#!/usr/bin/env python3 __doc__ = '''Assign new working names to glyphs based on csv input file - csv format oldname,newname''' __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'Bob Hallissy' from silfont.core import execute from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import re import os from glob import glob argspec = [ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}), ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}), ('-c', '--classfile', {'help': 'Classes file'}, {}), ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'namemap.csv'}), ('--mergecomps',{'help': 'turn on component merge', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}), ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_renameglyphs.log'})] csvmap = "" # Variable used globally def doit(args) : global csvmap, ksetsbymember font = args.ifont incsv = args.input incsv.numfields = 2 logger = args.logger mergemode = args.mergecomps failerrors = 0 # Keep count of errors that should cause the script to fail csvmap = {} # List of all real maps in incsv, so excluding headers, blank lines, comments and identity maps nameMap = {} # remember all glyphs actually renamed kerngroupsrenamed = {} # List of all kern groups actually renamed # List of secondary layers (ie layers other than the default) secondarylayers = [x for x in font.layers if x.layername != "public.default"] # Obtain lib.plist glyph order(s) and psnames if they exist: publicGlyphOrder = csGlyphOrder = psnames = displayStrings = None if hasattr(font, 'lib'): if 'public.glyphOrder' in font.lib: publicGlyphOrder = font.lib.getval('public.glyphOrder') # This is an array if 'com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder' in font.lib: csGlyphOrder = font.lib.getval('com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder') # This is an array if 'public.postscriptNames' in font.lib: psnames = font.lib.getval('public.postscriptNames') # This is a dict keyed by glyphnames if 'com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.DisplayStrings' in font.lib: displayStrings = font.lib.getval('com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.DisplayStrings') else: logger.log("no lib.plist found in font", "W") # Renaming within the UFO is done in two passes to make sure we can handle circular renames such as: # someglyph.alt = someglyph # someglyph = someglyph.alt # Note that the various objects with glyph names are all done independently since # the same glyph names are not necessarily in all structures. # First pass: process all records of csv, and for each glyph that is to be renamed: # If the new glyphname is not already present, go ahead and rename it now. # If the new glyph name already exists, rename the glyph to a temporary name # and put relevant details in saveforlater[] saveforlaterFont = [] # For the font itself saveforlaterPGO = [] # For public.GlyphOrder saveforlaterCSGO = [] # For GlyphsApp GlyphOrder (com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder) saveforlaterPSN = [] # For public.postscriptNames deletelater = [] # Glyphs we'll delete after merging for r in incsv: oldname = r[0].strip() newname = r[1].strip() # ignore header row and rows where the newname is blank or a comment marker if oldname == "Name" or oldname.startswith('#') or newname == "" or oldname == newname: continue if len(oldname)==0: logger.log('empty glyph oldname in glyph_data; ignored (newname: %s)' % newname, 'W') continue csvmap[oldname]=newname # Handle font first: if oldname not in font.deflayer: logger.log("glyph name not in font: " + oldname , "I") elif newname not in font.deflayer: inseclayers = False for layer in secondarylayers: if newname in layer: logger.log("Glyph %s is already in non-default layers; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E") failerrors += 1 inseclayers = True continue if not inseclayers: # Ok, this case is easy: just rename the glyph in all layers for layer in font.layers: if oldname in layer: layer[oldname].name = newname nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 1 (Font): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") elif mergemode: mergeglyphs(font.deflayer[oldname], font.deflayer[newname]) for layer in secondarylayers: if oldname in layer: if newname in layer: mergeglyphs(layer[oldname], layer[newname]) else: layer[oldname].name = newname nameMap[oldname] = newname deletelater.append(oldname) logger.log("Pass 1 (Font): merged %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") else: # newname already in font -- but it might get renamed later in which case this isn't actually a problem. # For now, then, rename glyph to a temporary name and remember it for second pass tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in font.deflayer) for layer in font.layers: if oldname in layer: layer[oldname].name = tempname saveforlaterFont.append( (tempname, oldname, newname) ) # Similar algorithm for public.glyphOrder, if present: if publicGlyphOrder: if oldname not in publicGlyphOrder: logger.log("glyph name not in publicGlyphorder: " + oldname , "I") else: x = publicGlyphOrder.index(oldname) if newname not in publicGlyphOrder: publicGlyphOrder[x] = newname nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 1 (PGO): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") elif mergemode: del publicGlyphOrder[x] nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 1 (PGO): Removed %s (now using %s)" % (oldname, newname), "I") else: tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in publicGlyphOrder) publicGlyphOrder[x] = tempname saveforlaterPGO.append( (x, oldname, newname) ) # And for GlyphsApp glyph order, if present: if csGlyphOrder: if oldname not in csGlyphOrder: logger.log("glyph name not in csGlyphorder: " + oldname , "I") else: x = csGlyphOrder.index(oldname) if newname not in csGlyphOrder: csGlyphOrder[x] = newname nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 1 (csGO): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") elif mergemode: del csGlyphOrder[x] nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 1 (csGO): Removed %s (now using %s)" % (oldname, newname), "I") else: tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in csGlyphOrder) csGlyphOrder[x] = tempname saveforlaterCSGO.append( (x, oldname, newname) ) # And for psnames if psnames: if oldname not in psnames: logger.log("glyph name not in psnames: " + oldname , "I") elif newname not in psnames: psnames[newname] = psnames.pop(oldname) nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 1 (psn): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") elif mergemode: del psnames[oldname] nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 1 (psn): Removed %s (now using %s)" % (oldname, newname), "I") else: tempname = gettempname(lambda n: n not in psnames) psnames[tempname] = psnames.pop(oldname) saveforlaterPSN.append( (tempname, oldname, newname)) # Second pass: now we can reprocess those things we saved for later: # If the new glyphname is no longer present, we can complete the renaming # Otherwise we've got a fatal error for j in saveforlaterFont: tempname, oldname, newname = j if newname in font.deflayer: # Only need to check deflayer, since (if present) it would have been renamed in all # Ok, this really is a problem logger.log("Glyph %s already in font; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E") failerrors += 1 else: for layer in font.layers: if tempname in layer: layer[tempname].name = newname nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 2 (Font): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") for j in saveforlaterPGO: x, oldname, newname = j if newname in publicGlyphOrder: # Ok, this really is a problem logger.log("Glyph %s already in public.GlyphOrder; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E") failerrors += 1 else: publicGlyphOrder[x] = newname nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 2 (PGO): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") for j in saveforlaterCSGO: x, oldname, newname = j if newname in csGlyphOrder: # Ok, this really is a problem logger.log("Glyph %s already in com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E") failerrors += 1 else: csGlyphOrder[x] = newname nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 2 (csGO): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") for tempname, oldname, newname in saveforlaterPSN: if newname in psnames: # Ok, this really is a problem logger.log("Glyph %s already in public.postscriptNames; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E") failerrors += 1 else: psnames[newname] = psnames.pop(tempname) nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 2 (psn): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") # Rebuild font structures from the modified lists we have: # Rebuild glyph order elements: if publicGlyphOrder: array = ET.Element("array") for name in publicGlyphOrder: ET.SubElement(array, "string").text = name font.lib.setelem("public.glyphOrder", array) if csGlyphOrder: array = ET.Element("array") for name in csGlyphOrder: ET.SubElement(array, "string").text = name font.lib.setelem("com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder", array) # Rebuild postscriptNames: if psnames: dict = ET.Element("dict") for n in psnames: ET.SubElement(dict, "key").text = n ET.SubElement(dict, "string").text = psnames[n] font.lib.setelem("public.postscriptNames", dict) # Iterate over all glyphs, and fix up any components that reference renamed glyphs for layer in font.layers: for name in layer: glyph = layer[name] for component in glyph.etree.findall('./outline/component[@base]'): oldname = component.get('base') if oldname in nameMap: component.set('base', nameMap[oldname]) logger.log(f'renamed component base {oldname} to {component.get("base")} in glyph {name} layer {layer.layername}', 'I') lib = glyph['lib'] if lib: if 'com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.ComponentInfo' in lib: cielem = lib['com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.ComponentInfo'][1] for component in cielem: for i in range(0,len(component),2): if component[i].text == 'name': oldname = component[i+1].text if oldname in nameMap: component[i+1].text = nameMap[oldname] logger.log(f'renamed component info {oldname} to {nameMap[oldname]} in glyph {name} layer {layer.layername}', 'I') # Delete anything we no longer need: for name in deletelater: for layer in font.layers: if name in layer: layer.delGlyph(name) logger.log("glyph %s removed" % name, "I") # Other structures with glyphs in are handled by looping round the structures replacing glyphs rather than # looping round incsv # Update Display Strings if displayStrings: changed = False glyphRE = re.compile(r'/([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)') # regex to match / followed by a glyph name for i, dispstr in enumerate(displayStrings): # Passing the glyphSub function to .sub() causes it to displayStrings[i] = glyphRE.sub(glyphsub, dispstr) # every non-overlapping occurrence of pattern if displayStrings[i] != dispstr: changed = True if changed: array = ET.Element("array") for dispstr in displayStrings: ET.SubElement(array, "string").text = dispstr font.lib.setelem('com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.DisplayStrings', array) logger.log("com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.DisplayStrings updated", "I") # Process groups.plist and kerning.plist # group names in the form public.kern[1|2]. will automatically be renamed if the glyph name is in the csvmap # groups = kerning = None kgroupprefixes = {"public.kern1.": 1, "public.kern2.": 2} if "groups" in font.__dict__: groups = font.groups if "kerning" in font.__dict__: kerning = font.kerning if (groups or kerning) and mergemode: logger.log("Note - Kerning and group data not processed when using mergecomps", "P") elif groups or kerning: kgroupsmap = ["", {}, {}] # Dicts of kern1/kern2 group renames. Outside the groups if statement, since also used with kerning.plist if groups: # Analyse existing data, building dict from existing data and building some indexes gdict = {} kgroupsbyglyph = ["", {}, {}] # First entry dummy, so index is 1 or 2 for kern1 and kern2 kgroupduplicates = ["", [], []] # for gname in groups: group = groups.getval(gname) gdict[gname] = group kprefix = gname[0:13] if kprefix in kgroupprefixes: ktype = kgroupprefixes[kprefix] for glyph in group: if glyph in kgroupsbyglyph[ktype]: kgroupduplicates[ktype].append(glyph) logger.log("In existing kern groups, %s is in more than one kern%s group" % (glyph, str(ktype)), "E") failerrors += 1 else: kgroupsbyglyph[ktype][glyph] = gname # Now process the group data glyphsrenamed = [] saveforlaterKgroups = [] for gname in list(gdict): # Loop round groups renaming glyphs within groups and kern group names group = gdict[gname] # Rename group if kern1 or kern2 group kprefix = gname[:13] if kprefix in kgroupprefixes: ktype = kgroupprefixes[kprefix] ksuffix = gname[13:] if ksuffix in csvmap: # This is a kern group that we should rename newgname = kprefix + csvmap[ksuffix] if newgname in gdict: # Will need to be renamed in second pass tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in gdict) gdict[tempname] = gdict.pop(gname) saveforlaterKgroups.append((tempname, gname, newgname)) else: gdict[newgname] = gdict.pop(gname) kerngroupsrenamed[gname] = newgname logger.log("Pass 1 (Kern groups): Renamed %s to %s" % (gname, newgname), "I") kgroupsmap[ktype][gname] = newgname # Now rename glyphs within the group # - This could lead to duplicate names, but that might be valid for arbitrary groups so not checked # - kern group validity will be checked after all renaming is done for (i, glyph) in enumerate(group): if glyph in csvmap: group[i] = csvmap[glyph] if glyph not in glyphsrenamed: glyphsrenamed.append(glyph) # Need to report glyphs renamed after the loop, since otherwise could report multiple times for oldname in glyphsrenamed: nameMap[oldname] = csvmap[oldname] logger.log("Glyphs in groups: Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, csvmap[oldname]), "I") # Second pass for renaming kern groups. (All glyph renaming is done in first pass) for (tempname, oldgname, newgname) in saveforlaterKgroups: if newgname in gdict: # Can't rename logger.log("Kern group %s already in groups.plist; can't rename %s" % (newgname, oldgname), "E") failerrors += 1 else: gdict[newgname] = gdict.pop(tempname) kerngroupsrenamed[oldgname] = newgname logger.log("Pass 2 (Kern groups): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldgname, newgname), "I") # Finally check kern groups follow the UFO rules! kgroupsbyglyph = ["", {}, {}] # Reset for new analysis for gname in gdict: group = gdict[gname] kprefix = gname[:13] if kprefix in kgroupprefixes: ktype = kgroupprefixes[kprefix] for glyph in group: if glyph in kgroupsbyglyph[ktype]: # Glyph already in a kern group so we have a duplicate if glyph not in kgroupduplicates[ktype]: # This is a newly-created duplicate so report logger.log("After renaming, %s is in more than one kern%s group" % (glyph, str(ktype)), "E") failerrors += 1 kgroupduplicates[ktype].append(glyph) else: kgroupsbyglyph[ktype][glyph] = gname # Now need to recreate groups.plist from gdict for group in list(groups): groups.remove(group) # Empty existing contents for gname in gdict: elem = ET.Element("array") for glyph in gdict[gname]: ET.SubElement(elem, "string").text = glyph groups.setelem(gname, elem) # Now process kerning data if kerning: k1map = kgroupsmap[1] k2map = kgroupsmap[2] kdict = {} for setname in kerning: kdict[setname] = kerning.getval(setname) # Create a working dict from plist saveforlaterKsets = [] # First pass on set names for setname in list(kdict): # setname could be a glyph in csvmap or a kern1 group name in k1map if setname in csvmap or setname in k1map: newname = csvmap[setname] if setname in csvmap else k1map[setname] if newname in kdict: tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in kdict) kdict[tempname] = kdict.pop(setname) saveforlaterKsets.append((tempname, setname, newname)) else: kdict[newname] = kdict.pop(setname) if setname in csvmap: nameMap[setname] = newname # Change to kern set name will have been logged previously logger.log("Pass 1 (Kern sets): Renamed %s to %s" % (setname, newname), "I") # Now do second pass for set names for (tempname, oldname, newname) in saveforlaterKsets: if newname in kdict: # Can't rename logger.log("Kern set %s already in kerning.plist; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E") failerrors += 1 else: kdict[newname] = kdict.pop(tempname) if oldname in csvmap: nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Pass 1 (Kern sets): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") # Rename kern set members next. # Here, since a member could be in more than one set, take different approach to two passes. # - In first pass, rename to a temp (and invalid) name so duplicates are not possible. Name to include # old name for reporting purposes # - In second pass, set to correct new name after checking for duplicates # Do first pass for set names tempnames = [] for setname in list(kdict): kset = kdict[setname] for mname in list(kset): # mname could be a glyph in csvmap or a kern2 group name in k2map if mname in csvmap or mname in k2map: newname = csvmap[mname] if mname in csvmap else k2map[mname] newname = "^" + newname + "^" + mname if newname not in tempnames: tempnames.append(newname) kset[newname] = kset.pop(mname) # Second pass to change temp names to correct final names # We need an index of which sets each member is in ksetsbymember = {} for setname in kdict: kset = kdict[setname] for member in kset: if member not in ksetsbymember: ksetsbymember[member] = [setname] else: ksetsbymember[member].append(setname) # Now do the renaming for tname in tempnames: (newname, oldname) = tname[1:].split("^") if newname in ksetsbymember: # Can't rename logger.log("Kern set %s already in kerning.plist; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E") failerrors += 1 else: for ksetname in ksetsbymember[tname]: kset = kdict[ksetname] kset[newname] = kset.pop(tname) ksetsbymember[newname] = ksetsbymember.pop(tname) if tname in csvmap: nameMap[oldname] = newname logger.log("Kern set members: Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I") # Now need to recreate kerning.plist from kdict for kset in list(kerning): kerning.remove(kset) # Empty existing contents for kset in kdict: elem = ET.Element("dict") for member in kdict[kset]: ET.SubElement(elem, "key").text = member ET.SubElement(elem, "integer").text = str(kdict[kset][member]) kerning.setelem(kset, elem) if failerrors: logger.log(str(failerrors) + " issues detected - see errors reported above", "S") logger.log("%d glyphs renamed in UFO" % (len(nameMap)), "P") if kerngroupsrenamed: logger.log("%d kern groups renamed in UFO" % (len(kerngroupsrenamed)), "P") # If a classfile was provided, change names within it also # if args.classfile: logger.log("Processing classfile {}".format(args.classfile), "P") # In order to preserve comments we use our own TreeBuilder class MyTreeBuilder(ET.TreeBuilder): def comment(self, data): self.start(ET.Comment, {}) self.data(data) self.end(ET.Comment) # RE to match separators between glyph names (whitespace): notGlyphnameRE = re.compile(r'(\s+)') # Keep a list of glyphnames that were / were not changed changed = set() notChanged = set() # Process one token (might be whitespace separator, glyph name, or embedded classname starting with @): def dochange(gname, logErrors = True): if len(gname) == 0 or gname.isspace() or gname not in csvmap or gname.startswith('@'): # No change return gname try: newgname = csvmap[gname] changed.add(gname) return newgname except KeyError: if logErrors: notChanged.add(gname) return gname doc = ET.parse(args.classfile, parser=ET.XMLParser(target=MyTreeBuilder())) for e in doc.iter(None): if e.tag in ('class', 'property'): if 'exts' in e.attrib: logger.log("{} '{}' has 'exts' attribute which may need editing".format(e.tag.title(), e.get('name')), "W") # Rather than just split() the text, we'll use re and thus try to preserve whitespace e.text = ''.join([dochange(x) for x in notGlyphnameRE.split(e.text)]) elif e.tag is ET.Comment: # Go ahead and look for glyph names in comment text but don't flag as error e.text = ''.join([dochange(x, False) for x in notGlyphnameRE.split(e.text)]) # and process the tail as this might be valid part of class or property e.tail = ''.join([dochange(x) for x in notGlyphnameRE.split(e.tail)]) if len(changed): # Something in classes changed so rewrite it... saving backup (dn,fn) = os.path.split(args.classfile) dn = os.path.join(dn, args.paramsobj.sets['main']['backupdir']) if not os.path.isdir(dn): os.makedirs(dn) # Work out backup name based on existing backups backupname = os.path.join(dn,fn) nums = [int(re.search(r'\.(\d+)~$',n).group(1)) for n in glob(backupname + ".*~")] backupname += ".{}~".format(max(nums) + 1 if nums else 1) logger.log("Backing up input classfile to {}".format(backupname), "P") # Move the original file to backupname os.rename(args.classfile, backupname) # Write the output file doc.write(args.classfile) if len(notChanged): logger.log("{} glyphs renamed, {} NOT renamed in {}: {}".format(len(changed), len(notChanged), args.classfile, ' '.join(notChanged)), "W") else: logger.log("All {} glyphs renamed in {}".format(len(changed), args.classfile), "P") return font def mergeglyphs(mergefrom, mergeto): # Merge any "moving" anchors (i.e., those starting with '_') into the glyph we're keeping # Assumption: we are merging one or more component references to just one component; deleting the others for a in mergefrom['anchor']: aname = a.element.get('name') if aname.startswith('_'): # We want to copy this anchor to the glyph being kept: for i, a2 in enumerate(mergeto['anchor']): if a2.element.get('name') == aname: # Overwrite existing anchor of same name mergeto['anchor'][i] = a break else: # Append anchor to glyph mergeto['anchor'].append(a) def gettempname(f): ''' return a temporary glyph name that, when passed to function f(), returns true''' # Initialize function attribute for use as counter if not hasattr(gettempname, "counter"): gettempname.counter = 0 while True: name = "tempglyph%d" % gettempname.counter gettempname.counter += 1 if f(name): return name def glyphsub(m): # Function passed to re.sub() when updating display strings global csvmap gname = m.group(1) return '/' + csvmap[gname] if gname in csvmap else m.group(0) def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec) if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()