import enum import errno import json from typing import List, Set, Optional, Iterator, cast, Dict, Any, Union, Sequence, Mapping, Tuple import re import datetime import math import yaml from prettytable import PrettyTable try: from natsort import natsorted except ImportError: # fallback to normal sort natsorted = sorted # type: ignore from ceph.deployment.inventory import Device # noqa: F401; pylint: disable=unused-variable from ceph.deployment.drive_group import DriveGroupSpec, DeviceSelection, OSDMethod from ceph.deployment.service_spec import PlacementSpec, ServiceSpec, service_spec_allow_invalid_from_json, TracingSpec from ceph.deployment.hostspec import SpecValidationError from ceph.deployment.utils import unwrap_ipv6 from ceph.utils import datetime_now from mgr_util import to_pretty_timedelta, format_bytes from mgr_module import MgrModule, HandleCommandResult, Option from object_format import Format from ._interface import ( CLICommandMeta, DaemonDescription, DaemonDescriptionStatus, DeviceLightLoc, GenericSpec, HostSpec, InventoryFilter, InventoryHost, IscsiServiceSpec, MDSSpec, NFSServiceSpec, NoOrchestrator, NvmeofServiceSpec, OrchestratorClientMixin, OrchestratorError, OrchestratorValidationError, RGWSpec, SMBSpec, SNMPGatewaySpec, MgmtGatewaySpec, OAuth2ProxySpec, ServiceDescription, TunedProfileSpec, _cli_read_command, _cli_write_command, json_to_generic_spec, raise_if_exception, ) def nice_delta(now: datetime.datetime, t: Optional[datetime.datetime], suffix: str = '') -> str: if t: return to_pretty_timedelta(now - t) + suffix else: return '-' def nice_bytes(v: Optional[int]) -> str: if not v: return '-' return format_bytes(v, 5) class ArgumentError(Exception): pass class HostDetails: def __init__(self, host: Optional[HostSpec] = None, facts: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, object_dump: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): self._hostspec = host self._facts = facts self.hdd_summary = 'N/A' self.ram = 'N/A' self.cpu_summary = 'N/A' self.server = 'N/A' self.os = 'N/A' self.ssd_summary = 'N/A' self.nic_count = 'N/A' assert host or object_dump if object_dump: self._load(object_dump) else: self._build() def _load(self, object_dump: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Build the object from predefined dictionary""" self.addr = object_dump.get('addr') self.hostname = object_dump.get('hostname') self.labels = object_dump.get('labels') self.status = object_dump.get('status') self.location = object_dump.get('location') self.server = object_dump.get('server', 'N/A') self.hdd_summary = object_dump.get('hdd_summary', 'N/A') self.ssd_summary = object_dump.get('ssd_summary', 'N/A') self.os = object_dump.get('os', 'N/A') self.cpu_summary = object_dump.get('cpu_summary', 'N/A') self.ram = object_dump.get('ram', 'N/A') self.nic_count = object_dump.get('nic_count', 'N/A') def _build(self) -> None: """build host details from the HostSpec and facts""" for a in self._hostspec.__dict__: setattr(self, a, getattr(self._hostspec, a)) if self._facts: self.server = f"{self._facts.get('vendor', '').strip()} {self._facts.get('model', '').strip()}" _cpu_count = self._facts.get('cpu_count', 1) _cores = self._facts.get('cpu_cores', 0) * _cpu_count _threads = self._facts.get('cpu_threads', 0) * _cpu_count self.os = self._facts.get('operating_system', 'N/A') self.cpu_summary = f"{_cores}C/{_threads}T" if _cores > 0 else 'N/A' _total_bytes = self._facts.get('memory_total_kb', 0) * 1024 divisor, suffix = (1073741824, 'GiB') if _total_bytes > 1073741824 else (1048576, 'MiB') self.ram = f'{math.ceil(_total_bytes / divisor)} {suffix}' _hdd_capacity = self._facts.get('hdd_capacity', '') _ssd_capacity = self._facts.get('flash_capacity', '') if _hdd_capacity: if self._facts.get('hdd_count', 0) == 0: self.hdd_summary = '-' else: self.hdd_summary = f"{self._facts.get('hdd_count', 0)}/{self._facts.get('hdd_capacity', 0)}" if _ssd_capacity: if self._facts.get('flash_count', 0) == 0: self.ssd_summary = '-' else: self.ssd_summary = f"{self._facts.get('flash_count', 0)}/{self._facts.get('flash_capacity', 0)}" self.nic_count = self._facts.get('nic_count', '') def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')} @classmethod def from_json(cls, host_details: dict) -> 'HostDetails': _cls = cls(object_dump=host_details) return _cls @staticmethod def yaml_representer(dumper: 'yaml.Dumper', data: 'HostDetails') -> yaml.Node: return dumper.represent_dict(cast(Mapping, data.to_json().items())) yaml.add_representer(HostDetails, HostDetails.yaml_representer) class DaemonFields(enum.Enum): service_name = 'service_name' daemon_type = 'daemon_type' name = 'name' # type: ignore host = 'host' status = 'status' refreshed = 'refreshed' age = 'age' mem_use = 'mem_use' mem_lim = 'mem_lim' image = 'image' class ServiceType(enum.Enum): mon = 'mon' mgr = 'mgr' rbd_mirror = 'rbd-mirror' cephfs_mirror = 'cephfs-mirror' crash = 'crash' alertmanager = 'alertmanager' grafana = 'grafana' node_exporter = 'node-exporter' ceph_exporter = 'ceph-exporter' prometheus = 'prometheus' loki = 'loki' promtail = 'promtail' mds = 'mds' rgw = 'rgw' nfs = 'nfs' iscsi = 'iscsi' nvmeof = 'nvmeof' snmp_gateway = 'snmp-gateway' elasticsearch = 'elasticsearch' jaeger_agent = 'jaeger-agent' jaeger_collector = 'jaeger-collector' jaeger_query = 'jaeger-query' class ServiceAction(enum.Enum): start = 'start' stop = 'stop' restart = 'restart' redeploy = 'redeploy' reconfig = 'reconfig' rotate_key = 'rotate-key' class DaemonAction(enum.Enum): start = 'start' stop = 'stop' restart = 'restart' reconfig = 'reconfig' rotate_key = 'rotate-key' class IngressType(enum.Enum): default = 'default' keepalive_only = 'keepalive-only' haproxy_standard = 'haproxy-standard' haproxy_protocol = 'haproxy-protocol' def canonicalize(self) -> "IngressType": if self == self.default: return IngressType(self.haproxy_standard) return IngressType(self) def to_format(what: Any, format: Format, many: bool, cls: Any) -> Any: def to_json_1(obj: Any) -> Any: if hasattr(obj, 'to_json'): return obj.to_json() return obj def to_json_n(objs: List) -> List: return [to_json_1(o) for o in objs] to_json = to_json_n if many else to_json_1 if format == Format.json: return json.dumps(to_json(what), sort_keys=True) elif format == Format.json_pretty: return json.dumps(to_json(what), indent=2, sort_keys=True) elif format == Format.yaml: # fun with subinterpreters again. pyyaml depends on object identity. # as what originates from a different subinterpreter we have to copy things here. if cls: flat = to_json(what) copy = [cls.from_json(o) for o in flat] if many else cls.from_json(flat) else: copy = what def to_yaml_1(obj: Any) -> Any: if hasattr(obj, 'yaml_representer'): return obj return to_json_1(obj) def to_yaml_n(objs: list) -> list: return [to_yaml_1(o) for o in objs] to_yaml = to_yaml_n if many else to_yaml_1 if many: return yaml.dump_all(to_yaml(copy), default_flow_style=False) return yaml.dump(to_yaml(copy), default_flow_style=False) elif format == Format.xml or format == Format.xml_pretty: raise OrchestratorError(f"format '{}' is not implemented.") else: raise OrchestratorError(f'unsupported format type: {format}') def generate_preview_tables(data: Any, osd_only: bool = False) -> str: error = [x.get('error') for x in data if x.get('error')] if error: return json.dumps(error) warning = [x.get('warning') for x in data if x.get('warning')] osd_table = preview_table_osd(data) service_table = preview_table_services(data) if osd_only: tables = f""" {''.join(warning)} ################ OSDSPEC PREVIEWS ################ {osd_table} """ return tables else: tables = f""" {''.join(warning)} #################### SERVICESPEC PREVIEWS #################### {service_table} ################ OSDSPEC PREVIEWS ################ {osd_table} """ return tables def preview_table_osd(data: List) -> str: table = PrettyTable(header_style='upper', title='OSDSPEC PREVIEWS', border=True) table.field_names = "service name host data db wal".split() table.align = 'l' table.left_padding_width = 0 table.right_padding_width = 2 notes = '' for osd_data in data: if osd_data.get('service_type') != 'osd': continue for host, specs in osd_data.get('data').items(): for spec in specs: if spec.get('error'): return spec.get('message') dg_name = spec.get('osdspec') if spec.get('notes', []): notes += '\n'.join(spec.get('notes')) + '\n' for osd in spec.get('data', []): db_path = osd.get('block_db', '-') wal_path = osd.get('block_wal', '-') block_data = osd.get('data', '') if not block_data: continue table.add_row(('osd', dg_name, host, block_data, db_path, wal_path)) return notes + table.get_string() def preview_table_services(data: List) -> str: table = PrettyTable(header_style='upper', title="SERVICESPEC PREVIEW", border=True) table.field_names = 'SERVICE NAME ADD_TO REMOVE_FROM'.split() table.align = 'l' table.left_padding_width = 0 table.right_padding_width = 2 for item in data: if item.get('warning'): continue if item.get('service_type') != 'osd': table.add_row((item.get('service_type'), item.get('service_name'), " ".join(item.get('add')), " ".join(item.get('remove')))) return table.get_string() class OrchestratorCli(OrchestratorClientMixin, MgrModule, metaclass=CLICommandMeta): MODULE_OPTIONS = [ Option( 'orchestrator', type='str', default=None, desc='Orchestrator backend', enum_allowed=['cephadm', 'rook', 'test_orchestrator'], runtime=True, ), Option( 'fail_fs', type='bool', default=False, desc='Fail filesystem for rapid multi-rank mds upgrade' ), ] NATIVE_OPTIONS = [] # type: List[dict] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super(OrchestratorCli, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ident: Set[str] = set() self.fault: Set[str] = set() self._load() self._refresh_health() def _load(self) -> None: active = self.get_store('active_devices') if active: decoded = json.loads(active) self.ident = set(decoded.get('ident', [])) self.fault = set(decoded.get('fault', [])) self.log.debug('ident {}, fault {}'.format(self.ident, self.fault)) def _save(self) -> None: encoded = json.dumps({ 'ident': list(self.ident), 'fault': list(self.fault), }) self.set_store('active_devices', encoded) def _refresh_health(self) -> None: h = {} if self.ident: h['DEVICE_IDENT_ON'] = { 'severity': 'warning', 'summary': '%d devices have ident light turned on' % len( self.ident), 'detail': ['{} ident light enabled'.format(d) for d in self.ident] } if self.fault: h['DEVICE_FAULT_ON'] = { 'severity': 'warning', 'summary': '%d devices have fault light turned on' % len( self.fault), 'detail': ['{} fault light enabled'.format(d) for d in self.ident] } self.set_health_checks(h) def _get_device_locations(self, dev_id): # type: (str) -> List[DeviceLightLoc] locs = [d['location'] for d in self.get('devices')['devices'] if d['devid'] == dev_id] return [DeviceLightLoc(**loc) for loc in sum(locs, [])] @_cli_read_command(prefix='device ls-lights') def _device_ls(self) -> HandleCommandResult: """List currently active device indicator lights""" return HandleCommandResult( stdout=json.dumps({ 'ident': list(self.ident), 'fault': list(self.fault) }, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) def light_on(self, fault_ident, devid): # type: (str, str) -> HandleCommandResult assert fault_ident in ("fault", "ident") locs = self._get_device_locations(devid) if locs is None: return HandleCommandResult(stderr='device {} not found'.format(devid), retval=-errno.ENOENT) getattr(self, fault_ident).add(devid) self._save() self._refresh_health() completion = self.blink_device_light(fault_ident, True, locs) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=str(completion.result)) def light_off(self, fault_ident, devid, force): # type: (str, str, bool) -> HandleCommandResult assert fault_ident in ("fault", "ident") locs = self._get_device_locations(devid) if locs is None: return HandleCommandResult(stderr='device {} not found'.format(devid), retval=-errno.ENOENT) try: completion = self.blink_device_light(fault_ident, False, locs) if devid in getattr(self, fault_ident): getattr(self, fault_ident).remove(devid) self._save() self._refresh_health() return HandleCommandResult(stdout=str(completion.result)) except Exception: # There are several reasons the try: block might fail: # 1. the device no longer exist # 2. the device is no longer known to Ceph # 3. the host is not reachable if force and devid in getattr(self, fault_ident): getattr(self, fault_ident).remove(devid) self._save() self._refresh_health() raise class DeviceLightEnable(enum.Enum): on = 'on' off = 'off' class DeviceLightType(enum.Enum): ident = 'ident' fault = 'fault' @_cli_write_command(prefix='device light') def _device_light(self, enable: DeviceLightEnable, devid: str, light_type: DeviceLightType = DeviceLightType.ident, force: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """ Enable or disable the device light. Default type is `ident` 'Usage: device light (on|off) [ident|fault] [--force]' """"" if enable == self.DeviceLightEnable.on: return self.light_on(light_type.value, devid) else: return self.light_off(light_type.value, devid, force) def _select_orchestrator(self) -> str: return cast(str, self.get_module_option("orchestrator")) def _get_fail_fs_value(self) -> bool: return bool(self.get_module_option("fail_fs")) @_cli_write_command('orch host add') def _add_host(self, hostname: str, addr: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, maintenance: Optional[bool] = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Add a host""" _status = 'maintenance' if maintenance else '' # split multiple labels passed in with --labels=label1,label2 if labels and len(labels) == 1: labels = labels[0].split(',') if addr is not None: addr = unwrap_ipv6(addr) s = HostSpec(hostname=hostname, addr=addr, labels=labels, status=_status) return self._apply_misc([s], False, Format.plain) @_cli_write_command('orch hardware status') def _hardware_status(self, hostname: Optional[str] = None, _end_positional_: int = 0, category: str = 'summary', format: Format = Format.plain) -> HandleCommandResult: """ Display hardware status summary :param hostname: hostname """ table_heading_mapping = { 'summary': ['HOST', 'SN', 'STORAGE', 'CPU', 'NET', 'MEMORY', 'POWER', 'FANS'], 'fullreport': [], 'firmwares': ['HOST', 'COMPONENT', 'NAME', 'DATE', 'VERSION', 'STATUS'], 'criticals': ['HOST', 'COMPONENT', 'NAME', 'STATUS', 'STATE'], 'memory': ['HOST', 'SYS_ID', 'NAME', 'STATUS', 'STATE'], 'storage': ['HOST', 'SYS_ID', 'NAME', 'MODEL', 'SIZE', 'PROTOCOL', 'SN', 'STATUS', 'STATE'], 'processors': ['HOST', 'SYS_ID', 'NAME', 'MODEL', 'CORES', 'THREADS', 'STATUS', 'STATE'], 'network': ['HOST', 'SYS_ID', 'NAME', 'SPEED', 'STATUS', 'STATE'], 'power': ['HOST', 'CHASSIS_ID', 'ID', 'NAME', 'MODEL', 'MANUFACTURER', 'STATUS', 'STATE'], 'fans': ['HOST', 'CHASSIS_ID', 'ID', 'NAME', 'STATUS', 'STATE'] } if category not in table_heading_mapping.keys(): return HandleCommandResult(stdout=f"'{category}' is not a valid category.") table_headings = table_heading_mapping.get(category, []) table = PrettyTable(table_headings, border=True) output = '' if category == 'summary': completion = self.node_proxy_summary(hostname=hostname) summary: Dict[str, Any] = raise_if_exception(completion) if format == Format.json: output = json.dumps(summary) else: for k, v in summary.items(): row = [k, v['sn']] row.extend([v['status'][key] for key in ['storage', 'processors', 'network', 'memory', 'power', 'fans']]) table.add_row(row) output = table.get_string() elif category == 'fullreport': if hostname is None: output = 'Missing host name' elif format != Format.json: output = 'fullreport only supports json output' else: completion = self.node_proxy_fullreport(hostname=hostname) fullreport: Dict[str, Any] = raise_if_exception(completion) output = json.dumps(fullreport) elif category == 'firmwares': output = 'Missing host name' if hostname is None else self._firmwares_table(hostname, table, format) elif category == 'criticals': output = self._criticals_table(hostname, table, format) else: output = self._common_table(category, hostname, table, format) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=output) def _firmwares_table(self, hostname: Optional[str], table: PrettyTable, format: Format) -> str: completion = self.node_proxy_firmwares(hostname=hostname) data = raise_if_exception(completion) # data = self.node_proxy_firmware(hostname=hostname) if format == Format.json: return json.dumps(data) for host, details in data.items(): for k, v in details.items(): try: status = v['status']['health'] except (KeyError, TypeError): status = 'N/A' table.add_row((host, k, v['name'], v['release_date'], v['version'], status)) return table.get_string() def _criticals_table(self, hostname: Optional[str], table: PrettyTable, format: Format) -> str: completion = self.node_proxy_criticals(hostname=hostname) data = raise_if_exception(completion) # data = self.node_proxy_criticals(hostname=hostname) if format == Format.json: return json.dumps(data) for host, host_details in data.items(): for component, component_details in host_details.items(): for member, member_details in component_details.items(): description = member_details.get('description') or member_details.get('name') table.add_row((host, component, description, member_details['status']['health'], member_details['status']['state'])) return table.get_string() def _common_table(self, category: str, hostname: Optional[str], table: PrettyTable, format: Format) -> str: completion = self.node_proxy_common(category=category, hostname=hostname) data = raise_if_exception(completion) # data = self.node_proxy_common(category=category, hostname=hostname) if format == Format.json: return json.dumps(data) mapping = { 'memory': ('description', 'health', 'state'), 'storage': ('description', 'model', 'capacity_bytes', 'protocol', 'serial_number', 'health', 'state'), 'processors': ('model', 'total_cores', 'total_threads', 'health', 'state'), 'network': ('name', 'speed_mbps', 'health', 'state'), 'power': ('name', 'model', 'manufacturer', 'health', 'state'), 'fans': ('name', 'health', 'state') } fields = mapping.get(category, ()) for host in data.keys(): for sys_id, details in data[host].items(): for k, v in details.items(): row = [] for field in fields: if field in v: row.append(v[field]) elif field in v.get('status', {}): row.append(v['status'][field]) else: row.append('') if category in ('power', 'fans', 'processors'): table.add_row((host, sys_id,) + (k,) + tuple(row)) else: table.add_row((host, sys_id,) + tuple(row)) return table.get_string() class HardwareLightType(enum.Enum): chassis = 'chassis' device = 'drive' class HardwareLightAction(enum.Enum): on = 'on' off = 'off' get = 'get' @_cli_write_command('orch hardware light') def _hardware_light(self, light_type: HardwareLightType, action: HardwareLightAction, hostname: str, device: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Enable or Disable a device or chassis LED""" if light_type == self.HardwareLightType.device and not device: return HandleCommandResult(stderr='you must pass a device ID.', retval=-errno.ENOENT) completion = self.hardware_light(light_type.value, action.value, hostname, device) data = raise_if_exception(completion) output: str = '' if action == self.HardwareLightAction.get: status = 'on' if data['LocationIndicatorActive'] else 'off' if light_type == self.HardwareLightType.device: output = f'ident LED for {device} on {hostname} is: {status}' else: output = f'ident chassis LED for {hostname} is: {status}' else: pass return HandleCommandResult(stdout=output) @_cli_write_command('orch hardware powercycle') def _hardware_powercycle(self, hostname: str, yes_i_really_mean_it: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Reboot a host""" completion = self.hardware_powercycle(hostname, yes_i_really_mean_it=yes_i_really_mean_it) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch hardware shutdown') def _hardware_shutdown(self, hostname: str, force: Optional[bool] = False, yes_i_really_mean_it: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Shutdown a host""" completion = self.hardware_shutdown(hostname, force, yes_i_really_mean_it=yes_i_really_mean_it) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch host rm') def _remove_host(self, hostname: str, force: bool = False, offline: bool = False, rm_crush_entry: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Remove a host""" completion = self.remove_host(hostname, force, offline, rm_crush_entry) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch host drain') def _drain_host(self, hostname: str, force: bool = False, keep_conf_keyring: bool = False, zap_osd_devices: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """drain all daemons from a host""" completion = self.drain_host(hostname, force, keep_conf_keyring, zap_osd_devices) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch host set-addr') def _update_set_addr(self, hostname: str, addr: str) -> HandleCommandResult: """Update a host address""" completion = self.update_host_addr(hostname, addr) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_read_command('orch host ls') def _get_hosts(self, format: Format = Format.plain, host_pattern: str = '', label: str = '', host_status: str = '', detail: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """List high level host information""" completion = self.get_hosts() hosts = raise_if_exception(completion) cephadm_active = True if self._select_orchestrator() == "cephadm" else False show_detail = cephadm_active and detail filter_spec = PlacementSpec( host_pattern=host_pattern, label=label ) filtered_hosts: List[str] = filter_spec.filter_matching_hostspecs(hosts) hosts = [h for h in hosts if h.hostname in filtered_hosts] if host_status: hosts = [h for h in hosts if h.status.lower() == host_status] if show_detail: # switch to a HostDetails based representation _hosts = [] for h in hosts: facts_completion = self.get_facts(h.hostname) host_facts = raise_if_exception(facts_completion) _hosts.append(HostDetails(host=h, facts=host_facts[0])) hosts: List[HostDetails] = _hosts # type: ignore [no-redef] if format != Format.plain: if show_detail: output = to_format(hosts, format, many=True, cls=HostDetails) else: output = to_format(hosts, format, many=True, cls=HostSpec) else: if show_detail: table_headings = ['HOST', 'ADDR', 'LABELS', 'STATUS', 'VENDOR/MODEL', 'CPU', 'RAM', 'HDD', 'SSD', 'NIC'] else: table_headings = ['HOST', 'ADDR', 'LABELS', 'STATUS'] table = PrettyTable( table_headings, border=False) table.align = 'l' table.left_padding_width = 0 table.right_padding_width = 2 for host in natsorted(hosts, key=lambda h: h.hostname): row = (host.hostname, host.addr, ','.join( host.labels), host.status.capitalize()) if show_detail and isinstance(host, HostDetails): row += (host.server, host.cpu_summary, host.ram, host.hdd_summary, host.ssd_summary, host.nic_count) table.add_row(row) output = table.get_string() if format == Format.plain: output += f'\n{len(hosts)} hosts in cluster' if label: output += f' who had label {label}' if host_pattern: output += f' whose hostname matched {host_pattern}' if host_status: output += f' with status {host_status}' return HandleCommandResult(stdout=output) @_cli_write_command('orch host label add') def _host_label_add(self, hostname: str, label: str) -> HandleCommandResult: """Add a host label""" completion = self.add_host_label(hostname, label) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch host label rm') def _host_label_rm(self, hostname: str, label: str, force: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Remove a host label""" completion = self.remove_host_label(hostname, label, force) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch host ok-to-stop') def _host_ok_to_stop(self, hostname: str) -> HandleCommandResult: """Check if the specified host can be safely stopped without reducing availability""""" completion = self.host_ok_to_stop(hostname) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch host maintenance enter') def _host_maintenance_enter(self, hostname: str, force: bool = False, yes_i_really_mean_it: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """ Prepare a host for maintenance by shutting down and disabling all Ceph daemons (cephadm only) """ completion = self.enter_host_maintenance(hostname, force=force, yes_i_really_mean_it=yes_i_really_mean_it) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch host maintenance exit') def _host_maintenance_exit(self, hostname: str, force: bool = False, offline: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """ Return a host from maintenance, restarting all Ceph daemons (cephadm only) """ completion = self.exit_host_maintenance(hostname, force, offline) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch host rescan') def _host_rescan(self, hostname: str, with_summary: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Perform a disk rescan on a host""" completion = self.rescan_host(hostname) raise_if_exception(completion) if with_summary: return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str().split('.')[0]) @_cli_read_command('orch device replace') def _replace_device(self, hostname: str, device: str, clear: bool = False, yes_i_really_mean_it: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Perform all required operations in order to replace a device. """ completion = self.replace_device(hostname=hostname, device=device, clear=clear, yes_i_really_mean_it=yes_i_really_mean_it) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_read_command('orch device ls') def _list_devices(self, hostname: Optional[List[str]] = None, format: Format = Format.plain, refresh: bool = False, wide: bool = False, summary: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """ List devices on a host """ # Provide information about storage devices present in cluster hosts # # Note: this does not have to be completely synchronous. Slightly out of # date hardware inventory is fine as long as hardware ultimately appears # in the output of this command. nf = InventoryFilter(hosts=hostname) if hostname else None completion = self.get_inventory(host_filter=nf, refresh=refresh) inv_hosts = raise_if_exception(completion) if format != Format.plain: return HandleCommandResult(stdout=to_format(inv_hosts, format, many=True, cls=InventoryHost)) else: display_map = { "Unsupported": "N/A", "N/A": "N/A", "On": "On", "Off": "Off", True: "Yes", False: "No", } out = [] if wide: table = PrettyTable( ['HOST', 'PATH', 'TYPE', 'TRANSPORT', 'RPM', 'DEVICE ID', 'SIZE', 'HEALTH', 'IDENT', 'FAULT', 'AVAILABLE', 'REFRESHED', 'REJECT REASONS'], border=False) else: table = PrettyTable( ['HOST', 'PATH', 'TYPE', 'DEVICE ID', 'SIZE', 'AVAILABLE', 'REFRESHED', 'REJECT REASONS'], border=False) table.align = 'l' table._align['SIZE'] = 'r' table.left_padding_width = 0 table.right_padding_width = 2 now = datetime_now() host_count = 0 available_count = 0 device_count = { "hdd": 0, "ssd": 0} for host_ in natsorted(inv_hosts, key=lambda h: # type: InventoryHost host_count += 1 for d in sorted(host_.devices.devices, key=lambda d: d.path): # type: Device if d.available: available_count += 1 try: device_count[d.human_readable_type] += 1 except KeyError: device_count[d.human_readable_type] = 1 led_ident = 'N/A' led_fail = 'N/A' if d.lsm_data.get('ledSupport', None): led_ident = d.lsm_data['ledSupport']['IDENTstatus'] led_fail = d.lsm_data['ledSupport']['FAILstatus'] if wide: table.add_row( (, d.path, d.human_readable_type, d.lsm_data.get('transport', ''), d.lsm_data.get('rpm', ''), d.device_id, format_bytes(d.sys_api.get('size', 0), 5), d.lsm_data.get('health', ''), display_map[led_ident], display_map[led_fail], display_map[d.available], nice_delta(now, d.created, ' ago'), ', '.join(d.rejected_reasons) ) ) else: table.add_row( (, d.path, d.human_readable_type, d.device_id, format_bytes(d.sys_api.get('size', 0), 5), display_map[d.available], nice_delta(now, d.created, ' ago'), ', '.join(d.rejected_reasons) ) ) out.append(table.get_string()) if summary: device_summary = [f"{device_count[devtype]} {devtype.upper()}" for devtype in sorted(device_count.keys())] out.append(f"{host_count} host(s), {', '.join(device_summary)}, {available_count} available") return HandleCommandResult(stdout='\n'.join(out)) @_cli_write_command('orch device zap') def _zap_device(self, hostname: str, path: str, force: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """ Zap (erase!) a device so it can be re-used """ if not force: raise OrchestratorError('must pass --force to PERMANENTLY ERASE DEVICE DATA') completion = self.zap_device(hostname, path) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_read_command('orch ls') def _list_services(self, service_type: Optional[str] = None, service_name: Optional[str] = None, export: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, refresh: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """ List services known to orchestrator """ if export and format == Format.plain: format = Format.yaml completion = self.describe_service(service_type, service_name, refresh=refresh) services = raise_if_exception(completion) def ukn(s: Optional[str]) -> str: return '' if s is None else s # Sort the list for display services.sort(key=lambda s: (ukn(s.spec.service_name()))) if len(services) == 0: return HandleCommandResult(stdout="No services reported") elif format != Format.plain: with service_spec_allow_invalid_from_json(): if export: data = [s.spec for s in services if s.deleted is None] return HandleCommandResult(stdout=to_format(data, format, many=True, cls=ServiceSpec)) else: return HandleCommandResult(stdout=to_format(services, format, many=True, cls=ServiceDescription)) else: now = datetime_now() table = PrettyTable( [ 'NAME', 'PORTS', 'RUNNING', 'REFRESHED', 'AGE', 'PLACEMENT', ], border=False) table.align['NAME'] = 'l' table.align['PORTS'] = 'l' table.align['RUNNING'] = 'r' table.align['REFRESHED'] = 'l' table.align['AGE'] = 'l' table.align['PLACEMENT'] = 'l' table.left_padding_width = 0 table.right_padding_width = 2 for s in services: if not s.spec: pl = '' elif s.spec.unmanaged: pl = '' else: pl = s.spec.placement.pretty_str() if s.deleted: refreshed = '' else: refreshed = nice_delta(now, s.last_refresh, ' ago') if s.spec.service_type == 'osd': running = str(s.running) else: running = '{}/{}'.format(s.running, s.size) table.add_row(( s.spec.service_name(), s.get_port_summary(), running, refreshed, nice_delta(now, s.created), pl, )) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=table.get_string()) @_cli_read_command('orch ps') def _list_daemons(self, hostname: Optional[str] = None, _end_positional_: int = 0, service_name: Optional[str] = None, daemon_type: Optional[str] = None, daemon_id: Optional[str] = None, sort_by: Optional[DaemonFields] =, format: Format = Format.plain, refresh: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """ List daemons known to orchestrator """ completion = self.list_daemons(service_name, daemon_type, daemon_id=daemon_id, host=hostname, refresh=refresh) daemons = raise_if_exception(completion) def ukn(s: Optional[str]) -> str: return '' if s is None else s def sort_by_field(d: DaemonDescription) -> Any: if sort_by == return elif sort_by == return d.hostname elif sort_by == DaemonFields.status: return if d.status else None elif sort_by == DaemonFields.refreshed: return d.last_refresh elif sort_by == DaemonFields.age: return d.created elif sort_by == DaemonFields.mem_use: return d.memory_usage elif sort_by == DaemonFields.mem_lim: return d.memory_request elif sort_by == DaemonFields.image: return d.container_image_id elif sort_by == DaemonFields.daemon_type: return d.daemon_type elif sort_by == DaemonFields.service_name: return d.service_name() else: return None # Sort the list for display daemons.sort(key=lambda s: (ukn(s.daemon_type), ukn(s.hostname), ukn(s.daemon_id))) if format != Format.plain: return HandleCommandResult(stdout=to_format(daemons, format, many=True, cls=DaemonDescription)) else: if len(daemons) == 0: return HandleCommandResult(stdout="No daemons reported") now = datetime_now() table = PrettyTable( ['NAME', 'HOST', 'PORTS', 'STATUS', 'REFRESHED', 'AGE', 'MEM USE', 'MEM LIM', 'VERSION', 'IMAGE ID', 'CONTAINER ID'], border=False) table.align = 'l' table._align['REFRESHED'] = 'r' table._align['AGE'] = 'r' table._align['MEM USE'] = 'r' table._align['MEM LIM'] = 'r' table.left_padding_width = 0 table.right_padding_width = 2 for s in natsorted(daemons, key=lambda d: sort_by_field(d)): if s.status_desc: status = s.status_desc else: status = DaemonDescriptionStatus.to_str(s.status) if s.status == DaemonDescriptionStatus.running and s.started: # See DDS.starting status += ' (%s)' % to_pretty_timedelta(now - s.started) table.add_row((, ukn(s.hostname), s.get_port_summary(), status, nice_delta(now, s.last_refresh, ' ago'), nice_delta(now, s.created), nice_bytes(s.memory_usage), nice_bytes(s.memory_request), ukn(s.version), ukn(s.container_image_id)[0:12], ukn(s.container_id))) remove_column = 'CONTAINER ID' if table.get_string(fields=[remove_column], border=False, header=False).count('') == len(daemons): try: table.del_column(remove_column) except AttributeError as e: # del_column method was introduced in prettytable 2.0 if str(e) != "del_column": raise table.field_names.remove(remove_column) table._rows = [row[:-1] for row in table._rows] return HandleCommandResult(stdout=table.get_string()) def _process_cert_store_json(self, d: Dict[str, Any], level: int = 0) -> str: result_str = '' indent = ' ' * level for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): result_str += f'{indent}{k}\n' result_str += self._process_cert_store_json(v, level + 1) else: result_str += f'{indent}{k} - {v}\n' return result_str @_cli_read_command('orch cert-store cert ls') def _cert_store_cert_ls(self, format: Format = Format.plain) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.cert_store_cert_ls() cert_ls = raise_if_exception(completion) if format != Format.plain: return HandleCommandResult(stdout=to_format(cert_ls, format, many=False, cls=None)) else: result_str = self._process_cert_store_json(cert_ls, 0) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=result_str) @_cli_read_command('orch cert-store key ls') def _cert_store_key_ls(self, format: Format = Format.plain) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.cert_store_key_ls() key_ls = raise_if_exception(completion) if format != Format.plain: return HandleCommandResult(stdout=to_format(key_ls, format, many=False, cls=None)) else: result_str = self._process_cert_store_json(key_ls, 0) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=result_str) @_cli_read_command('orch cert-store get cert') def _cert_store_get_cert( self, entity: str, _end_positional_: int = 0, service_name: Optional[str] = None, hostname: Optional[str] = None, no_exception_when_missing: bool = False ) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.cert_store_get_cert( entity, service_name, hostname, no_exception_when_missing ) cert = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=cert) @_cli_read_command('orch cert-store get key') def _cert_store_get_key( self, entity: str, _end_positional_: int = 0, service_name: Optional[str] = None, hostname: Optional[str] = None, no_exception_when_missing: bool = False ) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.cert_store_get_key( entity, service_name, hostname, no_exception_when_missing ) key = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=key) def _get_credentials(self, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str, str]: _username = username _password = password if inbuf: try: credentials = json.loads(inbuf) _username = credentials['username'].strip() _password = credentials['password'].strip() except (KeyError, json.JSONDecodeError): raise ArgumentError(""" json provided for credentials did not include all necessary fields. Please setup json file as: { "username": "USERNAME", "password": "PASSWORD" } """) if not _username or not _password: raise ArgumentError("Invalid arguments. Please provide arguments or -i ") return _username, _password @_cli_write_command('orch certmgr generate-certificates') def _cert_mgr_generate_certificates(self, module_name: str) -> HandleCommandResult: try: completion = self.generate_certificates(module_name) result = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(result)) except ArgumentError as e: return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, "", (str(e))) @_cli_write_command('orch prometheus set-credentials') def _set_prometheus_access_info(self, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: try: username, password = self._get_credentials(username, password, inbuf) completion = self.set_prometheus_access_info(username, password) result = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(result)) except ArgumentError as e: return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, "", (str(e))) @_cli_write_command('orch prometheus set-target') def _set_prometheus_target(self, url: str) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.set_prometheus_target(url) result = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(result)) @_cli_write_command('orch prometheus remove-target') def _remove_prometheus_target(self, url: str) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.remove_prometheus_target(url) result = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(result)) @_cli_write_command('orch alertmanager set-credentials') def _set_alertmanager_access_info(self, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: try: username, password = self._get_credentials(username, password, inbuf) completion = self.set_alertmanager_access_info(username, password) result = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(result)) except ArgumentError as e: return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, "", (str(e))) @_cli_write_command('orch prometheus get-credentials') def _get_prometheus_access_info(self) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.get_prometheus_access_info() access_info = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(access_info)) @_cli_write_command('orch get-security-config') def _get_security_config(self) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.get_security_config() result = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(result)) @_cli_write_command('orch alertmanager get-credentials') def _get_alertmanager_access_info(self) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.get_alertmanager_access_info() access_info = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(access_info)) @_cli_write_command('orch prometheus set-custom-alerts') def _set_custom_prometheus_alerts(self, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: if not inbuf: raise OrchestratorError('This command requires passing a file with "-i "') completion = self.set_custom_prometheus_alerts(inbuf) out = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=json.dumps(out)) @_cli_write_command('orch apply osd') def _apply_osd(self, all_available_devices: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, unmanaged: Optional[bool] = None, dry_run: bool = False, no_overwrite: bool = False, method: Optional[OSDMethod] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None # deprecated. Was deprecated before Quincy ) -> HandleCommandResult: """ Create OSD daemon(s) on all available devices """ if inbuf and all_available_devices: return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr='-i infile and --all-available-devices are mutually exclusive') if not inbuf and not all_available_devices: # one parameter must be present return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr='--all-available-devices is required') if inbuf: if unmanaged is not None: return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr='-i infile and --unmanaged are mutually exclusive') try: drivegroups = [_dg for _dg in yaml.safe_load_all(inbuf)] except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: msg = f"Invalid YAML received : {str(e)}" self.log.exception(e) return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr=msg) dg_specs = [] for dg in drivegroups: spec = DriveGroupSpec.from_json(dg) if dry_run: spec.preview_only = True dg_specs.append(spec) return self._apply_misc(dg_specs, dry_run, format, no_overwrite) if all_available_devices: if unmanaged is None: unmanaged = False dg_specs = [ DriveGroupSpec( service_id='all-available-devices', placement=PlacementSpec(host_pattern='*'), data_devices=DeviceSelection(all=True), unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run, method=method ) ] return self._apply_misc(dg_specs, dry_run, format, no_overwrite) return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr='--all-available-devices is required') @_cli_write_command('orch daemon add osd') def _daemon_add_osd(self, svc_arg: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[OSDMethod] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Create OSD daemon(s) on specified host and device(s) (e.g., ceph orch daemon add osd myhost:/dev/sdb)""" # Create one or more OSDs""" usage = """ Usage: ceph orch daemon add osd host:device1,device2,... ceph orch daemon add osd host:data_devices=device1,device2,db_devices=device3,osds_per_device=2[,encrypted=false] ceph orch daemon add osd host:data_devices=device1[,encrypted=true,tpm2=true] """ if not svc_arg: return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr=usage) try: host_name, raw = svc_arg.split(":") list_drive_group_spec_bool_arg: List[str] = [] drive_group_spec = { 'data_devices': [] } # type: Dict drv_grp_spec_arg = None values = raw.split(',') while values: v = values[0].split(',', 1)[0] if '=' in v: drv_grp_spec_arg, value = v.split('=') if drv_grp_spec_arg in ['data_devices', 'db_devices', 'wal_devices', 'journal_devices']: drive_group_spec[drv_grp_spec_arg] = [] drive_group_spec[drv_grp_spec_arg].append(value) else: if value.lower() in ['true', 'false']: list_drive_group_spec_bool_arg.append(drv_grp_spec_arg) drive_group_spec[drv_grp_spec_arg] = value.lower() == "true" else: drive_group_spec[drv_grp_spec_arg] = value elif drv_grp_spec_arg is not None: drive_group_spec[drv_grp_spec_arg].append(v) else: drive_group_spec['data_devices'].append(v) values.remove(v) for dev_type in ['data_devices', 'db_devices', 'wal_devices', 'journal_devices']: drive_group_spec[dev_type] = DeviceSelection( paths=drive_group_spec[dev_type]) if drive_group_spec.get(dev_type) else None drive_group = DriveGroupSpec( placement=PlacementSpec(host_pattern=host_name), method=method, **drive_group_spec, ) except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError) as e: msg = f"Invalid 'host:device' spec: '{svc_arg}': {e}" + usage return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr=msg) completion = self.create_osds(drive_group) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch osd rm') def _osd_rm_start(self, osd_id: List[str], replace: bool = False, force: bool = False, zap: bool = False, no_destroy: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Remove OSD daemons""" completion = self.remove_osds(osd_id, replace=replace, force=force, zap=zap, no_destroy=no_destroy) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch osd rm stop') def _osd_rm_stop(self, osd_id: List[str]) -> HandleCommandResult: """Cancel ongoing OSD removal operation""" completion = self.stop_remove_osds(osd_id) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch osd rm status') def _osd_rm_status(self, format: Format = Format.plain) -> HandleCommandResult: """Status of OSD removal operation""" completion = self.remove_osds_status() raise_if_exception(completion) report = completion.result if not report: return HandleCommandResult(stdout="No OSD remove/replace operations reported") if format != Format.plain: out = to_format(report, format, many=True, cls=None) else: table = PrettyTable( ['OSD', 'HOST', 'STATE', 'PGS', 'REPLACE', 'FORCE', 'ZAP', 'DRAIN STARTED AT'], border=False) table.align = 'l' table._align['PGS'] = 'r' table.left_padding_width = 0 table.right_padding_width = 2 for osd in sorted(report, key=lambda o: o.osd_id): table.add_row([osd.osd_id, osd.hostname, osd.drain_status_human(), osd.get_pg_count(), osd.replace, osd.force, osd.zap, osd.drain_started_at or '']) out = table.get_string() return HandleCommandResult(stdout=out) @_cli_write_command('orch osd set-spec-affinity') def _osd_set_spec(self, service_name: str, osd_id: List[str]) -> HandleCommandResult: """Set service spec affinity for osd""" completion = self.set_osd_spec(service_name, osd_id) res = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=res) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon add') def daemon_add_misc(self, daemon_type: Optional[ServiceType] = None, placement: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Add daemon(s)""" usage = f"""Usage: ceph orch daemon add -i ceph orch daemon add {daemon_type or ''} """ if inbuf: if daemon_type or placement: raise OrchestratorValidationError(usage) spec = ServiceSpec.from_json(yaml.safe_load(inbuf)) else: if not placement or not daemon_type: raise OrchestratorValidationError(usage) placement_spec = PlacementSpec.from_string(placement) spec = ServiceSpec(daemon_type.value, placement=placement_spec) return self._daemon_add_misc(spec) def _daemon_add_misc(self, spec: ServiceSpec) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.add_daemon(spec) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon add mds') def _mds_add(self, fs_name: str, placement: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Start MDS daemon(s)""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = ServiceSpec( service_type='mds', service_id=fs_name, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), ) return self._daemon_add_misc(spec) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon add rgw') def _rgw_add(self, svc_id: str, placement: Optional[str] = None, _end_positional_: int = 0, port: Optional[int] = None, ssl: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Start RGW daemon(s)""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = RGWSpec( service_id=svc_id, rgw_frontend_port=port, ssl=ssl, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), ) return self._daemon_add_misc(spec) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon add nfs') def _nfs_add(self, svc_id: str, placement: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Start NFS daemon(s)""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = NFSServiceSpec( service_id=svc_id, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), ) return self._daemon_add_misc(spec) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon add iscsi') def _iscsi_add(self, pool: str, api_user: str, api_password: str, trusted_ip_list: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Start iscsi daemon(s)""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = IscsiServiceSpec( service_id='iscsi', pool=pool, api_user=api_user, api_password=api_password, trusted_ip_list=trusted_ip_list, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), ) return self._daemon_add_misc(spec) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon add nvmeof') def _nvmeof_add(self, pool: str, group: str, placement: Optional[str] = None, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Start nvmeof daemon(s)""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = NvmeofServiceSpec( service_id=f'{pool}.{group}' if group else pool, pool=pool, group=group, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), ) return self._daemon_add_misc(spec) @_cli_write_command('orch') def _service_action(self, action: ServiceAction, service_name: str) -> HandleCommandResult: """Start, stop, restart, redeploy, or reconfig an entire service (i.e. all daemons)""" completion = self.service_action(action.value, service_name) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon') def _daemon_action(self, action: DaemonAction, name: str) -> HandleCommandResult: """Start, stop, restart, redeploy, reconfig, or rotate-key for a specific daemon""" if '.' not in name: raise OrchestratorError('%s is not a valid daemon name' % name) completion = self.daemon_action(action.value, name) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon redeploy') def _daemon_action_redeploy(self, name: str, image: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Redeploy a daemon (with a specific image)""" if '.' not in name: raise OrchestratorError('%s is not a valid daemon name' % name) completion = self.daemon_action("redeploy", name, image=image) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch daemon rm') def _daemon_rm(self, names: List[str], force: Optional[bool] = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Remove specific daemon(s)""" for name in names: if '.' not in name: raise OrchestratorError('%s is not a valid daemon name' % name) (daemon_type) = name.split('.')[0] if not force and daemon_type in ['osd', 'mon', 'prometheus']: raise OrchestratorError( 'must pass --force to REMOVE daemon with potentially PRECIOUS DATA for %s' % name) completion = self.remove_daemons(names) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch rm') def _service_rm(self, service_name: str, force: bool = False) -> HandleCommandResult: """Remove a service""" if service_name in ['mon', 'mgr'] and not force: raise OrchestratorError('The mon and mgr services cannot be removed') completion = self.remove_service(service_name, force=force) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch apply') def apply_misc(self, service_type: Optional[ServiceType] = None, placement: Optional[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, unmanaged: bool = False, no_overwrite: bool = False, continue_on_error: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Update the size or placement for a service or apply a large yaml spec""" usage = """Usage: ceph orch apply -i [--dry-run] ceph orch apply [--placement=] [--unmanaged] """ errs: List[str] = [] if inbuf: if service_type or placement or unmanaged: raise OrchestratorValidationError(usage) yaml_objs: Iterator = yaml.safe_load_all(inbuf) specs: List[Union[ServiceSpec, HostSpec]] = [] # YAML '---' document separator with no content generates # None entries in the output. Let's skip them silently. try: content = [o for o in yaml_objs if o is not None] except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: msg = f"Invalid YAML received : {str(e)}" self.log.exception(msg) return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr=msg) for s in content: try: spec = json_to_generic_spec(s) except Exception as e: if continue_on_error: errs.append(f'Failed to convert {s} from json object: {str(e)}') continue else: raise e # validate the config (we need MgrModule for that) if isinstance(spec, ServiceSpec) and spec.config: for k, v in spec.config.items(): try: self.get_foreign_ceph_option('mon', k) except KeyError: err = SpecValidationError(f'Invalid config option {k} in spec') if continue_on_error: errs.append(str(err)) continue else: raise err # There is a general "osd" service with no service id, but we use # that to dump osds created individually with "ceph orch daemon add osd" # and those made with "ceph orch apply osd --all-available-devices" # For actual user created OSD specs, we should promote users having a # service id so it doesn't get mixed in with those other OSDs. This # check is being done in this spot in particular as this is the only # place we can 100% differentiate between an actual user created OSD # spec and a spec we made ourselves to cover the all-available-devices case if ( isinstance(spec, DriveGroupSpec) and spec.service_type == 'osd' and not spec.service_id ): err = SpecValidationError('Please provide the service_id field in your OSD spec') if continue_on_error: errs.append(str(err)) continue else: raise err if dry_run and not isinstance(spec, HostSpec): spec.preview_only = dry_run if isinstance(spec, TracingSpec) and spec.service_type == 'jaeger-tracing': specs.extend(spec.get_tracing_specs()) continue specs.append(spec) else: # Note in this case there is only ever one spec # being applied so there is no need to worry about # handling of continue_on_error placementspec = PlacementSpec.from_string(placement) if not service_type: raise OrchestratorValidationError(usage) specs = [ServiceSpec(service_type.value, placement=placementspec, unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run)] cmd_result = self._apply_misc(specs, dry_run, format, no_overwrite, continue_on_error) if errs: # HandleCommandResult is a named tuple, so use # _replace to modify it. cmd_result = cmd_result._replace(stdout=cmd_result.stdout + '\n' + '\n'.join(errs)) return cmd_result def _apply_misc( self, specs: Sequence[GenericSpec], dry_run: bool, format: Format, no_overwrite: bool = False, continue_on_error: bool = False ) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.apply(specs, no_overwrite, continue_on_error) raise_if_exception(completion) out = completion.result_str() if dry_run: completion = self.plan(specs) raise_if_exception(completion) data = completion.result if format == Format.plain: out = generate_preview_tables(data) else: out = to_format(data, format, many=True, cls=None) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=out) @_cli_write_command('orch apply mds') def _apply_mds(self, fs_name: str, placement: Optional[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False, unmanaged: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Update the number of MDS instances for the given fs_name""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = MDSSpec( service_type='mds', service_id=fs_name, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply rgw') def _apply_rgw(self, svc_id: str, placement: Optional[str] = None, _end_positional_: int = 0, realm: Optional[str] = None, zonegroup: Optional[str] = None, zone: Optional[str] = None, networks: Optional[List[str]] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, ssl: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, unmanaged: bool = False, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Update the number of RGW instances for the given zone""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') if realm and not zone: raise OrchestratorValidationError( 'Cannot add RGW: Realm specified but no zone specified') if zone and not realm: raise OrchestratorValidationError( 'Cannot add RGW: Zone specified but no realm specified') spec = RGWSpec( service_id=svc_id, rgw_realm=realm, rgw_zonegroup=zonegroup, rgw_zone=zone, networks=networks, rgw_frontend_port=port, ssl=ssl, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run ) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply nfs') def _apply_nfs(self, svc_id: str, placement: Optional[str] = None, format: Format = Format.plain, port: Optional[int] = None, dry_run: bool = False, unmanaged: bool = False, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Scale an NFS service""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = NFSServiceSpec( service_id=svc_id, port=port, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run ) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply iscsi') def _apply_iscsi(self, pool: str, api_user: str, api_password: str, trusted_ip_list: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[str] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Scale an iSCSI service""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = IscsiServiceSpec( service_id=pool, pool=pool, api_user=api_user, api_password=api_password, trusted_ip_list=trusted_ip_list, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run ) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply mgmt-gateway') def _apply_mgmt_gateway(self, port: Optional[int] = None, disable_https: Optional[bool] = False, enable_auth: Optional[bool] = False, placement: Optional[str] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Add a cluster gateway service (cephadm only)""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = MgmtGatewaySpec( placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, port=port, disable_https=disable_https, enable_auth=enable_auth, preview_only=dry_run ) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply oauth2-proxy') def _apply_oauth2_proxy(self, https_address: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[str] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Add a cluster gateway service (cephadm only)""" spec = OAuth2ProxySpec( placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, https_address=https_address ) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply nvmeof') def _apply_nvmeof(self, pool: str, group: str, placement: Optional[str] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Scale an nvmeof service""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = NvmeofServiceSpec( service_id=f'{pool}.{group}' if group else pool, pool=pool, group=group, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run ) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply snmp-gateway') def _apply_snmp_gateway(self, snmp_version: SNMPGatewaySpec.SNMPVersion, destination: str, port: Optional[int] = None, engine_id: Optional[str] = None, auth_protocol: Optional[SNMPGatewaySpec.SNMPAuthType] = None, privacy_protocol: Optional[SNMPGatewaySpec.SNMPPrivacyType] = None, placement: Optional[str] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Add a Prometheus to SNMP gateway service (cephadm only)""" if not inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError( 'missing credential configuration file. Retry with -i ') try: # load inbuf credentials = yaml.safe_load(inbuf) except (OSError, yaml.YAMLError): raise OrchestratorValidationError('credentials file must be valid YAML') spec = SNMPGatewaySpec( snmp_version=snmp_version, port=port, credentials=credentials, snmp_destination=destination, engine_id=engine_id, auth_protocol=auth_protocol, privacy_protocol=privacy_protocol, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run ) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply jaeger') def _apply_jaeger(self, es_nodes: Optional[str] = None, without_query: bool = False, placement: Optional[str] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Apply jaeger tracing services""" if inbuf: raise OrchestratorValidationError('unrecognized command -i; -h or --help for usage') spec = TracingSpec(service_type='jaeger-tracing', es_nodes=es_nodes, without_query=without_query, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged) specs: List[ServiceSpec] = spec.get_tracing_specs() return self._apply_misc(specs, dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch apply smb') def _apply_smb( self, cluster_id: str, config_uri: str, features: str = '', join_sources: Optional[List[str]] = None, custom_dns: Optional[List[str]] = None, include_ceph_users: Optional[List[str]] = None, placement: Optional[str] = None, unmanaged: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain, no_overwrite: bool = False, ) -> HandleCommandResult: """Apply an SMB network file system gateway service configuration.""" _features = features.replace(',', ' ').split() spec = SMBSpec( service_id=cluster_id, placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement), unmanaged=unmanaged, preview_only=dry_run, cluster_id=cluster_id, features=_features, config_uri=config_uri, join_sources=join_sources, custom_dns=custom_dns, include_ceph_users=include_ceph_users, ) spec.validate() # force any validation exceptions to be caught correctly # The previous comment makes no sense to JJM. But when in rome. return self._apply_misc([spec], dry_run, format, no_overwrite) @_cli_write_command('orch set-unmanaged') def _set_unmanaged(self, service_name: str) -> HandleCommandResult: """Set 'unmanaged: true' for the given service name""" completion = self.set_unmanaged(service_name, True) raise_if_exception(completion) out = completion.result_str() return HandleCommandResult(stdout=out) @_cli_write_command('orch set-managed') def _set_managed(self, service_name: str) -> HandleCommandResult: """Set 'unmanaged: false' for the given service name""" completion = self.set_unmanaged(service_name, False) raise_if_exception(completion) out = completion.result_str() return HandleCommandResult(stdout=out) @_cli_write_command('orch set backend') def _set_backend(self, module_name: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """ Select orchestrator module backend """ # We implement a setter command instead of just having the user # modify the setting directly, so that we can validate they're setting # it to a module that really exists and is enabled. # There isn't a mechanism for ensuring they don't *disable* the module # later, but this is better than nothing. mgr_map = self.get("mgr_map") if module_name is None or module_name == "": self.set_module_option("orchestrator", None) return HandleCommandResult() for module in mgr_map['available_modules']: if module['name'] != module_name: continue if not module['can_run']: continue enabled = module['name'] in mgr_map['modules'] if not enabled: return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr="Module '{module_name}' is not enabled. \n Run " "`ceph mgr module enable {module_name}` " "to enable.".format(module_name=module_name)) try: is_orchestrator = self.remote(module_name, "is_orchestrator_module") except NameError: is_orchestrator = False if not is_orchestrator: return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr="'{0}' is not an orchestrator module".format(module_name)) self.set_module_option("orchestrator", module_name) return HandleCommandResult() return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr="Module '{0}' not found".format(module_name)) @_cli_write_command('orch pause') def _pause(self) -> HandleCommandResult: """Pause orchestrator background work""" self.pause() return HandleCommandResult() @_cli_write_command('orch resume') def _resume(self) -> HandleCommandResult: """Resume orchestrator background work (if paused)""" self.resume() return HandleCommandResult() @_cli_write_command('orch cancel') def _cancel(self) -> HandleCommandResult: """ Cancel ongoing background operations """ self.cancel_completions() return HandleCommandResult() @_cli_read_command('orch status') def _status(self, detail: bool = False, format: Format = Format.plain) -> HandleCommandResult: """Report configured backend and its status""" o = self._select_orchestrator() if o is None: raise NoOrchestrator() avail, why, module_details = self.available() result: Dict[str, Any] = { "available": avail, "backend": o, } if avail: result.update(module_details) else: result['reason'] = why if format != Format.plain: output = to_format(result, format, many=False, cls=None) else: output = "Backend: {0}".format(result['backend']) output += f"\nAvailable: {'Yes' if result['available'] else 'No'}" if 'reason' in result: output += ' ({0})'.format(result['reason']) if 'paused' in result: output += f"\nPaused: {'Yes' if result['paused'] else 'No'}" if 'workers' in result and detail: output += f"\nHost Parallelism: {result['workers']}" return HandleCommandResult(stdout=output) @_cli_write_command('orch tuned-profile apply') def _apply_tuned_profiles(self, profile_name: Optional[str] = None, placement: Optional[str] = None, settings: Optional[str] = None, no_overwrite: bool = False, inbuf: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Add or update a tuned profile""" usage = """Usage: ceph orch tuned-profile apply -i ceph orch tuned-profile apply [--placement=] [--settings='option=value,option2=value2'] """ if inbuf: if profile_name or placement or settings: raise OrchestratorValidationError(usage) yaml_objs: Iterator = yaml.safe_load_all(inbuf) specs: List[TunedProfileSpec] = [] # YAML '---' document separator with no content generates # None entries in the output. Let's skip them silently. try: content = [o for o in yaml_objs if o is not None] except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: msg = f"Invalid YAML received : {str(e)}" self.log.exception(msg) return HandleCommandResult(-errno.EINVAL, stderr=msg) for spec in content: specs.append(TunedProfileSpec.from_json(spec)) else: if not profile_name: raise OrchestratorValidationError(usage) placement_spec = PlacementSpec.from_string( placement) if placement else PlacementSpec(host_pattern='*') settings_dict = {} if settings: settings_list = settings.split(',') for setting in settings_list: if '=' not in setting: raise SpecValidationError('settings defined on cli for tuned profile must ' + 'be of format "setting_name=value,setting_name2=value2" etc.') name, value = setting.split('=', 1) settings_dict[name.strip()] = value.strip() tuned_profile_spec = TunedProfileSpec( profile_name=profile_name, placement=placement_spec, settings=settings_dict) specs = [tuned_profile_spec] completion = self.apply_tuned_profiles(specs, no_overwrite) res = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=res) @_cli_write_command('orch tuned-profile rm') def _rm_tuned_profiles(self, profile_name: str) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.rm_tuned_profile(profile_name) res = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=res) @_cli_read_command('orch tuned-profile ls') def _tuned_profile_ls(self, format: Format = Format.plain) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.tuned_profile_ls() profiles: List[TunedProfileSpec] = raise_if_exception(completion) if format != Format.plain: return HandleCommandResult(stdout=to_format(profiles, format, many=True, cls=TunedProfileSpec)) else: out = '' for profile in profiles: out += f'profile_name: {profile.profile_name}\n' out += f'placement: {profile.placement.pretty_str()}\n' out += 'settings:\n' for k, v in profile.settings.items(): out += f' {k}: {v}\n' out += '---\n' return HandleCommandResult(stdout=out) @_cli_write_command('orch tuned-profile add-setting') def _tuned_profile_add_setting(self, profile_name: str, setting: str, value: str) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.tuned_profile_add_setting(profile_name, setting, value) res = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=res) @_cli_write_command('orch tuned-profile rm-setting') def _tuned_profile_rm_setting(self, profile_name: str, setting: str) -> HandleCommandResult: completion = self.tuned_profile_rm_setting(profile_name, setting) res = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=res) @_cli_write_command("orch tuned-profile add-settings") def _tuned_profile_add_settings(self, profile_name: str, settings: str) -> HandleCommandResult: try: setting_pairs = settings.split(",") parsed_setting = {} parsed_setting = {key.strip(): value.strip() for key, value in (s.split('=', 1) for s in setting_pairs)} completion = self.tuned_profile_add_settings(profile_name, parsed_setting) res = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=res) except ValueError: error_message = ( "Error: Invalid format detected. " "The correct format is key=value pairs separated by commas," "e.g., 'vm.swappiness=11,vm.user_reserve_kbytes=116851'" ) return HandleCommandResult(stderr=error_message) @_cli_write_command("orch tuned-profile rm-settings") def _tuned_profile_rm_settings(self, profile_name: str, settings: str) -> HandleCommandResult: try: setting = [s.strip() for s in settings.split(",") if s.strip()] if not setting: raise ValueError( "Error: Invalid format." "The correct format is key1,key2" "e.g., vm.swappiness,vm.user_reserve_kbytes" ) completion = self.tuned_profile_rm_settings(profile_name, setting) res = raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=res) except ValueError as e: return HandleCommandResult(stderr=str(e)) def self_test(self) -> None: old_orch = self._select_orchestrator() self._set_backend('') assert self._select_orchestrator() is None self._set_backend(old_orch) old_fs_fail_value = self._get_fail_fs_value() self.set_module_option("fail_fs", True) assert self._get_fail_fs_value() is True self.set_module_option("fail_fs", False) assert self._get_fail_fs_value() is False self.set_module_option("fail_fs", old_fs_fail_value) e1 = self.remote('selftest', 'remote_from_orchestrator_cli_self_test', "ZeroDivisionError") try: raise_if_exception(e1) assert False except ZeroDivisionError as e: assert e.args == ('hello, world',) e2 = self.remote('selftest', 'remote_from_orchestrator_cli_self_test', "OrchestratorError") try: raise_if_exception(e2) assert False except OrchestratorError as e: assert e.args == ('hello, world',) @staticmethod def _upgrade_check_image_name(image: Optional[str], ceph_version: Optional[str]) -> None: """ >>> OrchestratorCli._upgrade_check_image_name('v15.2.0', None) Traceback (most recent call last): orchestrator._interface.OrchestratorValidationError: Error: unable to pull image name `v15.2.0`. Maybe you meant `--ceph-version 15.2.0`? """ if image and re.match(r'^v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+$', image) and ceph_version is None: ver = image[1:] if image.startswith('v') else image s = f"Error: unable to pull image name `{image}`.\n" \ f" Maybe you meant `--ceph-version {ver}`?" raise OrchestratorValidationError(s) @_cli_write_command('orch upgrade check') def _upgrade_check(self, image: Optional[str] = None, ceph_version: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Check service versions vs available and target containers""" self._upgrade_check_image_name(image, ceph_version) completion = self.upgrade_check(image=image, version=ceph_version) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_read_command('orch upgrade ls') def _upgrade_ls(self, image: Optional[str] = None, tags: bool = False, show_all_versions: Optional[bool] = False ) -> HandleCommandResult: """Check for available versions (or tags) we can upgrade to""" completion = self.upgrade_ls(image, tags, show_all_versions) r = raise_if_exception(completion) out = json.dumps(r, indent=4) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=out) @_cli_write_command('orch upgrade status') def _upgrade_status(self) -> HandleCommandResult: """Check the status of any potential ongoing upgrade operation""" completion = self.upgrade_status() status = raise_if_exception(completion) r = { 'target_image': status.target_image, 'in_progress': status.in_progress, 'which': status.which, 'services_complete': status.services_complete, 'progress': status.progress, 'message': status.message, 'is_paused': status.is_paused, } out = json.dumps(r, indent=4) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=out) @_cli_write_command('orch upgrade start') def _upgrade_start(self, image: Optional[str] = None, _end_positional_: int = 0, daemon_types: Optional[str] = None, hosts: Optional[str] = None, services: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ceph_version: Optional[str] = None) -> HandleCommandResult: """Initiate upgrade""" self._upgrade_check_image_name(image, ceph_version) dtypes = daemon_types.split(',') if daemon_types is not None else None service_names = services.split(',') if services is not None else None completion = self.upgrade_start(image, ceph_version, dtypes, hosts, service_names, limit) raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch upgrade pause') def _upgrade_pause(self) -> HandleCommandResult: """Pause an in-progress upgrade""" completion = self.upgrade_pause() raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch upgrade resume') def _upgrade_resume(self) -> HandleCommandResult: """Resume paused upgrade""" completion = self.upgrade_resume() raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str()) @_cli_write_command('orch upgrade stop') def _upgrade_stop(self) -> HandleCommandResult: """Stop an in-progress upgrade""" completion = self.upgrade_stop() raise_if_exception(completion) return HandleCommandResult(stdout=completion.result_str())