/* * ceph-dokan - Win32 CephFS client based on Dokan * * Copyright (C) 2021 SUSE LINUX GmbH * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #define UNICODE #define _UNICODE #include "include/compat.h" #include "include/cephfs/libcephfs.h" #include "ceph_dokan.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/ceph_argparse.h" #include "common/config.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/dout.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/version.h" #include "common/win32/wstring.h" #include "global/global_init.h" #include "include/uuid.h" #include "dbg.h" #include "utils.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_client #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix *_dout << "ceph-dokan: " using namespace std; #define READ_ACCESS_REQUESTED(access_mode) \ (access_mode & GENERIC_READ || \ access_mode & FILE_SHARE_READ || \ access_mode & STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ || \ access_mode & FILE_SHARE_READ) #define WRITE_ACCESS_REQUESTED(access_mode) \ (access_mode & GENERIC_WRITE || \ access_mode & FILE_SHARE_WRITE || \ access_mode & STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE || \ access_mode & FILE_SHARE_WRITE) // TODO: check if those dokan limits still stand. #define CEPH_DOKAN_MAX_FILE_SZ (1LL << 40) // 1TB #define CEPH_DOKAN_MAX_IO_SZ (128 * 1024 * 1024) // 128MB struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; Config *g_cfg; // Used as part of DOKAN_FILE_INFO.Context, must fit within 8B. typedef struct { int fd; short read_only; } fd_context, *pfd_context; static_assert(sizeof(fd_context) <= 8, "fd_context exceeds DOKAN_FILE_INFO.Context size."); string get_path(LPCWSTR path_w, bool normalize_case=true) { string path = to_string(path_w); replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '\\', '/'); if (normalize_case && !g_cfg->case_sensitive) { if (g_cfg->convert_to_uppercase) { std::transform( path.begin(), path.end(), path.begin(), [](unsigned char c){ return std::toupper(c); }); } else { std::transform( path.begin(), path.end(), path.begin(), [](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); }); } } return path; } static NTSTATUS do_open_file( string path, int flags, mode_t mode, fd_context* fdc) { dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << dendl; int fd = ceph_open(cmount, path.c_str(), flags, mode); if (fd < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_open failed. Error: " << fd << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(fd); } fdc->fd = fd; dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << " - fd: " << fd << dendl; return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephCreateDirectory( LPCWSTR FileName, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << dendl; if (path == "/") { return 0; } int ret = ceph_mkdir(cmount, path.c_str(), g_cfg->dir_mode); if (ret < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_mkdir failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephCreateFile( LPCWSTR FileName, PDOKAN_IO_SECURITY_CONTEXT SecurityContext, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, ULONG FileAttributes, ULONG ShareMode, ULONG CreateDisposition, ULONG CreateOptions, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { // TODO: use ZwCreateFile args by default and avoid conversions. ACCESS_MASK AccessMode; DWORD FlagsAndAttributes, CreationDisposition; DokanMapKernelToUserCreateFileFlags( DesiredAccess, FileAttributes, CreateOptions, CreateDisposition, &AccessMode, &FlagsAndAttributes, &CreationDisposition); string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << ". CreationDisposition: " << CreationDisposition << dendl; if (g_cfg->debug) { print_open_params( path.c_str(), AccessMode, FlagsAndAttributes, ShareMode, CreationDisposition, CreateOptions, DokanFileInfo); } pfd_context fdc = (pfd_context) &(DokanFileInfo->Context); *fdc = { 0 }; NTSTATUS st = 0; struct ceph_statx stbuf; unsigned int requested_attrs = CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS; int ret = ceph_statx(cmount, path.c_str(), &stbuf, requested_attrs, 0); if (!ret) { /* File Exists */ if (S_ISREG(stbuf.stx_mode)) { dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << ". File exists." << dendl; if (CreateOptions & FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ". Not a directory." << dendl; return STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; } switch (CreationDisposition) { case CREATE_NEW: return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; case TRUNCATE_EXISTING: // open O_TRUNC & return 0 return do_open_file(path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc); case OPEN_ALWAYS: // open & return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION if (!WRITE_ACCESS_REQUESTED(AccessMode)) fdc->read_only = 1; if ((st = do_open_file(path, fdc->read_only ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc))) return st; return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; case OPEN_EXISTING: // open & return 0 if (!WRITE_ACCESS_REQUESTED(AccessMode)) fdc->read_only = 1; if ((st = do_open_file(path, fdc->read_only ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc))) return st; return 0; case CREATE_ALWAYS: // open O_TRUNC & return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION if ((st = do_open_file(path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc))) return st; return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; } } else if (S_ISDIR(stbuf.stx_mode)) { dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << ". Directory exists." << dendl; DokanFileInfo->IsDirectory = TRUE; if (CreateOptions & FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ". File is a directory." << dendl; return STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY; } switch (CreationDisposition) { case CREATE_NEW: return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; case TRUNCATE_EXISTING: return 0; case OPEN_ALWAYS: case OPEN_EXISTING: return do_open_file(path, O_RDONLY, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc); case CREATE_ALWAYS: return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; } } else { derr << __func__ << " " << path << ": Unsupported st_mode: " << stbuf.stx_mode << dendl; return STATUS_BAD_FILE_TYPE; } } else { // The file doens't exist. if (DokanFileInfo->IsDirectory) { // TODO: check create disposition. dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << ". New directory." << dendl; if ((st = WinCephCreateDirectory(FileName, DokanFileInfo))) return st; // Dokan expects a file handle even when creating new directories. return do_open_file(path, O_RDONLY, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc); } dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << ". New file." << dendl; switch (CreationDisposition) { case CREATE_NEW: // create & return 0 return do_open_file(path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc); case CREATE_ALWAYS: // create & return 0 return do_open_file(path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc); case OPEN_ALWAYS: return do_open_file(path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, g_cfg->file_mode, fdc); case OPEN_EXISTING: case TRUNCATE_EXISTING: dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": Not found." << dendl; return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; default: derr << __func__ << " " << path << ": Unsupported create disposition: " << CreationDisposition << dendl; return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // We shouldn't get here. derr << __func__ << ": unknown error while opening: " << path << dendl; return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } static void WinCephCloseFile( LPCWSTR FileName, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); pfd_context fdc = (pfd_context) &(DokanFileInfo->Context); if (!fdc) { derr << __func__ << ": missing context: " << path << dendl; return; } dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << " fd: " << fdc->fd << dendl; int ret = ceph_close(cmount, fdc->fd); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << " failed. fd: " << fdc->fd << ". Error: " << ret << dendl; } DokanFileInfo->Context = 0; } static void WinCephCleanup( LPCWSTR FileName, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); if (!DokanFileInfo->Context) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": missing context: " << path << dendl; return; } if (DokanFileInfo->DeleteOnClose) { dout(20) << __func__ << " DeleteOnClose: " << path << dendl; if (DokanFileInfo->IsDirectory) { int ret = ceph_rmdir(cmount, path.c_str()); if (ret) derr << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_rmdir failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; } else { int ret = ceph_unlink(cmount, path.c_str()); if (ret != 0) { derr << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_unlink failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; } } } } static NTSTATUS WinCephReadFile( LPCWSTR FileName, LPVOID Buffer, DWORD BufferLength, LPDWORD ReadLength, LONGLONG Offset, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { if (!BufferLength) { *ReadLength = 0; return 0; } if (Offset < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ": Invalid offset: " << Offset << dendl; return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (Offset > CEPH_DOKAN_MAX_FILE_SZ || BufferLength > CEPH_DOKAN_MAX_IO_SZ) { dout(2) << "File read too large: " << get_path(FileName) << ". Offset: " << Offset << ". Buffer length: " << BufferLength << dendl; return STATUS_FILE_TOO_LARGE; } pfd_context fdc = (pfd_context) &(DokanFileInfo->Context); if (!fdc->fd) { dout(15) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ". Missing context, using temporary handle." << dendl; string path = get_path(FileName); int fd_new = ceph_open(cmount, path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd_new < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_open failed. Error: " << fd_new << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(fd_new); } int ret = ceph_read(cmount, fd_new, (char*) Buffer, BufferLength, Offset); if (ret < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_read failed. Error: " << ret << ". Offset: " << Offset << "Buffer length: " << BufferLength << dendl; ceph_close(cmount, fd_new); return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } *ReadLength = ret; ceph_close(cmount, fd_new); return 0; } else { int ret = ceph_read(cmount, fdc->fd, (char*) Buffer, BufferLength, Offset); if (ret < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ": ceph_read failed. Error: " << ret << ". Offset: " << Offset << "Buffer length: " << BufferLength << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } *ReadLength = ret; return 0; } } static NTSTATUS WinCephWriteFile( LPCWSTR FileName, LPCVOID Buffer, DWORD NumberOfBytesToWrite, LPDWORD NumberOfBytesWritten, LONGLONG Offset, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { if (!NumberOfBytesToWrite) { *NumberOfBytesWritten = 0; return 0; } if (Offset < 0) { if (DokanFileInfo->WriteToEndOfFile) { string path = get_path(FileName); struct ceph_statx stbuf; unsigned int requested_attrs = CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS; int ret = ceph_statx(cmount, path.c_str(), &stbuf, requested_attrs, 0); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_statx failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } Offset = stbuf.stx_size; } else { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ": Invalid offset: " << Offset << dendl; return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } if (Offset > CEPH_DOKAN_MAX_FILE_SZ || NumberOfBytesToWrite > CEPH_DOKAN_MAX_IO_SZ) { dout(2) << "File write too large: " << get_path(FileName) << ". Offset: " << Offset << ". Buffer length: " << NumberOfBytesToWrite << ". WriteToEndOfFile: " << (bool) DokanFileInfo->WriteToEndOfFile << dendl; return STATUS_FILE_TOO_LARGE; } pfd_context fdc = (pfd_context) &(DokanFileInfo->Context); if (fdc->read_only) return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; // TODO: check if we still have to support missing handles. // According to Dokan docs, it might be related to memory mapped files, in // which case reads/writes can be performed between the Close/Cleanup calls. if (!fdc->fd) { string path = get_path(FileName); dout(15) << __func__ << " " << path << ". Missing context, using temporary handle." << dendl; int fd_new = ceph_open(cmount, path.c_str(), O_RDWR, 0); if (fd_new < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_open failed. Error: " << fd_new << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(fd_new); } int ret = ceph_write(cmount, fd_new, (char*) Buffer, NumberOfBytesToWrite, Offset); if (ret < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_write failed. Error: " << ret << ". Offset: " << Offset << "Buffer length: " << NumberOfBytesToWrite << dendl; ceph_close(cmount, fd_new); return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } *NumberOfBytesWritten = ret; ceph_close(cmount, fd_new); return 0; } else { int ret = ceph_write(cmount, fdc->fd, (char*) Buffer, NumberOfBytesToWrite, Offset); if (ret < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ": ceph_write failed. Error: " << ret << ". Offset: " << Offset << "Buffer length: " << NumberOfBytesToWrite << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } *NumberOfBytesWritten = ret; return 0; } } static NTSTATUS WinCephFlushFileBuffers( LPCWSTR FileName, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { pfd_context fdc = (pfd_context) &(DokanFileInfo->Context); if (!fdc->fd) { derr << __func__ << ": missing context: " << get_path(FileName) << dendl; return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } int ret = ceph_fsync(cmount, fdc->fd, 0); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ": ceph_sync failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephGetFileInformation( LPCWSTR FileName, LPBY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION HandleFileInformation, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << dendl; memset(HandleFileInformation, 0, sizeof(BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION)); struct ceph_statx stbuf; unsigned int requested_attrs = CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS; pfd_context fdc = (pfd_context) &(DokanFileInfo->Context); if (!fdc->fd) { int ret = ceph_statx(cmount, path.c_str(), &stbuf, requested_attrs, 0); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_statx failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } } else { int ret = ceph_fstatx(cmount, fdc->fd, &stbuf, requested_attrs, 0); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_fstatx failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } } HandleFileInformation->nFileSizeLow = (stbuf.stx_size << 32) >> 32; HandleFileInformation->nFileSizeHigh = stbuf.stx_size >> 32; to_filetime(stbuf.stx_ctime.tv_sec, &HandleFileInformation->ftCreationTime); to_filetime(stbuf.stx_atime.tv_sec, &HandleFileInformation->ftLastAccessTime); to_filetime(stbuf.stx_mtime.tv_sec, &HandleFileInformation->ftLastWriteTime); if (S_ISDIR(stbuf.stx_mode)) { HandleFileInformation->dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } else if (S_ISREG(stbuf.stx_mode)) { HandleFileInformation->dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } HandleFileInformation->nFileIndexLow = (stbuf.stx_ino << 32) >> 32; HandleFileInformation->nFileIndexHigh = stbuf.stx_ino >> 32; HandleFileInformation->nNumberOfLinks = stbuf.stx_nlink; return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephFindFiles( LPCWSTR FileName, PFillFindData FillFindData, // function pointer PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << dendl; struct ceph_dir_result *dirp; int ret = ceph_opendir(cmount, path.c_str(), &dirp); if (ret != 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_mkdir failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } // TODO: retrieve the original case (e.g. using xattr) if configured // to do so. // TODO: provide aliases when case insensitive mounts cause collisions. // For example, when having test.txt and Test.txt, the latter becomes // TEST~1.txt WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData; int count = 0; while (1) { memset(&findData, 0, sizeof(findData)); struct dirent result; struct ceph_statx stbuf; unsigned int requested_attrs = CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS; ret = ceph_readdirplus_r(cmount, dirp, &result, &stbuf, requested_attrs, 0, // no special flags used when filling attrs NULL); // we're not using inodes. if (!ret) break; if (ret < 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_readdirplus_r failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } to_wstring(result.d_name).copy(findData.cFileName, MAX_PATH); findData.nFileSizeLow = (stbuf.stx_size << 32) >> 32; findData.nFileSizeHigh = stbuf.stx_size >> 32; to_filetime(stbuf.stx_ctime.tv_sec, &findData.ftCreationTime); to_filetime(stbuf.stx_atime.tv_sec, &findData.ftLastAccessTime); to_filetime(stbuf.stx_mtime.tv_sec, &findData.ftLastWriteTime); if (S_ISDIR(stbuf.stx_mode)) { findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } else if (S_ISREG(stbuf.stx_mode)) { findData.dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } FillFindData(&findData, DokanFileInfo); count++; } ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << " found " << count << " entries." << dendl; return 0; } /** * This callback is only supposed to check if deleting a file is * allowed. The actual file deletion will be performed by WinCephCleanup */ static NTSTATUS WinCephDeleteFile( LPCWSTR FileName, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << dendl; if (ceph_may_delete(cmount, path.c_str()) < 0) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephDeleteDirectory( LPCWSTR FileName, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << dendl; if (ceph_may_delete(cmount, path.c_str()) < 0) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } struct ceph_dir_result *dirp; int ret = ceph_opendir(cmount, path.c_str(), &dirp); if (ret != 0) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_opendir failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData; while (1) { memset(&findData, 0, sizeof(findData)); struct dirent *result = ceph_readdir(cmount, dirp); if (result) { if (strcmp(result->d_name, ".") && strcmp(result->d_name, "..")) { ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp); dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": directory is not empty. " << dendl; return STATUS_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY; } } else break; } ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp); return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephMoveFile( LPCWSTR FileName, // existing file name LPCWSTR NewFileName, BOOL ReplaceIfExisting, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); string new_path = get_path(NewFileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << " -> " << new_path << dendl; int ret = ceph_rename(cmount, path.c_str(), new_path.c_str()); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << " -> " << new_path << ": ceph_rename failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; } return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } static NTSTATUS WinCephSetEndOfFile( LPCWSTR FileName, LONGLONG ByteOffset, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { pfd_context fdc = (pfd_context) &(DokanFileInfo->Context); if (!fdc->fd) { derr << __func__ << ": missing context: " << get_path(FileName) << dendl; return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } int ret = ceph_ftruncate(cmount, fdc->fd, ByteOffset); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ": ceph_ftruncate failed. Error: " << ret << " Offset: " << ByteOffset << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephSetAllocationSize( LPCWSTR FileName, LONGLONG AllocSize, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { pfd_context fdc = (pfd_context) &(DokanFileInfo->Context); if (!fdc->fd) { derr << __func__ << ": missing context: " << get_path(FileName) << dendl; return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } struct ceph_statx stbuf; unsigned int requested_attrs = CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS; int ret = ceph_fstatx(cmount, fdc->fd, &stbuf, requested_attrs, 0); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ": ceph_fstatx failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } if ((unsigned long long) AllocSize < stbuf.stx_size) { int ret = ceph_ftruncate(cmount, fdc->fd, AllocSize); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << get_path(FileName) << ": ceph_ftruncate failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } return 0; } return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephSetFileAttributes( LPCWSTR FileName, DWORD FileAttributes, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " (stubbed) " << path << dendl; return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephSetFileTime( LPCWSTR FileName, CONST FILETIME* CreationTime, CONST FILETIME* LastAccessTime, CONST FILETIME* LastWriteTime, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { // TODO: as per a previous inline comment, this might cause problems // with some apps such as MS Office (different error code than expected // or ctime issues probably). We might allow disabling it. string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " " << path << dendl; struct ceph_statx stbuf = { 0 }; int mask = 0; if (CreationTime) { mask |= CEPH_SETATTR_CTIME; // On Windows, st_ctime is the creation time while on Linux it's the time // of the last metadata change. We'll try to stick with the Windows // semantics, although this might be overridden by Linux hosts. to_unix_time(*CreationTime, &stbuf.stx_ctime.tv_sec); } if (LastAccessTime) { mask |= CEPH_SETATTR_ATIME; to_unix_time(*LastAccessTime, &stbuf.stx_atime.tv_sec); } if (LastWriteTime) { mask |= CEPH_SETATTR_MTIME; to_unix_time(*LastWriteTime, &stbuf.stx_mtime.tv_sec); } int ret = ceph_setattrx(cmount, path.c_str(), &stbuf, mask, 0); if (ret) { dout(2) << __func__ << " " << path << ": ceph_setattrx failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephSetFileSecurity( LPCWSTR FileName, PSECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, ULONG SecurityDescriptorLength, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { string path = get_path(FileName); dout(20) << __func__ << " (stubbed) " << path << dendl; // TODO: Windows ACLs are ignored. At the moment, we're reporting this // operation as successful to avoid breaking applications. We might consider // making this behavior configurable. return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephGetVolumeInformation( LPWSTR VolumeNameBuffer, DWORD VolumeNameSize, LPDWORD VolumeSerialNumber, LPDWORD MaximumComponentLength, LPDWORD FileSystemFlags, LPWSTR FileSystemNameBuffer, DWORD FileSystemNameSize, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { g_cfg->win_vol_name.copy(VolumeNameBuffer, VolumeNameSize); *VolumeSerialNumber = g_cfg->win_vol_serial; *MaximumComponentLength = g_cfg->max_path_len; *FileSystemFlags = FILE_SUPPORTS_REMOTE_STORAGE | FILE_UNICODE_ON_DISK | FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS; if (g_cfg->case_sensitive) { *FileSystemFlags |= FILE_CASE_SENSITIVE_SEARCH | FILE_CASE_PRESERVED_NAMES; } wcscpy(FileSystemNameBuffer, L"Ceph"); return 0; } static NTSTATUS WinCephGetDiskFreeSpace( PULONGLONG FreeBytesAvailable, PULONGLONG TotalNumberOfBytes, PULONGLONG TotalNumberOfFreeBytes, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { struct statvfs vfsbuf; int ret = ceph_statfs(cmount, "/", &vfsbuf); if (ret) { derr << "ceph_statfs failed. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret);; } *FreeBytesAvailable = vfsbuf.f_bsize * vfsbuf.f_bfree; *TotalNumberOfBytes = vfsbuf.f_bsize * vfsbuf.f_blocks; *TotalNumberOfFreeBytes = vfsbuf.f_bsize * vfsbuf.f_bfree; return 0; } int do_unmap(wstring& mountpoint) { if (!DokanRemoveMountPoint(mountpoint.c_str())) { wcerr << "Couldn't remove the specified CephFS mount: " << mountpoint << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } int cleanup_mount() { int ret = ceph_unmount(cmount); if (ret) derr << "Couldn't perform clean unmount. Error: " << ret << dendl; else dout(0) << "Unmounted." << dendl; return ret; } static NTSTATUS WinCephUnmount( PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) { cleanup_mount(); // TODO: consider propagating unmount errors to Dokan. return 0; } BOOL WINAPI ConsoleHandler(DWORD dwType) { switch(dwType) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: dout(0) << "Received ctrl-c." << dendl; exit(0); case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: dout(0) << "Received break event." << dendl; break; default: dout(0) << "Received console event: " << dwType << dendl; } return TRUE; } static void unmount_atexit(void) { cleanup_mount(); } NTSTATUS get_volume_serial(PDWORD serial) { int64_t fs_cid = ceph_get_fs_cid(cmount); char fsid_str[64] = { 0 }; int ret = ceph_getxattr(cmount, "/", "ceph.cluster_fsid", fsid_str, sizeof(fsid_str)); if (ret < 0) { dout(2) << "Coudln't retrieve the cluster fsid. Error: " << ret << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(ret); } uuid_d fsid; if (!fsid.parse(fsid_str)) { dout(2) << "Couldn't parse cluster fsid" << dendl; return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } // We're generating a volume serial number by concatenating the last 16 bits // of the filesystem id and the cluster fsid. *serial = ((*(uint16_t*) fsid.bytes() & 0xffff) << 16) | (fs_cid & 0xffff); return 0; } int do_map() { PDOKAN_OPERATIONS dokan_operations = (PDOKAN_OPERATIONS) malloc(sizeof(DOKAN_OPERATIONS)); PDOKAN_OPTIONS dokan_options = (PDOKAN_OPTIONS) malloc(sizeof(DOKAN_OPTIONS)); if (!dokan_operations || !dokan_options) { derr << "Not enough memory" << dendl; return -ENOMEM; } int r = set_dokan_options(g_cfg, dokan_options); if (r) { return r; } ZeroMemory(dokan_operations, sizeof(DOKAN_OPERATIONS)); dokan_operations->ZwCreateFile = WinCephCreateFile; dokan_operations->Cleanup = WinCephCleanup; dokan_operations->CloseFile = WinCephCloseFile; dokan_operations->ReadFile = WinCephReadFile; dokan_operations->WriteFile = WinCephWriteFile; dokan_operations->FlushFileBuffers = WinCephFlushFileBuffers; dokan_operations->GetFileInformation = WinCephGetFileInformation; dokan_operations->FindFiles = WinCephFindFiles; dokan_operations->SetFileAttributes = WinCephSetFileAttributes; dokan_operations->SetFileTime = WinCephSetFileTime; dokan_operations->DeleteFile = WinCephDeleteFile; dokan_operations->DeleteDirectory = WinCephDeleteDirectory; dokan_operations->MoveFile = WinCephMoveFile; dokan_operations->SetEndOfFile = WinCephSetEndOfFile; dokan_operations->SetAllocationSize = WinCephSetAllocationSize; dokan_operations->SetFileSecurity = WinCephSetFileSecurity; dokan_operations->GetDiskFreeSpace = WinCephGetDiskFreeSpace; dokan_operations->GetVolumeInformation = WinCephGetVolumeInformation; dokan_operations->Unmounted = WinCephUnmount; ceph_create_with_context(&cmount, g_ceph_context); r = ceph_mount(cmount, g_cfg->root_path.c_str()); if (r) { derr << "ceph_mount failed. Error: " << r << dendl; return cephfs_errno_to_ntstatus_map(r); } if (g_cfg->win_vol_name.empty()) { string ceph_fs_name = g_conf().get_val("client_fs"); g_cfg->win_vol_name = L"Ceph"; if (!ceph_fs_name.empty()) { g_cfg->win_vol_name += L" - " + to_wstring(ceph_fs_name); } } if (!g_cfg->win_vol_serial) { if (get_volume_serial(&g_cfg->win_vol_serial)) { return -EINVAL; } } if (g_cfg->max_path_len > 260) { dout(0) << "maximum path length set to " << g_cfg->max_path_len << ". Some Windows utilities may not be able to handle " << "paths that exceed MAX_PATH (260) characters. " << "CreateDirectoryW, used by Powershell, has also been " << "observed to fail when paths exceed 16384 characters." << dendl; } atexit(unmount_atexit); dout(0) << "Mounted cephfs directory: " << g_cfg->root_path.c_str() <<". Mountpoint: " << to_string(g_cfg->mountpoint) << dendl; DokanInit(); DWORD status = DokanMain(dokan_options, dokan_operations); switch (static_cast(status)) { case DOKAN_SUCCESS: dout(2) << "Dokan has returned successfully" << dendl; break; case DOKAN_ERROR: derr << "Received generic dokan error." << dendl; break; case DOKAN_DRIVE_LETTER_ERROR: derr << "Invalid drive letter or mountpoint." << dendl; break; case DOKAN_DRIVER_INSTALL_ERROR: derr << "Can't initialize Dokan driver." << dendl; break; case DOKAN_START_ERROR: derr << "Dokan failed to start" << dendl; break; case DOKAN_MOUNT_ERROR: derr << "Dokan mount error." << dendl; break; case DOKAN_MOUNT_POINT_ERROR: derr << "Invalid mountpoint." << dendl; break; default: derr << "Unknown Dokan error: " << status << dendl; break; } DokanShutdown(); free(dokan_options); free(dokan_operations); return 0; } boost::intrusive_ptr do_global_init( int argc, const char **argv, Command cmd) { auto args = argv_to_vec(argc, argv); code_environment_t code_env; int flags; switch (cmd) { case Command::Map: code_env = CODE_ENVIRONMENT_DAEMON; flags = CINIT_FLAG_UNPRIVILEGED_DAEMON_DEFAULTS; break; default: code_env = CODE_ENVIRONMENT_UTILITY; flags = CINIT_FLAG_NO_MON_CONFIG; break; } global_pre_init(NULL, args, CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_CLIENT, code_env, flags); // Avoid cluttering the console when spawning a mapping that will run // in the background. if (g_conf()->daemonize) { flags |= CINIT_FLAG_NO_DAEMON_ACTIONS; } auto cct = global_init(NULL, args, CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_CLIENT, code_env, flags, FALSE); // There's no fork on Windows, we should be safe calling this anytime. common_init_finish(g_ceph_context); global_init_chdir(g_ceph_context); return cct; } int main(int argc, const char** argv) { SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)ConsoleHandler, TRUE)) { cerr << "Couldn't initialize console event handler." << std::endl; return -EINVAL; } g_cfg = new Config; Command cmd = Command::None; auto args = argv_to_vec(argc, argv); std::ostringstream err_msg; int r = parse_args(args, &err_msg, &cmd, g_cfg); if (r) { std::cerr << err_msg.str() << std::endl; return r; } switch (cmd) { case Command::Version: std::cout << pretty_version_to_str() << std::endl; return 0; case Command::Help: print_usage(); return 0; default: break; } auto cct = do_global_init(argc, argv, cmd); switch (cmd) { case Command::Map: return do_map(); case Command::Unmap: return do_unmap(g_cfg->mountpoint); default: print_usage(); break; } return 0; }