("slack", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://slack.example.com", "channel": "#general", "username": "john", "icon_url": "https://slack.example.com/icon.png", "color": "#dd4b39", "branch_filter": "slack/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("discord/required", testWebhookForms("discord", session, map[string]string{ "username": "john", "payload_url": "https://discord.example.com", })) t.Run("discord/optional", testWebhookForms("discord", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://discord.example.com", "username": "john", "icon_url": "https://discord.example.com/icon.png", "branch_filter": "discord/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("dingtalk/required", testWebhookForms("dingtalk", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://dingtalk.example.com", })) t.Run("dingtalk/optional", testWebhookForms("dingtalk", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://dingtalk.example.com", "branch_filter": "discord/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("telegram/required", testWebhookForms("telegram", session, map[string]string{ "bot_token": "123456", "chat_id": "789", })) t.Run("telegram/optional", testWebhookForms("telegram", session, map[string]string{ "bot_token": "123456", "chat_id": "789", "thread_id": "abc", "branch_filter": "telegram/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("msteams/required", testWebhookForms("msteams", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://msteams.example.com", })) t.Run("msteams/optional", testWebhookForms("msteams", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://msteams.example.com", "branch_filter": "msteams/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("feishu/required", testWebhookForms("feishu", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://feishu.example.com", })) t.Run("feishu/optional", testWebhookForms("feishu", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://feishu.example.com", "branch_filter": "feishu/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("matrix/required", testWebhookForms("matrix", session, map[string]string{ "homeserver_url": "https://matrix.example.com", "access_token": "123456", "room_id": "123", }, map[string]string{ "access_token": "", })) t.Run("matrix/optional", testWebhookForms("matrix", session, map[string]string{ "homeserver_url": "https://matrix.example.com", "access_token": "123456", "room_id": "123", "message_type": "1", // m.text "branch_filter": "matrix/*", })) t.Run("wechatwork/required", testWebhookForms("wechatwork", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://wechatwork.example.com", })) t.Run("wechatwork/optional", testWebhookForms("wechatwork", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://wechatwork.example.com", "branch_filter": "wechatwork/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("packagist/required", testWebhookForms("packagist", session, map[string]string{ "username": "john", "api_token": "secret", "package_url": "https://packagist.org/packages/example/framework", })) t.Run("packagist/optional", testWebhookForms("packagist", session, map[string]string{ "username": "john", "api_token": "secret", "package_url": "https://packagist.org/packages/example/framework", "branch_filter": "packagist/*", "authorization_header": "Bearer 123456", })) t.Run("sourcehut_builds/required", testWebhookForms("sourcehut_builds", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://sourcehut_builds.example.com", "manifest_path": ".build.yml", "visibility": "PRIVATE", "access_token": "123456", }, map[string]string{ "access_token": "", }, map[string]string{ "manifest_path": "", }, map[string]string{ "manifest_path": "/absolute", }, map[string]string{ "visibility": "", }, map[string]string{ "visibility": "INVALID", })) t.Run("sourcehut_builds/optional", testWebhookForms("sourcehut_builds", session, map[string]string{ "payload_url": "https://sourcehut_builds.example.com", "manifest_path": ".build.yml", "visibility": "PRIVATE", "secrets": "on", "access_token": "123456", "branch_filter": "srht/*", })) } func assertInput(t testing.TB, form *goquery.Selection, name string) string { t.Helper() input := form.Find(`input[name="` + name + `"]`) if input.Length() != 1 { form.Find("input").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { t.Logf("found ", s.AttrOr("name", "")) }) t.Errorf("field found %d times, expected once", name, input.Length()) } switch input.AttrOr("type", "") { case "checkbox": if _, checked := input.Attr("checked"); checked { return "on" } return "" default: return input.AttrOr("value", "") } } func testWebhookForms(name string, session *TestSession, validFields map[string]string, invalidPatches ...map[string]string) func(t *testing.T) { return func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("repo1", func(t *testing.T) { testWebhookFormsShared(t, "/user2/repo1/settings/hooks", name, session, validFields, invalidPatches...) }) t.Run("org3", func(t *testing.T) { testWebhookFormsShared(t, "/org/org3/settings/hooks", name, session, validFields, invalidPatches...) }) t.Run("system", func(t *testing.T) { testWebhookFormsShared(t, "/admin/system-hooks", name, session, validFields, invalidPatches...) }) t.Run("default", func(t *testing.T) { testWebhookFormsShared(t, "/admin/default-hooks", name, session, validFields, invalidPatches...) }) } } func testWebhookFormsShared(t *testing.T, endpoint, name string, session *TestSession, validFields map[string]string, invalidPatches ...map[string]string) { // new webhook form resp := session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequest(t, "GET", endpoint+"/"+name+"/new"), http.StatusOK) htmlForm := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body).Find(`form[action^="` + endpoint + `/"]`) // fill the form payload := map[string]string{ "_csrf": htmlForm.Find(`input[name="_csrf"]`).AttrOr("value", ""), "events": "send_everything", } for k, v := range validFields { assertInput(t, htmlForm, k) payload[k] = v } if t.Failed() { t.FailNow() // prevent further execution if the form could not be filled properly } // create the webhook (this redirects back to the hook list) resp = session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequestWithValues(t, "POST", endpoint+"/"+name+"/new", payload), http.StatusSeeOther) assertHasFlashMessages(t, resp, "success") listEndpoint := resp.Header().Get("Location") updateEndpoint := endpoint + "/" if endpoint == "/admin/system-hooks" || endpoint == "/admin/default-hooks" { updateEndpoint = "/admin/hooks/" } // find last created hook in the hook list // (a bit hacky, but the list should be sorted) resp = session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequest(t, "GET", listEndpoint), http.StatusOK) htmlDoc := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body) selector := `a[href^="` + updateEndpoint + `"]` if endpoint == "/admin/system-hooks" { // system-hooks and default-hooks are listed on the same page // add a specifier to select the latest system-hooks // (the default-hooks are at the end, so no further specifier needed) selector = `.admin-setting-content > div:first-of-type ` + selector } editFormURL := htmlDoc.Find(selector).Last().AttrOr("href", "") assert.NotEmpty(t, editFormURL) // edit webhook form resp = session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequest(t, "GET", editFormURL), http.StatusOK) htmlForm = NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body).Find(`form[action^="` + updateEndpoint + `"]`) editPostURL := htmlForm.AttrOr("action", "") assert.NotEmpty(t, editPostURL) // fill the form payload = map[string]string{ "_csrf": htmlForm.Find(`input[name="_csrf"]`).AttrOr("value", ""), "events": "push_only", } for k, v := range validFields { assert.Equal(t, v, assertInput(t, htmlForm, k), "input %q did not contain value %q", k, v) payload[k] = v } // update the webhook resp = session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequestWithValues(t, "POST", editPostURL, payload), http.StatusSeeOther) assertHasFlashMessages(t, resp, "success") // check the updated webhook resp = session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequest(t, "GET", editFormURL), http.StatusOK) htmlForm = NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body).Find(`form[action^="` + updateEndpoint + `"]`) for k, v := range validFields { assert.Equal(t, v, assertInput(t, htmlForm, k), "input %q did not contain value %q", k, v) } if len(invalidPatches) > 0 { // check that invalid fields are rejected resp := session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequest(t, "GET", endpoint+"/"+name+"/new"), http.StatusOK) htmlForm := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body).Find(`form[action^="` + endpoint + `/"]`) for _, invalidPatch := range invalidPatches { t.Run("invalid", func(t *testing.T) { // fill the form payload := map[string]string{ "_csrf": htmlForm.Find(`input[name="_csrf"]`).AttrOr("value", ""), "events": "send_everything", } for k, v := range validFields { payload[k] = v } for k, v := range invalidPatch { if v == "" { delete(payload, k) } else { payload[k] = v } } resp := session.MakeRequest(t, NewRequestWithValues(t, "POST", endpoint+"/"+name+"/new", payload), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity) // check that the invalid form is pre-filled htmlForm = NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body).Find(`form[action^="` + endpoint + `/"]`) for k, v := range payload { if k == "_csrf" || k == "events" || v == "" { // the 'events' is a radio input, which is buggy below continue } assert.Equal(t, v, assertInput(t, htmlForm, k), "input %q did not contain value %q", k, v) } if t.Failed() { t.Log(invalidPatch) } }) } } } func assertHasFlashMessages(t *testing.T, resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder, expectedKeys ...string) { seenKeys := make(map[string][]string, len(expectedKeys)) for _, cookie := range resp.Result().Cookies() { if cookie.Name != gitea_context.CookieNameFlash { continue } flash, _ := url.ParseQuery(cookie.Value) for key, value := range flash { // the key is itself url-encoded if flash, err := url.ParseQuery(key); err == nil { for key, value := range flash { seenKeys[key] = value } } else { seenKeys[key] = value } } } for _, k := range expectedKeys { if len(seenKeys[k]) == 0 { t.Errorf("missing expected flash message %q", k) } delete(seenKeys, k) } for k, v := range seenKeys { t.Errorf("unexpected flash message %q: %q", k, v) } }