# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-branches from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import importlib import inspect import json import os import pkgutil import sys from six import add_metaclass if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): from urllib.parse import unquote # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error else: from urllib import unquote # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position import cherrypy from .. import logger from ..security import Scope, Permission from ..tools import wraps, getargspec, TaskManager, get_request_body_params from ..exceptions import ScopeNotValid, PermissionNotValid from ..services.auth import AuthManager, JwtManager class Controller(object): def __init__(self, path, base_url=None, security_scope=None, secure=True): if security_scope and not Scope.valid_scope(security_scope): logger.debug("Invalid security scope name: %s\n Possible values: " "%s", security_scope, Scope.all_scopes()) raise ScopeNotValid(security_scope) self.path = path self.base_url = base_url self.security_scope = security_scope self.secure = secure if self.path and self.path[0] != "/": self.path = "/" + self.path if self.base_url is None: self.base_url = "" elif self.base_url == "/": self.base_url = "" if self.base_url == "" and self.path == "": self.base_url = "/" def __call__(self, cls): cls._cp_controller_ = True cls._cp_path_ = "{}{}".format(self.base_url, self.path) cls._security_scope = self.security_scope config = { 'tools.dashboard_exception_handler.on': True, 'tools.authenticate.on': self.secure, } if not hasattr(cls, '_cp_config'): cls._cp_config = {} cls._cp_config.update(config) return cls class ApiController(Controller): def __init__(self, path, security_scope=None, secure=True): super(ApiController, self).__init__(path, base_url="/api", security_scope=security_scope, secure=secure) def __call__(self, cls): cls = super(ApiController, self).__call__(cls) cls._api_endpoint = True return cls class UiApiController(Controller): def __init__(self, path, security_scope=None, secure=True): super(UiApiController, self).__init__(path, base_url="/ui-api", security_scope=security_scope, secure=secure) def Endpoint(method=None, path=None, path_params=None, query_params=None, json_response=True, proxy=False, xml=False): if method is None: method = 'GET' elif not isinstance(method, str) or \ method.upper() not in ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT']: raise TypeError("Possible values for method are: 'GET', 'POST', " "'DELETE', or 'PUT'") method = method.upper() if method in ['GET', 'DELETE']: if path_params is not None: raise TypeError("path_params should not be used for {} " "endpoints. All function params are considered" " path parameters by default".format(method)) if path_params is None: if method in ['POST', 'PUT']: path_params = [] if query_params is None: query_params = [] def _wrapper(func): if method in ['POST', 'PUT']: func_params = _get_function_params(func) for param in func_params: if param['name'] in path_params and not param['required']: raise TypeError("path_params can only reference " "non-optional function parameters") if func.__name__ == '__call__' and path is None: e_path = "" else: e_path = path if e_path is not None: e_path = e_path.strip() if e_path and e_path[0] != "/": e_path = "/" + e_path elif e_path == "/": e_path = "" func._endpoint = { 'method': method, 'path': e_path, 'path_params': path_params, 'query_params': query_params, 'json_response': json_response, 'proxy': proxy, 'xml': xml } return func return _wrapper def Proxy(path=None): if path is None: path = "" elif path == "/": path = "" path += "/{path:.*}" return Endpoint(path=path, proxy=True) def load_controllers(): # setting sys.path properly when not running under the mgr controllers_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dashboard_dir = os.path.dirname(controllers_dir) mgr_dir = os.path.dirname(dashboard_dir) logger.debug("LC: controllers_dir=%s", controllers_dir) logger.debug("LC: dashboard_dir=%s", dashboard_dir) logger.debug("LC: mgr_dir=%s", mgr_dir) if mgr_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(mgr_dir) controllers = [] mods = [mod for _, mod, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([controllers_dir])] logger.debug("LC: mods=%s", mods) for mod_name in mods: mod = importlib.import_module('.controllers.{}'.format(mod_name), package='dashboard') for _, cls in mod.__dict__.items(): # Controllers MUST be derived from the class BaseController. if inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, BaseController) and \ hasattr(cls, '_cp_controller_'): if cls._cp_path_.startswith(':'): # invalid _cp_path_ value logger.error("Invalid url prefix '%s' for controller '%s'", cls._cp_path_, cls.__name__) continue controllers.append(cls) return controllers ENDPOINT_MAP = collections.defaultdict(list) def generate_controller_routes(endpoint, mapper, base_url): inst = endpoint.inst ctrl_class = endpoint.ctrl endp_base_url = None if endpoint.proxy: conditions = None else: conditions = dict(method=[endpoint.method]) endp_url = endpoint.url if base_url == "/": base_url = "" if endp_url == "/" and base_url: endp_url = "" url = "{}{}".format(base_url, endp_url) if '/' in url[len(base_url)+1:]: endp_base_url = url[:len(base_url)+1+endp_url[1:].find('/')] else: endp_base_url = url logger.debug("Mapped [%s] to %s:%s restricted to %s", url, ctrl_class.__name__, endpoint.action, endpoint.method) ENDPOINT_MAP[endpoint.url].append(endpoint) name = ctrl_class.__name__ + ":" + endpoint.action mapper.connect(name, url, controller=inst, action=endpoint.action, conditions=conditions) # adding route with trailing slash name += "/" url += "/" mapper.connect(name, url, controller=inst, action=endpoint.action, conditions=conditions) return endp_base_url def generate_routes(url_prefix): mapper = cherrypy.dispatch.RoutesDispatcher() ctrls = load_controllers() parent_urls = set() endpoint_list = [] for ctrl in ctrls: inst = ctrl() for endpoint in ctrl.endpoints(): endpoint.inst = inst endpoint_list.append(endpoint) endpoint_list = sorted(endpoint_list, key=lambda e: e.url) for endpoint in endpoint_list: parent_urls.add(generate_controller_routes(endpoint, mapper, "{}".format(url_prefix))) logger.debug("list of parent paths: %s", parent_urls) return mapper, parent_urls def json_error_page(status, message, traceback, version): cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return json.dumps(dict(status=status, detail=message, traceback=traceback, version=version)) def _get_function_params(func): """ Retrieves the list of parameters declared in function. Each parameter is represented as dict with keys: * name (str): the name of the parameter * required (bool): whether the parameter is required or not * default (obj): the parameter's default value """ fspec = getargspec(func) func_params = [] nd = len(fspec.args) if not fspec.defaults else -len(fspec.defaults) for param in fspec.args[1:nd]: func_params.append({'name': param, 'required': True}) if fspec.defaults: for param, val in zip(fspec.args[nd:], fspec.defaults): func_params.append({ 'name': param, 'required': False, 'default': val }) return func_params class Task(object): def __init__(self, name, metadata, wait_for=5.0, exception_handler=None): self.name = name if isinstance(metadata, list): self.metadata = dict([(e[1:-1], e) for e in metadata]) else: self.metadata = metadata self.wait_for = wait_for self.exception_handler = exception_handler def _gen_arg_map(self, func, args, kwargs): arg_map = {} params = _get_function_params(func) args = args[1:] # exclude self for idx, param in enumerate(params): if idx < len(args): arg_map[param['name']] = args[idx] else: if param['name'] in kwargs: arg_map[param['name']] = kwargs[param['name']] else: assert not param['required'] arg_map[param['name']] = param['default'] if param['name'] in arg_map: # This is not a type error. We are using the index here. arg_map[idx+1] = arg_map[param['name']] return arg_map def __call__(self, func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): arg_map = self._gen_arg_map(func, args, kwargs) md = {} for k, v in self.metadata.items(): if isinstance(v, str) and v and v[0] == '{' and v[-1] == '}': param = v[1:-1] try: pos = int(param) md[k] = arg_map[pos] except ValueError: md[k] = arg_map[v[1:-1]] else: md[k] = v task = TaskManager.run(self.name, md, func, args, kwargs, exception_handler=self.exception_handler) try: status, value = task.wait(self.wait_for) except Exception as ex: if task.ret_value: # exception was handled by task.exception_handler if 'status' in task.ret_value: status = task.ret_value['status'] else: status = getattr(ex, 'status', 500) cherrypy.response.status = status return task.ret_value raise ex if status == TaskManager.VALUE_EXECUTING: cherrypy.response.status = 202 return {'name': self.name, 'metadata': md} return value return wrapper class BaseController(object): """ Base class for all controllers providing API endpoints. """ class Endpoint(object): """ An instance of this class represents an endpoint. """ def __init__(self, ctrl, func): self.ctrl = ctrl self.inst = None self.func = func if not self.config['proxy']: setattr(self.ctrl, func.__name__, self.function) @property def config(self): func = self.func while not hasattr(func, '_endpoint'): if hasattr(func, "__wrapped__"): func = func.__wrapped__ else: return None return func._endpoint @property def function(self): return self.ctrl._request_wrapper(self.func, self.method, self.config['json_response'], self.config['xml']) @property def method(self): return self.config['method'] @property def proxy(self): return self.config['proxy'] @property def url(self): if self.config['path'] is not None: url = "{}{}".format(self.ctrl.get_path(), self.config['path']) else: url = "{}/{}".format(self.ctrl.get_path(), self.func.__name__) ctrl_path_params = self.ctrl.get_path_param_names( self.config['path']) path_params = [p['name'] for p in self.path_params if p['name'] not in ctrl_path_params] path_params = ["{{{}}}".format(p) for p in path_params] if path_params: url += "/{}".format("/".join(path_params)) return url @property def action(self): return self.func.__name__ @property def path_params(self): ctrl_path_params = self.ctrl.get_path_param_names( self.config['path']) func_params = _get_function_params(self.func) if self.method in ['GET', 'DELETE']: assert self.config['path_params'] is None return [p for p in func_params if p['name'] in ctrl_path_params or (p['name'] not in self.config['query_params'] and p['required'])] # elif self.method in ['POST', 'PUT']: return [p for p in func_params if p['name'] in ctrl_path_params or p['name'] in self.config['path_params']] @property def query_params(self): if self.method in ['GET', 'DELETE']: func_params = _get_function_params(self.func) path_params = [p['name'] for p in self.path_params] return [p for p in func_params if p['name'] not in path_params] # elif self.method in ['POST', 'PUT']: func_params = _get_function_params(self.func) return [p for p in func_params if p['name'] in self.config['query_params']] @property def body_params(self): func_params = _get_function_params(self.func) path_params = [p['name'] for p in self.path_params] query_params = [p['name'] for p in self.query_params] return [p for p in func_params if p['name'] not in path_params and p['name'] not in query_params] @property def group(self): return self.ctrl.__name__ @property def is_api(self): return hasattr(self.ctrl, '_api_endpoint') @property def is_secure(self): return self.ctrl._cp_config['tools.authenticate.on'] def __repr__(self): return "Endpoint({}, {}, {})".format(self.url, self.method, self.action) def __init__(self): logger.info('Initializing controller: %s -> %s', self.__class__.__name__, self._cp_path_) def _has_permissions(self, permissions, scope=None): if not self._cp_config['tools.authenticate.on']: raise Exception("Cannot verify permission in non secured " "controllers") if not isinstance(permissions, list): permissions = [permissions] if scope is None: scope = getattr(self, '_security_scope', None) if scope is None: raise Exception("Cannot verify permissions without scope security" " defined") username = JwtManager.LOCAL_USER.username return AuthManager.authorize(username, scope, permissions) @classmethod def get_path_param_names(cls, path_extension=None): if path_extension is None: path_extension = "" full_path = cls._cp_path_[1:] + path_extension path_params = [] for step in full_path.split('/'): param = None if not step: continue if step[0] == ':': param = step[1:] elif step[0] == '{' and step[-1] == '}': param, _, _ = step[1:-1].partition(':') if param: path_params.append(param) return path_params @classmethod def get_path(cls): return cls._cp_path_ @classmethod def endpoints(cls): """ This method iterates over all the methods decorated with ``@endpoint`` and creates an Endpoint object for each one of the methods. :return: A list of endpoint objects :rtype: list[BaseController.Endpoint] """ result = [] for _, func in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=callable): if hasattr(func, '_endpoint'): result.append(cls.Endpoint(cls, func)) return result @staticmethod def _request_wrapper(func, method, json_response, xml): # pylint: disable=unused-argument @wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if (sys.version_info < (3, 0) and isinstance(value, unicode)) \ or isinstance(value, str): kwargs[key] = unquote(value) # Process method arguments. params = get_request_body_params(cherrypy.request) kwargs.update(params) ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(ret, bytes): ret = ret.decode('utf-8') if xml: cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' return ret.encode('utf8') if json_response: cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' ret = json.dumps(ret).encode('utf8') return ret return inner @property def _request(self): return self.Request(cherrypy.request) class Request(object): def __init__(self, cherrypy_req): self._creq = cherrypy_req @property def scheme(self): return self._creq.scheme @property def host(self): base = self._creq.base base = base[len(self.scheme)+3:] return base[:base.find(":")] if ":" in base else base @property def port(self): base = self._creq.base base = base[len(self.scheme)+3:] default_port = 443 if self.scheme == 'https' else 80 return int(base[base.find(":")+1:]) if ":" in base else default_port @property def path_info(self): return self._creq.path_info class RESTController(BaseController): """ Base class for providing a RESTful interface to a resource. To use this class, simply derive a class from it and implement the methods you want to support. The list of possible methods are: * list() * bulk_set(data) * create(data) * bulk_delete() * get(key) * set(data, key) * delete(key) Test with curl: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \ -d '{"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"}' curl curl """ # resource id parameter for using in get, set, and delete methods # should be overridden by subclasses. # to specify a composite id (two parameters) use '/'. e.g., "param1/param2". # If subclasses don't override this property we try to infer the structure # of the resourse ID. RESOURCE_ID = None _permission_map = { 'GET': Permission.READ, 'POST': Permission.CREATE, 'PUT': Permission.UPDATE, 'DELETE': Permission.DELETE } _method_mapping = collections.OrderedDict([ ('list', {'method': 'GET', 'resource': False, 'status': 200}), ('create', {'method': 'POST', 'resource': False, 'status': 201}), ('bulk_set', {'method': 'PUT', 'resource': False, 'status': 200}), ('bulk_delete', {'method': 'DELETE', 'resource': False, 'status': 204}), ('get', {'method': 'GET', 'resource': True, 'status': 200}), ('delete', {'method': 'DELETE', 'resource': True, 'status': 204}), ('set', {'method': 'PUT', 'resource': True, 'status': 200}) ]) @classmethod def infer_resource_id(cls): if cls.RESOURCE_ID is not None: return cls.RESOURCE_ID.split('/') for k, v in cls._method_mapping.items(): func = getattr(cls, k, None) while hasattr(func, "__wrapped__"): func = func.__wrapped__ if v['resource'] and func: path_params = cls.get_path_param_names() params = _get_function_params(func) return [p['name'] for p in params if p['required'] and p['name'] not in path_params] return None @classmethod def endpoints(cls): result = super(RESTController, cls).endpoints() res_id_params = cls.infer_resource_id() for _, func in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=callable): no_resource_id_params = False status = 200 method = None query_params = None path = "" sec_permissions = hasattr(func, '_security_permissions') permission = None if func.__name__ in cls._method_mapping: meth = cls._method_mapping[func.__name__] if meth['resource']: if not res_id_params: no_resource_id_params = True else: path_params = ["{{{}}}".format(p) for p in res_id_params] path += "/{}".format("/".join(path_params)) status = meth['status'] method = meth['method'] if not sec_permissions: permission = cls._permission_map[method] elif hasattr(func, "_collection_method_"): if func._collection_method_['path']: path = func._collection_method_['path'] else: path = "/{}".format(func.__name__) status = func._collection_method_['status'] method = func._collection_method_['method'] query_params = func._collection_method_['query_params'] if not sec_permissions: permission = cls._permission_map[method] elif hasattr(func, "_resource_method_"): if not res_id_params: no_resource_id_params = True else: path_params = ["{{{}}}".format(p) for p in res_id_params] path += "/{}".format("/".join(path_params)) if func._resource_method_['path']: path += func._resource_method_['path'] else: path += "/{}".format(func.__name__) status = func._resource_method_['status'] method = func._resource_method_['method'] query_params = func._resource_method_['query_params'] if not sec_permissions: permission = cls._permission_map[method] else: continue if no_resource_id_params: raise TypeError("Could not infer the resource ID parameters for" " method {} of controller {}. " "Please specify the resource ID parameters " "using the RESOURCE_ID class property" .format(func.__name__, cls.__name__)) if method in ['GET', 'DELETE']: params = _get_function_params(func) if res_id_params is None: res_id_params = [] if query_params is None: query_params = [p['name'] for p in params if p['name'] not in res_id_params] func = cls._status_code_wrapper(func, status) endp_func = Endpoint(method, path=path, query_params=query_params)(func) if permission: _set_func_permissions(endp_func, [permission]) result.append(cls.Endpoint(cls, endp_func)) return result @classmethod def _status_code_wrapper(cls, func, status_code): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*vpath, **params): cherrypy.response.status = status_code return func(*vpath, **params) return wrapper @staticmethod def Resource(method=None, path=None, status=None, query_params=None): if not method: method = 'GET' if status is None: status = 200 def _wrapper(func): func._resource_method_ = { 'method': method, 'path': path, 'status': status, 'query_params': query_params } return func return _wrapper @staticmethod def Collection(method=None, path=None, status=None, query_params=None): if not method: method = 'GET' if status is None: status = 200 def _wrapper(func): func._collection_method_ = { 'method': method, 'path': path, 'status': status, 'query_params': query_params } return func return _wrapper # Role-based access permissions decorators def _set_func_permissions(func, permissions): if not isinstance(permissions, list): permissions = [permissions] for perm in permissions: if not Permission.valid_permission(perm): logger.debug("Invalid security permission: %s\n " "Possible values: %s", perm, Permission.all_permissions()) raise PermissionNotValid(perm) if not hasattr(func, '_security_permissions'): func._security_permissions = permissions else: permissions.extend(func._security_permissions) func._security_permissions = list(set(permissions)) def ReadPermission(func): _set_func_permissions(func, Permission.READ) return func def CreatePermission(func): _set_func_permissions(func, Permission.CREATE) return func def DeletePermission(func): _set_func_permissions(func, Permission.DELETE) return func def UpdatePermission(func): _set_func_permissions(func, Permission.UPDATE) return func