#!/usr/bin/env python3 __doc__ = '''Remove the specified key(s) from glif libs''' __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'David Raymond' from silfont.core import execute argspec = [ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}), ('key',{'help': 'Key(s) to remove','nargs': '*' }, {}), ('-b', '--begins', {'help': 'Remove keys beginning with','nargs': '*' }, {}), ('-o', '--ofont',{'help': 'Output font file' }, {'type': 'outfont'}), ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_removegliflibkeys.log'})] def doit(args) : font = args.ifont logger = args.logger keys = args.key bkeys=args.begins if args.begins is not None else [] keycounts = {} bkeycounts = {} for key in keys : keycounts[key] = 0 for key in bkeys: if key in keycounts: logger.log("--begins key can't be the same as a standard key", "S") bkeycounts[key] = 0 for glyphn in font.deflayer : glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn] if glyph["lib"] : for key in keys : if key in glyph["lib"] : val = str( glyph["lib"].getval(key)) glyph["lib"].remove(key) keycounts[key] += 1 logger.log(key + " removed from " + glyphn + ". Value was " + val, "I" ) if key == "com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.originalWidth": # Special fix re glyphLib bug if glyph["advance"] is None: glyph.add("advance") adv = (glyph["advance"]) if adv.width is None: adv.width = int(float(val)) logger.log("Advance width for " + glyphn + " set to " + val, "I") else: logger.log("Advance width for " + glyphn + " is already set to " + str(adv.width) + " so originalWidth not copied", "E") for key in bkeys: gkeys = list(glyph["lib"]) for gkey in gkeys: if gkey[:len(key)] == key: val = str(glyph["lib"].getval(gkey)) glyph["lib"].remove(gkey) if gkey in keycounts: keycounts[gkey] += 1 else: keycounts[gkey] = 1 bkeycounts[key] += 1 logger.log(gkey + " removed from " + glyphn + ". Value was " + val, "I") for key in keycounts : count = keycounts[key] if count > 0 : logger.log(key + " removed from " + str(count) + " glyphs", "P") else : logger.log("No lib entries found for " + key, "E") for key in bkeycounts: if bkeycounts[key] == 0: logger.log("No lib entries found for beginning with " + key, "E") return font def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec) if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()