path: root/examples/gdl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/gdl/')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/gdl/ b/examples/gdl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30589f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gdl/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+'The main font object for GDL creation. Depends on fonttools'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2012 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+import os, re, traceback
+from silfont.gdl.glyph import Glyph
+from silfont.gdl.psnames import Name
+from xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree, parse, Element
+from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
+# A collection of glyphs that have a given attachment point defined
+class PointClass(object) :
+ def __init__(self, name) :
+ = name
+ self.glyphs = []
+ self.dias = []
+ def addBaseGlyph(self, g) :
+ self.glyphs.append(g)
+ def addDiaGlyph(self, g) :
+ self.dias.append(g)
+ g.isDia = True
+ def hasDias(self) :
+ if len(self.dias) and len(self.glyphs) :
+ return True
+ else :
+ return False
+ def classGlyphs(self, isDia = False) :
+ if isDia :
+ return self.dias
+ else :
+ return self.glyphs
+ def isNotInClass(self, g, isDia = False) :
+ if not g : return False
+ if not g.isDia : return False
+ if isDia :
+ return g not in self.dias
+ else :
+ return g not in self.dias and g not in self.glyphs
+class FontClass(object) :
+ def __init__(self, elements = None, fname = None, lineno = None, generated = False, editable = False) :
+ self.elements = elements or []
+ self.fname = fname
+ self.lineno = lineno
+ self.generated = generated
+ self.editable = editable
+ def append(self, element) :
+ self.elements.append(element)
+class Font(object) :
+ def __init__(self, fontfile) :
+ self.glyphs = []
+ self.psnames = {}
+ self.canons = {}
+ self.gdls = {}
+ self.anchors = {}
+ self.ligs = {}
+ self.subclasses = {}
+ self.points = {}
+ self.classes = {}
+ self.aliases = {}
+ self.rules = {}
+ self.posRules = {}
+ if fontfile :
+ self.font = TTFont(fontfile)
+ for i, n in enumerate(self.font.getGlyphOrder()) :
+ self.addGlyph(i, n)
+ else :
+ self.font = None
+ def __len__(self) :
+ return len(self.glyphs)
+ # [] syntax returns the indicated element of the glyphs array.
+ def __getitem__(self, y) :
+ try :
+ return self.glyphs[y]
+ except IndexError :
+ return None
+ def glyph(self, name) :
+ return self.psnames.get(name, None)
+ def alias(self, s) :
+ return self.aliases.get(s, s)
+ def emunits(self) :
+ return 0
+ def initGlyphs(self, nGlyphs) :
+ #print "Font::initGlyphs",nGlyphs
+ self.glyphs = [None] * nGlyphs
+ self.numRealGlyphs = nGlyphs # does not include pseudo-glyphs
+ self.psnames = {}
+ self.canons = {}
+ self.gdls = {}
+ self.classes = {}
+ def addGlyph(self, index = None, psName = None, gdlName = None, factory = Glyph) :
+ #print "Font::addGlyph",index,psName,gdlName
+ if psName in self.psnames :
+ return self.psnames[psName]
+ if index is not None and index < len(self.glyphs) and self.glyphs[index] :
+ g = self.glyphs[index]
+ return g
+ g = factory(psName, index) # create a new glyph of the given class
+ self.renameGlyph(g, psName, gdlName)
+ if index is None : # give it the next available index
+ index = len(self.glyphs)
+ self.glyphs.append(g)
+ elif index >= len(self.glyphs) :
+ self.glyphs.extend([None] * (len(self.glyphs) - index + 1))
+ self.glyphs[index] = g
+ return g
+ def renameGlyph(self, g, name, gdlName = None) :
+ if g.psname != name :
+ for n in g.parseNames() :
+ del self.psnames[n.psname]
+ del self.canons[n.canonical()]
+ if gdlName :
+ self.setGDL(g, gdlName)
+ else :
+ self.setGDL(g, g.GDLName())
+ for n in g.parseNames() :
+ if n is None : break
+ self.psnames[n.psname] = g
+ self.canons[n.canonical()] = (n, g)
+ def setGDL(self, glyph, name) :
+ if not glyph : return
+ n = glyph.GDLName()
+ if n != name and n in self.gdls : del self.gdls[n]
+ if name and name in self.gdls and self.gdls[name] is not glyph :
+ count = 1
+ index = -2
+ name = name + "_1"
+ while name in self.gdls :
+ if self.gdls[name] is glyph : break
+ count = count + 1
+ name = name[0:index] + "_" + str(count)
+ if count == 10 : index = -3
+ if count == 100 : index = -4
+ self.gdls[name] = glyph
+ glyph.setGDL(name)
+ def addClass(self, name, elements, fname = None, lineno = 0, generated = False, editable = False) :
+ if name :
+ self.classes[name] = FontClass(elements, fname, lineno, generated, editable)
+ def addGlyphClass(self, name, gid, editable = False) :
+ if name not in self.classes :
+ self.classes[name] = FontClass()
+ if gid not in self.classes[name].elements :
+ self.classes[name].append(gid)
+ def addRules(self, rules, index) :
+ self.rules[index] = rules
+ def addPosRules(self, rules, index) :
+ self.posRules[index] = rules
+ def classUpdated(self, name, value) :
+ c = []
+ if name in self.classes :
+ for gid in self.classes[name].elements :
+ g = self[gid]
+ if g : g.removeClass(name)
+ if value is None and name in classes :
+ del self.classes[name]
+ return
+ for n in value.split() :
+ g = self.gdls.get(n, None)
+ if g :
+ c.append(g.gid)
+ g.addClass(name)
+ if name in self.classes :
+ self.classes[name].elements = c
+ else :
+ self.classes[name] = FontClass(c)
+ # Return the list of classes that should be updated in the AP XML file.
+ # This does not include classes that are auto-generated or defined in the hand-crafted GDL code.
+ def filterAutoClasses(self, names, autoGdlFile) :
+ res = []
+ for n in names :
+ c = self.classes[n]
+ if not c.generated and (not c.fname or c.fname == autoGdlFile) : res.append(n)
+ return res
+ def loadAlias(self, fname) :
+ with open(fname) as f :
+ for l in f.readlines() :
+ l = l.strip()
+ l = re.sub(ur'#.*$', '', l).strip()
+ if not len(l) : continue
+ try :
+ k, v = re.split(ur'\s*[,;\s]\s*', l, 1)
+ except ValueError :
+ k = l
+ v = ''
+ self.aliases[k] = v
+ # TODO: move this method to GraideFont, or refactor
+ def loadAP(self, apFileName) :
+ if not os.path.exists(apFileName) : return False
+ etree = parse(apFileName)
+ self.initGlyphs(len(etree.getroot())) # guess each child is a glyph
+ i = 0
+ for e in etree.getroot().iterfind("glyph") :
+ g = self.addGlyph(i, e.get('PSName'))
+ g.readAP(e, self)
+ i += 1
+ return True
+ def saveAP(self, apFileName, autoGdlFile) :
+ root = Element('font')
+ root.set('upem', str(self.emunits()))
+ root.set('producer', 'graide 1.0')
+ root.text = "\n\n"
+ for g in self.glyphs :
+ if g : g.createAP(root, self, autoGdlFile)
+ ElementTree(root).write(apFileName, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
+ def createClasses(self) :
+ self.subclasses = {}
+ for k, v in self.canons.items() :
+ if v[0].ext :
+ h = v[0].head()
+ o = self.canons.get(h.canonical(), None)
+ if o :
+ if v[0].ext not in self.subclasses : self.subclasses[v[0].ext] = {}
+ self.subclasses[v[0].ext][o[1].GDLName()] = v[1].GDLName()
+# for g in self.glyphs :
+# if not g : continue
+# for c in g.classes :
+# if c not in self.classes :
+# self.classes[c] = []
+# self.classes[c].append(g.gid)
+ def calculatePointClasses(self) :
+ self.points = {}
+ for g in self.glyphs :
+ if not g : continue
+ for apName in g.anchors.keys() :
+ genericName = apName[:-1] # without the M or S
+ if genericName not in self.points :
+ self.points[genericName] = PointClass(genericName)
+ if apName.endswith('S') :
+ self.points[genericName].addBaseGlyph(g)
+ else :
+ self.points[genericName].addDiaGlyph(g)
+ def calculateOTLookups(self) :
+ if self.font :
+ for t in ('GSUB', 'GPOS') :
+ if t in self.font :
+ self.font[t].table.LookupList.process(self)
+ def getPointClasses(self) :
+ if len(self.points) == 0 :
+ self.calculatePointClasses()
+ return self.points
+ def ligClasses(self) :
+ self.ligs = {}
+ for g in self.glyphs :
+ if not g or not : continue
+ (h, t) =
+ if t :
+ o = self.canons.get(h.canonical(), None)
+ if o and o[0].ext == t.ext :
+ t.ext = None
+ t.cname = None
+ tn = t.canonical(noprefix = True)
+ if tn in self.ligs :
+ self.ligs[tn].append((g.GDLName(), o[0].GDL()))
+ else :
+ self.ligs[tn] = [(g.GDLName(), o[0].GDL())]
+ def outGDL(self, fh, args) :
+ munits = self.emunits()
+ fh.write('table(glyph) {MUnits = ' + str(munits) + '};\n')
+ nglyphs = 0
+ for g in self.glyphs :
+ if not g or not g.psname : continue
+ if g.psname == '.notdef' :
+ fh.write(g.GDLName() + ' = glyphid(0)')
+ else :
+ fh.write(g.GDLName() + ' = postscript("' + g.psname + '")')
+ outs = []
+ if len(g.anchors) :
+ for a in g.anchors.keys() :
+ v = g.anchors[a]
+ outs.append(a + "=point(" + str(int(v[0])) + "m, " + str(int(v[1])) + "m)")
+ for (p, v) in g.gdl_properties.items() :
+ outs.append("%s=%s" % (p, v))
+ if len(outs) : fh.write(" {" + "; ".join(outs) + "}")
+ fh.write(";\n")
+ nglyphs += 1
+ fh.write("\n")
+ fh.write("\n/* Point Classes */\n")
+ for p in sorted(self.points.values(), key=lambda x: :
+ if not p.hasDias() : continue
+ n = + "Dia"
+ self.outclass(fh, "c" + n, p.classGlyphs(True))
+ self.outclass(fh, "cTakes" + n, p.classGlyphs(False))
+ self.outclass(fh, 'cn' + n, filter(lambda x : p.isNotInClass(x, True), self.glyphs))
+ self.outclass(fh, 'cnTakes' + n, filter(lambda x : p.isNotInClass(x, False), self.glyphs))
+ fh.write("\n/* Classes */\n")
+ for c in sorted(self.classes.keys()) : # c = class name, l = class object
+ if c not in self.subclasses and not self.classes[c].generated : # don't output the class to the AP file if it was autogenerated
+ self.outclass(fh, c, self.classes[c].elements)
+ for p in self.subclasses.keys() :
+ ins = []
+ outs = []
+ for k, v in self.subclasses[p].items() :
+ ins.append(k)
+ outs.append(v)
+ n = p.replace('.', '_')
+ self.outclass(fh, 'cno_' + n, ins)
+ self.outclass(fh, 'c' + n, outs)
+ fh.write("/* Ligature Classes */\n")
+ for k in sorted(self.ligs.keys()) :
+ self.outclass(fh, "clig" + k, map(lambda x: self.gdls[x[0]], self.ligs[k]))
+ self.outclass(fh, "cligno_" + k, map(lambda x: self.gdls[x[1]], self.ligs[k]))
+ fh.write("\nendtable;\n")
+ fh.write("/* Substitution Rules */\n")
+ for k, v in sorted(self.rules.items(), key=lambda x:map(int,x[0].split('_'))) :
+ fh.write('\n// lookup ' + k + '\n')
+ fh.write('// ' + "\n// ".join(v) + "\n")
+ fh.write("\n/* Positioning Rules */\n")
+ for k, v in sorted(self.posRules.items(), key=lambda x:map(int,x[0].split('_'))) :
+ fh.write('\n// lookup ' + k + '\n')
+ fh.write('// ' + "\n// ".join(v) + "\n")
+ fh.write("\n\n#define MAXGLYPH %d\n\n" % (nglyphs - 1))
+ if args.include :
+ fh.write("#include \"%s\"\n" % args.include)
+ def outPosRules(self, fh, num) :
+ fh.write("""
+#ifndef opt2
+#define opt(x) [x]?
+#define opt2(x) [opt(x) x]?
+#define opt3(x) [opt2(x) x]?
+#define opt4(x) [opt3(x) x]?
+#define posrule(x) c##x##Dia {attach{to=@1; at=x##S; with=x##M}} / cTakes##x##Dia opt4(cnTakes##x##Dia) _;
+""" % num)
+ for p in self.points.values() :
+ if p.hasDias() :
+ fh.write("posrule(%s);\n" %
+ fh.write("endpass;\nendtable;\n")
+ def outclass(self, fh, name, glyphs) :
+ fh.write(name + " = (")
+ count = 1
+ sep = ""
+ for g in glyphs :
+ if not g : continue
+ if isinstance(g, basestring) :
+ fh.write(sep + g)
+ else :
+ if g.GDLName() is None :
+ print "Can't output " + str(g.gid) + " to class " + name
+ else :
+ fh.write(sep + g.GDLName())
+ if count % 8 == 0 :
+ sep = ',\n '
+ else :
+ sep = ', '
+ count += 1
+ fh.write(');\n\n')