// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2017 John Spray * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. */ #pragma once #include #include "common/Formatter.h" #include "include/encoding.h" struct MonCommand { std::string cmdstring; std::string helpstring; std::string module; std::string req_perms; uint64_t flags = 0; // MonCommand flags static const uint64_t FLAG_NONE = 0; static const uint64_t FLAG_NOFORWARD = 1 << 0; static const uint64_t FLAG_OBSOLETE = 1 << 1; static const uint64_t FLAG_DEPRECATED = 1 << 2; static const uint64_t FLAG_MGR = 1 << 3; static const uint64_t FLAG_POLL = 1 << 4; static const uint64_t FLAG_HIDDEN = 1 << 5; // asok and tell commands are not forwarded, and they should not be listed // in --help output. static const uint64_t FLAG_TELL = (FLAG_NOFORWARD | FLAG_HIDDEN); bool has_flag(uint64_t flag) const { return (flags & flag) == flag; } void set_flag(uint64_t flag) { flags |= flag; } void unset_flag(uint64_t flag) { flags &= ~flag; } void encode(ceph::buffer::list &bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); encode_bare(bl); encode(flags, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(ceph::buffer::list::const_iterator &bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); decode_bare(bl); decode(flags, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(ceph::Formatter *f) const { f->dump_string("cmdstring", cmdstring); f->dump_string("helpstring", helpstring); f->dump_string("module", module); f->dump_string("req_perms", req_perms); f->dump_unsigned("flags", flags); } static void generate_test_instances(std::list& ls) { ls.push_back(new MonCommand); ls.push_back(new MonCommand); ls.back()->cmdstring = "foo"; ls.back()->helpstring = "bar"; ls.back()->module = "baz"; ls.back()->req_perms = "quux"; ls.back()->flags = FLAG_NOFORWARD; } /** * Unversioned encoding for use within encode_array. */ void encode_bare(ceph::buffer::list &bl) const { using ceph::encode; encode(cmdstring, bl); encode(helpstring, bl); encode(module, bl); encode(req_perms, bl); std::string availability = "cli,rest"; // Removed field, for backward compat encode(availability, bl); } void decode_bare(ceph::buffer::list::const_iterator &bl) { using ceph::decode; decode(cmdstring, bl); decode(helpstring, bl); decode(module, bl); decode(req_perms, bl); std::string availability; // Removed field, for backward compat decode(availability, bl); } bool is_compat(const MonCommand* o) const { return cmdstring == o->cmdstring && module == o->module && req_perms == o->req_perms; } bool is_tell() const { return has_flag(MonCommand::FLAG_TELL); } bool is_noforward() const { return has_flag(MonCommand::FLAG_NOFORWARD); } bool is_obsolete() const { return has_flag(MonCommand::FLAG_OBSOLETE); } bool is_deprecated() const { return has_flag(MonCommand::FLAG_DEPRECATED); } bool is_mgr() const { return has_flag(MonCommand::FLAG_MGR); } bool is_hidden() const { return has_flag(MonCommand::FLAG_HIDDEN); } static void encode_array(const MonCommand *cmds, int size, ceph::buffer::list &bl) { ENCODE_START(2, 1, bl); uint16_t s = size; encode(s, bl); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { cmds[i].encode_bare(bl); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { encode(cmds[i].flags, bl); } ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } static void decode_array(MonCommand **cmds, int *size, ceph::buffer::list::const_iterator &bl) { DECODE_START(2, bl); uint16_t s = 0; decode(s, bl); *size = s; *cmds = new MonCommand[*size]; for (int i = 0; i < *size; ++i) { (*cmds)[i].decode_bare(bl); } if (struct_v >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < *size; i++) decode((*cmds)[i].flags, bl); } else { for (int i = 0; i < *size; i++) (*cmds)[i].flags = 0; } DECODE_FINISH(bl); } // this uses a u16 for the count, so we need a special encoder/decoder. static void encode_vector(const std::vector& cmds, ceph::buffer::list &bl) { ENCODE_START(2, 1, bl); uint16_t s = cmds.size(); encode(s, bl); for (unsigned i = 0; i < s; ++i) { cmds[i].encode_bare(bl); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < s; i++) { encode(cmds[i].flags, bl); } ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } static void decode_vector(std::vector &cmds, ceph::buffer::list::const_iterator &bl) { DECODE_START(2, bl); uint16_t s = 0; decode(s, bl); cmds.resize(s); for (unsigned i = 0; i < s; ++i) { cmds[i].decode_bare(bl); } if (struct_v >= 2) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < s; i++) decode(cmds[i].flags, bl); } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < s; i++) cmds[i].flags = 0; } DECODE_FINISH(bl); } bool requires_perm(char p) const { return (req_perms.find(p) != std::string::npos); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(MonCommand)