path: root/src/silfont/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/scripts/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ff192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'''Run Font Bakery tests using a standard profile with option to specify an alternative profile
+It defaults to - ufo checks are not supported yet'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2020 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+import glob, os, csv
+from textwrap import TextWrapper
+# Error message for users installing pysilfont manually
+ import fontbakery
+except ImportError:
+ print("\nError: Fontbakery is not installed by default, type pip3 install fontbakery[all]\n")
+ from fontbakery.reporters.serialize import SerializeReporter
+ from fontbakery.reporters.html import HTMLReporter
+ from fontbakery.checkrunner import distribute_generator, CheckRunner, get_module_profile
+ from fontbakery.status import PASS, FAIL, WARN, ERROR, INFO, SKIP
+ from fontbakery.configuration import Configuration
+ from fontbakery.commands.check_profile import get_module
+ from fontbakery import __version__ as version
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('fonts',{'help': 'font(s) to run checks against; wildcards allowed', 'nargs': "+"}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('--profile', {'help': 'profile to use instead of Pysilfont default'}, {}),
+ ('--html', {'help': 'Write html report to htmlfile', 'metavar': "HTMLFILE"}, {}),
+ ('--csv',{'help': 'Write results to csv file'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': None}),
+ ('-F', '--full-lists',{'help': "Don't truncate lists of items" ,'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('--ttfaudit', {'help': 'Compare the list of ttf checks in pysilfont with those in Font Bakery and output a csv to "fonts". No checks are actually run',
+ 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_runfbchecks.log'})]
+def doit(args):
+ global version
+ v = version.split(".")
+ version = f'{v[0]}.{v[1]}.{v[2]}' # Set version to just the number part - ie without .dev...
+ logger = args.logger
+ htmlfile = args.html
+ if args.ttfaudit: # Special action to compare checks in profile against check_list values
+ audit(args.fonts, logger) # args.fonts used as output file name for audit
+ return
+ if args.csv:
+ try:
+ csvfile = open(args.csv, 'w')
+ csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
+ csvlines = []
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to open " + args.csv + ": " + str(e), "S")
+ else:
+ csvfile = None
+ # Process list of fonts supplied, expanding wildcards using glob if needed
+ fonts = []
+ fontstype = None
+ for pattern in args.fonts:
+ for fullpath in glob.glob(pattern):
+ ftype = fullpath.lower().rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
+ if ftype == "otf": ftype = "ttf"
+ if ftype not in ("ttf", "ufo"):
+ logger.log("Fonts must be OpenType or UFO - " + fullpath + " invalid", "S")
+ if fontstype is None:
+ fontstype = ftype
+ else:
+ if ftype != fontstype:
+ logger.log("All fonts must be of the same type - both UFO and ttf/otf fonts supplied", "S")
+ fonts.append(fullpath)
+ if fonts == [] : logger.log("No files match the filespec provided for fonts: " + str(args.fonts), "S")
+ # Find the main folder name for ttf files - strips "results" if present
+ (path, ttfdir) = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(fonts[0]))
+ if ttfdir == ("results"): ttfdir = os.path.basename(path)
+ # Create the profile object
+ if args.profile:
+ proname = args.profile
+ else:
+ if fontstype == "ttf":
+ proname = "silfont.fbtests.ttfchecks"
+ else:
+ logger.log("UFO fonts not yet supported", "S")
+ try:
+ module = get_module(proname)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to import profile: " + proname + "\n" + str(e), "S")
+ profile = get_module_profile(module)
+ profile.configuration_defaults = {
+ "": {
+ "WARN_SIZE": 1 * 1024 * 1024,
+ "FAIL_SIZE": 9 * 1024 * 1024
+ }
+ }
+ psfcheck_list = module.psfcheck_list
+ # Create the runner and reporter objects, then run the tests
+ configuration = Configuration(full_lists = args.full_lists)
+ runner = CheckRunner(profile, values={
+ "fonts": fonts, 'ufos': [], 'designspaces': [], 'glyphs_files': [], 'readme_md': [], 'metadata_pb': []}
+ , config=configuration)
+ if version == "0.8.6":
+ sr = SerializeReporter(runner=runner) # This produces results from all the tests in sr.getdoc for later analysis
+ else:
+ sr = SerializeReporter(runner=runner, loglevels = [INFO]) # loglevels was added with 0.8.7
+ reporters = [sr.receive]
+ if htmlfile:
+ hr = HTMLReporter(runner=runner, loglevels = [SKIP])
+ reporters.append(hr.receive)
+ distribute_generator(, reporters)
+ # Process the results
+ results = sr.getdoc()
+ sections = results["sections"]
+ checks = {}
+ maxname = 11
+ somedebug = False
+ overrides = {}
+ tempoverrides = False
+ for section in sections:
+ secchecks = section["checks"]
+ for check in secchecks:
+ checkid = check["key"][1][17:-1]
+ fontfile = check["filename"] if "filename" in check else "Family-wide"
+ path, fontname = os.path.split(fontfile)
+ if fontname not in checks:
+ checks[fontname] = {"ERROR": [], "FAIL": [], "WARN": [], "INFO": [], "SKIP": [], "PASS": [], "DEBUG": []}
+ if len(fontname) > maxname: maxname = len(fontname)
+ status = check["result"]
+ if checkid in psfcheck_list:
+ # Look for status overrides
+ (changetype, temp) = ("temp_change_status", True) if "temp_change_status" in psfcheck_list[checkid]\
+ else ("change_status", False)
+ if changetype in psfcheck_list[checkid]:
+ change_status = psfcheck_list[checkid][changetype]
+ if status in change_status:
+ reason = change_status["reason"] if "reason" in change_status else None
+ overrides[fontname + ", " + checkid] = (status + " to " + change_status[status], temp, reason)
+ if temp: tempoverrides = True
+ status = change_status[status] ## Should validate new status is one of FAIL, WARN or PASS
+ checks[fontname][status].append(check)
+ if status == "DEBUG": somedebug = True
+ if htmlfile:
+ logger.log("Writing results to " + htmlfile, "P")
+ with open(htmlfile, 'w') as hfile:
+ hfile.write(hr.get_html())
+ fbstats = ["ERROR", "FAIL", "WARN", "INFO", "SKIP", "PASS"]
+ psflevels = ["E", "E", "W", "I", "I", "V"]
+ if somedebug: # Only have debug column if some debug statuses are present
+ fbstats.append("DEBUG")
+ psflevels.append("W")
+ wrapper = TextWrapper(width=120, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ")
+ errorcnt = 0
+ failcnt = 0
+ summarymess = "Check status summary:\n"
+ summarymess += "{:{pad}}ERROR FAIL WARN INFO SKIP PASS".format("", pad=maxname+4)
+ if somedebug: summarymess += " DEBUG"
+ fontlist = list(sorted(x for x in checks if x != "Family-wide")) # Alphabetic list of fonts
+ if "Family-wide" in checks: fontlist.append("Family-wide") # Add Family-wide last
+ for fontname in fontlist:
+ summarymess += "\n {:{pad}}".format(fontname, pad=maxname)
+ for i, status in enumerate(fbstats):
+ psflevel = psflevels[i]
+ checklist = checks[fontname][status]
+ cnt = len(checklist)
+ if cnt > 0 or status != "DEBUG": summarymess += "{:6d}".format(cnt) # Suppress 0 for DEBUG
+ if cnt:
+ if status == "ERROR": errorcnt += cnt
+ if status == "FAIL": failcnt += cnt
+ messparts = ["Checks with status {} for {}".format(status, fontname)]
+ for check in checklist:
+ checkid = check["key"][1][17:-1]
+ csvline = [ttfdir, fontname, check["key"][1][17:-1], status, check["description"]]
+ messparts.append(" > {}".format(checkid))
+ for record in check["logs"]:
+ message = record["message"]
+ if record["status"] != status: message = record["status"] + " " + message
+ messparts += wrapper.wrap(message)
+ csvline.append(message)
+ if csvfile: csvlines.append(csvline)
+ logger.log("\n".join(messparts) , psflevel)
+ if csvfile: # Output to csv file, worted by font then checkID
+ for line in sorted(csvlines, key = lambda x: (x[1],x[2])): csvwriter.writerow(line)
+ if overrides != {}:
+ summarymess += "\n Note: " + str(len(overrides)) + " Fontbakery statuses were overridden - see log file for details"
+ if tempoverrides: summarymess += "\n ******** Some of the overrides were temporary overrides ********"
+ logger.log(summarymess, "P")
+ if overrides != {}:
+ for oname in overrides:
+ override = overrides[oname]
+ mess = "Status override for " + oname + ": " + override[0]
+ if override[1]: mess += " (Temporary override)"
+ logger.log(mess, "W")
+ if override[2] is not None: logger.log("Override reason: " + override[2], "I")
+ if errorcnt + failcnt > 0:
+ mess = str(failcnt) + " test(s) gave a status of FAIL" if failcnt > 0 else ""
+ if errorcnt > 0:
+ if failcnt > 0: mess += "\n "
+ mess += str(errorcnt) + " test(s) gave a status of ERROR which means they failed to execute properly." \
+ "\n " \
+ " ERROR probably indicates a software issue rather than font issue"
+ logger.log(mess, "E")
+def audit(fonts, logger):
+ if len(fonts) != 1: logger.log("For audit, specify output csv file instead of list of fonts", "S")
+ csvname = fonts[0]
+ from silfont.fbtests.ttfchecks import all_checks_dict
+ missingfromprofile=[]
+ missingfromchecklist=[]
+ checks = all_checks_dict()
+ logger.log("Opening " + csvname + " for audit output csv", "P")
+ with open(csvname, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
+ csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel')
+ fields = ["id", "psfaction", "section", "description", "rationale", "conditions"]
+ csvwriter.writerow(fields)
+ for checkid in checks:
+ check = checks[checkid]
+ row = [checkid]
+ for field in fields:
+ if field != "id": row.append(check[field])
+ if check["section"] == "Missing": missingfromprofile.append(checkid)
+ if check["psfaction"] == "Not in psfcheck_list": missingfromchecklist.append(checkid)
+ csvwriter.writerow(row)
+ if missingfromprofile != []:
+ mess = "The following checks are in psfcheck_list but not in the profile:"
+ for checkid in missingfromprofile: mess += "\n " + checkid
+ logger.log(mess, "E")
+ if missingfromchecklist != []:
+ mess = "The following checks are in the profile but not in psfcheck_list:"
+ for checkid in missingfromchecklist: mess += "\n " + checkid
+ logger.log(mess, "E")
+ return
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()