path: root/feedgen/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'feedgen/')
1 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/feedgen/ b/feedgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dd21c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feedgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ feedgen.entry
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: 2013-2020, Lars Kiesow <>
+ :license: FreeBSD and LGPL, see license.* for more details.
+from datetime import datetime
+import dateutil.parser
+import warnings
+from lxml.etree import CDATA # nosec - adding CDATA entry is safe
+from feedgen.compat import string_types
+from feedgen.util import ensure_format, formatRFC2822, xml_fromstring, xml_elem
+def _add_text_elm(entry, data, name):
+ """Add a text subelement to an entry"""
+ if not data:
+ return
+ elm = xml_elem(name, entry)
+ type_ = data.get('type')
+ if data.get('src'):
+ if name != 'content':
+ raise ValueError("Only the 'content' element of an entry can "
+ "contain a 'src' attribute")
+ elm.attrib['src'] = data['src']
+ elif data.get(name):
+ # Surround xhtml with a div tag, parse it and embed it
+ if type_ == 'xhtml':
+ xhtml = '<div xmlns="">' \
+ + data.get(name) + '</div>'
+ elm.append(xml_fromstring(xhtml))
+ elif type_ == 'CDATA':
+ elm.text = CDATA(data.get(name))
+ # Parse XML and embed it
+ elif type_ and (type_.endswith('/xml') or type_.endswith('+xml')):
+ elm.append(xml_fromstring(data[name]))
+ # Embed the text in escaped form
+ elif not type_ or type_.startswith('text') or type_ == 'html':
+ elm.text = data.get(name)
+ # Everything else should be included base64 encoded
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'base64 encoded {} is not supported at the moment. '
+ 'Pull requests adding support are welcome.'.format(name)
+ )
+ # Add type description of the content
+ if type_:
+ elm.attrib['type'] = type_
+class FeedEntry(object):
+ '''FeedEntry call representing an ATOM feeds entry node or an RSS feeds
+ item node.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ # ATOM
+ # required
+ self.__atom_id = None
+ self.__atom_title = None
+ self.__atom_updated =
+ # recommended
+ self.__atom_author = None
+ self.__atom_content = None
+ self.__atom_link = None
+ self.__atom_summary = None
+ # optional
+ self.__atom_category = None
+ self.__atom_contributor = None
+ self.__atom_published = None
+ self.__atom_source = None
+ self.__atom_rights = None
+ # RSS
+ self.__rss_author = None
+ self.__rss_category = None
+ self.__rss_comments = None
+ self.__rss_description = None
+ self.__rss_content = None
+ self.__rss_enclosure = None
+ self.__rss_guid = {}
+ self.__rss_link = None
+ self.__rss_pubDate = None
+ self.__rss_source = None
+ self.__rss_title = None
+ # Extension list:
+ self.__extensions = {}
+ self.__extensions_register = {}
+ def atom_entry(self, extensions=True):
+ '''Create an ATOM entry and return it.'''
+ entry = xml_elem('entry')
+ if not (self.__atom_id and self.__atom_title and self.__atom_updated):
+ raise ValueError('Required fields not set')
+ id = xml_elem('id', entry)
+ id.text = self.__atom_id
+ title = xml_elem('title', entry)
+ title.text = self.__atom_title
+ updated = xml_elem('updated', entry)
+ updated.text = self.__atom_updated.isoformat()
+ # An entry must contain an alternate link if there is no content
+ # element.
+ if not self.__atom_content:
+ links = self.__atom_link or []
+ if not [link for link in links if link.get('rel') == 'alternate']:
+ raise ValueError('Entry must contain an alternate link or '
+ 'a content element.')
+ # Add author elements
+ for a in self.__atom_author or []:
+ # Atom requires a name. Skip elements without.
+ if not a.get('name'):
+ continue
+ author = xml_elem('author', entry)
+ name = xml_elem('name', author)
+ name.text = a.get('name')
+ if a.get('email'):
+ email = xml_elem('email', author)
+ email.text = a.get('email')
+ if a.get('uri'):
+ uri = xml_elem('uri', author)
+ uri.text = a.get('uri')
+ _add_text_elm(entry, self.__atom_content, 'content')
+ for link in self.__atom_link or []:
+ link = xml_elem('link', entry, href=link['href'])
+ if link.get('rel'):
+ link.attrib['rel'] = link['rel']
+ if link.get('type'):
+ link.attrib['type'] = link['type']
+ if link.get('hreflang'):
+ link.attrib['hreflang'] = link['hreflang']
+ if link.get('title'):
+ link.attrib['title'] = link['title']
+ if link.get('length'):
+ link.attrib['length'] = link['length']
+ _add_text_elm(entry, self.__atom_summary, 'summary')
+ for c in self.__atom_category or []:
+ cat = xml_elem('category', entry, term=c['term'])
+ if c.get('scheme'):
+ cat.attrib['scheme'] = c['scheme']
+ if c.get('label'):
+ cat.attrib['label'] = c['label']
+ # Add author elements
+ for c in self.__atom_contributor or []:
+ # Atom requires a name. Skip elements without.
+ if not c.get('name'):
+ continue
+ contrib = xml_elem('contributor', entry)
+ name = xml_elem('name', contrib)
+ name.text = c.get('name')
+ if c.get('email'):
+ email = xml_elem('email', contrib)
+ email.text = c.get('email')
+ if c.get('uri'):
+ uri = xml_elem('uri', contrib)
+ uri.text = c.get('uri')
+ if self.__atom_published:
+ published = xml_elem('published', entry)
+ published.text = self.__atom_published.isoformat()
+ if self.__atom_rights:
+ rights = xml_elem('rights', entry)
+ rights.text = self.__atom_rights
+ if self.__atom_source:
+ source = xml_elem('source', entry)
+ if self.__atom_source.get('title'):
+ source_title = xml_elem('title', source)
+ source_title.text = self.__atom_source['title']
+ if self.__atom_source.get('link'):
+ xml_elem('link', source, href=self.__atom_source['link'])
+ if extensions:
+ for ext in self.__extensions.values() or []:
+ if ext.get('atom'):
+ ext['inst'].extend_atom(entry)
+ return entry
+ def rss_entry(self, extensions=True):
+ '''Create a RSS item and return it.'''
+ entry = xml_elem('item')
+ if not (self.__rss_title or
+ self.__rss_description or
+ self.__rss_content):
+ raise ValueError('Required fields not set')
+ if self.__rss_title:
+ title = xml_elem('title', entry)
+ title.text = self.__rss_title
+ if self.__rss_link:
+ link = xml_elem('link', entry)
+ link.text = self.__rss_link
+ if self.__rss_description and self.__rss_content:
+ description = xml_elem('description', entry)
+ description.text = self.__rss_description
+ content = xml_elem('{%s}encoded' % XMLNS_CONTENT, entry)
+ content.text = CDATA(self.__rss_content['content']) \
+ if self.__rss_content.get('type', '') == 'CDATA' \
+ else self.__rss_content['content']
+ elif self.__rss_description:
+ description = xml_elem('description', entry)
+ description.text = self.__rss_description
+ elif self.__rss_content:
+ description = xml_elem('description', entry)
+ description.text = CDATA(self.__rss_content['content']) \
+ if self.__rss_content.get('type', '') == 'CDATA' \
+ else self.__rss_content['content']
+ for a in self.__rss_author or []:
+ author = xml_elem('author', entry)
+ author.text = a
+ if self.__rss_guid.get('guid'):
+ guid = xml_elem('guid', entry)
+ guid.text = self.__rss_guid['guid']
+ permaLink = str(self.__rss_guid.get('permalink', False)).lower()
+ guid.attrib['isPermaLink'] = permaLink
+ for cat in self.__rss_category or []:
+ category = xml_elem('category', entry)
+ category.text = cat['value']
+ if cat.get('domain'):
+ category.attrib['domain'] = cat['domain']
+ if self.__rss_comments:
+ comments = xml_elem('comments', entry)
+ comments.text = self.__rss_comments
+ if self.__rss_enclosure:
+ enclosure = xml_elem('enclosure', entry)
+ enclosure.attrib['url'] = self.__rss_enclosure['url']
+ enclosure.attrib['length'] = self.__rss_enclosure['length']
+ enclosure.attrib['type'] = self.__rss_enclosure['type']
+ if self.__rss_pubDate:
+ pubDate = xml_elem('pubDate', entry)
+ pubDate.text = formatRFC2822(self.__rss_pubDate)
+ if self.__rss_source:
+ source = xml_elem('source', entry, url=self.__rss_source['url'])
+ source.text = self.__rss_source['title']
+ if extensions:
+ for ext in self.__extensions.values() or []:
+ if ext.get('rss'):
+ ext['inst'].extend_rss(entry)
+ return entry
+ def title(self, title=None):
+ '''Get or set the title value of the entry. It should contain a human
+ readable title for the entry. Title is mandatory for both ATOM and RSS
+ and should not be blank.
+ :param title: The new title of the entry.
+ :returns: The entriess title.
+ '''
+ if title is not None:
+ self.__atom_title = title
+ self.__rss_title = title
+ return self.__atom_title
+ def id(self, id=None):
+ '''Get or set the entry id which identifies the entry using a
+ universally unique and permanent URI. Two entries in a feed can have
+ the same value for id if they represent the same entry at different
+ points in time. This method will also set rss:guid with permalink set
+ to False. Id is mandatory for an ATOM entry.
+ :param id: New Id of the entry.
+ :returns: Id of the entry.
+ '''
+ if id is not None:
+ self.__atom_id = id
+ self.__rss_guid = {'guid': id, 'permalink': False}
+ return self.__atom_id
+ def guid(self, guid=None, permalink=False):
+ '''Get or set the entries guid which is a string that uniquely
+ identifies the item. This will also set atom:id.
+ :param guid: Id of the entry.
+ :param permalink: If this is a permanent identifier for this item
+ :returns: Id and permalink setting of the entry.
+ '''
+ if guid is not None:
+ self.__atom_id = guid
+ self.__rss_guid = {'guid': guid, 'permalink': permalink}
+ return self.__rss_guid
+ def updated(self, updated=None):
+ '''Set or get the updated value which indicates the last time the entry
+ was modified in a significant way.
+ The value can either be a string which will automatically be parsed or
+ a datetime.datetime object. In any case it is necessary that the value
+ include timezone information.
+ :param updated: The modification date.
+ :returns: Modification date as datetime.datetime
+ '''
+ if updated is not None:
+ if isinstance(updated, string_types):
+ updated = dateutil.parser.parse(updated)
+ if not isinstance(updated, datetime):
+ raise ValueError('Invalid datetime format')
+ if updated.tzinfo is None:
+ raise ValueError('Datetime object has no timezone info')
+ self.__atom_updated = updated
+ self.__rss_lastBuildDate = updated
+ return self.__atom_updated
+ def author(self, author=None, replace=False, **kwargs):
+ '''Get or set author data. An author element is a dict containing a
+ name, an email address and a uri. Name is mandatory for ATOM, email is
+ mandatory for RSS.
+ This method can be called with:
+ - the fields of an author as keyword arguments
+ - the fields of an author as a dictionary
+ - a list of dictionaries containing the author fields
+ An author has the following fields:
+ - *name* conveys a human-readable name for the person.
+ - *uri* contains a home page for the person.
+ - *email* contains an email address for the person.
+ :param author: Dict or list of dicts with author data.
+ :param replace: Add or replace old data.
+ Example::
+ >>> author({'name':'John Doe', 'email':''})
+ [{'name':'John Doe','email':''}]
+ >>> author([{'name': 'Mr. X'}, {'name': 'Max'}])
+ [{'name':'John Doe','email':''},
+ {'name':'John Doe'}, {'name':'Max'}]
+ >>> author(name='John Doe', email='', replace=True)
+ [{'name':'John Doe','email':''}]
+ '''
+ if author is None and kwargs:
+ author = kwargs
+ if author is not None:
+ if replace or self.__atom_author is None:
+ self.__atom_author = []
+ self.__atom_author += ensure_format(author,
+ set(['name', 'email', 'uri']),
+ set())
+ self.__rss_author = []
+ for a in self.__atom_author:
+ if a.get('email'):
+ if a.get('name'):
+ self.__rss_author.append('%(email)s (%(name)s)' % a)
+ else:
+ self.__rss_author.append('%(email)s' % a)
+ return self.__atom_author
+ def content(self, content=None, src=None, type=None):
+ '''Get or set the content of the entry which contains or links to the
+ complete content of the entry. Content must be provided for ATOM
+ entries if there is no alternate link, and should be provided if there
+ is no summary. If the content is set (not linked) it will also set
+ rss:description.
+ :param content: The content of the feed entry.
+ :param src: Link to the entries content.
+ :param type: If type is CDATA content would not be escaped.
+ :returns: Content element of the entry.
+ '''
+ if src is not None:
+ self.__atom_content = {'src': src}
+ elif content is not None:
+ self.__atom_content = {'content': content}
+ self.__rss_content = {'content': content}
+ if type is not None:
+ self.__atom_content['type'] = type
+ self.__rss_content['type'] = type
+ return self.__atom_content
+ def link(self, link=None, replace=False, **kwargs):
+ '''Get or set link data. An link element is a dict with the fields
+ href, rel, type, hreflang, title, and length. Href is mandatory for
+ This method can be called with:
+ - the fields of a link as keyword arguments
+ - the fields of a link as a dictionary
+ - a list of dictionaries containing the link fields
+ A link has the following fields:
+ - *href* is the URI of the referenced resource (typically a Web page)
+ - *rel* contains a single link relationship type. It can be a full URI,
+ or one of the following predefined values (default=alternate):
+ - *alternate* an alternate representation of the entry or feed, for
+ example a permalink to the html version of the entry, or the
+ front page of the weblog.
+ - *enclosure* a related resource which is potentially large in size
+ and might require special handling, for example an audio or video
+ recording.
+ - *related* an document related to the entry or feed.
+ - *self* the feed itself.
+ - *via* the source of the information provided in the entry.
+ - *type* indicates the media type of the resource.
+ - *hreflang* indicates the language of the referenced resource.
+ - *title* human readable information about the link, typically for
+ display purposes.
+ - *length* the length of the resource, in bytes.
+ RSS only supports one link with nothing but a URL. So for the RSS link
+ element the last link with rel=alternate is used.
+ RSS also supports one enclusure element per entry which is covered by
+ the link element in ATOM feed entries. So for the RSS enclusure element
+ the last link with rel=enclosure is used.
+ :param link: Dict or list of dicts with data.
+ :param replace: Add or replace old data.
+ :returns: List of link data.
+ '''
+ if link is None and kwargs:
+ link = kwargs
+ if link is not None:
+ if replace or self.__atom_link is None:
+ self.__atom_link = []
+ self.__atom_link += ensure_format(
+ link,
+ set(['href', 'rel', 'type', 'hreflang', 'title', 'length']),
+ set(['href']),
+ {'rel': ['alternate', 'enclosure', 'related', 'self', 'via']},
+ {'rel': 'alternate'})
+ # RSS only needs one URL. We use the first link for RSS:
+ for link in self.__atom_link:
+ if link.get('rel') == 'alternate':
+ self.__rss_link = link['href']
+ elif link.get('rel') == 'enclosure':
+ self.__rss_enclosure = {'url': link['href']}
+ self.__rss_enclosure['type'] = link.get('type')
+ self.__rss_enclosure['length'] = link.get('length') or '0'
+ # return the set with more information (atom)
+ return self.__atom_link
+ def summary(self, summary=None, type=None):
+ '''Get or set the summary element of an entry which conveys a short
+ summary, abstract, or excerpt of the entry. Summary is an ATOM only
+ element and should be provided if there either is no content provided
+ for the entry, or that content is not inline (i.e., contains a src
+ attribute), or if the content is encoded in base64. This method will
+ also set the rss:description field if it wasn't previously set or
+ contains the old value of summary.
+ :param summary: Summary of the entries contents.
+ :returns: Summary of the entries contents.
+ '''
+ if summary is not None:
+ # Replace the RSS description with the summary if it was the
+ # summary before. Not if it is the description.
+ if not self.__rss_description or (
+ self.__atom_summary and
+ self.__rss_description == self.__atom_summary.get("summary")
+ ):
+ self.__rss_description = summary
+ self.__atom_summary = {'summary': summary}
+ if type is not None:
+ self.__atom_summary['type'] = type
+ return self.__atom_summary
+ def description(self, description=None, isSummary=False):
+ '''Get or set the description value which is the item synopsis.
+ Description is an RSS only element. For ATOM feeds it is split in
+ summary and content. The isSummary parameter can be used to control
+ which ATOM value is set when setting description.
+ :param description: Description of the entry.
+ :param isSummary: If the description should be used as content or
+ summary.
+ :returns: The entries description.
+ '''
+ if description is not None:
+ self.__rss_description = description
+ if isSummary:
+ self.__atom_summary = {'summary': description}
+ else:
+ self.__atom_content = {'content': description}
+ return self.__rss_description
+ def category(self, category=None, replace=False, **kwargs):
+ '''Get or set categories that the entry belongs to.
+ This method can be called with:
+ - the fields of a category as keyword arguments
+ - the fields of a category as a dictionary
+ - a list of dictionaries containing the category fields
+ A categories has the following fields:
+ - *term* identifies the category
+ - *scheme* identifies the categorization scheme via a URI.
+ - *label* provides a human-readable label for display
+ If a label is present it is used for the RSS feeds. Otherwise the term
+ is used. The scheme is used for the domain attribute in RSS.
+ :param category: Dict or list of dicts with data.
+ :param replace: Add or replace old data.
+ :returns: List of category data.
+ '''
+ if category is None and kwargs:
+ category = kwargs
+ if category is not None:
+ if replace or self.__atom_category is None:
+ self.__atom_category = []
+ self.__atom_category += ensure_format(
+ category,
+ set(['term', 'scheme', 'label']),
+ set(['term']))
+ # Map the ATOM categories to RSS categories. Use the atom:label as
+ # name or if not present the atom:term. The atom:scheme is the
+ # rss:domain.
+ self.__rss_category = []
+ for cat in self.__atom_category:
+ rss_cat = {}
+ rss_cat['value'] = cat.get('label', cat['term'])
+ if cat.get('scheme'):
+ rss_cat['domain'] = cat['scheme']
+ self.__rss_category.append(rss_cat)
+ return self.__atom_category
+ def contributor(self, contributor=None, replace=False, **kwargs):
+ '''Get or set the contributor data of the feed. This is an ATOM only
+ value.
+ This method can be called with:
+ - the fields of an contributor as keyword arguments
+ - the fields of an contributor as a dictionary
+ - a list of dictionaries containing the contributor fields
+ An contributor has the following fields:
+ - *name* conveys a human-readable name for the person.
+ - *uri* contains a home page for the person.
+ - *email* contains an email address for the person.
+ :param contributor: Dictionary or list of dictionaries with contributor
+ data.
+ :param replace: Add or replace old data.
+ :returns: List of contributors as dictionaries.
+ '''
+ if contributor is None and kwargs:
+ contributor = kwargs
+ if contributor is not None:
+ if replace or self.__atom_contributor is None:
+ self.__atom_contributor = []
+ self.__atom_contributor += ensure_format(
+ contributor, set(['name', 'email', 'uri']), set(['name']))
+ return self.__atom_contributor
+ def published(self, published=None):
+ '''Set or get the published value which contains the time of the
+ initial creation or first availability of the entry.
+ The value can either be a string which will automatically be parsed or
+ a datetime.datetime object. In any case it is necessary that the value
+ include timezone information.
+ :param published: The creation date.
+ :returns: Creation date as datetime.datetime
+ '''
+ if published is not None:
+ if isinstance(published, string_types):
+ published = dateutil.parser.parse(published)
+ if not isinstance(published, datetime):
+ raise ValueError('Invalid datetime format')
+ if published.tzinfo is None:
+ raise ValueError('Datetime object has no timezone info')
+ self.__atom_published = published
+ self.__rss_pubDate = published
+ return self.__atom_published
+ def pubDate(self, pubDate=None):
+ '''Get or set the pubDate of the entry which indicates when the entry
+ was published. This method is just another name for the published(...)
+ method.
+ '''
+ return self.published(pubDate)
+ def pubdate(self, pubDate=None):
+ '''Get or set the pubDate of the entry which indicates when the entry
+ was published. This method is just another name for the published(...)
+ method.
+ pubdate(…) is deprecated and may be removed in feedgen ≥ 0.8. Use
+ pubDate(…) instead.
+ '''
+ warnings.warn('pubdate(…) is deprecated and may be removed in feedgen '
+ '≥ 0.8. Use pubDate(…) instead.')
+ return self.published(pubDate)
+ def rights(self, rights=None):
+ '''Get or set the rights value of the entry which conveys information
+ about rights, e.g. copyrights, held in and over the entry. This ATOM
+ value will also set rss:copyright.
+ :param rights: Rights information of the feed.
+ :returns: Rights information of the feed.
+ '''
+ if rights is not None:
+ self.__atom_rights = rights
+ return self.__atom_rights
+ def comments(self, comments=None):
+ '''Get or set the value of comments which is the URL of the comments
+ page for the item. This is a RSS only value.
+ :param comments: URL to the comments page.
+ :returns: URL to the comments page.
+ '''
+ if comments is not None:
+ self.__rss_comments = comments
+ return self.__rss_comments
+ def source(self, url=None, title=None):
+ '''Get or set the source for the current feed entry.
+ Note that ATOM feeds support a lot more sub elements than title and URL
+ (which is what RSS supports) but these are currently not supported.
+ Patches are welcome.
+ :param url: Link to the source.
+ :param title: Title of the linked resource
+ :returns: Source element as dictionaries.
+ '''
+ if url is not None and title is not None:
+ self.__rss_source = {'url': url, 'title': title}
+ self.__atom_source = {'link': url, 'title': title}
+ return self.__rss_source
+ def enclosure(self, url=None, length=None, type=None):
+ '''Get or set the value of enclosure which describes a media object
+ that is attached to the item. This is a RSS only value which is
+ represented by link(rel=enclosure) in ATOM. ATOM feeds can furthermore
+ contain several enclosures while RSS may contain only one. That is why
+ this method, if repeatedly called, will add more than one enclosures to
+ the feed. However, only the last one is used for RSS.
+ :param url: URL of the media object.
+ :param length: Size of the media in bytes.
+ :param type: Mimetype of the linked media.
+ :returns: Data of the enclosure element.
+ '''
+ if url is not None:
+, rel='enclosure', type=type, length=str(length))
+ return self.__rss_enclosure
+ def ttl(self, ttl=None):
+ '''Get or set the ttl value. It is an RSS only element. ttl stands for
+ time to live. It's a number of minutes that indicates how long a
+ channel can be cached before refreshing from the source.
+ :param ttl: Integer value representing the time to live.
+ :returns: Time to live of of the entry.
+ '''
+ if ttl is not None:
+ self.__rss_ttl = int(ttl)
+ return self.__rss_ttl
+ def load_extension(self, name, atom=True, rss=True):
+ '''Load a specific extension by name.
+ :param name: Name of the extension to load.
+ :param atom: If the extension should be used for ATOM feeds.
+ :param rss: If the extension should be used for RSS feeds.
+ '''
+ # Check loaded extensions
+ if not isinstance(self.__extensions, dict):
+ self.__extensions = {}
+ if name in self.__extensions.keys():
+ raise ImportError('Extension already loaded')
+ # Load extension
+ extname = name[0].upper() + name[1:] + 'EntryExtension'
+ try:
+ supmod = __import__('feedgen.ext.%s_entry' % name)
+ extmod = getattr(supmod.ext, name + '_entry')
+ except ImportError:
+ # Use FeedExtension module instead
+ supmod = __import__('feedgen.ext.%s' % name)
+ extmod = getattr(supmod.ext, name)
+ ext = getattr(extmod, extname)
+ self.register_extension(name, ext, atom, rss)
+ def register_extension(self, namespace, extension_class_entry=None,
+ atom=True, rss=True):
+ '''Register a specific extension by classes to a namespace.
+ :param namespace: namespace for the extension
+ :param extension_class_entry: Class of the entry extension to load.
+ :param atom: If the extension should be used for ATOM feeds.
+ :param rss: If the extension should be used for RSS feeds.
+ '''
+ # Check loaded extensions
+ # `load_extension` ignores the "Extension" suffix.
+ if not isinstance(self.__extensions, dict):
+ self.__extensions = {}
+ if namespace in self.__extensions.keys():
+ raise ImportError('Extension already loaded')
+ if not extension_class_entry:
+ raise ImportError('No extension class')
+ extinst = extension_class_entry()
+ setattr(self, namespace, extinst)
+ # `load_extension` registry
+ self.__extensions[namespace] = {
+ 'inst': extinst,
+ 'extension_class_entry': extension_class_entry,
+ 'atom': atom,
+ 'rss': rss
+ }