path: root/src/silfont/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/scripts/')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da9c4e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Subset an existing UFO based on a csv or text list of glyph names or USVs to keep.
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+import re
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv'}),
+ ('--header', {'help': 'Column header for glyph list', 'default': 'glyph_name'}, {}),
+ ('--filter', {'help': 'Column header for filter status', 'default': None}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_subset.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ logger = args.logger
+ deflayer = font.deflayer
+ # Create mappings to find glyph name from decimal usv:
+ dusv2gname = {int(ucode.hex, 16): gname for gname in deflayer for ucode in deflayer[gname]['unicode']}
+ # check for headers in the csv
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: logger.log("Empty input file", "S")
+ numfields = len(fl)
+ if numfields == 1 and args.header not in fl:
+ dataCol = 0 # Default for plain csv
+ elif numfields >= 1: # Must have headers
+ try:
+ dataCol = fl.index(args.header)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logger.log(f'Missing csv header field: {e}', 'S')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log(f'Error reading csv header field: {e}', 'S')
+ if args.filter:
+ try:
+ filterCol = fl.index(args.filter)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logger.log(f'Missing csv filter field: {e}', 'S')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log(f'Error reading csv filter field: {e}', 'S')
+ next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers in
+ else:
+ logger.log("Invalid csv file", "S")
+ # From the csv, assemble a list of glyphs to process:
+ toProcess = set()
+ usvRE = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{4,6}$',re.IGNORECASE) # matches 4-6 digit hex
+ for r in incsv:
+ if args.filter:
+ filterstatus = r[filterCol].strip()
+ if filterstatus != "Y":
+ continue
+ gname = r[dataCol].strip()
+ if usvRE.match(gname):
+ # data is USV, not glyph name
+ dusv = int(gname,16)
+ if dusv in dusv2gname:
+ toProcess.add(dusv2gname[dusv])
+ continue
+ # The USV wasn't in the font... try it as a glyph name
+ if gname not in deflayer:
+ logger.log("Glyph '%s' not in font; line %d ignored" % (gname, incsv.line_num), 'W')
+ continue
+ toProcess.add(gname)
+ # Generate a complete list of glyphs to keep:
+ toKeep = set()
+ while len(toProcess):
+ gname = toProcess.pop() # retrieves a random item from the set
+ if gname in toKeep:
+ continue # Already processed this one
+ toKeep.add(gname)
+ # If it has any components we haven't already processed, add them to the toProcess list
+ for component in deflayer[gname].etree.findall('./outline/component[@base]'):
+ cname = component.get('base')
+ if cname not in toKeep:
+ toProcess.add(cname)
+ # Generate a complete list of glyphs to delete:
+ toDelete = set(deflayer).difference(toKeep)
+ # Remove any glyphs not in the toKeep set
+ for gname in toDelete:
+ logger.log("Deleting " + gname, "V")
+ deflayer.delGlyph(gname)
+ assert len(deflayer) == len(toKeep), "len(deflayer) != len(toKeep)"
+ logger.log("Retained %d glyphs, deleted %d glyphs." % (len(toKeep), len(toDelete)), "P")
+ # Clean up and rebuild sort orders
+ libexists = True if "lib" in font.__dict__ else False
+ for orderName in ('public.glyphOrder', 'com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder'):
+ if libexists and orderName in font.lib:
+ glyphOrder = font.lib.getval(orderName) # This is an array
+ array = ET.Element("array")
+ for gname in glyphOrder:
+ if gname in toKeep:
+ ET.SubElement(array, "string").text = gname
+ font.lib.setelem(orderName, array)
+ # Clean up and rebuild psnames
+ if libexists and 'public.postscriptNames' in font.lib:
+ psnames = font.lib.getval('public.postscriptNames') # This is a dict keyed by glyphnames
+ dict = ET.Element("dict")
+ for gname in psnames:
+ if gname in toKeep:
+ ET.SubElement(dict, "key").text = gname
+ ET.SubElement(dict, "string").text = psnames[gname]
+ font.lib.setelem("public.postscriptNames", dict)
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()