// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2013 Inktank Storage, Inc. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include #include #include "ECBackend.h" #include "messages/MOSDPGPush.h" #include "messages/MOSDPGPushReply.h" #include "messages/MOSDECSubOpWrite.h" #include "messages/MOSDECSubOpWriteReply.h" #include "messages/MOSDECSubOpRead.h" #include "messages/MOSDECSubOpReadReply.h" #include "ECMsgTypes.h" #include "PrimaryLogPG.h" #include "osd_tracer.h" #define dout_context cct #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_osd #define DOUT_PREFIX_ARGS this #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix _prefix(_dout, this) using std::dec; using std::hex; using std::less; using std::list; using std::make_pair; using std::map; using std::pair; using std::ostream; using std::set; using std::string; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; using ceph::bufferhash; using ceph::bufferlist; using ceph::bufferptr; using ceph::ErasureCodeInterfaceRef; using ceph::Formatter; static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream *_dout, ECBackend *pgb) { return pgb->get_parent()->gen_dbg_prefix(*_dout); } static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream *_dout, ECBackend::RecoveryBackend *pgb) { return pgb->get_parent()->gen_dbg_prefix(*_dout); } struct ECRecoveryHandle : public PGBackend::RecoveryHandle { list ops; }; static ostream &operator<<(ostream &lhs, const map &rhs) { lhs << "["; for (map::const_iterator i = rhs.begin(); i != rhs.end(); ++i) { if (i != rhs.begin()) lhs << ", "; lhs << make_pair(i->first, i->second.length()); } return lhs << "]"; } static ostream &operator<<(ostream &lhs, const map &rhs) { lhs << "["; for (map::const_iterator i = rhs.begin(); i != rhs.end(); ++i) { if (i != rhs.begin()) lhs << ", "; lhs << make_pair(i->first, i->second.length()); } return lhs << "]"; } ostream &operator<<(ostream &lhs, const ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::RecoveryOp &rhs) { return lhs << "RecoveryOp(" << "hoid=" << rhs.hoid << " v=" << rhs.v << " missing_on=" << rhs.missing_on << " missing_on_shards=" << rhs.missing_on_shards << " recovery_info=" << rhs.recovery_info << " recovery_progress=" << rhs.recovery_progress << " obc refcount=" << rhs.obc.use_count() << " state=" << ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::RecoveryOp::tostr(rhs.state) << " waiting_on_pushes=" << rhs.waiting_on_pushes << " extent_requested=" << rhs.extent_requested << ")"; } void ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::RecoveryOp::dump(Formatter *f) const { f->dump_stream("hoid") << hoid; f->dump_stream("v") << v; f->dump_stream("missing_on") << missing_on; f->dump_stream("missing_on_shards") << missing_on_shards; f->dump_stream("recovery_info") << recovery_info; f->dump_stream("recovery_progress") << recovery_progress; f->dump_stream("state") << tostr(state); f->dump_stream("waiting_on_pushes") << waiting_on_pushes; f->dump_stream("extent_requested") << extent_requested; } ECBackend::ECBackend( PGBackend::Listener *pg, const coll_t &coll, ObjectStore::CollectionHandle &ch, ObjectStore *store, CephContext *cct, ErasureCodeInterfaceRef ec_impl, uint64_t stripe_width) : PGBackend(cct, pg, store, coll, ch), read_pipeline(cct, ec_impl, this->sinfo, get_parent()->get_eclistener()), rmw_pipeline(cct, ec_impl, this->sinfo, get_parent()->get_eclistener(), *this), recovery_backend(cct, this->coll, ec_impl, this->sinfo, read_pipeline, unstable_hashinfo_registry, get_parent(), this), ec_impl(ec_impl), sinfo(ec_impl->get_data_chunk_count(), stripe_width), unstable_hashinfo_registry(cct, ec_impl) { ceph_assert((ec_impl->get_data_chunk_count() * ec_impl->get_chunk_size(stripe_width)) == stripe_width); } PGBackend::RecoveryHandle *ECBackend::open_recovery_op() { return recovery_backend.open_recovery_op(); } ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::RecoveryBackend( CephContext* cct, const coll_t &coll, ceph::ErasureCodeInterfaceRef ec_impl, const ECUtil::stripe_info_t& sinfo, ReadPipeline& read_pipeline, UnstableHashInfoRegistry& unstable_hashinfo_registry, ECListener* parent, ECBackend* ecbackend) : cct(cct), coll(coll), ec_impl(std::move(ec_impl)), sinfo(sinfo), read_pipeline(read_pipeline), unstable_hashinfo_registry(unstable_hashinfo_registry), parent(parent), ecbackend(ecbackend) { } PGBackend::RecoveryHandle *ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::open_recovery_op() { return new ECRecoveryHandle; } void ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::_failed_push(const hobject_t &hoid, ECCommon::read_result_t &res) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": Read error " << hoid << " r=" << res.r << " errors=" << res.errors << dendl; dout(10) << __func__ << ": canceling recovery op for obj " << hoid << dendl; ceph_assert(recovery_ops.count(hoid)); eversion_t v = recovery_ops[hoid].v; recovery_ops.erase(hoid); set fl; for (auto&& i : res.errors) { fl.insert(i.first); } get_parent()->on_failed_pull(fl, hoid, v); } struct RecoveryMessages { map recovery_reads; map> want_to_read; void recovery_read( const hobject_t &hoid, uint64_t off, uint64_t len, set &&_want_to_read, const map>> &need, bool attrs) { list to_read; to_read.emplace_back(ECCommon::ec_align_t{off, len, 0}); ceph_assert(!recovery_reads.count(hoid)); want_to_read.insert(make_pair(hoid, std::move(_want_to_read))); recovery_reads.insert( make_pair( hoid, ECCommon::read_request_t( to_read, need, attrs))); } map > pushes; map > push_replies; ObjectStore::Transaction t; }; void ECBackend::handle_recovery_push( const PushOp &op, RecoveryMessages *m, bool is_repair) { if (get_parent()->pg_is_remote_backfilling()) { get_parent()->pg_add_local_num_bytes(op.data.length()); get_parent()->pg_add_num_bytes(op.data.length() * get_ec_data_chunk_count()); dout(10) << __func__ << " " << op.soid << " add new actual data by " << op.data.length() << " add new num_bytes by " << op.data.length() * get_ec_data_chunk_count() << dendl; } recovery_backend.handle_recovery_push(op, m, is_repair); if (op.after_progress.data_complete && !(get_parent()->pgb_is_primary()) && get_parent()->pg_is_remote_backfilling()) { struct stat st; int r = store->stat(ch, ghobject_t(op.soid, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard), &st); if (r == 0) { get_parent()->pg_sub_local_num_bytes(st.st_size); // XXX: This can be way overestimated for small objects get_parent()->pg_sub_num_bytes(st.st_size * get_ec_data_chunk_count()); dout(10) << __func__ << " " << op.soid << " sub actual data by " << st.st_size << " sub num_bytes by " << st.st_size * get_ec_data_chunk_count() << dendl; } } } void ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::handle_recovery_push( const PushOp &op, RecoveryMessages *m, bool is_repair) { if (get_parent()->check_failsafe_full()) { dout(10) << __func__ << " Out of space (failsafe) processing push request." << dendl; ceph_abort(); } bool oneshot = op.before_progress.first && op.after_progress.data_complete; ghobject_t tobj; if (oneshot) { tobj = ghobject_t(op.soid, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard); } else { tobj = ghobject_t(get_parent()->get_temp_recovery_object(op.soid, op.version), ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard); if (op.before_progress.first) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": Adding oid " << tobj.hobj << " in the temp collection" << dendl; add_temp_obj(tobj.hobj); } } if (op.before_progress.first) { m->t.remove(coll, tobj); m->t.touch(coll, tobj); } if (!op.data_included.empty()) { uint64_t start = op.data_included.range_start(); uint64_t end = op.data_included.range_end(); ceph_assert(op.data.length() == (end - start)); m->t.write( coll, tobj, start, op.data.length(), op.data); } else { ceph_assert(op.data.length() == 0); } if (op.before_progress.first) { ceph_assert(op.attrset.count(string("_"))); m->t.setattrs( coll, tobj, op.attrset); } if (op.after_progress.data_complete && !oneshot) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": Removing oid " << tobj.hobj << " from the temp collection" << dendl; clear_temp_obj(tobj.hobj); m->t.remove(coll, ghobject_t( op.soid, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard)); m->t.collection_move_rename( coll, tobj, coll, ghobject_t( op.soid, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard)); } if (op.after_progress.data_complete) { if ((get_parent()->pgb_is_primary())) { ceph_assert(recovery_ops.count(op.soid)); ceph_assert(recovery_ops[op.soid].obc); if (get_parent()->pg_is_repair() || is_repair) get_parent()->inc_osd_stat_repaired(); get_parent()->on_local_recover( op.soid, op.recovery_info, recovery_ops[op.soid].obc, false, &m->t); } else { // If primary told us this is a repair, bump osd_stat_t::num_objects_repaired if (is_repair) get_parent()->inc_osd_stat_repaired(); get_parent()->on_local_recover( op.soid, op.recovery_info, ObjectContextRef(), false, &m->t); } } m->push_replies[get_parent()->primary_shard()].push_back(PushReplyOp()); m->push_replies[get_parent()->primary_shard()].back().soid = op.soid; } void ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::handle_recovery_push_reply( const PushReplyOp &op, pg_shard_t from, RecoveryMessages *m) { if (!recovery_ops.count(op.soid)) return; RecoveryOp &rop = recovery_ops[op.soid]; ceph_assert(rop.waiting_on_pushes.count(from)); rop.waiting_on_pushes.erase(from); continue_recovery_op(rop, m); } void ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::handle_recovery_read_complete( const hobject_t &hoid, boost::tuple > &to_read, std::optional> > attrs, RecoveryMessages *m) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": returned " << hoid << " " << "(" << to_read.get<0>() << ", " << to_read.get<1>() << ", " << to_read.get<2>() << ")" << dendl; ceph_assert(recovery_ops.count(hoid)); RecoveryBackend::RecoveryOp &op = recovery_ops[hoid]; ceph_assert(op.returned_data.empty()); map target; for (set::iterator i = op.missing_on_shards.begin(); i != op.missing_on_shards.end(); ++i) { target[*i] = &(op.returned_data[*i]); } map from; for(map::iterator i = to_read.get<2>().begin(); i != to_read.get<2>().end(); ++i) { from[i->first.shard] = std::move(i->second); } dout(10) << __func__ << ": " << from << dendl; int r; r = ECUtil::decode(sinfo, ec_impl, from, target); ceph_assert(r == 0); if (attrs) { op.xattrs.swap(*attrs); if (!op.obc) { // attrs only reference the origin bufferlist (decode from // ECSubReadReply message) whose size is much greater than attrs // in recovery. If obc cache it (get_obc maybe cache the attr), // this causes the whole origin bufferlist would not be free // until obc is evicted from obc cache. So rebuild the // bufferlist before cache it. for (map::iterator it = op.xattrs.begin(); it != op.xattrs.end(); ++it) { it->second.rebuild(); } // Need to remove ECUtil::get_hinfo_key() since it should not leak out // of the backend (see bug #12983) map> sanitized_attrs(op.xattrs); sanitized_attrs.erase(ECUtil::get_hinfo_key()); op.obc = get_parent()->get_obc(hoid, sanitized_attrs); ceph_assert(op.obc); op.recovery_info.size = op.obc->obs.oi.size; op.recovery_info.oi = op.obc->obs.oi; } ECUtil::HashInfo hinfo(ec_impl->get_chunk_count()); if (op.obc->obs.oi.size > 0) { ceph_assert(op.xattrs.count(ECUtil::get_hinfo_key())); auto bp = op.xattrs[ECUtil::get_hinfo_key()].cbegin(); decode(hinfo, bp); } op.hinfo = unstable_hashinfo_registry.maybe_put_hash_info(hoid, std::move(hinfo)); } ceph_assert(op.xattrs.size()); ceph_assert(op.obc); continue_recovery_op(op, m); } struct SendPushReplies : public Context { PGBackend::Listener *l; epoch_t epoch; map replies; SendPushReplies( PGBackend::Listener *l, epoch_t epoch, map &in) : l(l), epoch(epoch) { replies.swap(in); } void finish(int) override { std::vector> messages; messages.reserve(replies.size()); for (map::iterator i = replies.begin(); i != replies.end(); ++i) { messages.push_back(std::make_pair(i->first, i->second)); } if (!messages.empty()) { l->send_message_osd_cluster(messages, epoch); } replies.clear(); } ~SendPushReplies() override { for (map::iterator i = replies.begin(); i != replies.end(); ++i) { i->second->put(); } replies.clear(); } }; struct RecoveryReadCompleter : ECCommon::ReadCompleter { RecoveryReadCompleter(ECBackend::RecoveryBackend& backend) : backend(backend) {} void finish_single_request( const hobject_t &hoid, ECCommon::read_result_t &res, list, set wanted_to_read) override { if (!(res.r == 0 && res.errors.empty())) { backend._failed_push(hoid, res); return; } ceph_assert(res.returned.size() == 1); backend.handle_recovery_read_complete( hoid, res.returned.back(), res.attrs, &rm); } void finish(int priority) && override { backend.dispatch_recovery_messages(rm, priority); } ECBackend::RecoveryBackend& backend; RecoveryMessages rm; }; void ECBackend::ECRecoveryBackend::commit_txn_send_replies( ceph::os::Transaction&& txn, std::map replies) { txn.register_on_complete( get_parent()->bless_context( new SendPushReplies( get_parent(), get_osdmap_epoch(), replies))); get_parent()->queue_transaction(std::move(txn)); } void ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::dispatch_recovery_messages(RecoveryMessages &m, int priority) { for (map >::iterator i = m.pushes.begin(); i != m.pushes.end(); m.pushes.erase(i++)) { MOSDPGPush *msg = new MOSDPGPush(); msg->set_priority(priority); msg->map_epoch = get_parent()->pgb_get_osdmap_epoch(); msg->min_epoch = get_parent()->get_last_peering_reset_epoch(); msg->from = get_parent()->whoami_shard(); msg->pgid = spg_t(get_parent()->get_info().pgid.pgid, i->first.shard); msg->pushes.swap(i->second); msg->compute_cost(cct); msg->is_repair = get_parent()->pg_is_repair(); std::vector wrapped_msg { std::make_pair(i->first.osd, static_cast(msg)) }; get_parent()->send_message_osd_cluster(wrapped_msg, msg->map_epoch); } map replies; for (map >::iterator i = m.push_replies.begin(); i != m.push_replies.end(); m.push_replies.erase(i++)) { MOSDPGPushReply *msg = new MOSDPGPushReply(); msg->set_priority(priority); msg->map_epoch = get_parent()->pgb_get_osdmap_epoch(); msg->min_epoch = get_parent()->get_last_peering_reset_epoch(); msg->from = get_parent()->whoami_shard(); msg->pgid = spg_t(get_parent()->get_info().pgid.pgid, i->first.shard); msg->replies.swap(i->second); msg->compute_cost(cct); replies.insert(make_pair(i->first.osd, msg)); } #if 1 if (!replies.empty()) { commit_txn_send_replies(std::move(m.t), std::move(replies)); } #endif if (m.recovery_reads.empty()) return; read_pipeline.start_read_op( priority, m.want_to_read, m.recovery_reads, OpRequestRef(), false, true, std::make_unique(*this)); } void ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::continue_recovery_op( RecoveryBackend::RecoveryOp &op, RecoveryMessages *m) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": continuing " << op << dendl; using RecoveryOp = RecoveryBackend::RecoveryOp; while (1) { switch (op.state) { case RecoveryOp::IDLE: { // start read op.state = RecoveryOp::READING; ceph_assert(!op.recovery_progress.data_complete); set want(op.missing_on_shards.begin(), op.missing_on_shards.end()); uint64_t from = op.recovery_progress.data_recovered_to; uint64_t amount = get_recovery_chunk_size(); if (op.recovery_progress.first && op.obc) { if (auto [r, attrs, size] = ecbackend->get_attrs_n_size_from_disk(op.hoid); r >= 0 || r == -ENOENT) { op.hinfo = unstable_hashinfo_registry.get_hash_info(op.hoid, false, attrs, size); } else { derr << __func__ << ": can't stat-or-getattr on " << op.hoid << dendl; } if (!op.hinfo) { derr << __func__ << ": " << op.hoid << " has inconsistent hinfo" << dendl; ceph_assert(recovery_ops.count(op.hoid)); eversion_t v = recovery_ops[op.hoid].v; recovery_ops.erase(op.hoid); // TODO: not in crimson yet get_parent()->on_failed_pull({get_parent()->whoami_shard()}, op.hoid, v); return; } op.xattrs = op.obc->attr_cache; encode(*(op.hinfo), op.xattrs[ECUtil::get_hinfo_key()]); } map>> to_read; int r = read_pipeline.get_min_avail_to_read_shards( op.hoid, want, true, false, &to_read); if (r != 0) { // we must have lost a recovery source ceph_assert(!op.recovery_progress.first); dout(10) << __func__ << ": canceling recovery op for obj " << op.hoid << dendl; // in crimson get_parent()->cancel_pull(op.hoid); recovery_ops.erase(op.hoid); return; } m->recovery_read( op.hoid, op.recovery_progress.data_recovered_to, amount, std::move(want), to_read, op.recovery_progress.first && !op.obc); op.extent_requested = make_pair( from, amount); dout(10) << __func__ << ": IDLE return " << op << dendl; return; } case RecoveryOp::READING: { // read completed, start write ceph_assert(op.xattrs.size()); ceph_assert(op.returned_data.size()); op.state = RecoveryOp::WRITING; ObjectRecoveryProgress after_progress = op.recovery_progress; after_progress.data_recovered_to += op.extent_requested.second; after_progress.first = false; if (after_progress.data_recovered_to >= op.obc->obs.oi.size) { after_progress.data_recovered_to = sinfo.logical_to_next_stripe_offset( op.obc->obs.oi.size); after_progress.data_complete = true; } for (set::iterator mi = op.missing_on.begin(); mi != op.missing_on.end(); ++mi) { ceph_assert(op.returned_data.count(mi->shard)); m->pushes[*mi].push_back(PushOp()); PushOp &pop = m->pushes[*mi].back(); pop.soid = op.hoid; pop.version = op.v; pop.data = op.returned_data[mi->shard]; dout(10) << __func__ << ": before_progress=" << op.recovery_progress << ", after_progress=" << after_progress << ", pop.data.length()=" << pop.data.length() << ", size=" << op.obc->obs.oi.size << dendl; ceph_assert( pop.data.length() == sinfo.aligned_logical_offset_to_chunk_offset( after_progress.data_recovered_to - op.recovery_progress.data_recovered_to) ); if (pop.data.length()) pop.data_included.insert( sinfo.aligned_logical_offset_to_chunk_offset( op.recovery_progress.data_recovered_to), pop.data.length() ); if (op.recovery_progress.first) { pop.attrset = op.xattrs; } pop.recovery_info = op.recovery_info; pop.before_progress = op.recovery_progress; pop.after_progress = after_progress; if (*mi != get_parent()->primary_shard()) // already in crimson -- junction point with PeeringState get_parent()->begin_peer_recover( *mi, op.hoid); } op.returned_data.clear(); op.waiting_on_pushes = op.missing_on; op.recovery_progress = after_progress; dout(10) << __func__ << ": READING return " << op << dendl; return; } case RecoveryOp::WRITING: { if (op.waiting_on_pushes.empty()) { if (op.recovery_progress.data_complete) { op.state = RecoveryOp::COMPLETE; for (set::iterator i = op.missing_on.begin(); i != op.missing_on.end(); ++i) { if (*i != get_parent()->primary_shard()) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": on_peer_recover on " << *i << ", obj " << op.hoid << dendl; get_parent()->on_peer_recover( *i, op.hoid, op.recovery_info); } } object_stat_sum_t stat; stat.num_bytes_recovered = op.recovery_info.size; stat.num_keys_recovered = 0; // ??? op ... omap_entries.size(); ? stat.num_objects_recovered = 1; // TODO: not in crimson yet if (get_parent()->pg_is_repair()) stat.num_objects_repaired = 1; // pg_recovery.cc in crimson has it get_parent()->on_global_recover(op.hoid, stat, false); dout(10) << __func__ << ": WRITING return " << op << dendl; recovery_ops.erase(op.hoid); return; } else { op.state = RecoveryOp::IDLE; dout(10) << __func__ << ": WRITING continue " << op << dendl; continue; } } return; } // should never be called once complete case RecoveryOp::COMPLETE: default: { ceph_abort(); }; } } } void ECBackend::run_recovery_op( RecoveryHandle *_h, int priority) { ceph_assert(_h); ECRecoveryHandle &h = static_cast(*_h); recovery_backend.run_recovery_op(h, priority); send_recovery_deletes(priority, h.deletes); delete _h; } void ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::run_recovery_op( ECRecoveryHandle &h, int priority) { RecoveryMessages m; for (list::iterator i = h.ops.begin(); i != h.ops.end(); ++i) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": starting " << *i << dendl; ceph_assert(!recovery_ops.count(i->hoid)); RecoveryOp &op = recovery_ops.insert(make_pair(i->hoid, *i)).first->second; continue_recovery_op(op, &m); } dispatch_recovery_messages(m, priority); } int ECBackend::recover_object( const hobject_t &hoid, eversion_t v, ObjectContextRef head, ObjectContextRef obc, RecoveryHandle *_h) { return recovery_backend.recover_object(hoid, v, head, obc, _h); } int ECBackend::RecoveryBackend::recover_object( const hobject_t &hoid, eversion_t v, ObjectContextRef head, ObjectContextRef obc, RecoveryHandle *_h) { ECRecoveryHandle *h = static_cast(_h); h->ops.push_back(RecoveryOp()); h->ops.back().v = v; h->ops.back().hoid = hoid; h->ops.back().obc = obc; h->ops.back().recovery_info.soid = hoid; h->ops.back().recovery_info.version = v; if (obc) { h->ops.back().recovery_info.size = obc->obs.oi.size; h->ops.back().recovery_info.oi = obc->obs.oi; } if (hoid.is_snap()) { if (obc) { ceph_assert(obc->ssc); h->ops.back().recovery_info.ss = obc->ssc->snapset; } else if (head) { ceph_assert(head->ssc); h->ops.back().recovery_info.ss = head->ssc->snapset; } else { ceph_abort_msg("neither obc nor head set for a snap object"); } } h->ops.back().recovery_progress.omap_complete = true; for (set::const_iterator i = get_parent()->get_acting_recovery_backfill_shards().begin(); i != get_parent()->get_acting_recovery_backfill_shards().end(); ++i) { dout(10) << "checking " << *i << dendl; if (get_parent()->get_shard_missing(*i).is_missing(hoid)) { h->ops.back().missing_on.insert(*i); h->ops.back().missing_on_shards.insert(i->shard); } } dout(10) << __func__ << ": built op " << h->ops.back() << dendl; return 0; } bool ECBackend::can_handle_while_inactive( OpRequestRef _op) { return false; } bool ECBackend::_handle_message( OpRequestRef _op) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": " << *_op->get_req() << dendl; int priority = _op->get_req()->get_priority(); switch (_op->get_req()->get_type()) { case MSG_OSD_EC_WRITE: { // NOTE: this is non-const because handle_sub_write modifies the embedded // ObjectStore::Transaction in place (and then std::move's it). It does // not conflict with ECSubWrite's operator<<. MOSDECSubOpWrite *op = static_cast( _op->get_nonconst_req()); parent->maybe_preempt_replica_scrub(op->op.soid); handle_sub_write(op->op.from, _op, op->op, _op->pg_trace, *get_parent()->get_eclistener()); return true; } case MSG_OSD_EC_WRITE_REPLY: { const MOSDECSubOpWriteReply *op = static_cast( _op->get_req()); handle_sub_write_reply(op->op.from, op->op, _op->pg_trace); return true; } case MSG_OSD_EC_READ: { auto op = _op->get_req(); MOSDECSubOpReadReply *reply = new MOSDECSubOpReadReply; reply->pgid = get_parent()->primary_spg_t(); reply->map_epoch = get_osdmap_epoch(); reply->min_epoch = get_parent()->get_interval_start_epoch(); handle_sub_read(op->op.from, op->op, &(reply->op), _op->pg_trace); reply->trace = _op->pg_trace; get_parent()->send_message_osd_cluster( reply, _op->get_req()->get_connection()); return true; } case MSG_OSD_EC_READ_REPLY: { // NOTE: this is non-const because handle_sub_read_reply steals resulting // buffers. It does not conflict with ECSubReadReply operator<<. MOSDECSubOpReadReply *op = static_cast( _op->get_nonconst_req()); handle_sub_read_reply(op->op.from, op->op, _op->pg_trace); // dispatch_recovery_messages() in the case of recovery_reads // is called via the `on_complete` callback return true; } case MSG_OSD_PG_PUSH: { auto op = _op->get_req(); RecoveryMessages rm; for (vector::const_iterator i = op->pushes.begin(); i != op->pushes.end(); ++i) { handle_recovery_push(*i, &rm, op->is_repair); } recovery_backend.dispatch_recovery_messages(rm, priority); return true; } case MSG_OSD_PG_PUSH_REPLY: { const MOSDPGPushReply *op = static_cast( _op->get_req()); RecoveryMessages rm; for (vector::const_iterator i = op->replies.begin(); i != op->replies.end(); ++i) { recovery_backend.handle_recovery_push_reply(*i, op->from, &rm); } recovery_backend.dispatch_recovery_messages(rm, priority); return true; } default: return false; } return false; } struct SubWriteCommitted : public Context { ECBackend *pg; OpRequestRef msg; ceph_tid_t tid; eversion_t version; eversion_t last_complete; const ZTracer::Trace trace; SubWriteCommitted( ECBackend *pg, OpRequestRef msg, ceph_tid_t tid, eversion_t version, eversion_t last_complete, const ZTracer::Trace &trace) : pg(pg), msg(msg), tid(tid), version(version), last_complete(last_complete), trace(trace) {} void finish(int) override { if (msg) msg->mark_event("sub_op_committed"); pg->sub_write_committed(tid, version, last_complete, trace); } }; void ECBackend::sub_write_committed( ceph_tid_t tid, eversion_t version, eversion_t last_complete, const ZTracer::Trace &trace) { if (get_parent()->pgb_is_primary()) { ECSubWriteReply reply; reply.tid = tid; reply.last_complete = last_complete; reply.committed = true; reply.applied = true; reply.from = get_parent()->whoami_shard(); handle_sub_write_reply( get_parent()->whoami_shard(), reply, trace); } else { get_parent()->update_last_complete_ondisk(last_complete); MOSDECSubOpWriteReply *r = new MOSDECSubOpWriteReply; r->pgid = get_parent()->primary_spg_t(); r->map_epoch = get_osdmap_epoch(); r->min_epoch = get_parent()->get_interval_start_epoch(); r->op.tid = tid; r->op.last_complete = last_complete; r->op.committed = true; r->op.applied = true; r->op.from = get_parent()->whoami_shard(); r->set_priority(CEPH_MSG_PRIO_HIGH); r->trace = trace; r->trace.event("sending sub op commit"); get_parent()->send_message_osd_cluster( get_parent()->primary_shard().osd, r, get_osdmap_epoch()); } } void ECBackend::handle_sub_write( pg_shard_t from, OpRequestRef msg, ECSubWrite &op, const ZTracer::Trace &trace, ECListener&) { if (msg) { msg->mark_event("sub_op_started"); } trace.event("handle_sub_write"); if (!get_parent()->pgb_is_primary()) get_parent()->update_stats(op.stats); ObjectStore::Transaction localt; if (!op.temp_added.empty()) { add_temp_objs(op.temp_added); } if (op.backfill_or_async_recovery) { for (set::iterator i = op.temp_removed.begin(); i != op.temp_removed.end(); ++i) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": removing object " << *i << " since we won't get the transaction" << dendl; localt.remove( coll, ghobject_t( *i, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard)); } } clear_temp_objs(op.temp_removed); dout(30) << __func__ << " missing before " << get_parent()->get_log().get_missing().get_items() << dendl; // flag set to true during async recovery bool async = false; pg_missing_tracker_t pmissing = get_parent()->get_local_missing(); if (pmissing.is_missing(op.soid)) { async = true; dout(30) << __func__ << " is_missing " << pmissing.is_missing(op.soid) << dendl; for (auto &&e: op.log_entries) { dout(30) << " add_next_event entry " << e << dendl; get_parent()->add_local_next_event(e); dout(30) << " entry is_delete " << e.is_delete() << dendl; } } get_parent()->log_operation( std::move(op.log_entries), op.updated_hit_set_history, op.trim_to, op.pg_committed_to, op.pg_committed_to, !op.backfill_or_async_recovery, localt, async); if (!get_parent()->pg_is_undersized() && (unsigned)get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard >= ec_impl->get_data_chunk_count()) op.t.set_fadvise_flag(CEPH_OSD_OP_FLAG_FADVISE_DONTNEED); localt.register_on_commit( get_parent()->bless_context( new SubWriteCommitted( this, msg, op.tid, op.at_version, get_parent()->get_info().last_complete, trace))); vector tls; tls.reserve(2); tls.push_back(std::move(op.t)); tls.push_back(std::move(localt)); get_parent()->queue_transactions(tls, msg); dout(30) << __func__ << " missing after" << get_parent()->get_log().get_missing().get_items() << dendl; if (op.at_version != eversion_t()) { // dummy rollforward transaction doesn't get at_version (and doesn't advance it) get_parent()->op_applied(op.at_version); } } void ECBackend::handle_sub_read( pg_shard_t from, const ECSubRead &op, ECSubReadReply *reply, const ZTracer::Trace &trace) { trace.event("handle sub read"); shard_id_t shard = get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard; for(auto i = op.to_read.begin(); i != op.to_read.end(); ++i) { int r = 0; for (auto j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j) { bufferlist bl; if ((op.subchunks.find(i->first)->second.size() == 1) && (op.subchunks.find(i->first)->second.front().second == ec_impl->get_sub_chunk_count())) { dout(20) << __func__ << " case1: reading the complete chunk/shard." << dendl; r = store->read( ch, ghobject_t(i->first, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, shard), j->get<0>(), j->get<1>(), bl, j->get<2>()); // Allow EIO return } else { int subchunk_size = sinfo.get_chunk_size() / ec_impl->get_sub_chunk_count(); dout(20) << __func__ << " case2: going to do fragmented read;" << " subchunk_size=" << subchunk_size << " chunk_size=" << sinfo.get_chunk_size() << dendl; bool error = false; for (int m = 0; m < (int)j->get<1>() && !error; m += sinfo.get_chunk_size()) { for (auto &&k:op.subchunks.find(i->first)->second) { bufferlist bl0; r = store->read( ch, ghobject_t(i->first, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, shard), j->get<0>() + m + (k.first)*subchunk_size, (k.second)*subchunk_size, bl0, j->get<2>()); if (r < 0) { error = true; break; } bl.claim_append(bl0); } } } if (r < 0) { // if we are doing fast reads, it's possible for one of the shard // reads to cross paths with another update and get a (harmless) // ENOENT. Suppress the message to the cluster log in that case. if (r == -ENOENT && get_parent()->get_pool().fast_read) { dout(5) << __func__ << ": Error " << r << " reading " << i->first << ", fast read, probably ok" << dendl; } else { get_parent()->clog_error() << "Error " << r << " reading object " << i->first; dout(5) << __func__ << ": Error " << r << " reading " << i->first << dendl; } goto error; } else { dout(20) << __func__ << " read request=" << j->get<1>() << " r=" << r << " len=" << bl.length() << dendl; reply->buffers_read[i->first].push_back( make_pair( j->get<0>(), bl) ); } if (!get_parent()->get_pool().allows_ecoverwrites()) { // This shows that we still need deep scrub because large enough files // are read in sections, so the digest check here won't be done here. // Do NOT check osd_read_eio_on_bad_digest here. We need to report // the state of our chunk in case other chunks could substitute. ECUtil::HashInfoRef hinfo; map> attrs; struct stat st; int r = object_stat(i->first, &st); if (r >= 0) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": found on disk, size " << st.st_size << dendl; r = PGBackend::objects_get_attrs(i->first, &attrs); } if (r >= 0) { hinfo = unstable_hashinfo_registry.get_hash_info(i->first, false, attrs, st.st_size); } else { derr << __func__ << ": access (attrs) on " << i->first << " failed: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; } if (!hinfo) { r = -EIO; get_parent()->clog_error() << "Corruption detected: object " << i->first << " is missing hash_info"; dout(5) << __func__ << ": No hinfo for " << i->first << dendl; goto error; } ceph_assert(hinfo->has_chunk_hash()); if ((bl.length() == hinfo->get_total_chunk_size()) && (j->get<0>() == 0)) { dout(20) << __func__ << ": Checking hash of " << i->first << dendl; bufferhash h(-1); h << bl; if (h.digest() != hinfo->get_chunk_hash(shard)) { get_parent()->clog_error() << "Bad hash for " << i->first << " digest 0x" << hex << h.digest() << " expected 0x" << hinfo->get_chunk_hash(shard) << dec; dout(5) << __func__ << ": Bad hash for " << i->first << " digest 0x" << hex << h.digest() << " expected 0x" << hinfo->get_chunk_hash(shard) << dec << dendl; r = -EIO; goto error; } } } } continue; error: // Do NOT check osd_read_eio_on_bad_digest here. We need to report // the state of our chunk in case other chunks could substitute. reply->buffers_read.erase(i->first); reply->errors[i->first] = r; } for (set::iterator i = op.attrs_to_read.begin(); i != op.attrs_to_read.end(); ++i) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": fulfilling attr request on " << *i << dendl; if (reply->errors.count(*i)) continue; int r = store->getattrs( ch, ghobject_t( *i, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, shard), reply->attrs_read[*i]); if (r < 0) { // If we read error, we should not return the attrs too. reply->attrs_read.erase(*i); reply->buffers_read.erase(*i); reply->errors[*i] = r; } } reply->from = get_parent()->whoami_shard(); reply->tid = op.tid; } void ECBackend::handle_sub_write_reply( pg_shard_t from, const ECSubWriteReply &op, const ZTracer::Trace &trace) { map::iterator i = rmw_pipeline.tid_to_op_map.find(op.tid); ceph_assert(i != rmw_pipeline.tid_to_op_map.end()); if (op.committed) { trace.event("sub write committed"); ceph_assert(i->second->pending_commit.count(from)); i->second->pending_commit.erase(from); if (from != get_parent()->whoami_shard()) { get_parent()->update_peer_last_complete_ondisk(from, op.last_complete); } } if (op.applied) { trace.event("sub write applied"); ceph_assert(i->second->pending_apply.count(from)); i->second->pending_apply.erase(from); } if (i->second->pending_commit.empty() && i->second->on_all_commit && // also wait for apply, to preserve ordering with luminous peers. i->second->pending_apply.empty()) { dout(10) << __func__ << " Calling on_all_commit on " << i->second << dendl; i->second->on_all_commit->complete(0); i->second->on_all_commit = 0; i->second->trace.event("ec write all committed"); } rmw_pipeline.check_ops(); } void ECBackend::handle_sub_read_reply( pg_shard_t from, ECSubReadReply &op, const ZTracer::Trace &trace) { trace.event("ec sub read reply"); dout(10) << __func__ << ": reply " << op << dendl; map::iterator iter = read_pipeline.tid_to_read_map.find(op.tid); if (iter == read_pipeline.tid_to_read_map.end()) { //canceled dout(20) << __func__ << ": dropped " << op << dendl; return; } ReadOp &rop = iter->second; for (auto i = op.buffers_read.begin(); i != op.buffers_read.end(); ++i) { ceph_assert(!op.errors.count(i->first)); // If attribute error we better not have sent a buffer if (!rop.to_read.count(i->first)) { // We canceled this read! @see filter_read_op dout(20) << __func__ << " to_read skipping" << dendl; continue; } list::const_iterator req_iter = rop.to_read.find(i->first)->second.to_read.begin(); list< boost::tuple< uint64_t, uint64_t, map > >::iterator riter = rop.complete[i->first].returned.begin(); for (list >::iterator j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j, ++req_iter, ++riter) { ceph_assert(req_iter != rop.to_read.find(i->first)->second.to_read.end()); ceph_assert(riter != rop.complete[i->first].returned.end()); pair aligned = sinfo.chunk_aligned_offset_len_to_chunk( make_pair(req_iter->offset, req_iter->size)); ceph_assert(aligned.first == j->first); riter->get<2>()[from] = std::move(j->second); } } for (auto i = op.attrs_read.begin(); i != op.attrs_read.end(); ++i) { ceph_assert(!op.errors.count(i->first)); // if read error better not have sent an attribute if (!rop.to_read.count(i->first)) { // We canceled this read! @see filter_read_op dout(20) << __func__ << " to_read skipping" << dendl; continue; } rop.complete[i->first].attrs.emplace(); (*(rop.complete[i->first].attrs)).swap(i->second); } for (auto i = op.errors.begin(); i != op.errors.end(); ++i) { rop.complete[i->first].errors.insert( make_pair( from, i->second)); dout(20) << __func__ << " shard=" << from << " error=" << i->second << dendl; } map >::iterator siter = read_pipeline.shard_to_read_map.find(from); ceph_assert(siter != read_pipeline.shard_to_read_map.end()); ceph_assert(siter->second.count(op.tid)); siter->second.erase(op.tid); ceph_assert(rop.in_progress.count(from)); rop.in_progress.erase(from); unsigned is_complete = 0; bool need_resend = false; // For redundant reads check for completion as each shard comes in, // or in a non-recovery read check for completion once all the shards read. if (rop.do_redundant_reads || rop.in_progress.empty()) { for (map::const_iterator iter = rop.complete.begin(); iter != rop.complete.end(); ++iter) { set have; for (map::const_iterator j = iter->second.returned.front().get<2>().begin(); j != iter->second.returned.front().get<2>().end(); ++j) { have.insert(j->first.shard); dout(20) << __func__ << " have shard=" << j->first.shard << dendl; } map>> dummy_minimum; int err; if ((err = ec_impl->minimum_to_decode(rop.want_to_read[iter->first], have, &dummy_minimum)) < 0) { dout(20) << __func__ << " minimum_to_decode failed" << dendl; if (rop.in_progress.empty()) { // If we don't have enough copies, try other pg_shard_ts if available. // During recovery there may be multiple osds with copies of the same shard, // so getting EIO from one may result in multiple passes through this code path. if (!rop.do_redundant_reads) { int r = read_pipeline.send_all_remaining_reads(iter->first, rop); if (r == 0) { // We changed the rop's to_read and not incrementing is_complete need_resend = true; continue; } // Couldn't read any additional shards so handle as completed with errors } // We don't want to confuse clients / RBD with objectstore error // values in particular ENOENT. We may have different error returns // from different shards, so we'll return minimum_to_decode() error // (usually EIO) to reader. It is likely an error here is due to a // damaged pg. rop.complete[iter->first].r = err; ++is_complete; } } else { ceph_assert(rop.complete[iter->first].r == 0); if (!rop.complete[iter->first].errors.empty()) { if (cct->_conf->osd_read_ec_check_for_errors) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": Not ignoring errors, use one shard err=" << err << dendl; err = rop.complete[iter->first].errors.begin()->second; rop.complete[iter->first].r = err; } else { get_parent()->clog_warn() << "Error(s) ignored for " << iter->first << " enough copies available"; dout(10) << __func__ << " Error(s) ignored for " << iter->first << " enough copies available" << dendl; rop.complete[iter->first].errors.clear(); } } // avoid re-read for completed object as we may send remaining reads for uncopmpleted objects rop.to_read.at(iter->first).need.clear(); rop.to_read.at(iter->first).want_attrs = false; ++is_complete; } } } if (need_resend) { read_pipeline.do_read_op(rop); } else if (rop.in_progress.empty() || is_complete == rop.complete.size()) { dout(20) << __func__ << " Complete: " << rop << dendl; rop.trace.event("ec read complete"); read_pipeline.complete_read_op(rop); } else { dout(10) << __func__ << " readop not complete: " << rop << dendl; } } void ECBackend::check_recovery_sources(const OSDMapRef& osdmap) { struct FinishReadOp : public GenContext { ECCommon::ReadPipeline& read_pipeline; ceph_tid_t tid; FinishReadOp(ECCommon::ReadPipeline& read_pipeline, ceph_tid_t tid) : read_pipeline(read_pipeline), tid(tid) {} void finish(ThreadPool::TPHandle&) override { auto ropiter = read_pipeline.tid_to_read_map.find(tid); ceph_assert(ropiter != read_pipeline.tid_to_read_map.end()); read_pipeline.complete_read_op(ropiter->second); } }; read_pipeline.check_recovery_sources( osdmap, [this] (const hobject_t& obj) { recovery_backend.recovery_ops.erase(obj); }, [this] (const ReadOp& op) { get_parent()->schedule_recovery_work( get_parent()->bless_unlocked_gencontext( new FinishReadOp(read_pipeline, op.tid)), 1); }); } void ECBackend::on_change() { rmw_pipeline.on_change(); read_pipeline.on_change(); clear_recovery_state(); } void ECBackend::clear_recovery_state() { recovery_backend.recovery_ops.clear(); } void ECBackend::dump_recovery_info(Formatter *f) const { f->open_array_section("recovery_ops"); for (map::const_iterator i = recovery_backend.recovery_ops.begin(); i != recovery_backend.recovery_ops.end(); ++i) { f->open_object_section("op"); i->second.dump(f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); f->open_array_section("read_ops"); for (map::const_iterator i = read_pipeline.tid_to_read_map.begin(); i != read_pipeline.tid_to_read_map.end(); ++i) { f->open_object_section("read_op"); i->second.dump(f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } struct ECClassicalOp : ECCommon::RMWPipeline::Op { PGTransactionUPtr t; void generate_transactions( ceph::ErasureCodeInterfaceRef &ecimpl, pg_t pgid, const ECUtil::stripe_info_t &sinfo, std::map *written, std::map *transactions, DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const ceph_release_t require_osd_release) final { assert(t); ECTransaction::generate_transactions( t.get(), plan, ecimpl, pgid, sinfo, remote_read_result, log_entries, written, transactions, &temp_added, &temp_cleared, dpp, require_osd_release); } template static ECTransaction::WritePlan get_write_plan( const ECUtil::stripe_info_t &sinfo, PGTransaction& t, F &&get_hinfo, DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) { return ECTransaction::get_write_plan( sinfo, t, std::forward(get_hinfo), dpp); } }; std::tuple< int, map>, size_t > ECBackend::get_attrs_n_size_from_disk(const hobject_t& hoid) { struct stat st; if (int r = object_stat(hoid, &st); r < 0) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": stat error " << r << " on" << hoid << dendl; return { r, {}, 0 }; } map> real_attrs; if (int r = PGBackend::objects_get_attrs(hoid, &real_attrs); r < 0) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": get attr error " << r << " on" << hoid << dendl; return { r, {}, 0 }; } return { 0, real_attrs, st.st_size }; } void ECBackend::submit_transaction( const hobject_t &hoid, const object_stat_sum_t &delta_stats, const eversion_t &at_version, PGTransactionUPtr &&t, const eversion_t &trim_to, const eversion_t &pg_committed_to, vector&& log_entries, std::optional &hset_history, Context *on_all_commit, ceph_tid_t tid, osd_reqid_t reqid, OpRequestRef client_op ) { auto op = std::make_unique(); op->t = std::move(t); op->hoid = hoid; op->delta_stats = delta_stats; op->version = at_version; op->trim_to = trim_to; /* We update PeeringState::pg_committed_to via the callback * invoked from ECBackend::handle_sub_write_reply immediately * before updating rmw_pipeline.commited_to via * rmw_pipeline.check_ops()->try_finish_rmw(), so these will * *usually* match. However, the PrimaryLogPG::submit_log_entries * pathway can perform an out-of-band log update which updates * PeeringState::pg_committed_to independently. Thus, the value * passed in is the right one to use. */ op->pg_committed_to = pg_committed_to; op->log_entries = log_entries; std::swap(op->updated_hit_set_history, hset_history); op->on_all_commit = on_all_commit; op->tid = tid; op->reqid = reqid; op->client_op = client_op; if (client_op) { op->trace = client_op->pg_trace; } op->plan = op->get_write_plan( sinfo, *(op->t), [&](const hobject_t &i) { dout(10) << "submit_transaction: obtaining hash info for get_write_plan" << dendl; ECUtil::HashInfoRef ref; if (auto [r, attrs, size] = get_attrs_n_size_from_disk(i); r >= 0 || r == -ENOENT) { ref = unstable_hashinfo_registry.get_hash_info( i, true, attrs, //op->t->obc_map[hoid]->attr_cache, size); //op->t->obc_map[hoid]->obs.oi.size); } if (!ref) { derr << __func__ << ": get_hash_info(" << i << ")" << " returned a null pointer and there is no " << " way to recover from such an error in this " << " context" << dendl; ceph_abort(); } return ref; }, get_parent()->get_dpp()); dout(10) << __func__ << ": op " << *op << " starting" << dendl; rmw_pipeline.start_rmw(std::move(op)); } int ECBackend::objects_read_sync( const hobject_t &hoid, uint64_t off, uint64_t len, uint32_t op_flags, bufferlist *bl) { return -EOPNOTSUPP; } static bool should_partial_read( const ECUtil::stripe_info_t& sinfo, uint64_t off, uint32_t len, bool fast_read) { // Don't partial read if we are doing a fast_read if (fast_read) { return false; } // Same stripe only return sinfo.offset_length_is_same_stripe(off, len); } void ECBackend::objects_read_async( const hobject_t &hoid, const list>> &to_read, Context *on_complete, bool fast_read) { map> reads; uint32_t flags = 0; extent_set es; for (const auto& [read, ctx] : to_read) { pair tmp; if (!cct->_conf->osd_ec_partial_reads || !should_partial_read(sinfo, read.offset, read.size, fast_read)) { tmp = sinfo.offset_len_to_stripe_bounds(make_pair(read.offset, read.size)); } else { tmp = sinfo.offset_len_to_chunk_bounds(make_pair(read.offset, read.size)); } es.union_insert(tmp.first, tmp.second); flags |= read.flags; } if (!es.empty()) { auto &offsets = reads[hoid]; for (auto j = es.begin(); j != es.end(); ++j) { offsets.emplace_back(ec_align_t{j.get_start(), j.get_len(), flags}); } } struct cb { ECBackend *ec; hobject_t hoid; list > > to_read; unique_ptr on_complete; cb(const cb&) = delete; cb(cb &&) = default; cb(ECBackend *ec, const hobject_t &hoid, const list > > &to_read, Context *on_complete) : ec(ec), hoid(hoid), to_read(to_read), on_complete(on_complete) {} void operator()(ECCommon::ec_extents_t &&results) { auto dpp = ec->get_parent()->get_dpp(); ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "objects_read_async_cb: got: " << results << dendl; ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "objects_read_async_cb: cache: " << ec->rmw_pipeline.cache << dendl; auto &got = results[hoid]; int r = 0; for (auto &&read: to_read) { if (got.err < 0) { // error handling if (read.second.second) { read.second.second->complete(got.err); } if (r == 0) r = got.err; } else { ceph_assert(read.second.first); uint64_t offset = read.first.offset; uint64_t length = read.first.size; auto range = got.emap.get_containing_range(offset, length); ceph_assert(range.first != range.second); ceph_assert(range.first.get_off() <= offset); ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "offset: " << offset << dendl; ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "range offset: " << range.first.get_off() << dendl; ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "length: " << length << dendl; ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "range length: " << range.first.get_len() << dendl; ceph_assert( (offset + length) <= (range.first.get_off() + range.first.get_len())); read.second.first->substr_of( range.first.get_val(), offset - range.first.get_off(), length); if (read.second.second) { read.second.second->complete(length); read.second.second = nullptr; } } } to_read.clear(); if (on_complete) { on_complete.release()->complete(r); } } ~cb() { for (auto &&i: to_read) { delete i.second.second; } to_read.clear(); } }; objects_read_and_reconstruct( reads, fast_read, make_gen_lambda_context< ECCommon::ec_extents_t &&, cb>( cb(this, hoid, to_read, on_complete))); } void ECBackend::objects_read_and_reconstruct( const map > &reads, bool fast_read, GenContextURef &&func) { return read_pipeline.objects_read_and_reconstruct( reads, fast_read, std::move(func)); } void ECBackend::kick_reads() { read_pipeline.kick_reads(); } int ECBackend::object_stat( const hobject_t &hoid, struct stat* st) { int r = store->stat( ch, ghobject_t{hoid, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard}, st); return r; } int ECBackend::objects_get_attrs( const hobject_t &hoid, map> *out) { // call from parents -- get raw attrs, without any filtering for hinfo int r = PGBackend::objects_get_attrs(hoid, out); if (r < 0) return r; for (map::iterator i = out->begin(); i != out->end(); ) { if (ECUtil::is_hinfo_key_string(i->first)) out->erase(i++); else ++i; } return r; } void ECBackend::rollback_append( const hobject_t &hoid, uint64_t old_size, ObjectStore::Transaction *t) { ceph_assert(old_size % sinfo.get_stripe_width() == 0); t->truncate( coll, ghobject_t(hoid, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard), sinfo.aligned_logical_offset_to_chunk_offset( old_size)); } int ECBackend::be_deep_scrub( const hobject_t &poid, ScrubMap &map, ScrubMapBuilder &pos, ScrubMap::object &o) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << poid << " pos " << pos << dendl; int r; uint32_t fadvise_flags = CEPH_OSD_OP_FLAG_FADVISE_SEQUENTIAL | CEPH_OSD_OP_FLAG_FADVISE_DONTNEED | CEPH_OSD_OP_FLAG_BYPASS_CLEAN_CACHE; utime_t sleeptime; sleeptime.set_from_double(cct->_conf->osd_debug_deep_scrub_sleep); if (sleeptime != utime_t()) { lgeneric_derr(cct) << __func__ << " sleeping for " << sleeptime << dendl; sleeptime.sleep(); } if (pos.data_pos == 0) { pos.data_hash = bufferhash(-1); } uint64_t stride = cct->_conf->osd_deep_scrub_stride; if (stride % sinfo.get_chunk_size()) stride += sinfo.get_chunk_size() - (stride % sinfo.get_chunk_size()); bufferlist bl; r = store->read( ch, ghobject_t( poid, ghobject_t::NO_GEN, get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard), pos.data_pos, stride, bl, fadvise_flags); if (r < 0) { dout(20) << __func__ << " " << poid << " got " << r << " on read, read_error" << dendl; o.read_error = true; return 0; } if (bl.length() % sinfo.get_chunk_size()) { dout(20) << __func__ << " " << poid << " got " << r << " on read, not chunk size " << sinfo.get_chunk_size() << " aligned" << dendl; o.read_error = true; return 0; } if (r > 0) { pos.data_hash << bl; } pos.data_pos += r; if (r == (int)stride) { return -EINPROGRESS; } ECUtil::HashInfoRef hinfo = unstable_hashinfo_registry.get_hash_info(poid, false, o.attrs, o.size); if (!hinfo) { dout(0) << "_scan_list " << poid << " could not retrieve hash info" << dendl; o.read_error = true; o.digest_present = false; return 0; } else { if (!get_parent()->get_pool().allows_ecoverwrites()) { if (!hinfo->has_chunk_hash()) { dout(0) << "_scan_list " << poid << " got invalid hash info" << dendl; o.ec_size_mismatch = true; return 0; } if (hinfo->get_total_chunk_size() != (unsigned)pos.data_pos) { dout(0) << "_scan_list " << poid << " got incorrect size on read 0x" << std::hex << pos << " expected 0x" << hinfo->get_total_chunk_size() << std::dec << dendl; o.ec_size_mismatch = true; return 0; } if (hinfo->get_chunk_hash(get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard) != pos.data_hash.digest()) { dout(0) << "_scan_list " << poid << " got incorrect hash on read 0x" << std::hex << pos.data_hash.digest() << " != expected 0x" << hinfo->get_chunk_hash(get_parent()->whoami_shard().shard) << std::dec << dendl; o.ec_hash_mismatch = true; return 0; } /* We checked above that we match our own stored hash. We cannot * send a hash of the actual object, so instead we simply send * our locally stored hash of shard 0 on the assumption that if * we match our chunk hash and our recollection of the hash for * chunk 0 matches that of our peers, there is likely no corruption. */ o.digest = hinfo->get_chunk_hash(0); o.digest_present = true; } else { /* Hack! We must be using partial overwrites, and partial overwrites * don't support deep-scrub yet */ o.digest = 0; o.digest_present = true; } } o.omap_digest = -1; o.omap_digest_present = true; return 0; }