#!/usr/bin/env python3 __doc__ = 'Make the WOFF metadata xml file based on input UFO (and optionally FONTLOG.txt)' __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'David Raymond' from silfont.core import execute import silfont.ufo as UFO import re, os, datetime from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET argspec = [ ('font', {'help': 'Source font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}), ('-n', '--primaryname', {'help': 'Primary Font Name', 'required': True}, {}), ('-i', '--orgid', {'help': 'orgId', 'required': True}, {}), ('-f', '--fontlog', {'help': 'FONTLOG.txt file', 'default': 'FONTLOG.txt'}, {'type': 'filename'}), ('-o', '--output', {'help': 'Override output file'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': None}), ('--populateufowoff', {'help': 'Copy info from FONTLOG.txt to UFO', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}), ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_makewoff.log'})] def doit(args): font = args.font pfn = args.primaryname orgid = args.orgid logger = args.logger ofn = args.output # Find & process info required in the UFO fi = font.fontinfo ufofields = {} missing = None for field in ("versionMajor", "versionMinor", "openTypeNameManufacturer", "openTypeNameManufacturerURL", "openTypeNameLicense", "copyright", "trademark"): if field in fi: ufofields[field] = fi[field][1].text elif field != 'trademark': # trademark is no longer required missing = field if missing is None else missing + ", " + field if missing is not None: logger.log("Field(s) missing from fontinfo.plist: " + missing, "S") version = ufofields["versionMajor"] + "." + ufofields["versionMinor"].zfill(3) # Find & process WOFF fields if present in the UFO missing = None ufofields["woffMetadataDescriptionurl"] = None ufowoff = {"woffMetadataCredits": "credits", "woffMetadataDescription": "text"} # Field, dict name for field in ufowoff: fival = fi.getval(field) if field in fi else None if fival is None: missing = field if missing is None else missing + ", " + field ufofields[field] = None else: ufofields[field] = fival[ufowoff[field]] if field == "woffMetadataDescription" and "url" in fival: ufofields["woffMetadataDescriptionurl"] = fival["url"] # Process --populateufowoff setting, if present if args.populateufowoff: if missing != "woffMetadataCredits, woffMetadataDescription": logger.log("Data exists in the UFO for woffMetadata - remove manually to reuse --populateufowoff", "S") if args.populateufowoff or missing is not None: if missing: logger.log("WOFF field(s) missing from fontinfo.plist will be generated from FONTLOG.txt: " + missing, "W") # Open the fontlog file try: fontlog = open(args.fontlog) except Exception as e: logger.log(f"Unable to open {args.fontlog}: {str(e)}", "S") # Parse the fontlog file (section, match) = readuntil(fontlog, ("Basic Font Information",)) # Skip until start of "Basic Font Information" section if match is None: logger.log("No 'Basic Font Information' section in fontlog", "S") (fldescription, match) = readuntil(fontlog, ("Information for C", "Acknowledgements")) # Description ends when first of these sections is found fldescription = [{"text": fldescription}] if match == "Information for C": (section, match) = readuntil(fontlog, ("Acknowledgements",)) # If Info... section present then skip on to Acknowledgements if match is None: logger.log("No 'Acknowledgements' section in fontlog", "S") (acksection, match) = readuntil(fontlog, ("No match needed!!",)) flcredits = [] credit = {} acktype = "" flog2woff = {"N": "name", "E": "Not used", "W": "url", "D": "role"} for line in acksection.splitlines(): if line == "": if acktype != "": # Must be at the end of a credit section if "name" in credit: flcredits.append(credit) else: logger.log("Credit section found with no N: entry", "E") credit = {} acktype = "" else: match = re.match("^([NEWD]): (.*)", line) if match is None: if acktype == "N": credit["name"] = credit["name"] + line # Name entries can be multiple lines else: acktype = match.group(1) if acktype in credit: logger.log("Multiple " + acktype + " entries found in a credit section", "E") else: credit[flog2woff[acktype]] = match.group(2) if flcredits == []: logger.log("No credits found in fontlog", "S") if args.populateufowoff: ufofields["woffMetadataDescription"] = fldescription # Force fontlog values to be used writing metadata.xml later ufofields["woffMetadataCredits"] = flcredits # Create xml strings and update fontinfo xmlstring = "" + \ "text" + \ "text" + textprotect(fldescription[0]["text"]) + "" + \ "" + \ "urlhttps://software.sil.org/"\ "" fi.setelem("woffMetadataDescription", ET.fromstring(xmlstring)) xmlstring = "credits" for credit in flcredits: xmlstring += 'name' + textprotect(credit["name"]) + '' if "url" in credit: xmlstring += 'url' + textprotect(credit["url"]) + '' if "role" in credit: xmlstring += 'role' + textprotect(credit["role"]) + '' xmlstring += '' xmlstring += '' fi.setelem("woffMetadataCredits", ET.fromstring(xmlstring)) fi.setval("openTypeHeadCreated", "string", datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) logger.log("Writing updated fontinfo.plist with values from FONTLOG.txt", "P") exists = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(font.ufodir, "fontinfo.plist")) else False UFO.writeXMLobject(fi, font.outparams, font.ufodir, "fontinfo.plist", exists, fobject=True) description = ufofields["woffMetadataDescription"] if description == None: description = fldescription credits = ufofields["woffMetadataCredits"] if credits == None : credits = flcredits # Construct output file name (folder, ufoname) = os.path.split(font.ufodir) filename = os.path.join(folder, pfn + "-WOFF-metadata.xml") if ofn is None else ofn try: file = open(filename, "w") except Exception as e: logger.log("Unable to open " + filename + " for writing:\n" + str(e), "S") logger.log("Writing to : " + filename, "P") file.write('\n') file.write('\n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') for credit in credits: file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') if ufofields["woffMetadataDescriptionurl"]: file.write(f' \n') else: file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') for entry in description: for line in entry["text"].splitlines(): file.write(' ' + textprotect(line) + '\n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') for line in ufofields["openTypeNameLicense"].splitlines(): file.write(' ' + textprotect(line) + '\n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') for line in ufofields["copyright"].splitlines(): file.write(' ' + textprotect(line) + '\n') file.write(' \n') file.write(' \n') if 'trademark' in ufofields: file.write(' \n') file.write(' ' + textprotect(ufofields["trademark"]) + '\n') file.write(' \n') file.write('') file.close() def readuntil(file, texts): # Read through file until line is in texts. Return section up to there and the text matched skip = True match = None for line in file: line = line.strip() if skip: # Skip underlines and blank lines at start of section if line == "" or line[0:5] == "-----": pass else: section = line skip = False else: for text in texts: if line[0:len(text)] == text: match = text if match: break section = section + "\n" + line while section[-1] == "\n": section = section[:-1] # Strip blank lines at end return (section, match) def textprotect(txt): # Switch special characters in text to use &...; format txt = re.sub(r'&', '&', txt) txt = re.sub(r'<', '<', txt) txt = re.sub(r'>', '>', txt) return txt def attrprotect(txt): # Switch special characters in text to use &...; format txt = re.sub(r'&', '&', txt) txt = re.sub(r'<', '<', txt) txt = re.sub(r'>', '>', txt) txt = re.sub(r'"', '"', txt) return txt def cmd(): execute("UFO", doit, argspec) if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()