// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #include "rgw_obj_manifest.h" #include "services/svc_zone.h" #include "rgw_rados.h" #include "rgw_bucket.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw using namespace std; int RGWObjManifest::generator::create_next(uint64_t ofs) { if (ofs < last_ofs) /* only going forward */ return -EINVAL; uint64_t max_head_size = manifest->get_max_head_size(); if (ofs < max_head_size) { manifest->set_head_size(ofs); } if (ofs >= max_head_size) { manifest->set_head_size(max_head_size); cur_stripe = (ofs - max_head_size) / rule.stripe_max_size; cur_stripe_size = rule.stripe_max_size; if (cur_part_id == 0 && max_head_size > 0) { cur_stripe++; } } last_ofs = ofs; manifest->set_obj_size(ofs); manifest->get_implicit_location(cur_part_id, cur_stripe, ofs, NULL, &cur_obj); return 0; } int RGWObjManifest::append(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWObjManifest& m, const RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup, const RGWZoneParams& zone_params) { if (explicit_objs || m.explicit_objs) { return append_explicit(dpp, m, zonegroup, zone_params); } if (rules.empty()) { *this = m; return 0; } string override_prefix; if (prefix.empty()) { prefix = m.prefix; } if (prefix != m.prefix) { override_prefix = m.prefix; } map::iterator miter = m.rules.begin(); if (miter == m.rules.end()) { return append_explicit(dpp, m, zonegroup, zone_params); } for (; miter != m.rules.end(); ++miter) { map::reverse_iterator last_rule = rules.rbegin(); RGWObjManifestRule& rule = last_rule->second; if (rule.part_size == 0) { rule.part_size = obj_size - rule.start_ofs; } RGWObjManifestRule& next_rule = miter->second; if (!next_rule.part_size) { next_rule.part_size = m.obj_size - next_rule.start_ofs; } string rule_prefix = prefix; if (!rule.override_prefix.empty()) { rule_prefix = rule.override_prefix; } string next_rule_prefix = m.prefix; if (!next_rule.override_prefix.empty()) { next_rule_prefix = next_rule.override_prefix; } if (rule.part_size != next_rule.part_size || rule.stripe_max_size != next_rule.stripe_max_size || rule_prefix != next_rule_prefix) { if (next_rule_prefix != prefix) { append_rules(m, miter, &next_rule_prefix); } else { append_rules(m, miter, NULL); } break; } uint64_t expected_part_num = rule.start_part_num + 1; if (rule.part_size > 0) { expected_part_num = rule.start_part_num + (obj_size + next_rule.start_ofs - rule.start_ofs) / rule.part_size; } if (expected_part_num != next_rule.start_part_num) { append_rules(m, miter, NULL); break; } } set_obj_size(obj_size + m.obj_size); return 0; } void RGWObjManifest::append_rules(RGWObjManifest& m, map::iterator& miter, string *override_prefix) { for (; miter != m.rules.end(); ++miter) { RGWObjManifestRule rule = miter->second; rule.start_ofs += obj_size; if (override_prefix) rule.override_prefix = *override_prefix; rules[rule.start_ofs] = rule; } } void RGWObjManifest::convert_to_explicit(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup, const RGWZoneParams& zone_params) { if (explicit_objs) { return; } obj_iterator iter = obj_begin(dpp); while (iter != obj_end(dpp)) { RGWObjManifestPart& part = objs[iter.get_stripe_ofs()]; const rgw_obj_select& os = iter.get_location(); const rgw_raw_obj& raw_loc = os.get_raw_obj(zonegroup, zone_params); part.loc_ofs = 0; uint64_t ofs = iter.get_stripe_ofs(); if (ofs == 0) { part.loc = obj; } else { RGWSI_Tier_RADOS::raw_obj_to_obj(tail_placement.bucket, raw_loc, &part.loc); } ++iter; uint64_t next_ofs = iter.get_stripe_ofs(); part.size = next_ofs - ofs; } explicit_objs = true; rules.clear(); prefix.clear(); } int RGWObjManifest::append_explicit(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWObjManifest& m, const RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup, const RGWZoneParams& zone_params) { if (!explicit_objs) { convert_to_explicit(dpp, zonegroup, zone_params); } if (!m.explicit_objs) { m.convert_to_explicit(dpp, zonegroup, zone_params); } map::iterator iter; uint64_t base = obj_size; for (iter = m.objs.begin(); iter != m.objs.end(); ++iter) { RGWObjManifestPart& part = iter->second; objs[base + iter->first] = part; } obj_size += m.obj_size; return 0; } bool RGWObjManifest::get_rule(uint64_t ofs, RGWObjManifestRule *rule) { if (rules.empty()) { return false; } map::iterator iter = rules.upper_bound(ofs); if (iter != rules.begin()) { --iter; } *rule = iter->second; return true; } auto RGWObjManifest::obj_find_part(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, int part_num) const -> obj_iterator { const obj_iterator end = obj_end(dpp); if (end.get_cur_part_id() == 0) { // not mulitipart return end; } // linear search over parts/stripes for (obj_iterator i = obj_begin(dpp); i != end; ++i) { if (i.get_cur_part_id() == part_num) { return i; } if (i.get_cur_part_id() > part_num) { return end; } } return end; } int RGWObjManifest::generator::create_begin(CephContext *cct, RGWObjManifest *_m, const rgw_placement_rule& head_placement_rule, const rgw_placement_rule *tail_placement_rule, const rgw_bucket& _b, const rgw_obj& _obj) { manifest = _m; if (!tail_placement_rule) { manifest->set_tail_placement(head_placement_rule, _b); } else { rgw_placement_rule new_tail_rule = *tail_placement_rule; new_tail_rule.inherit_from(head_placement_rule); manifest->set_tail_placement(new_tail_rule, _b); } manifest->set_head(head_placement_rule, _obj, 0); last_ofs = 0; if (manifest->get_prefix().empty()) { char buf[33]; gen_rand_alphanumeric(cct, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); string oid_prefix = "."; oid_prefix.append(buf); oid_prefix.append("_"); manifest->set_prefix(oid_prefix); } bool found = manifest->get_rule(0, &rule); if (!found) { derr << "ERROR: manifest->get_rule() could not find rule" << dendl; return -EIO; } uint64_t head_size = manifest->get_head_size(); if (head_size > 0) { cur_stripe_size = head_size; } else { cur_stripe_size = rule.stripe_max_size; } cur_part_id = rule.start_part_num; manifest->get_implicit_location(cur_part_id, cur_stripe, 0, NULL, &cur_obj); // Normal object which not generated through copy operation manifest->set_tail_instance(_obj.key.instance); return 0; } void RGWObjManifestPart::generate_test_instances(std::list& o) { o.push_back(new RGWObjManifestPart); RGWObjManifestPart *p = new RGWObjManifestPart; rgw_bucket b; init_bucket(&b, "tenant", "bucket", ".pool", ".index_pool", "marker_", "12"); p->loc = rgw_obj(b, "object"); p->loc_ofs = 512 * 1024; p->size = 128 * 1024; o.push_back(p); } void RGWObjManifest::generate_test_instances(std::list& o) { RGWObjManifest *m = new RGWObjManifest; map objs; uint64_t total_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) { RGWObjManifestPart p; rgw_bucket b; init_bucket(&b, "tenant", "bucket", ".pool", ".index_pool", "marker_", "12"); p.loc = rgw_obj(b, "object"); p.loc_ofs = 0; p.size = 512 * 1024; total_size += p.size; objs[total_size] = p; } m->set_explicit(total_size, objs); o.push_back(m); o.push_back(new RGWObjManifest); } void RGWObjManifestPart::dump(Formatter *f) const { f->open_object_section("loc"); loc.dump(f); f->close_section(); f->dump_unsigned("loc_ofs", loc_ofs); f->dump_unsigned("size", size); } void RGWObjManifest::obj_iterator::dump(Formatter *f) const { f->dump_unsigned("part_ofs", part_ofs); f->dump_unsigned("stripe_ofs", stripe_ofs); f->dump_unsigned("ofs", ofs); f->dump_unsigned("stripe_size", stripe_size); f->dump_int("cur_part_id", cur_part_id); f->dump_int("cur_stripe", cur_stripe); f->dump_string("cur_override_prefix", cur_override_prefix); f->dump_object("location", location); } void RGWObjManifest::dump(Formatter *f) const { map::const_iterator iter = objs.begin(); f->open_array_section("objs"); for (; iter != objs.end(); ++iter) { f->dump_unsigned("ofs", iter->first); f->open_object_section("part"); iter->second.dump(f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); f->dump_unsigned("obj_size", obj_size); ::encode_json("explicit_objs", explicit_objs, f); ::encode_json("head_size", head_size, f); ::encode_json("max_head_size", max_head_size, f); ::encode_json("prefix", prefix, f); ::encode_json("rules", rules, f); ::encode_json("tail_instance", tail_instance, f); ::encode_json("tail_placement", tail_placement, f); ::encode_json("tier_type", tier_type, f); if (tier_type == "cloud-s3") { ::encode_json("tier_config", tier_config, f); } // nullptr being passed into iterators since there // is no cct and we aren't doing anything with these // iterators that would write do the log f->dump_object("begin_iter", obj_begin(nullptr)); f->dump_object("end_iter", obj_end(nullptr)); } void RGWObjManifestRule::dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("start_part_num", start_part_num, f); encode_json("start_ofs", start_ofs, f); encode_json("part_size", part_size, f); encode_json("stripe_max_size", stripe_max_size, f); encode_json("override_prefix", override_prefix, f); } void RGWObjManifestRule::generate_test_instances(std::list& o) { RGWObjManifestRule *r = new RGWObjManifestRule; r->start_part_num = 0; r->start_ofs = 0; r->part_size = 512 * 1024; r->stripe_max_size = 512 * 1024 * 1024; r->override_prefix = "override_prefix"; o.push_back(r); o.push_back(new RGWObjManifestRule); } void rgw_obj_select::dump(Formatter *f) const { f->dump_string("placement_rule", placement_rule.to_str()); f->dump_object("obj", obj); f->dump_object("raw_obj", raw_obj); f->dump_bool("is_raw", is_raw); } void RGWObjTier::dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("name", name, f); encode_json("tier_placement", tier_placement, f); encode_json("is_multipart_upload", is_multipart_upload, f); } void RGWObjTier::generate_test_instances(std::list& o) { RGWObjTier *t = new RGWObjTier; t->name = "name"; std::list tiers; RGWZoneGroupPlacementTier::generate_test_instances(tiers); for (auto iter = tiers.begin(); iter != tiers.end(); ++iter) { t->tier_placement = *(*iter); } t->is_multipart_upload = true; o.push_back(t); o.push_back(new RGWObjTier); } // returns true on success, false on failure static bool rgw_get_obj_data_pool(const RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup, const RGWZoneParams& zone_params, const rgw_placement_rule& head_placement_rule, const rgw_obj& obj, rgw_pool *pool) { if (!zone_params.get_head_data_pool(head_placement_rule, obj, pool)) { RGWZonePlacementInfo placement; if (!zone_params.get_placement(zonegroup.default_placement.name, &placement)) { return false; } if (!obj.in_extra_data) { *pool = placement.get_data_pool(zonegroup.default_placement.storage_class); } else { *pool = placement.get_data_extra_pool(); } } return true; } static bool rgw_obj_to_raw(const RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup, const RGWZoneParams& zone_params, const rgw_placement_rule& head_placement_rule, const rgw_obj& obj, rgw_raw_obj *raw_obj) { get_obj_bucket_and_oid_loc(obj, raw_obj->oid, raw_obj->loc); return rgw_get_obj_data_pool(zonegroup, zone_params, head_placement_rule, obj, &raw_obj->pool); } rgw_raw_obj rgw_obj_select::get_raw_obj(const RGWZoneGroup& zonegroup, const RGWZoneParams& zone_params) const { if (!is_raw) { rgw_raw_obj r; rgw_obj_to_raw(zonegroup, zone_params, placement_rule, obj, &r); return r; } return raw_obj; } // returns true on success, false on failure bool RGWRados::get_obj_data_pool(const rgw_placement_rule& placement_rule, const rgw_obj& obj, rgw_pool *pool) { return rgw_get_obj_data_pool(svc.zone->get_zonegroup(), svc.zone->get_zone_params(), placement_rule, obj, pool); }