#!/usr/bin/env python3 __doc__ = '''Merge lookup and feature aliases into TypeTuner feature file''' __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'Bob Hallissy' from silfont.core import execute from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from fontTools import ttLib import csv import struct argspec = [ ('input', {'help': 'Input TypeTuner feature file'}, {'type': 'infile'}), ('output', {'help': 'Output TypeTuner feature file'}, {}), ('-m','--mapping', {'help': 'Input csv mapping file'}, {'type': 'incsv'}), ('-f','--ttf', {'help': 'Compiled TTF file'}, {}), ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Optional log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_tuneraliases.log', 'optlog': True}), ] def doit(args) : logger = args.logger if args.mapping is None and args.ttf is None: logger.log("One or both of -m and -f must be provided", "S") featdoc = ET.parse(args.input) root = featdoc.getroot() if root.tag != 'all_features': logger.log("Invalid TypeTuner feature file: missing root element", "S") # Whitespace to add after each new alias: tail = '\n\t\t' # Find or add alliaes element aliases = root.find('aliases') if aliases is None: aliases = ET.SubElement(root,'aliases') aliases.tail = '\n' added = set() duplicates = set() def setalias(name, value): # detect duplicate names in input if name in added: duplicates.add(name) else: added.add(name) # modify existing or add new alias alias = aliases.find('alias[@name="{}"]'.format(name)) if alias is None: alias = ET.SubElement(aliases, 'alias', {'name': name, 'value': value}) alias.tail = tail else: alias.set('value', value) # Process mapping file if present: if args.mapping: # Mapping file is assumed to come from psfbuildfea, and should look like: # lookupname,table,index # e.g. DigitAlternates,GSUB,51 for (name,table,value) in args.mapping: setalias(name, value) # Process the ttf file if present if args.ttf: # Generate aliases for features. # In this code featureID means the key used in FontUtils for finding the feature, e.g., "calt _2" def dotable(t): # Common routine for GPOS and GSUB currtag = None currtagindex = None flist = [] # list, in order, of (featureTag, featureID), per Font::TTF for i in range(0,t.FeatureList.FeatureCount): newtag = str(t.FeatureList.FeatureRecord[i].FeatureTag) if currtag is None or currtag != newtag: flist.append((newtag, newtag)) currtag = newtag currtagindex = 0 else: flist.append( (currtag, '{} _{}'.format(currtag, currtagindex))) currtagindex += 1 fslList = {} # dictionary keyed by feature_script_lang values returning featureID for s in t.ScriptList.ScriptRecord: currtag = str(s.ScriptTag) # At present only looking at the dflt lang entries for findex in s.Script.DefaultLangSys.FeatureIndex: fslList['{}_{}_dflt'.format(flist[findex][0],currtag)] = flist[findex][1] # Now that we have them all, add them in sorted order. for name, value in sorted(fslList.items()): setalias(name,value) # Open the TTF for processing try: f = ttLib.TTFont(args.ttf) except Exception as e: logger.log("Couldn't open font '{}' for reading : {}".format(args.ttf, str(e)),"S") # Grab features from GSUB and GPOS for tag in ('GSUB', 'GPOS'): try: dotable(f[tag].table) except Exception as e: logger.log("Failed to process {} table: {}".format(tag, str(e)), "W") # Grab features from Graphite: try: for tag in sorted(f['Feat'].features.keys()): if tag == '1': continue name = 'gr_' + tag value = str(struct.unpack('>L', tag.encode())[0]) setalias(name,value) except Exception as e: logger.log("Failed to process Feat table: {}".format(str(e)), "W") if len(duplicates): logger.log("The following aliases defined more than once in input: {}".format(", ".join(sorted(duplicates))), "S") # Success. Write the result featdoc.write(args.output, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True) def cmd() : execute(None,doit,argspec) if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()