// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include #include "common/ceph_argparse.h" #include "common/common_init.h" #include "common/config.h" #include "common/config_obs.h" #include "include/str_list.h" #include "include/stringify.h" #include "osd/osd_types.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/hostname.h" #include "common/dout.h" #include /* Don't use standard Ceph logging in this file. * We can't use logging until it's initialized, and a lot of the necessary * initialization happens here. */ #undef dout #undef pdout #undef derr #undef generic_dout // set set_mon_vals() #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_monc namespace fs = std::filesystem; using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::map; using std::less; using std::list; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::pair; using std::string; using std::string_view; using std::vector; using ceph::bufferlist; using ceph::decode; using ceph::encode; using ceph::Formatter; const char *CEPH_CONF_FILE_DEFAULT = "$data_dir/config,/etc/ceph/$cluster.conf,$home/.ceph/$cluster.conf,$cluster.conf" #if defined(__FreeBSD__) ",/usr/local/etc/ceph/$cluster.conf" #elif defined(_WIN32) ",$programdata/ceph/$cluster.conf" #endif ; #define _STR(x) #x #define STRINGIFY(x) _STR(x) const char *ceph_conf_level_name(int level) { switch (level) { case CONF_DEFAULT: return "default"; // built-in default case CONF_MON: return "mon"; // monitor config database case CONF_ENV: return "env"; // process environment (CEPH_ARGS) case CONF_FILE: return "file"; // ceph.conf file case CONF_CMDLINE: return "cmdline"; // process command line args case CONF_OVERRIDE: return "override"; // injectargs or 'config set' at runtime case CONF_FINAL: return "final"; default: return "???"; } } int ceph_resolve_file_search(const std::string& filename_list, std::string& result) { list ls; get_str_list(filename_list, ";,", ls); int ret = -ENOENT; list::iterator iter; for (iter = ls.begin(); iter != ls.end(); ++iter) { int fd = ::open(iter->c_str(), O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC); if (fd < 0) { ret = -errno; continue; } close(fd); result = *iter; return 0; } return ret; } static int conf_stringify(const Option::value_t& v, string *out) { if (v == Option::value_t{}) { return -ENOENT; } *out = Option::to_str(v); return 0; } md_config_t::md_config_t(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, bool is_daemon) : is_daemon(is_daemon) { // Load the compile-time list of Option into // a map so that we can resolve keys quickly. for (const auto &i : ceph_options) { if (schema.count(i.name)) { // We may be instantiated pre-logging so send std::cerr << "Duplicate config key in schema: '" << i.name << "'" << std::endl; ceph_abort(); } schema.emplace(i.name, i); } // Define the debug_* options as well. subsys_options.reserve(values.subsys.get_num()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < values.subsys.get_num(); ++i) { subsys_options.emplace_back( fmt::format("debug_{}", values.subsys.get_name(i)), Option::TYPE_STR, Option::LEVEL_ADVANCED); Option& opt = subsys_options.back(); opt.set_default(fmt::format("{}/{}", values.subsys.get_log_level(i), values.subsys.get_gather_level(i))); opt.set_description(fmt::format("Debug level for {}", values.subsys.get_name(i)).c_str()); opt.set_flag(Option::FLAG_RUNTIME); opt.set_long_description("The value takes the form 'N' or 'N/M' where N and M are values between 0 and 99. N is the debug level to log (all values below this are included), and M is the level to gather and buffer in memory. In the event of a crash, the most recent items <= M are dumped to the log file."); opt.set_subsys(i); opt.set_validator([](std::string *value, std::string *error_message) { int m, n; int r = sscanf(value->c_str(), "%d/%d", &m, &n); if (r >= 1) { if (m < 0 || m > 99) { *error_message = "value must be in range [0, 99]"; return -ERANGE; } if (r == 2) { if (n < 0 || n > 99) { *error_message = "value must be in range [0, 99]"; return -ERANGE; } } else { // normalize to M/N n = m; *value = fmt::format("{}/{}", m, n); } } else { *error_message = "value must take the form N or N/M, where N and M are integers"; return -EINVAL; } return 0; }); } for (auto& opt : subsys_options) { schema.emplace(opt.name, opt); } // Populate list of legacy_values according to the OPTION() definitions // Note that this is just setting up our map of name->member ptr. The // default values etc will get loaded in along with new-style data, // as all loads write to both the values map, and the legacy // members if present. legacy_values = { #define OPTION(name, type) \ {STRINGIFY(name), &ConfigValues::name}, #define SAFE_OPTION(name, type) OPTION(name, type) #include "options/legacy_config_opts.h" #undef OPTION #undef SAFE_OPTION }; validate_schema(); // Validate default values from the schema for (const auto &i : schema) { const Option &opt = i.second; if (opt.type == Option::TYPE_STR) { bool has_daemon_default = (opt.daemon_value != Option::value_t{}); Option::value_t default_val; if (is_daemon && has_daemon_default) { default_val = opt.daemon_value; } else { default_val = opt.value; } // We call pre_validate as a sanity check, but also to get any // side effect (value modification) from the validator. auto* def_str = std::get_if(&default_val); std::string val = *def_str; std::string err; if (opt.pre_validate(&val, &err) != 0) { std::cerr << "Default value " << opt.name << "=" << *def_str << " is " "invalid: " << err << std::endl; // This is the compiled-in default that is failing its own option's // validation, so this is super-invalid and should never make it // past a pull request: crash out. ceph_abort(); } if (val != *def_str) { // if the validator normalizes the string into a different form than // what was compiled in, use that. set_val_default(values, tracker, opt.name, val); } } } // Copy out values (defaults) into any legacy (C struct member) fields update_legacy_vals(values); } md_config_t::~md_config_t() { } /** * Sanity check schema. Assert out on failures, to ensure any bad changes * cannot possibly pass any testing and make it into a release. */ void md_config_t::validate_schema() { for (const auto &i : schema) { const auto &opt = i.second; for (const auto &see_also_key : opt.see_also) { if (schema.count(see_also_key) == 0) { std::cerr << "Non-existent see-also key '" << see_also_key << "' on option '" << opt.name << "'" << std::endl; ceph_abort(); } } } for (const auto &i : legacy_values) { if (schema.count(i.first) == 0) { std::cerr << "Schema is missing legacy field '" << i.first << "'" << std::endl; ceph_abort(); } } } const Option *md_config_t::find_option(const std::string_view name) const { auto p = schema.find(name); if (p != schema.end()) { return &p->second; } return nullptr; } void md_config_t::set_val_default(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, const string_view name, const std::string& val) { const Option *o = find_option(name); ceph_assert(o); string err; int r = _set_val(values, tracker, val, *o, CONF_DEFAULT, &err); ceph_assert(r >= 0); } int md_config_t::set_mon_vals(CephContext *cct, ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, const map>& kv, config_callback config_cb) { ignored_mon_values.clear(); if (!config_cb) { ldout(cct, 4) << __func__ << " no callback set" << dendl; } for (auto& i : kv) { if (config_cb) { if (config_cb(i.first, i.second)) { ldout(cct, 4) << __func__ << " callback consumed " << i.first << dendl; continue; } ldout(cct, 4) << __func__ << " callback ignored " << i.first << dendl; } const Option *o = find_option(i.first); if (!o) { ldout(cct,10) << __func__ << " " << i.first << " = " << i.second << " (unrecognized option)" << dendl; continue; } if (o->has_flag(Option::FLAG_NO_MON_UPDATE)) { ignored_mon_values.emplace(i); continue; } std::string err; int r = _set_val(values, tracker, i.second, *o, CONF_MON, &err); if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 4) << __func__ << " failed to set " << i.first << " = " << i.second << ": " << err << dendl; ignored_mon_values.emplace(i); } else if (r == ConfigValues::SET_NO_CHANGE || r == ConfigValues::SET_NO_EFFECT) { ldout(cct,20) << __func__ << " " << i.first << " = " << i.second << " (no change)" << dendl; } else if (r == ConfigValues::SET_HAVE_EFFECT) { ldout(cct,10) << __func__ << " " << i.first << " = " << i.second << dendl; } else { ceph_abort(); } } values.for_each([&] (auto name, auto configs) { auto config = configs.find(CONF_MON); if (config == configs.end()) { return; } if (kv.find(name) != kv.end()) { return; } ldout(cct,10) << __func__ << " " << name << " cleared (was " << Option::to_str(config->second) << ")" << dendl; values.rm_val(name, CONF_MON); // if this is a debug option, it needs to propagate to teh subsys; // this isn't covered by update_legacy_vals() below. similarly, // we want to trigger a config notification for these items. const Option *o = find_option(name); _refresh(values, *o); }); values_bl.clear(); update_legacy_vals(values); return 0; } int md_config_t::parse_config_files(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, const char *conf_files_str, std::ostream *warnings, int flags) { if (safe_to_start_threads) return -ENOSYS; if (values.cluster.empty() && !conf_files_str) { values.cluster = get_cluster_name(nullptr); } // open new conf for (auto& fn : get_conffile_paths(values, conf_files_str, warnings, flags)) { bufferlist bl; std::string error; if (bl.read_file(fn.c_str(), &error)) { parse_error = error; continue; } ostringstream oss; int ret = parse_buffer(values, tracker, bl.c_str(), bl.length(), &oss); if (ret == 0) { parse_error.clear(); conf_path = fn; break; } parse_error = oss.str(); if (ret != -ENOENT) { return ret; } } // it must have been all ENOENTs, that's the only way we got here if (conf_path.empty()) { return -ENOENT; } if (values.cluster.empty()) { values.cluster = get_cluster_name(conf_path.c_str()); } update_legacy_vals(values); return 0; } int md_config_t::parse_buffer(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, const char* buf, size_t len, std::ostream* warnings) { if (!cf.parse_buffer(string_view{buf, len}, warnings)) { return -EINVAL; } const auto my_sections = get_my_sections(values); for (const auto &i : schema) { const auto &opt = i.second; std::string val; if (_get_val_from_conf_file(my_sections, opt.name, val)) { continue; } std::string error_message; if (_set_val(values, tracker, val, opt, CONF_FILE, &error_message) < 0) { if (warnings != nullptr) { *warnings << "parse error setting " << std::quoted(opt.name) << " to " << std::quoted(val); if (!error_message.empty()) { *warnings << " (" << error_message << ")"; } *warnings << '\n'; } } } cf.check_old_style_section_names({"mds", "mon", "osd"}, cerr); return 0; } std::list md_config_t::get_conffile_paths(const ConfigValues& values, const char *conf_files_str, std::ostream *warnings, int flags) const { if (!conf_files_str) { const char *c = getenv("CEPH_CONF"); if (c) { conf_files_str = c; } else { if (flags & CINIT_FLAG_NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) return {}; conf_files_str = CEPH_CONF_FILE_DEFAULT; } } std::list paths; get_str_list(conf_files_str, ";,", paths); for (auto i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ) { string& path = *i; if (path.find("$data_dir") != path.npos && data_dir_option.empty()) { // useless $data_dir item, skip i = paths.erase(i); } else { early_expand_meta(values, path, warnings); ++i; } } return paths; } std::string md_config_t::get_cluster_name(const char* conffile) { if (conffile) { // If cluster name is not set yet, use the prefix of the // basename of configuration file as cluster name. if (fs::path path{conffile}; path.extension() == ".conf") { return path.stem().string(); } else { // If the configuration file does not follow $cluster.conf // convention, we do the last try and assign the cluster to // 'ceph'. return "ceph"; } } else { // set the cluster name to 'ceph' when configuration file is not specified. return "ceph"; } } void md_config_t::parse_env(unsigned entity_type, ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, const char *args_var) { if (safe_to_start_threads) return; if (!args_var) { args_var = "CEPH_ARGS"; } if (auto s = getenv("CEPH_KEYRING"); s) { string err; _set_val(values, tracker, s, *find_option("keyring"), CONF_ENV, &err); } if (auto dir = getenv("CEPH_LIB"); dir) { for (auto name : { "erasure_code_dir", "plugin_dir", "osd_class_dir" }) { std::string err; const Option *o = find_option(name); ceph_assert(o); _set_val(values, tracker, dir, *o, CONF_ENV, &err); } } if (auto s = getenv("TMPDIR"); s) { string err; _set_val(values, tracker, s, *find_option("tmp_dir"), CONF_ENV, &err); } // Apply pod memory limits: // // There are two types of resource requests: `limits` and `requests`. // // - Requests: Used by the K8s scheduler to determine on which nodes to // schedule the pods. This helps spread the pods to different nodes. This // value should be conservative in order to make sure all the pods are // schedulable. This corresponds to POD_MEMORY_REQUEST (set by the Rook // CRD) and is the target memory utilization we try to maintain for daemons // that respect it. // // If POD_MEMORY_REQUEST is present, we use it as the target. // // - Limits: At runtime, the container runtime (and Linux) will use the // limits to see if the pod is using too many resources. In that case, the // pod will be killed/restarted automatically if the pod goes over the limit. // This should be higher than what is specified for requests (potentially // much higher). This corresponds to the cgroup memory limit that will // trigger the Linux OOM killer. // // If POD_MEMORY_LIMIT is present, we use it as the /default/ value for // the target, which means it will only apply if the *_memory_target option // isn't set via some other path (e.g., POD_MEMORY_REQUEST, or the cluster // config, or whatever.) // // Here are the documented best practices: // https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-cpu-resource/#motivation-for-cpu-requests-and-limits // // When the operator creates the CephCluster CR, it will need to generate the // desired requests and limits. As long as we are conservative in our choice // for requests and generous with the limits we should be in a good place to // get started. // // The support in Rook is already there for applying the limits as seen in // these links. // // Rook docs on the resource requests and limits: // https://rook.io/docs/rook/v1.0/ceph-cluster-crd.html#cluster-wide-resources-configuration-settings // Example CR settings: // https://github.com/rook/rook/blob/6d2ef936698593036185aabcb00d1d74f9c7bfc1/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/cluster.yaml#L90 // uint64_t pod_limit = 0, pod_request = 0; if (auto pod_lim = getenv("POD_MEMORY_LIMIT"); pod_lim) { string err; uint64_t v = atoll(pod_lim); if (v) { switch (entity_type) { case CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_OSD: { double cgroup_ratio = get_val( values, "osd_memory_target_cgroup_limit_ratio"); if (cgroup_ratio > 0.0) { pod_limit = v * cgroup_ratio; // set osd_memory_target *default* based on cgroup limit, so that // it can be overridden by any explicit settings elsewhere. set_val_default(values, tracker, "osd_memory_target", stringify(pod_limit)); } } } } } if (auto pod_req = getenv("POD_MEMORY_REQUEST"); pod_req) { if (uint64_t v = atoll(pod_req); v) { pod_request = v; } } if (pod_request && pod_limit) { // If both LIMIT and REQUEST are set, ensure that we use the // min of request and limit*ratio. This is important // because k8s set set LIMIT == REQUEST if only LIMIT is // specified, and we want to apply the ratio in that case, // even though REQUEST is present. pod_request = std::min(pod_request, pod_limit); } if (pod_request) { string err; switch (entity_type) { case CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_OSD: _set_val(values, tracker, stringify(pod_request), *find_option("osd_memory_target"), CONF_ENV, &err); break; } } if (getenv(args_var)) { vector env_args; env_to_vec(env_args, args_var); parse_argv(values, tracker, env_args, CONF_ENV); } } void md_config_t::show_config(const ConfigValues& values, std::ostream& out) const { _show_config(values, &out, nullptr); } void md_config_t::show_config(const ConfigValues& values, Formatter *f) const { _show_config(values, nullptr, f); } void md_config_t::config_options(Formatter *f) const { f->open_array_section("options"); for (const auto& i: schema) { f->dump_object("option", i.second); } f->close_section(); } void md_config_t::_show_config(const ConfigValues& values, std::ostream *out, Formatter *f) const { if (out) { *out << "name = " << values.name << std::endl; *out << "cluster = " << values.cluster << std::endl; } if (f) { f->dump_string("name", stringify(values.name)); f->dump_string("cluster", values.cluster); } for (const auto& i: schema) { const Option &opt = i.second; string val; conf_stringify(_get_val(values, opt), &val); if (out) { *out << opt.name << " = " << val << std::endl; } if (f) { f->dump_string(opt.name.c_str(), val); } } } int md_config_t::parse_argv(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, std::vector& args, int level) { if (safe_to_start_threads) { return -ENOSYS; } // In this function, don't change any parts of the configuration directly. // Instead, use set_val to set them. This will allow us to send the proper // observer notifications later. std::string val; for (std::vector::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ) { if (strcmp(*i, "--") == 0) { /* Normally we would use ceph_argparse_double_dash. However, in this * function we *don't* want to remove the double dash, because later * argument parses will still need to see it. */ break; } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--show_conf", (char*)NULL)) { cerr << cf << std::endl; _exit(0); } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--show_config", (char*)NULL)) { do_show_config = true; } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, "--show_config_value", (char*)NULL)) { do_show_config_value = val; } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--no-mon-config", (char*)NULL)) { values.no_mon_config = true; } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--mon-config", (char*)NULL)) { values.no_mon_config = false; } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--foreground", "-f", (char*)NULL)) { set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "daemonize", "false"); } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "-d", (char*)NULL)) { set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "fuse_debug", "true"); set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "daemonize", "false"); set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "log_file", ""); set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "log_to_stderr", "true"); set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "err_to_stderr", "true"); set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "log_to_syslog", "false"); } // Some stuff that we wanted to give universal single-character options for // Careful: you can burn through the alphabet pretty quickly by adding // to this list. else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, "--monmap", "-M", (char*)NULL)) { set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "monmap", val.c_str()); } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, "--mon_host", "-m", (char*)NULL)) { set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "mon_host", val.c_str()); } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, "--bind", (char*)NULL)) { set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "public_addr", val.c_str()); } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, "--keyfile", "-K", (char*)NULL)) { bufferlist bl; string err; int r; if (val == "-") { r = bl.read_fd(STDIN_FILENO, 1024); } else { r = bl.read_file(val.c_str(), &err); } if (r >= 0) { string k(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "key", k.c_str()); } } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, "--keyring", "-k", (char*)NULL)) { set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "keyring", val.c_str()); } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, "--client_mountpoint", "-r", (char*)NULL)) { set_val_or_die(values, tracker, "client_mountpoint", val.c_str()); } else { int r = parse_option(values, tracker, args, i, NULL, level); if (r < 0) { return r; } } } // meta expands could have modified anything. Copy it all out again. update_legacy_vals(values); return 0; } void md_config_t::do_argv_commands(const ConfigValues& values) const { if (do_show_config) { _show_config(values, &cout, NULL); _exit(0); } if (do_show_config_value.size()) { string val; int r = conf_stringify(_get_val(values, do_show_config_value, 0, &cerr), &val); if (r < 0) { if (r == -ENOENT) std::cerr << "failed to get config option '" << do_show_config_value << "': option not found" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "failed to get config option '" << do_show_config_value << "': " << cpp_strerror(r) << std::endl; _exit(1); } std::cout << val << std::endl; _exit(0); } } int md_config_t::parse_option(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, std::vector& args, std::vector::iterator& i, ostream *oss, int level) { int ret = 0; size_t o = 0; std::string val; std::string option_name; std::string error_message; o = 0; for (const auto& opt_iter: schema) { const Option &opt = opt_iter.second; ostringstream err; std::string as_option("--"); as_option += opt.name; option_name = opt.name; if (ceph_argparse_witharg( args, i, &val, err, fmt::format("--default-{}", opt.name).c_str(), (char*)NULL)) { if (!err.str().empty()) { error_message = err.str(); ret = -EINVAL; break; } ret = _set_val(values, tracker, val, opt, CONF_DEFAULT, &error_message); break; } else if (opt.type == Option::TYPE_BOOL) { int res; if (ceph_argparse_binary_flag(args, i, &res, oss, as_option.c_str(), (char*)NULL)) { if (res == 0) ret = _set_val(values, tracker, "false", opt, level, &error_message); else if (res == 1) ret = _set_val(values, tracker, "true", opt, level, &error_message); else ret = res; break; } else { std::string no("--no-"); no += opt.name; if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, no.c_str(), (char*)NULL)) { ret = _set_val(values, tracker, "false", opt, level, &error_message); break; } } } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, err, as_option.c_str(), (char*)NULL)) { if (!err.str().empty()) { error_message = err.str(); ret = -EINVAL; break; } ret = _set_val(values, tracker, val, opt, level, &error_message); break; } ++o; } if (ret < 0 || !error_message.empty()) { ceph_assert(!option_name.empty()); if (oss) { *oss << "Parse error setting " << option_name << " to '" << val << "' using injectargs"; if (!error_message.empty()) { *oss << " (" << error_message << ")"; } *oss << ".\n"; } else { cerr << "parse error setting '" << option_name << "' to '" << val << "'"; if (!error_message.empty()) { cerr << " (" << error_message << ")"; } cerr << "\n" << std::endl; } } if (o == schema.size()) { // ignore ++i; } return ret >= 0 ? 0 : ret; } int md_config_t::parse_injectargs(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, std::vector& args, std::ostream *oss) { int ret = 0; for (std::vector::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ) { int r = parse_option(values, tracker, args, i, oss, CONF_OVERRIDE); if (r < 0) ret = r; } return ret; } void md_config_t::set_safe_to_start_threads() { safe_to_start_threads = true; } void md_config_t::_clear_safe_to_start_threads() { safe_to_start_threads = false; } int md_config_t::injectargs(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, const std::string& s, std::ostream *oss) { int ret; char b[s.length()+1]; strcpy(b, s.c_str()); std::vector nargs; char *p = b; while (*p) { nargs.push_back(p); while (*p && *p != ' ') p++; if (!*p) break; *p++ = 0; while (*p && *p == ' ') p++; } ret = parse_injectargs(values, tracker, nargs, oss); if (!nargs.empty()) { *oss << " failed to parse arguments: "; std::string prefix; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = nargs.begin(); i != nargs.end(); ++i) { *oss << prefix << *i; prefix = ","; } *oss << "\n"; ret = -EINVAL; } update_legacy_vals(values); return ret; } void md_config_t::set_val_or_die(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, const std::string_view key, const std::string &val) { std::stringstream err; int ret = set_val(values, tracker, key, val, &err); if (ret != 0) { std::cerr << "set_val_or_die(" << key << "): " << err.str(); } ceph_assert(ret == 0); } int md_config_t::set_val(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker, const std::string_view key, const char *val, std::stringstream *err_ss) { if (key.empty()) { if (err_ss) *err_ss << "No key specified"; return -EINVAL; } if (!val) { return -EINVAL; } std::string v(val); string k(ConfFile::normalize_key_name(key)); const auto &opt_iter = schema.find(k); if (opt_iter != schema.end()) { const Option &opt = opt_iter->second; std::string error_message; int r = _set_val(values, tracker, v, opt, CONF_OVERRIDE, &error_message); if (r >= 0) { if (err_ss) *err_ss << "Set " << opt.name << " to " << v; r = 0; } else { if (err_ss) *err_ss << error_message; } return r; } if (err_ss) *err_ss << "Configuration option not found: '" << key << "'"; return -ENOENT; } int md_config_t::rm_val(ConfigValues& values, const std::string_view key) { return _rm_val(values, key, CONF_OVERRIDE); } void md_config_t::get_defaults_bl(const ConfigValues& values, bufferlist *bl) { if (defaults_bl.length() == 0) { uint32_t n = 0; bufferlist bl; for (const auto &i : schema) { ++n; encode(i.second.name, bl); auto [value, found] = values.get_value(i.second.name, CONF_DEFAULT); if (found) { encode(Option::to_str(value), bl); } else { string val; conf_stringify(_get_val_default(i.second), &val); encode(val, bl); } } encode(n, defaults_bl); defaults_bl.claim_append(bl); } *bl = defaults_bl; } void md_config_t::get_config_bl( const ConfigValues& values, uint64_t have_version, bufferlist *bl, uint64_t *got_version) { if (values_bl.length() == 0) { uint32_t n = 0; bufferlist bl; values.for_each([&](auto& name, auto& configs) { if (name == "fsid" || name == "host") { return; } ++n; encode(name, bl); encode((uint32_t)configs.size(), bl); for (auto& j : configs) { encode(j.first, bl); encode(Option::to_str(j.second), bl); } }); // make sure overridden items appear, and include the default value for (auto& i : ignored_mon_values) { if (values.contains(i.first)) { continue; } if (i.first == "fsid" || i.first == "host") { continue; } const Option *opt = find_option(i.first); if (!opt) { continue; } ++n; encode(i.first, bl); encode((uint32_t)1, bl); encode((int32_t)CONF_DEFAULT, bl); string val; conf_stringify(_get_val_default(*opt), &val); encode(val, bl); } encode(n, values_bl); values_bl.claim_append(bl); encode(ignored_mon_values, values_bl); ++values_bl_version; } if (have_version != values_bl_version) { *bl = values_bl; *got_version = values_bl_version; } } std::optional md_config_t::get_val_default(std::string_view key) { std::string val; const Option *opt = find_option(key); if (opt && (conf_stringify(_get_val_default(*opt), &val) == 0)) { return std::make_optional(std::move(val)); } return std::nullopt; } int md_config_t::get_val(const ConfigValues& values, const std::string_view key, char **buf, int len) const { string k(ConfFile::normalize_key_name(key)); return _get_val_cstr(values, k, buf, len); } int md_config_t::get_val( const ConfigValues& values, const std::string_view key, std::string *val) const { return conf_stringify(get_val_generic(values, key), val); } Option::value_t md_config_t::get_val_generic( const ConfigValues& values, const std::string_view key) const { return _get_val(values, key); } Option::value_t md_config_t::_get_val( const ConfigValues& values, const std::string_view key, expand_stack_t *stack, std::ostream *err) const { if (key.empty()) { return {}; } // In key names, leading and trailing whitespace are not significant. string k(ConfFile::normalize_key_name(key)); const Option *o = find_option(k); if (!o) { // not a valid config option return {}; } return _get_val(values, *o, stack, err); } Option::value_t md_config_t::_get_val( const ConfigValues& values, const Option& o, expand_stack_t *stack, std::ostream *err) const { expand_stack_t a_stack; if (!stack) { stack = &a_stack; } return _expand_meta(values, _get_val_nometa(values, o), &o, stack, err); } Option::value_t md_config_t::_get_val_nometa(const ConfigValues& values, const Option& o) const { if (auto [value, found] = values.get_value(o.name, -1); found) { return value; } else { return _get_val_default(o); } } const Option::value_t& md_config_t::_get_val_default(const Option& o) const { bool has_daemon_default = (o.daemon_value != Option::value_t{}); if (is_daemon && has_daemon_default) { return o.daemon_value; } else { return o.value; } } void md_config_t::early_expand_meta( const ConfigValues& values, std::string &val, std::ostream *err) const { expand_stack_t stack; Option::value_t v = _expand_meta(values, Option::value_t(val), nullptr, &stack, err); conf_stringify(v, &val); } bool md_config_t::finalize_reexpand_meta(ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& tracker) { std::vector reexpands; reexpands.swap(may_reexpand_meta); for (auto& name : reexpands) { // always refresh the options if they are in the may_reexpand_meta // map, because the options may have already been expanded with old // meta. const auto &opt_iter = schema.find(name); ceph_assert(opt_iter != schema.end()); const Option &opt = opt_iter->second; _refresh(values, opt); } return !may_reexpand_meta.empty(); } Option::value_t md_config_t::_expand_meta( const ConfigValues& values, const Option::value_t& in, const Option *o, expand_stack_t *stack, std::ostream *err) const { //cout << __func__ << " in '" << in << "' stack " << stack << std::endl; if (!stack) { return in; } const auto str = std::get_if(&in); if (!str) { // strings only! return in; } auto pos = str->find('$'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { // no substitutions! return in; } if (o) { stack->push_back(make_pair(o, &in)); } string out; decltype(pos) last_pos = 0; while (pos != std::string::npos) { ceph_assert((*str)[pos] == '$'); if (pos > last_pos) { out += str->substr(last_pos, pos - last_pos); } // try to parse the variable name into var, either \$\{(.+)\} or // \$[a-z\_]+ const char *valid_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_"; string var; size_t endpos = 0; if ((*str)[pos+1] == '{') { // ...${foo_bar}... endpos = str->find_first_not_of(valid_chars, pos + 2); if (endpos != std::string::npos && (*str)[endpos] == '}') { var = str->substr(pos + 2, endpos - pos - 2); endpos++; } } else { // ...$foo... endpos = str->find_first_not_of(valid_chars, pos + 1); if (endpos != std::string::npos) var = str->substr(pos + 1, endpos - pos - 1); else var = str->substr(pos + 1); } last_pos = endpos; if (!var.size()) { out += '$'; } else { //cout << " found var " << var << std::endl; // special metavariable? if (var == "type") { out += values.name.get_type_name(); } else if (var == "cluster") { out += values.cluster; } else if (var == "name") { out += values.name.to_cstr(); } else if (var == "host") { if (values.host == "") { out += ceph_get_short_hostname(); } else { out += values.host; } } else if (var == "num") { out += values.name.get_id().c_str(); } else if (var == "id") { out += values.name.get_id(); } else if (var == "pid") { char *_pid = getenv("PID"); if (_pid) { out += _pid; } else { out += stringify(getpid()); } if (o) { may_reexpand_meta.push_back(o->name); } } else if (var == "cctid") { out += stringify((unsigned long long)this); } else if (var == "home") { const char *home = getenv("HOME"); out = home ? std::string(home) : std::string(); } else if (var == "programdata") { const char *home = getenv("ProgramData"); out = home ? std::string(home) : std::string(); }else { if (var == "data_dir") { var = data_dir_option; } const Option *o = find_option(var); if (!o) { out += str->substr(pos, endpos - pos); } else { auto match = std::find_if( stack->begin(), stack->end(), [o](pair& item) { return item.first == o; }); if (match != stack->end()) { // substitution loop; break the cycle if (err) { *err << "variable expansion loop at " << var << "=" << Option::to_str(*match->second) << "\n" << "expansion stack:\n"; for (auto i = stack->rbegin(); i != stack->rend(); ++i) { *err << i->first->name << "=" << Option::to_str(*i->second) << "\n"; } } return Option::value_t(fmt::format("${}", o->name)); } else { // recursively evaluate! string n; conf_stringify(_get_val(values, *o, stack, err), &n); out += n; } } } } pos = str->find('$', last_pos); } if (last_pos != std::string::npos) { out += str->substr(last_pos); } if (o) { stack->pop_back(); } return Option::value_t(out); } int md_config_t::_get_val_cstr( const ConfigValues& values, const std::string& key, char **buf, int len) const { if (key.empty()) return -EINVAL; string val; if (conf_stringify(_get_val(values, key), &val) == 0) { int l = val.length() + 1; if (len == -1) { *buf = (char*)malloc(l); if (!*buf) return -ENOMEM; strncpy(*buf, val.c_str(), l); return 0; } snprintf(*buf, len, "%s", val.c_str()); return (l > len) ? -ENAMETOOLONG : 0; } // couldn't find a configuration option with key 'k' return -ENOENT; } void md_config_t::get_all_keys(std::vector *keys) const { const std::string negative_flag_prefix("no_"); keys->clear(); keys->reserve(schema.size()); for (const auto &i: schema) { const Option &opt = i.second; keys->push_back(opt.name); if (opt.type == Option::TYPE_BOOL) { keys->push_back(negative_flag_prefix + opt.name); } } } /* The order of the sections here is important. The first section in the * vector is the "highest priority" section; if we find it there, we'll stop * looking. The lowest priority section is the one we look in only if all * others had nothing. This should always be the global section. */ std::vector md_config_t::get_my_sections(const ConfigValues& values) const { return {values.name.to_str(), values.name.get_type_name().data(), "global"}; } // Return a list of all sections int md_config_t::get_all_sections(std::vector §ions) const { for (auto [section_name, section] : cf) { sections.push_back(section_name); std::ignore = section; } return 0; } int md_config_t::get_val_from_conf_file( const ConfigValues& values, const std::vector §ions, const std::string_view key, std::string &out, bool emeta) const { int r = _get_val_from_conf_file(sections, key, out); if (r < 0) { return r; } if (emeta) { expand_stack_t stack; auto v = _expand_meta(values, Option::value_t(out), nullptr, &stack, nullptr); conf_stringify(v, &out); } return 0; } int md_config_t::_get_val_from_conf_file( const std::vector §ions, const std::string_view key, std::string &out) const { for (auto &s : sections) { int ret = cf.read(s, key, out); if (ret == 0) { return 0; } else if (ret != -ENOENT) { return ret; } } return -ENOENT; } int md_config_t::_set_val( ConfigValues& values, const ConfigTracker& observers, const std::string &raw_val, const Option &opt, int level, std::string *error_message) { Option::value_t new_value; ceph_assert(error_message); int r = opt.parse_value(raw_val, &new_value, error_message); if (r < 0) { return r; } // unsafe runtime change? if (!opt.can_update_at_runtime() && safe_to_start_threads && !observers.is_tracking(opt.name)) { // accept value if it is not actually a change if (new_value != _get_val_nometa(values, opt)) { *error_message = string("Configuration option '") + opt.name + "' may not be modified at runtime"; return -EPERM; } } // Apply the value to its entry in the `values` map auto result = values.set_value(opt.name, std::move(new_value), level); switch (result) { case ConfigValues::SET_NO_CHANGE: break; case ConfigValues::SET_NO_EFFECT: values_bl.clear(); break; case ConfigValues::SET_HAVE_EFFECT: values_bl.clear(); _refresh(values, opt); break; } return result; } void md_config_t::_refresh(ConfigValues& values, const Option& opt) { // Apply the value to its legacy field, if it has one auto legacy_ptr_iter = legacy_values.find(std::string(opt.name)); if (legacy_ptr_iter != legacy_values.end()) { update_legacy_val(values, opt, legacy_ptr_iter->second); } // Was this a debug_* option update? if (opt.subsys >= 0) { string actual_val; conf_stringify(_get_val(values, opt), &actual_val); values.set_logging(opt.subsys, actual_val.c_str()); } else { // normal option, advertise the change. values.changed.insert(opt.name); } } int md_config_t::_rm_val(ConfigValues& values, const std::string_view key, int level) { if (schema.count(key) == 0) { return -EINVAL; } auto ret = values.rm_val(std::string{key}, level); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } if (ret == ConfigValues::SET_HAVE_EFFECT) { _refresh(values, *find_option(key)); } values_bl.clear(); return 0; } namespace { template struct get_size_visitor { get_size_visitor() {} template Size operator()(const T&) const { return -1; } Size operator()(const Option::size_t& sz) const { return static_cast(sz.value); } Size operator()(const Size& v) const { return v; } }; /** * Handles assigning from a variant-of-types to a variant-of-pointers-to-types */ class assign_visitor { ConfigValues *conf; Option::value_t val; public: assign_visitor(ConfigValues *conf_, Option::value_t val_) : conf(conf_), val(val_) {} template void operator()(T ConfigValues::* ptr) const { T *member = const_cast(&(conf->*(ptr))); *member = std::get(val); } void operator()(uint64_t ConfigValues::* ptr) const { using T = uint64_t; auto member = const_cast(&(conf->*(ptr))); *member = std::visit(get_size_visitor{}, val); } void operator()(int64_t ConfigValues::* ptr) const { using T = int64_t; auto member = const_cast(&(conf->*(ptr))); *member = std::visit(get_size_visitor{}, val); } }; } // anonymous namespace void md_config_t::update_legacy_vals(ConfigValues& values) { for (const auto &i : legacy_values) { const auto &name = i.first; const auto &option = schema.at(name); auto ptr = i.second; update_legacy_val(values, option, ptr); } } void md_config_t::update_legacy_val(ConfigValues& values, const Option &opt, md_config_t::member_ptr_t member_ptr) { Option::value_t v = _get_val(values, opt); std::visit(assign_visitor(&values, v), member_ptr); } static void dump(Formatter *f, int level, Option::value_t in) { if (const auto v = std::get_if(&in)) { f->dump_bool(ceph_conf_level_name(level), *v); } else if (const auto v = std::get_if(&in)) { f->dump_int(ceph_conf_level_name(level), *v); } else if (const auto v = std::get_if(&in)) { f->dump_unsigned(ceph_conf_level_name(level), *v); } else if (const auto v = std::get_if(&in)) { f->dump_float(ceph_conf_level_name(level), *v); } else { f->dump_stream(ceph_conf_level_name(level)) << Option::to_str(in); } } void md_config_t::diff( const ConfigValues& values, Formatter *f, string name) const { values.for_each([this, f, &values] (auto& name, auto& configs) { if (configs.empty()) { return; } f->open_object_section(std::string{name}.c_str()); const Option *o = find_option(name); if (configs.size() && configs.begin()->first != CONF_DEFAULT) { // show compiled-in default only if an override default wasn't provided dump(f, CONF_DEFAULT, _get_val_default(*o)); } for (auto& j : configs) { dump(f, j.first, j.second); } dump(f, CONF_FINAL, _get_val(values, *o)); f->close_section(); }); } void md_config_t::complain_about_parse_error(CephContext *cct) { ::complain_about_parse_error(cct, parse_error); }