#!/usr/bin/env python3 '''Outputs attachment point information and notes as XML file for TTFBuilder''' __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'M Hosken' # user controls # output entries for all glyphs even those with nothing interesting to say about them all_glyphs = 1 # output the glyph id as part of the information output_gid = 1 # output the glyph notes output_note = 0 # output UID with "U+" prefix output_uid_prefix = 0 # print progress indicator print_progress = 0 # no user serviceable parts under here! from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator import os def print_glyph(font, glyph, index): if print_progress and index % 100 == 0: print "%d: %s" % (index, glyph.name) if (not all_glyphs and len(glyph.anchors) == 0 and len(glyph.components) == 0 and not (glyph.note and output_note)): return attribs = {} if output_gid: attribs["GID"] = unicode(index) if glyph.unicode: if output_uid_prefix: attribs["UID"] = unicode("U+%04X" % glyph.unicode) else: attribs["UID"] = unicode("%04X" % glyph.unicode) if glyph.name: attribs["PSName"] = unicode(glyph.name) xg.startElement("glyph", attribs) for anchor in (glyph.anchors): xg.startElement("point", {"type":unicode(anchor.name), "mark":unicode(anchor.mark)}) xg.startElement("location", {"x":unicode(anchor.x), "y":unicode(anchor.y)}) xg.endElement("location") xg.endElement("point") for comp in (glyph.components): g = font.glyphs[comp.index] r = g.GetBoundingRect() x0 = 0.5 * (r.ll.x * (1 + comp.scale.x) + r.ur.x * (1 - comp.scale.x)) + comp.delta.x y0 = 0.5 * (r.ll.y * (1 + comp.scale.y) + r.ur.y * (1 - comp.scale.y)) + comp.delta.y x1 = 0.5 * (r.ll.x * (1 - comp.scale.x) + r.ur.x * (1 + comp.scale.x)) + comp.delta.x y1 = 0.5 * (r.ll.y * (1 - comp.scale.x) + r.ur.y * (1 + comp.scale.y)) + comp.delta.y attribs = {"bbox":unicode("%d, %d, %d, %d" % (x0, y0, x1, y1))} attribs["GID"] = unicode(comp.index) if (g.unicode): if output_uid_prefix: attribs["UID"] = unicode("U+%04X" % g.unicode) else: attribs["UID"] = unicode("%04X" % g.unicode) if (g.name): attribs["PSName"] = unicode(g.name) xg.startElement("compound", attribs) xg.endElement("compound") if glyph.mark: xg.startElement("property", {"name":unicode("mark"), "value":unicode(glyph.mark)}) xg.endElement("property") if glyph.customdata: xg.startElement("customdata", {}) xg.characters(unicode(glyph.customdata.strip())) xg.endElement("customdata") if glyph.note and output_note: xg.startElement("note", {}) xg.characters(glyph.note) xg.endElement("note") xg.endElement("glyph") outname = fl.font.file_name.replace(".vfb", "_tmp.xml") fh = open(outname, "w") xg = XMLGenerator(fh, "utf-8") xg.startDocument() #fl.font.full_name is needed to get the name as it appears to Windows #fl.font.font_name seems to be the PS name. This messes up GenTest.pl when it generates WPFeatures.wpx xg.startElement("font", {'name':unicode(fl.font.full_name), "upem":unicode(fl.font.upm)}) for i in range(0, len(fl.font.glyphs)): print_glyph(fl.font, fl.font.glyphs[i], i) xg.endElement("font") xg.endDocument() fh.close() #somehow this enables UNC naming (\\Gutenberg vs i:) to work when Saxon is called with popen #without this, if outname is UNC-based, then drive letters and UNC volumes are invisible # if outname is drive-letter-based, then drive letters and UNC volumes are already visible if (outname[0:2] == r'\\'): os.chdir("c:") tidy = "tidy -i -xml -n -wrap 0 --char-encoding utf8 --indent-spaces 4 --quote-nbsp no --tab-size 4 -m %s" saxon = "saxon %s %s" % ('"' + outname + '"', r'"C:\Roman Font\rfs_font\10 Misc Utils\glyph_norm.xsl"') #handle spaces in file name f = os.popen(saxon, "rb") g = open(outname.replace("_tmp.xml", ".xml"), "wb") output = f.read() g.write(output) f.close() g.close() print "Done"