path: root/src/silfont/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/scripts/')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9408e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'read FTML file and generate LO writer .odt file'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015, SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from fontTools import ttLib
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET ### used to parse input FTML (may not be needed if FTML parser used)
+import re
+import os
+import io
+from odf.opendocument import OpenDocumentText, OpaqueObject
+from odf.config import ConfigItem, ConfigItemSet
+from import FontFaceDecls
+from import FontFace, ParagraphProperties, Style, TableCellProperties, TableColumnProperties, TableProperties, TextProperties
+from odf.svg import FontFaceSrc, FontFaceUri, FontFaceFormat
+from odf.table import Table, TableCell, TableColumn, TableRow
+from odf.text import H, P, SequenceDecl, SequenceDecls, Span
+# specify two parameters: input file (FTML/XML format), output file (ODT format)
+# preceded by optional log file plus zero or more font strings
+argspec = [
+ ('input',{'help': 'Input file in FTML format'}, {'type': 'infile'}),
+ ('output',{'help': 'Output file (LO writer .odt)', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': '_out.odt'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file', 'required': False},{'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_ftml2odt_log.txt'}),
+ ('-r','--report',{'help': 'Set reporting level for log', 'type':str, 'choices':['X','S','E','P','W','I','V']},{}),
+ ('-f','--font',{'help': 'font specification','action': 'append', 'required': False}, {}),
+ ]
+# RegExs for extracting font name from fontsrc element
+findfontnamelocal = re.compile(r"""local\( # begin with local(
+ (["']?) # optional open quote
+ (?P<fontstring>[^)]+) # font name
+ \1 # optional matching close quote
+ \)""", re.VERBOSE) # and end with )
+findfontnameurl = re.compile(r"""url\( # begin with local(
+ (["']?) # optional open quote
+ (?P<fontstring>[^)]+) # font name
+ \1 # optional matching close quote
+ \)""", re.VERBOSE) # and end with )
+fontspec = re.compile(r"""^ # beginning of string
+ (?P<rest>[A-Za-z ]+?) # Font Family Name
+ \s*(?P<bold>Bold)? # Bold
+ \s*(?P<italic>Italic)? # Italic
+ \s*(?P<regular>Regular)? # Regular
+ $""", re.VERBOSE) # end of string
+# RegEx for extracting feature(s) from feats attribute of style element
+onefeat = re.compile(r"""^\s*
+ '(?P<featname>[^']+)'\s* # feature tag
+ (?P<featval>[^', ]+)\s* # feature value
+ ,?\s* # optional comma
+ (?P<remainder>.*) # rest of line (with zero or more tag-value pairs)
+ $""", re.VERBOSE)
+# RegEx for extracting language (and country) from lang attribute of style element
+langcode = re.compile(r"""^
+ (?P<langname>[A-Za-z]+) # language name
+ (- # (optional) hyphen and
+ (?P<countryname>[A-Za-z]+) # country name
+ (-[A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9]*)? # (optional) hyphen and other codes
+ )?$""", re.VERBOSE)
+# RegEx to extract hex value from \uxxxxxx and function to generate Unicode character
+# use to change string to newstring:
+# newstring = re.sub(backu, hextounichr, string)
+# or newstring = re.sub(backu, lambda m: unichr(int(,16)), string)
+backu = re.compile(r"\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4,6})")
+def hextounichr(match):
+ return chr(int(,16))
+def BoldItalic(bold, italic):
+ rs = ""
+ if bold:
+ rs += " Bold"
+ if italic:
+ rs += " Italic"
+ return rs
+def parsefeats(inputline):
+ featdic = {}
+ while inputline != "":
+ results = re.match(onefeat, inputline)
+ if results:
+ featdic['featname')] ='featval')
+ inputline ='remainder')
+ else:
+ break ### warning about unrecognized feature string: inputline
+ return ":" + "&".join( [f + '=' + featdic[f] for f in sorted(featdic)])
+def getfonts(fontsourcestrings, logfile, fromcommandline=True):
+ fontlist = []
+ checkfontfamily = []
+ checkembeddedfont = []
+ for fs in fontsourcestrings:
+ if not fromcommandline: # from FTML <fontsrc> either local() or url()
+ installed = True # Assume locally installed font
+ results = re.match(findfontnamelocal, fs)
+ fontstring ='fontstring') if results else None
+ if fontstring == None:
+ installed = False
+ results = re.match(findfontnameurl, fs)
+ fontstring ='fontstring') if results else None
+ if fontstring == None:
+ logfile.log("Invalid font specification: " + fs, "S")
+ else: # from command line
+ fontstring = fs
+ if "." in fs: # must be a filename
+ installed = False
+ else: # must be an installed font
+ installed = True
+ if installed:
+ # get name, bold and italic info from string
+ results = re.match(fontspec, fontstring.strip())
+ if results:
+ fontname ='rest')
+ bold ='bold') != None
+ italic ='italic') != None
+ fontlist.append( (fontname, bold, italic, None) )
+ if (fontname, bold, italic) in checkfontfamily:
+ logfile.log("Duplicate font specification: " + fs, "W") ### or more severe?
+ else:
+ checkfontfamily.append( (fontname, bold, italic) )
+ else:
+ logfile.log("Invalid font specification: " + fontstring.strip(), "E")
+ else:
+ try:
+ # peek inside the font for the name, weight, style
+ f = ttLib.TTFont(fontstring)
+ # take name from name table, NameID 1, platform ID 3, Encoding ID 1 (possible fallback platformID 1, EncodingID =0)
+ n = f['name'] # name table from font
+ fontname = n.getName(1,3,1).toUnicode() # nameID 1 = Font Family name
+ # take bold and italic info from OS/2 table, fsSelection bits 0 and 5
+ o = f['OS/2'] # OS/2 table
+ italic = (o.fsSelection & 1) > 0
+ bold = (o.fsSelection & 32) > 0
+ fontlist.append( (fontname, bold, italic, fontstring) )
+ if (fontname, bold, italic) in checkfontfamily:
+ logfile.log("Duplicate font specification: " + fs + BoldItalic(bold, italic), "W") ### or more severe?
+ else:
+ checkfontfamily.append( (fontname, bold, italic) )
+ if (os.path.basename(fontstring)) in checkembeddedfont:
+ logfile.log("Duplicate embedded font: " + fontstring, "W") ### or more severe?
+ else:
+ checkembeddedfont.append(os.path.basename(fontstring))
+ except IOError:
+ logfile.log("Unable to find font file to embed: " + fontstring, "E")
+ except fontTools.ttLib.TTLibError:
+ logfile.log("File is not a valid font: " + fontstring, "E")
+ except:
+ logfile.log("Error occurred while checking font: " + fontstring, "E") # some other error
+ return fontlist
+def init(LOdoc, numfonts=1):
+ totalwid = 6800 #6.8inches
+ #compute column widths
+ f = min(numfonts,4)
+ ashare = 4*(6-f)
+ dshare = 2*(6-f)
+ bshare = 100 - 2*ashare - dshare
+ awid = totalwid * ashare // 100
+ dwid = totalwid * dshare // 100
+ bwid = totalwid * bshare // (numfonts * 100)
+ # create styles for table, for columns (one style for each column width)
+ # and for one cell (used for everywhere except where background changed)
+ tstyle = Style(name="Table1", family="table")
+ tstyle.addElement(TableProperties(attributes={'width':str(totalwid/1000.)+"in", 'align':"left"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tstyle)
+ tastyle = Style(name="Table1.A", family="table-column")
+ tastyle.addElement(TableColumnProperties(attributes={'columnwidth':str(awid/1000.)+"in"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tastyle)
+ tbstyle = Style(name="Table1.B", family="table-column")
+ tbstyle.addElement(TableColumnProperties(attributes={'columnwidth':str(bwid/1000.)+"in"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tbstyle)
+ tdstyle = Style(name="Table1.D", family="table-column")
+ tdstyle.addElement(TableColumnProperties(attributes={'columnwidth':str(dwid/1000.)+"in"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tdstyle)
+ ta1style = Style(name="Table1.A1", family="table-cell")
+ ta1style.addElement(TableCellProperties(attributes={'padding':"0.035in", 'border':"0.05pt solid #000000"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(ta1style)
+ # text style used with non-<em> text
+ t1style = Style(name="T1", family="text")
+ t1style.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={'color':"#999999" }))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(t1style)
+ # create styles for Title, Subtitle
+ tstyle = Style(name="Title", family="paragraph")
+ tstyle.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={'fontfamily':"Arial",'fontsize':"24pt",'fontweight':"bold" }))
+ LOdoc.styles.addElement(tstyle)
+ ststyle = Style(name="Subtitle", family="paragraph")
+ ststyle.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={'fontfamily':"Arial",'fontsize':"18pt",'fontweight':"bold" }))
+ LOdoc.styles.addElement(ststyle)
+def doit(args) :
+ logfile = args.logger
+ if logfile.loglevel =
+ try:
+ root = ET.parse(args.input).getroot()
+ except:
+ logfile.log("Error parsing FTML input", "S")
+ if args.font: # font(s) specified on command line
+ fontlist = getfonts( args.font, logfile )
+ else: # get font spec from FTML fontsrc element
+ fontlist = getfonts( [root.find("./head/fontsrc").text], logfile, False )
+ #fontlist = getfonts( [fs.text for fs in root.findall("./head/fontsrc")], False ) ### would allow multiple fontsrc elements
+ numfonts = len(fontlist)
+ if numfonts == 0:
+ logfile.log("No font(s) specified", "S")
+ if numfonts > 1:
+ formattedfontnum = ["{0:02d}".format(n) for n in range(numfonts)]
+ else:
+ formattedfontnum = [""]
+ logfile.log("Font(s) specified:", "V")
+ for n, (fontname, bold, italic, embeddedfont) in enumerate(fontlist):
+ logfile.log(" " + formattedfontnum[n] + " " + fontname + BoldItalic(bold, italic) + " " + str(embeddedfont), "V")
+ # get optional fontscale; compute pointsize as int(12*fontscale/100). If result xx is not 12, then add "fo:font-size=xxpt" in Px styles
+ pointsize = 12
+ fontscaleel = root.find("./head/fontscale")
+ if fontscaleel != None:
+ fontscale = fontscaleel.text
+ try:
+ pointsize = int(int(fontscale)*12/100)
+ except ValueError:
+ # any problem leaves pointsize 12
+ logfile.log("Problem with fontscale value; defaulting to 12 point", "W")
+ # Get FTML styles and generate LO writer styles
+ # P2 is paragraph style for string element when no features specified
+ # each Px (for P3...) corresponds to an FTML style, which specifies lang or feats or both
+ # if numfonts > 1, two-digit font number is appended to make an LO writer style for each FTML style + font combo
+ # When LO writer style is used with attribute rtl="True", "R" appended to style name
+ LOstyles = {}
+ ftmlstyles = {}
+ Pstylenum = 2
+ LOstyles["P2"] = ("", None, None)
+ ftmlstyles[0] = "P2"
+ for s in root.findall("./head/styles/style"):
+ Pstylenum += 1
+ Pnum = "P" + str(Pstylenum)
+ featstring = ""
+ if s.get('feats'):
+ featstring = parsefeats(s.get('feats'))
+ langname = None
+ countryname = None
+ lang = s.get('lang')
+ if lang != None:
+ x = re.match(langcode, lang)
+ langname ='langname')
+ countryname ='countryname')
+ # FTML <test> element @stylename attribute references this <style> element @name attribute
+ ftmlstyles[s.get('name')] = Pnum
+ LOstyles[Pnum] = (featstring, langname, countryname)
+ # create LOwriter file and construct styles for tables, column widths, etc.
+ LOdoc = OpenDocumentText()
+ init(LOdoc, numfonts)
+ # Initialize sequence counters
+ sds = SequenceDecls()
+ sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel = '0', name = 'Illustration'))
+ sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel = '0', name = 'Table'))
+ sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel = '0', name = 'Text'))
+ sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel = '0', name = 'Drawing'))
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(sds)
+ # Create Px style for each (featstring, langname, countryname) tuple in LOstyles
+ # and for each font (if >1 font, append to Px style name a two-digit number corresponding to the font in fontlist)
+ # and (if at least one rtl attribute) suffix of nothing or "R"
+ # At the same time, collect info for creating FontFace elements (and any embedded fonts)
+ suffixlist = ["", "R"] if root.find(".//test/[@rtl='True']") != None else [""]
+ fontfaces = {}
+ for p in sorted(LOstyles, key = lambda x : int(x[1:])): # key = lambda x : int(x[1:]) corrects sort order
+ featstring, langname, countryname = LOstyles[p]
+ for n, (fontname, bold, italic, embeddedfont) in enumerate(fontlist): # embeddedfont = None if no embedding needed
+ fontnum = formattedfontnum[n]
+ # Collect fontface info: need one for each font family + feature combination
+ # Put embedded font in list only under fontname with empty featstring
+ if (fontname, featstring) not in fontfaces:
+ fontfaces[ (fontname, featstring) ] = []
+ if embeddedfont:
+ if (fontname, "") not in fontfaces:
+ fontfaces[ (fontname, "") ] = []
+ if embeddedfont not in fontfaces[ (fontname, "") ]:
+ fontfaces[ (fontname, "") ].append(embeddedfont)
+ # Generate paragraph styles
+ for s in suffixlist:
+ pstyle = Style(name=p+fontnum+s, family="paragraph")
+ if s == "R":
+ pstyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="end", justifysingleword="false", writingmode="rl-tb"))
+ pstyledic = {}
+ pstyledic['fontnamecomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontnameasian'] =\
+ pstyledic['fontname'] = fontname + featstring
+ pstyledic['fontsizecomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontsizeasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontsize'] = str(pointsize) + "pt"
+ if bold:
+ pstyledic['fontweightcomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontweightasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontweight'] = 'bold'
+ if italic:
+ pstyledic['fontstylecomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontstyleasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontstyle'] = 'italic'
+ if langname != None:
+ pstyledic['languagecomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['languageasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['language'] = langname
+ if countryname != None:
+ pstyledic['countrycomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['countryasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['country'] = countryname
+ pstyle.addElement(TextProperties(attributes=pstyledic))
+# LOdoc.styles.addElement(pstyle) ### tried this, but when saving the generated odt, LO changed them to automatic styles
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(pstyle)
+ fontstoembed = []
+ for fontname, featstring in sorted(fontfaces): ### Or find a way to keep order of <style> elements from original FTML?
+ ff = FontFace(name=fontname + featstring, fontfamily=fontname + featstring, fontpitch="variable")
+ LOdoc.fontfacedecls.addElement(ff)
+ if fontfaces[ (fontname, featstring) ]: # embedding needed for this combination
+ for fontfile in fontfaces[ (fontname, featstring) ]:
+ fontstoembed.append(fontfile) # make list for embedding
+ ffsrc = FontFaceSrc()
+ ffuri = FontFaceUri( **{'href': "Fonts/" + os.path.basename(fontfile), 'type': "simple"} )
+ ffformat = FontFaceFormat( **{'string': 'truetype'} )
+ ff.addElement(ffsrc)
+ ffsrc.addElement(ffuri)
+ ffuri.addElement(ffformat)
+ basename = "Table1.B"
+ colorcount = 0
+ colordic = {} # record color #rrggbb as key and "Table1.Bx" as stylename (where x is current color count)
+ tablenum = 0
+ # get title and comment and use as title and subtitle
+ titleel = root.find("./head/title")
+ if titleel != None:
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1, stylename="Title", text=titleel.text))
+ commentel = root.find("./head/comment")
+ if commentel != None:
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(P(stylename="Subtitle", text=commentel.text))
+ # Each testgroup element begins a new table
+ for tg in root.findall("./testgroup"):
+ # insert label attribute of testgroup element as subtitle
+ tglabel = tg.get('label')
+ if tglabel != None:
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1, stylename="Subtitle", text=tglabel))
+ # insert text from comment subelement of testgroup element
+ tgcommentel = tg.find("./comment")
+ if tgcommentel != None:
+ #print("commentel found")
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(P(text=tgcommentel.text))
+ tgbg = tg.get('background') # background attribute of testgroup element
+ tablenum += 1
+ table = Table(name="Table" + str(tablenum), stylename="Table1")
+ table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.A"))
+ for n in range(numfonts):
+ table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.B"))
+ table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.A"))
+ table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.D"))
+ for t in tg.findall("./test"): # Each test element begins a new row
+ # stuff to start the row
+ labeltext = t.get('label')
+ stylename = t.get('stylename')
+ stringel = t.find('./string')
+ commentel = t.find('./comment')
+ rtlsuffix = "R" if t.get('rtl') == 'True' else ""
+ comment = commentel.text if commentel != None else None
+ colBstyle = "Table1.A1"
+ tbg = t.get('background') # get background attribute of test group (if one exists)
+ if tbg == None: tbg = tgbg
+ if tbg != None: # if background attribute for test element (or background attribute for testgroup element)
+ if tbg not in colordic: # if color not found in color dic, create new style
+ colorcount += 1
+ newname = basename + str(colorcount)
+ colordic[tbg] = newname
+ tb1style = Style(name=newname, family="table-cell")
+ tb1style.addElement(TableCellProperties(attributes={'padding':"0.0382in", 'border':"0.05pt solid #000000", 'backgroundcolor':tbg}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tb1style)
+ colBstyle = colordic[tbg]
+ row = TableRow()
+ table.addElement(row)
+ # fill cells
+ # column A (label)
+ cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string")
+ if labeltext:
+ cell.addElement(P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text = labeltext))
+ row.addElement(cell)
+ # column B (string)
+ for n in range(numfonts):
+ Pnum = ftmlstyles[stylename] if stylename != None else "P2"
+ Pnum = Pnum + formattedfontnum[n] + rtlsuffix
+ ### not clear if any of the following can be moved outside loop and reused
+ cell = TableCell(stylename=colBstyle, valuetype="string")
+ par = P(stylename=Pnum)
+ if len(stringel) == 0: # no <em> subelements
+ par.addText(re.sub(backu, hextounichr, stringel.text))
+ else: # handle <em> subelement(s)
+ if stringel.text != None:
+ par.addElement(Span(stylename="T1", text = re.sub(backu, hextounichr, stringel.text)))
+ for e in stringel.findall("em"):
+ if e.text != None:
+ par.addText(re.sub(backu, hextounichr, e.text))
+ if e.tail != None:
+ par.addElement(Span(stylename="T1", text = re.sub(backu, hextounichr, e.tail)))
+ cell.addElement(par)
+ row.addElement(cell)
+ # column C (comment)
+ cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string")
+ if comment:
+ cell.addElement(P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text = comment))
+ row.addElement(cell)
+ # column D (stylename)
+ cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string")
+ if comment:
+ cell.addElement(P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text = stylename))
+ row.addElement(cell)
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(table)
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(P(stylename="Subtitle", text="")) # Empty paragraph to end ### necessary?
+ try:
+ if fontstoembed: logfile.log("Embedding fonts in document", "V")
+ for f in fontstoembed:
+ LOdoc._extra.append(
+ OpaqueObject(filename = "Fonts/" + os.path.basename(f),
+ mediatype = "application/x-font-ttf", ### should be "application/font-woff" or "/font-woff2" for WOFF fonts, "/font-opentype" for ttf
+ content =, "rb").read() ))
+ ci = ConfigItem(**{'name':'EmbedFonts', 'type': 'boolean'}) ### (name = 'EmbedFonts', type = 'boolean')
+ ci.addText('true')
+ cis=ConfigItemSet(**{'name':'ooo:configuration-settings'}) ### (name = 'ooo:configuration-settings')
+ cis.addElement(ci)
+ LOdoc.settings.addElement(cis)
+ except:
+ logfile.log("Error embedding fonts in document", "E")
+ logfile.log("Writing output file: " + args.output, "P")
+ return
+def cmd() : execute("",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()