#!/usr/bin/env python3 __doc__ = '''Create a list of glyphs to import from a list of characters.''' __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019-2020 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'Bobby de Vos' from silfont.core import execute suffix = "_psfgetglyphnames" argspec = [ ('ifont',{'help': 'Font file to copy from'}, {'type': 'infont'}), ('glyphs',{'help': 'List of glyphs for psfcopyglyphs'}, {'type': 'outfile'}), ('-i', '--input', {'help': 'List of characters to import'}, {'type': 'infile', 'def': None}), ('-a','--aglfn',{'help': 'AGLFN list'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': None}), ('-u','--uni',{'help': 'Generate uni or u glyph names if not in AGLFN', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}), ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'}) ] def doit(args) : font = args.ifont aglfn = dict() if args.aglfn: # Load Adobe Glyph List For New Fonts (AGLFN) incsv = args.aglfn incsv.numfields = 3 for line in incsv: usv = line[0] aglfn_name = line[1] codepoint = int(usv, 16) aglfn[codepoint] = aglfn_name # Gather data from the UFO cmap = dict() for glyph in font: for codepoint in glyph.unicodes: cmap[codepoint] = glyph.name # Determine list of glyphs that need to be copied header = ('glyph_name', 'rename', 'usv') glyphs = args.glyphs row = ','.join(header) glyphs.write(row + '\n') for line in args.input: # Ignore comments line = line.partition('#')[0] line = line.strip() # Ignore blank lines if line == '': continue # Specify the glyph to copy codepoint = int(line, 16) usv = f'{codepoint:04X}' # Specify how to construct default AGLFN name # if codepoint is not listed in the AGLFN file glyph_prefix = 'uni' if codepoint > 0xFFFF: glyph_prefix = 'u' if codepoint in cmap: # By default codepoints not listed in the AGLFN file # will be imported with the glyph name of the source UFO default_aglfn = '' if args.uni: # Provide AGLFN compatible names if requested default_aglfn = f'{glyph_prefix}{usv}' # Create control file for use with psfcopyglyphs aglfn_name = aglfn.get(codepoint, default_aglfn) glyph_name = cmap[codepoint] if '_' in glyph_name and aglfn_name == '': aglfn_name = glyph_name.replace('_', '') row = ','.join((glyph_name, aglfn_name, usv)) glyphs.write(row + '\n') def cmd() : execute("FP",doit, argspec) if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()