// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "ElectionLogic.h" #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #include "common/dout.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mon #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix _prefix(_dout, epoch, elector) using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::dec; using std::hex; using std::list; using std::map; using std::make_pair; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::pair; using std::set; using std::setfill; using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::to_string; using std::vector; using std::unique_ptr; using ceph::bufferlist; using ceph::decode; using ceph::encode; using ceph::Formatter; using ceph::JSONFormatter; using ceph::mono_clock; using ceph::mono_time; using ceph::timespan_str; static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream *_dout, epoch_t epoch, ElectionOwner* elector) { return *_dout << "paxos." << elector->get_my_rank() << ").electionLogic(" << epoch << ") "; } void ElectionLogic::init() { epoch = elector->read_persisted_epoch(); if (!epoch) { ldout(cct, 1) << "init, first boot, initializing epoch at 1 " << dendl; epoch = 1; } else if (epoch % 2) { ldout(cct, 1) << "init, last seen epoch " << epoch << ", mid-election, bumping" << dendl; ++epoch; elector->persist_epoch(epoch); } else { ldout(cct, 1) << "init, last seen epoch " << epoch << dendl; } } void ElectionLogic::bump_epoch(epoch_t e) { ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " to " << e << dendl; ceph_assert(epoch <= e); epoch = e; peer_tracker->increase_epoch(e); elector->persist_epoch(epoch); // clear up some state electing_me = false; acked_me.clear(); elector->notify_bump_epoch(); } void ElectionLogic::declare_standalone_victory() { assert(elector->paxos_size() == 1 && elector->get_my_rank() == 0); init(); bump_epoch(epoch+1); } void ElectionLogic::clear_live_election_state() { leader_acked = -1; electing_me = false; reset_stable_tracker(); leader_peer_tracker.reset(); } void ElectionLogic::reset_stable_tracker() { stable_peer_tracker.reset(new ConnectionTracker(*peer_tracker)); } void ElectionLogic::connectivity_bump_epoch_in_election(epoch_t mepoch) { ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " to " << mepoch << dendl; ceph_assert(mepoch > epoch); bump_epoch(mepoch); reset_stable_tracker(); double lscore, my_score; my_score = connectivity_election_score(elector->get_my_rank()); lscore = connectivity_election_score(leader_acked); if (my_score > lscore) { leader_acked = -1; leader_peer_tracker.reset(); } } void ElectionLogic::start() { if (!participating) { ldout(cct, 0) << "not starting new election -- not participating" << dendl; return; } ldout(cct, 5) << "start -- can i be leader?" << dendl; acked_me.clear(); init(); // start by trying to elect me if (epoch % 2 == 0) { bump_epoch(epoch+1); // odd == election cycle } else { elector->validate_store(); } acked_me.insert(elector->get_my_rank()); clear_live_election_state(); reset_stable_tracker(); electing_me = true; bufferlist bl; if (strategy == CONNECTIVITY) { stable_peer_tracker->encode(bl); } elector->propose_to_peers(epoch, bl); elector->_start(); } void ElectionLogic::defer(int who) { if (strategy == CLASSIC) { ldout(cct, 5) << "defer to " << who << dendl; ceph_assert(who < elector->get_my_rank()); } else { ldout(cct, 5) << "defer to " << who << ", disallowed_leaders=" << elector->get_disallowed_leaders() << dendl; ceph_assert(!elector->get_disallowed_leaders().count(who)); } if (electing_me) { // drop out acked_me.clear(); electing_me = false; } // ack them leader_acked = who; elector->_defer_to(who); } void ElectionLogic::end_election_period() { ldout(cct, 5) << "election period ended" << dendl; // did i win? if (electing_me && acked_me.size() > (elector->paxos_size() / 2)) { // i win declare_victory(); } else { // whoever i deferred to didn't declare victory quickly enough. if (elector->ever_participated()) start(); else elector->reset_election(); } } void ElectionLogic::declare_victory() { ldout(cct, 5) << "I win! acked_me=" << acked_me << dendl; last_election_winner = elector->get_my_rank(); last_voted_for = last_election_winner; clear_live_election_state(); set new_quorum; new_quorum.swap(acked_me); ceph_assert(epoch % 2 == 1); // election bump_epoch(epoch+1); // is over! elector->message_victory(new_quorum); } bool ElectionLogic::propose_classic_prefix(int from, epoch_t mepoch) { if (mepoch > epoch) { bump_epoch(mepoch); } else if (mepoch < epoch) { // got an "old" propose, if (epoch % 2 == 0 && // in a non-election cycle !elector->is_current_member(from)) { // from someone outside the quorum // a mon just started up, call a new election so they can rejoin! ldout(cct, 5) << " got propose from old epoch, " << from << " must have just started" << dendl; // we may be active; make sure we reset things in the monitor appropriately. elector->trigger_new_election(); } else { ldout(cct, 5) << " ignoring old propose" << dendl; } return true; } return false; } void ElectionLogic::receive_propose(int from, epoch_t mepoch, const ConnectionTracker *ct) { ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << " from " << from << dendl; if (from == elector->get_my_rank()) { lderr(cct) << "I got a propose from my own rank, hopefully this is startup weirdness,dropping" << dendl; return; } switch (strategy) { case CLASSIC: propose_classic_handler(from, mepoch); break; case DISALLOW: propose_disallow_handler(from, mepoch); break; case CONNECTIVITY: propose_connectivity_handler(from, mepoch, ct); break; default: ceph_assert(0 == "how did election strategy become an invalid value?"); } } void ElectionLogic::propose_disallow_handler(int from, epoch_t mepoch) { if (propose_classic_prefix(from, mepoch)) { return; } const set& disallowed_leaders = elector->get_disallowed_leaders(); int my_rank = elector->get_my_rank(); bool me_disallowed = disallowed_leaders.count(my_rank); bool from_disallowed = disallowed_leaders.count(from); bool my_win = !me_disallowed && // we are allowed to lead (my_rank < from || from_disallowed); // we are a better choice than them bool their_win = !from_disallowed && // they are allowed to lead (my_rank > from || me_disallowed) && // they are a better choice than us (leader_acked < 0 || leader_acked >= from); // they are a better choice than our previously-acked choice if (my_win) { // i would win over them. if (leader_acked >= 0) { // we already acked someone ceph_assert(leader_acked < from || from_disallowed); // and they still win, of course ldout(cct, 5) << "no, we already acked " << leader_acked << dendl; } else { // wait, i should win! if (!electing_me) { elector->trigger_new_election(); } } } else { // they would win over me if (their_win) { defer(from); } else { // ignore them! ldout(cct, 5) << "no, we already acked " << leader_acked << dendl; } } } void ElectionLogic::propose_classic_handler(int from, epoch_t mepoch) { if (propose_classic_prefix(from, mepoch)) { return; } if (elector->get_my_rank() < from) { // i would win over them. if (leader_acked >= 0) { // we already acked someone ceph_assert(leader_acked < from); // and they still win, of course ldout(cct, 5) << "no, we already acked " << leader_acked << dendl; } else { // wait, i should win! if (!electing_me) { elector->trigger_new_election(); } } } else { // they would win over me if (leader_acked < 0 || // haven't acked anyone yet, or leader_acked > from || // they would win over who you did ack, or leader_acked == from) { // this is the guy we're already deferring to defer(from); } else { // ignore them! ldout(cct, 5) << "no, we already acked " << leader_acked << dendl; } } } double ElectionLogic::connectivity_election_score(int rank) { ldout(cct, 30) << __func__ << " of " << rank << dendl; if (elector->get_disallowed_leaders().count(rank)) { return -1; } double score; int liveness; if (stable_peer_tracker) { ldout(cct, 30) << "stable_peer_tracker exists so using that ..." << dendl; stable_peer_tracker->get_total_connection_score(rank, &score, &liveness); } else { ldout(cct, 30) << "stable_peer_tracker does not exists, using peer_tracker ..." << dendl; peer_tracker->get_total_connection_score(rank, &score, &liveness); } return score; } void ElectionLogic::propose_connectivity_handler(int from, epoch_t mepoch, const ConnectionTracker *ct) { ldout(cct, 10) << __func__ << " from " << from << " mepoch: " << mepoch << " epoch: " << epoch << dendl; ldout(cct, 30) << "last_election_winner: " << last_election_winner << dendl; // ignore proposal from marked down mons if we are the tiebreaker if (elector->is_tiebreaker(elector->get_my_rank()) && elector->is_stretch_marked_down_mons(from)) { ldout(cct, 10) << "Ignoring proposal from marked down mon " << from << dendl; return; } if ((epoch % 2 == 0) && last_election_winner != elector->get_my_rank() && !elector->is_current_member(from)) { // To prevent election flapping, peons ignore proposals from out-of-quorum // peers unless their vote would materially change from the last election ldout(cct, 30) << "Lets see if this out-of-quorum peer is worth it " << dendl; int best_scorer = 0; double best_score = 0; double last_voted_for_score = 0; ldout(cct, 30) << "elector->paxos_size(): " << elector->paxos_size() << dendl; for (unsigned i = 0; i < elector->paxos_size(); ++i) { double score = connectivity_election_score(i); if (score > best_score) { best_scorer = i; best_score = score; } if (last_voted_for >= 0 && i == static_cast(last_voted_for)) { last_voted_for_score = score; } } ldout(cct, 30) << "best_scorer: " << best_scorer << " best_score: " << best_score << " last_voted_for: " << last_voted_for << " last_voted_for_score: " << last_voted_for_score << dendl; if (best_scorer == last_voted_for || (best_score - last_voted_for_score < ignore_propose_margin)) { // drop this message; it won't change our vote so we defer to leader ldout(cct, 30) << "drop this message; it won't change our vote so we defer to leader " << dendl; return; } } if (mepoch > epoch) { ldout(cct, 20) << "mepoch > epoch" << dendl; connectivity_bump_epoch_in_election(mepoch); } else if (mepoch < epoch) { // got an "old" propose, if (epoch % 2 == 0 && // in a non-election cycle !elector->is_current_member(from)) { // from someone outside the quorum // a mon just started up, call a new election so they can rejoin! ldout(cct, 5) << " got propose from old epoch, " << from << " must have just started" << dendl; ldout(cct, 10) << "triggering new election" << dendl; // we may be active; make sure we reset things in the monitor appropriately. elector->trigger_new_election(); } else { ldout(cct, 5) << " ignoring old propose" << dendl; } return; } int my_rank = elector->get_my_rank(); double my_score = connectivity_election_score(my_rank); double from_score = connectivity_election_score(from); double leader_score = -1; if (leader_acked >= 0) { leader_score = connectivity_election_score(leader_acked); } ldout(cct, 20) << "propose from rank=" << from << ", tracker: " << (stable_peer_tracker ? *stable_peer_tracker : *peer_tracker) << dendl; ldout(cct, 10) << "propose from rank=" << from << ",from_score=" << from_score << "; my score=" << my_score << "; currently acked " << leader_acked << ",leader_score=" << leader_score << ",disallowed_leaders=" << elector->get_disallowed_leaders() << dendl; bool my_win = (my_score >= 0) && // My score is non-zero; I am allowed to lead ((my_rank < from && my_score >= from_score) || // We have same scores and I have lower rank, or (my_score > from_score)); // my score is higher bool their_win = (from_score >= 0) && // Their score is non-zero; they're allowed to lead, AND ((from < my_rank && from_score >= my_score) || // Either they have lower rank and same score, or (from_score > my_score)) && // their score is higher, AND ((from <= leader_acked && from_score >= leader_score) || // same conditions compared to leader, or IS leader (from_score > leader_score)); if (my_win) { ldout(cct, 10) << " conditionally I win" << dendl; // i would win over them. if (leader_acked >= 0) { // we already acked someone ceph_assert(leader_score >= from_score); // and they still win, of course ldout(cct, 5) << "no, we already acked " << leader_acked << dendl; } else { // wait, i should win! if (!electing_me) { ldout(cct, 10) << " wait, i should win! triggering new election ..." << dendl; elector->trigger_new_election(); } } } else { ldout(cct, 10) << " conditionally they win" << dendl; // they would win over me if (their_win || from == leader_acked) { if (leader_acked >= 0 && from != leader_acked) { // we have to make sure our acked leader will ALSO defer to them, or else // we can't, to maintain guarantees! ldout(cct, 10) << " make sure acked leader defer to: " << from << dendl; double leader_from_score; int leader_from_liveness; leader_peer_tracker-> get_total_connection_score(from, &leader_from_score, &leader_from_liveness); double leader_leader_score; int leader_leader_liveness; leader_peer_tracker-> get_total_connection_score(leader_acked, &leader_leader_score, &leader_leader_liveness); if ((from < leader_acked && leader_from_score >= leader_leader_score) || (leader_from_score > leader_leader_score)) { ldout(cct, 10) << "defering to " << from << dendl; defer(from); leader_peer_tracker.reset(new ConnectionTracker(*ct)); } else { // we can't defer to them *this* round even though they should win... double cur_leader_score, cur_from_score; int cur_leader_live, cur_from_live; peer_tracker->get_total_connection_score(leader_acked, &cur_leader_score, &cur_leader_live); peer_tracker->get_total_connection_score(from, &cur_from_score, &cur_from_live); if ((from < leader_acked && cur_from_score >= cur_leader_score) || (cur_from_score > cur_leader_score)) { ldout(cct, 5) << "Bumping epoch and starting new election; acked " << leader_acked << " should defer to " << from << " but there is score disagreement!" << dendl; bump_epoch(epoch+1); start(); } else { ldout(cct, 5) << "no, we already acked " << leader_acked << " and it won't defer to " << from << " despite better round scores" << dendl; } } } else { ldout(cct, 10) << "defering to " << from << dendl; defer(from); leader_peer_tracker.reset(new ConnectionTracker(*ct)); } } else { // ignore them! ldout(cct, 5) << "no, we already acked " << leader_acked << " with score >=" << from_score << dendl; } } } void ElectionLogic::receive_ack(int from, epoch_t from_epoch) { ceph_assert(from_epoch % 2 == 1); // sender in an election epoch if (from_epoch > epoch) { ldout(cct, 5) << "woah, that's a newer epoch, i must have rebooted. bumping and re-starting!" << dendl; bump_epoch(from_epoch); start(); return; } // is that _everyone_? if (electing_me) { acked_me.insert(from); if (acked_me.size() == elector->paxos_size()) { // if yes, shortcut to election finish declare_victory(); } } else { // ignore, i'm deferring already. ceph_assert(leader_acked >= 0); } } bool ElectionLogic::victory_makes_sense(int from) { bool makes_sense = false; switch (strategy) { case CLASSIC: makes_sense = (from < elector->get_my_rank()); break; case DISALLOW: makes_sense = (from < elector->get_my_rank()) || elector->get_disallowed_leaders().count(elector->get_my_rank()); break; case CONNECTIVITY: double my_score, leader_score; my_score = connectivity_election_score(elector->get_my_rank()); leader_score = connectivity_election_score(from); ldout(cct, 5) << "victory from " << from << " makes sense? lscore:" << leader_score << "; my score:" << my_score << dendl; makes_sense = (leader_score >= my_score); break; default: ceph_assert(0 == "how did you get a nonsense election strategy assigned?"); } return makes_sense; } bool ElectionLogic::receive_victory_claim(int from, epoch_t from_epoch) { bool election_okay = victory_makes_sense(from); last_election_winner = from; last_voted_for = leader_acked; clear_live_election_state(); if (!election_okay) { ceph_assert(strategy == CONNECTIVITY); ldout(cct, 1) << "I should have been elected over this leader; bumping and restarting!" << dendl; bump_epoch(from_epoch); start(); return false; } // i should have seen this election if i'm getting the victory. if (from_epoch != epoch + 1) { ldout(cct, 5) << "woah, that's a funny epoch, i must have rebooted. bumping and re-starting!" << dendl; bump_epoch(from_epoch); start(); return false; } bump_epoch(from_epoch); // they win return true; }