#!/usr/bin/env python3 __doc__ = 'Make features.fea file' # TODO: add conditional compilation, compare to fea, compile to ttf __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'Martin Hosken, Alan Ward' import silfont.ufo as ufo from collections import OrderedDict from silfont.feax_parser import feaplus_parser from xml.etree import ElementTree as et import re from silfont.core import execute def getbbox(g): res = (65536, 65536, -65536, -65536) if g['outline'] is None: return (0, 0, 0, 0) for c in g['outline'].contours: for p in c['point']: if 'type' in p.attrib: # any actual point counts x = float(p.get('x', '0')) y = float(p.get('y', '0')) res = (min(x, res[0]), min(y, res[1]), max(x, res[2]), max(y, res[3])) return res class Glyph(object) : def __init__(self, name, advance=0, bbox=None) : self.name = name self.anchors = {} self.is_mark = False self.advance = int(float(advance)) self.bbox = bbox or (0, 0, 0, 0) def add_anchor(self, info) : self.anchors[info['name']] = (int(float(info['x'])), int(float(info['y']))) def decide_if_mark(self) : for a in self.anchors.keys() : if a.startswith("_") : self.is_mark = True break def decode_element(e): '''Convert plist element into python structures''' res = None if e.tag == 'string': return e.text elif e.tag == 'integer': return int(e.text) elif e.tag== 'real': return float(e.text) elif e.tag == 'array': res = [decode_element(x) for x in e] elif e.tag == 'dict': res = {} for p in zip(e[::2], e[1::2]): res[p[0].text] = decode_element(p[1]) return res class Font(object) : def __init__(self, defines = None): self.glyphs = OrderedDict() self.classes = OrderedDict() self.all_aps = OrderedDict() self.fontinfo = {} self.kerns = {} self.defines = {} if defines is None else defines def readaps(self, filename, omitaps='', params = None) : omittedaps = set(omitaps.replace(',',' ').split()) # allow comma- and/or space-separated list if filename.endswith('.ufo') : f = ufo.Ufont(filename, params = params) self.fontinfo = {} for k, v in f.fontinfo._contents.items(): self.fontinfo[k] = decode_element(v[1]) skipglyphs = set(f.lib.getval('public.skipExportGlyphs', [])) for g in f.deflayer : if g in skipglyphs: continue ufo_g = f.deflayer[g] advb = ufo_g['advance'] adv = advb.width if advb is not None and advb.width is not None else 0 bbox = getbbox(ufo_g) glyph = Glyph(g, advance=adv, bbox=bbox) self.glyphs[g] = glyph if 'anchor' in ufo_g._contents : for a in ufo_g._contents['anchor'] : if a.element.attrib['name'] not in omittedaps: glyph.add_anchor(a.element.attrib) self.all_aps.setdefault(a.element.attrib['name'], []).append(glyph) if hasattr(f, 'groups'): for k, v in f.groups._contents.items(): self.classes[k.lstrip('@')] = decode_element(v[1]) if hasattr(f, 'kerning'): for k, v in f.kerning._contents.items(): key = k.lstrip('@') if key in self.classes: key = "@" + key subelements = decode_element(v[1]) kerndict = {} for s, n in subelements.items(): skey = s.lstrip('@') if skey in self.classes: skey = "@" + skey kerndict[skey] = n self.kerns[key] = kerndict elif filename.endswith('.xml') : currGlyph = None currPoint = None self.fontinfo = {} for event, elem in et.iterparse(filename, events=('start', 'end')): if event == 'start': if elem.tag == 'glyph': name = elem.get('PSName', '') if name: currGlyph = Glyph(name) self.glyphs[name] = currGlyph currPoint = None elif elem.tag == 'point': currPoint = {'name' : elem.get('type', '')} elif elem.tag == 'location' and currPoint is not None: currPoint['x'] = int(elem.get('x', 0)) currPoint['y'] = int(elem.get('y', 0)) elif elem.tag == 'font': n = elem.get('name', '') x = n.split('-') if len(x) == 2: self.fontinfo['familyName'] = x[0] self.fontinfo['openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName'] = x[0] self.fontinfo['styleMapFamilyName'] = x[0] self.fontinfo['styleName'] = x[1] self.fontinfo['openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName'] = x[1] self.fontinfo['postscriptFullName'] = "{0} {1}".format(*x) self.fontinfo['postscriptFontName'] = n elif event == 'end': if elem.tag == 'point': if currGlyph and currPoint['name'] not in omittedaps: currGlyph.add_anchor(currPoint) self.all_aps.setdefault(currPoint['name'], []).append(currGlyph) currPoint = None elif elem.tag == 'glyph': currGlyph = None def read_classes(self, fname, classproperties=False): doc = et.parse(fname) for c in doc.findall('.//class'): class_name = c.get('name') m = re.search('\[(\d+)\]$', class_name) # support fixedclasses like make_gdl.pl via AP.pm if m: class_nm = class_name[0:m.start()] ix = int(m.group(1)) else: class_nm = class_name ix = None cl = self.classes.setdefault(class_nm, []) for e in c.get('exts', '').split() + [""]: for g in c.text.split(): if g+e in self.glyphs or (e == '' and g.startswith('@')): if ix: cl.insert(ix, g+e) else: cl.append(g+e) if not classproperties: return for c in doc.findall('.//property'): for e in c.get('exts', '').split() + [""]: for g in c.text.split(): if g+e in self.glyphs: cname = c.get('name') + "_" + c.get('value') self.classes.setdefault(cname, []).append(g+e) def make_classes(self, ligmode) : for name, g in self.glyphs.items() : # pull off suffix and make classes # TODO: handle ligatures base = name if ligmode is None or 'comp' not in ligmode or "_" not in name: pos = base.rfind('.') while pos > 0 : old_base = base ext = base[pos+1:] base = base[:pos] ext_class_nm = "c_" + ext if base in self.glyphs and old_base in self.glyphs: glyph_lst = self.classes.setdefault(ext_class_nm, []) if not old_base in glyph_lst: glyph_lst.append(old_base) self.classes.setdefault("cno_" + ext, []).append(base) pos = base.rfind('.') if ligmode is not None and "_" in name: comps = name.split("_") if "comp" in ligmode or "." not in comps[-1]: base = comps.pop(-1 if "last" in ligmode else 0) cname = base.replace(".", "_") noname = "_".join(comps) if base in self.glyphs and noname in self.glyphs: glyph_lst = self.classes.setdefault("clig_"+cname, []) if name not in glyph_lst: glyph_lst.append(name) self.classes.setdefault("cligno_"+cname, []).append(noname) if g.is_mark : self.classes.setdefault('GDEF_marks', []).append(name) else : self.classes.setdefault('GDEF_bases', []).append(name) def make_marks(self) : for name, g in self.glyphs.items() : g.decide_if_mark() def order_classes(self): # return ordered list of classnames as desired for FEA # Start with alphabetical then correct: # 1. Put classes like "cno_whatever" adjacent to "c_whatever" # 2. Classes can be defined in terms of other classes but FEA requires that # classes be defined before they can be referenced. def sortkey(x): key1 = 'c_' + x[4:] if x.startswith('cno_') else x return (key1, x) classes = sorted(self.classes.keys(), key=sortkey) links = {} # key = classname; value = list of other classes that include this one counts = {} # key = classname; value = count of un-output classes that this class includes for name in classes: y = [c[1:] for c in self.classes[name] if c.startswith('@')] #list of included classes counts[name] = len(y) for c in y: links.setdefault(c, []).append(name) outclasses = [] while len(classes) > 0: foundone = False for name in classes: if counts[name] == 0: foundone = True # output this class outclasses.append(name) classes.remove(name) # adjust counts of classes that include this one if name in links: for n in links[name]: counts[n] -= 1 # It may now be possible to output some we skipped earlier, # so start over from the beginning of the list break if not foundone: # all remaining classes include un-output classes and thus there is a loop somewhere raise ValueError("Class reference loop(s) found: " + ", ".join(classes)) return outclasses def addComment(self, parser, text): cmt = parser.ast.Comment("# " + text, location=None) cmt.pretext = "\n" parser.add_statement(cmt) def append_classes(self, parser) : # normal glyph classes self.addComment(parser, "Main Classes") for name in self.order_classes(): gc = parser.ast.GlyphClass(None, location=None) for g in self.classes[name] : gc.append(g) gcd = parser.ast.GlyphClassDefinition(name, gc, location=None) parser.add_statement(gcd) parser.define_glyphclass(name, gcd) def _addGlyphsToClass(self, parser, glyphs, gc, anchor, definer): if len(glyphs) > 1 : val = parser.ast.GlyphClass(glyphs, location=None) else : val = parser.ast.GlyphName(glyphs[0], location=None) classdef = definer(gc, anchor, val, location=None) gc.addDefinition(classdef) parser.add_statement(classdef) def append_positions(self, parser): # create base and mark classes, add to fea file dicts and parser symbol table bclassdef_lst = [] mclassdef_lst = [] self.addComment(parser, "Positioning classes and statements") for ap_nm, glyphs_w_ap in self.all_aps.items() : self.addComment(parser, "AP: " + ap_nm) # e.g. all glyphs with U AP if not ap_nm.startswith("_"): if any(not x.is_mark for x in glyphs_w_ap): gcb = parser.set_baseclass(ap_nm) parser.add_statement(gcb) if any(x.is_mark for x in glyphs_w_ap): gcm = parser.set_baseclass(ap_nm + "_MarkBase") parser.add_statement(gcm) else: gc = parser.set_markclass(ap_nm) # create lists of glyphs that use the same point (name and coordinates) # that can share a class definition anchor_cache = OrderedDict() markanchor_cache = OrderedDict() for g in glyphs_w_ap : p = g.anchors[ap_nm] if g.is_mark and not ap_nm.startswith("_"): markanchor_cache.setdefault(p, []).append(g.name) else: anchor_cache.setdefault(p, []).append(g.name) if ap_nm.startswith("_"): for p, glyphs_w_pt in anchor_cache.items(): anchor = parser.ast.Anchor(p[0], p[1], location=None) self._addGlyphsToClass(parser, glyphs_w_pt, gc, anchor, parser.ast.MarkClassDefinition) else: for p, glyphs_w_pt in anchor_cache.items(): anchor = parser.ast.Anchor(p[0], p[1], location=None) self._addGlyphsToClass(parser, glyphs_w_pt, gcb, anchor, parser.ast.BaseClassDefinition) for p, glyphs_w_pt in markanchor_cache.items(): anchor = parser.ast.Anchor(p[0], p[1], location=None) self._addGlyphsToClass(parser, glyphs_w_pt, gcm, anchor, parser.ast.BaseClassDefinition) #TODO: provide more argument info argspec = [ ('infile', {'nargs': '?', 'help': 'Input UFO or file'}, {'def': None, 'type': 'filename'}), ('-i', '--input', {'required': 'True', 'help': 'Fea file to merge'}, {}), ('-o', '--output', {'help': 'Output fea file'}, {}), ('-c', '--classfile', {'help': 'Classes file'}, {}), ('-L', '--ligmode', {'help': 'Parse ligatures: last - use last element as class name, first - use first element as class name, lastcomp, firstcomp - final variants are part of the component not the whole ligature'}, {}), ('-D', '--define', {'action': 'append', 'help': 'Add option definition to pass to fea code --define=var=val'}, {}), # ('--debug', {'help': 'Drop into pdb', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}), ('--classprops', {'help': 'Include property elements from classes file', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}), ('--omitaps', {'help': 'names of attachment points to omit (comma- or space-separated)', 'default': '', 'action': 'store'}, {}) ] def doit(args) : defines = dict(x.split('=') for x in args.define) if args.define else {} font = Font(defines) # if args.debug: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if "checkfix" not in args.params: args.paramsobj.sets["main"]["checkfix"] = "None" if args.infile is not None: font.readaps(args.infile, args.omitaps, args.paramsobj) font.make_marks() font.make_classes(args.ligmode) if args.classfile: font.read_classes(args.classfile, classproperties = args.classprops) p = feaplus_parser(None, font.glyphs, font.fontinfo, font.kerns, font.defines) doc_ufo = p.parse() # returns an empty ast.FeatureFile # Add goodies from the font font.append_classes(p) font.append_positions(p) # parse the input fea file if args.input : doc_fea = p.parse(args.input) else: doc_fea = doc_ufo # output as doc.asFea() if args.output : with open(args.output, "w") as of : of.write(doc_fea.asFea()) def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec) if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()