#!/usr/bin/env python3 __doc__ = ''' Sets the cell mark color of glyphs in a UFO - Input file is a list of glyph names (or unicode values if -u is specified - Color can be numeric or certain names, eg "0.85,0.26,0.06,1" or "g_red" ''' __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'David Raymond' from silfont.core import execute, splitfn from silfont.util import parsecolors import io argspec = [ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}), ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}), ('-i','--input',{'help': 'input file'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': 'nodefault.txt'}), ('-c','--color',{'help': 'Color to set'},{}), ('-u','--unicodes',{'help': 'Use unicode values in input file', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}), ('-x','--deletecolors',{'help': 'Delete existing mark colors', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}), ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_setmarkcolors.log'})] def doit(args) : font = args.ifont logger = args.logger infile = args.input color = args.color unicodes = args.unicodes deletecolors = args.deletecolors if not ((color is not None) ^ deletecolors): logger.log("Must specify one and only one of -c and -x", "S") if color is not None: (color, colorname, logcolor, splitcolor) = parsecolors(color, single=True) if color is None: logger.log(logcolor, "S") # If color not parsed, parsecolors() puts error in logcolor # Process the input file. It needs to be done in script rather than by execute() since, if -x is used, there might not be one (ibase, iname, iext) = splitfn(infile) if iname == "nodefault": # Indicates no file was specified infile = None if (color is not None) or unicodes or (not deletecolors): logger.log("If no input file, -x must be used and neither -c or -u can be used", "S") else: logger.log('Opening file for input: ' + infile, "P") try: infile = io.open(infile, "r", encoding="utf-8") except Exception as e: logger.log("Failed to open file: " + str(e), "S") # Create list of glyphs to process if deletecolors and infile is None: # Need to delete colors from all glyphs glyphlist = sorted(font.deflayer.keys()) else: inlist = [x.strip() for x in infile.readlines()] glyphlist = [] if unicodes: unicodesfound = [] for glyphn in sorted(font.deflayer.keys()): glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn] for unicode in [x.hex for x in glyph["unicode"]]: if unicode in inlist: glyphlist.append(glyphn) unicodesfound.append(unicode) for unicode in inlist: if unicode not in unicodesfound: logger.log("No gylphs with unicode '" + unicode + "' in the font", "I") else: for glyphn in inlist: if glyphn in font.deflayer: glyphlist.append(glyphn) else: logger.log(glyphn + " is not in the font", "I") changecnt = 0 for glyphn in glyphlist: glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn] oldcolor = None lib = glyph["lib"] if lib: if "public.markColor" in lib: oldcolor = str(glyph["lib"].getval("public.markColor")) if oldcolor != color: if oldcolor is not None: (temp, oldname, oldlogcolor, splitcolor) = parsecolors(oldcolor, single=True) if temp is None: oldlogcolor = oldcolor # Failed to parse old color, so just report what is was changecnt += 1 if deletecolors: glyph["lib"].remove("public.markColor") logger.log(glyphn + ": " + oldlogcolor + " removed", "I") else: if oldcolor is None: if lib is None: glyph.add("lib") glyph["lib"].setval("public.markColor","string",color) logger.log(glyphn+ ": " + logcolor + " added", "I") else: glyph["lib"].setval("public.markColor", "string", color) logger.log(glyphn + ": " + oldlogcolor + " changed to " + logcolor, "I") if deletecolors: logger.log(str(changecnt) + " colors removed", "P") else: logger.log(str(changecnt) + " colors changed or added", "P") return font def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec) if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()