# Ubuntu 20.04 This builds an ubuntu 20.04 container for dev / test # Build ``` docker build -t frr-ubuntu20:latest --build-arg=UBUNTU_VERSION=20.04 -f docker/ubuntu-ci/Dockerfile . ``` # Running Full Topotest ``` docker run --init -it --privileged --name frr-ubuntu20 -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules frr-ubuntu20:latest bash -c 'cd ~/frr/tests/topotests ; sudo pytest -nauto --dist=loadfile' ``` # Extract results from the above run into `run-results` dir and analyze ``` tests/topotests/analyze.py -C frr-ubuntu20 -Ar run-results ``` # Running ``` docker run -d --init --privileged --name frr-ubuntu20 --mount type=bind,source=/lib/modules,target=/lib/modules frr-ubuntu20:latest ``` # make check ``` docker exec frr-ubuntu20 bash -c 'cd ~/frr ; make check' ``` # interactive bash ``` docker exec -it frr-ubuntu20 bash ``` # topotest -- when Host O/S is Ubuntu only ``` docker exec frr-ubuntu20 bash -c 'cd ~/frr/tests/topotests/ospf_topo1 ; sudo pytest test_ospf_topo1.py' ``` # stop & remove container ``` docker stop frr-ubuntu20 ; docker rm frr-ubuntu20 ``` # remove image ``` docker rmi frr-ubuntu20:latest ```