// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc * * Author: Casey Bodley * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. */ #include #include #include #include "include/scope_guard.h" #include "common/bounded_key_counter.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "rgw_trim_bilog.h" #include "rgw_cr_rados.h" #include "rgw_cr_rest.h" #include "rgw_cr_tools.h" #include "rgw_data_sync.h" #include "rgw_metadata.h" #include "rgw_sal.h" #include "rgw_zone.h" #include "rgw_sync.h" #include "rgw_bucket.h" #include "services/svc_zone.h" #include "services/svc_bilog_rados.h" #include #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix (*_dout << "trim: ") using namespace std; using rgw::BucketTrimConfig; using BucketChangeCounter = BoundedKeyCounter; const std::string rgw::BucketTrimStatus::oid = "bilog.trim"; using rgw::BucketTrimStatus; // watch/notify api for gateways to coordinate about which buckets to trim enum TrimNotifyType { NotifyTrimCounters = 0, NotifyTrimComplete, }; WRITE_RAW_ENCODER(TrimNotifyType); struct TrimNotifyHandler { virtual ~TrimNotifyHandler() = default; virtual void handle(bufferlist::const_iterator& input, bufferlist& output) = 0; }; /// api to share the bucket trim counters between gateways in the same zone. /// each gateway will process different datalog shards, so the gateway that runs /// the trim process needs to accumulate their counters struct TrimCounters { /// counter for a single bucket struct BucketCounter { std::string bucket; //< bucket instance metadata key int count{0}; BucketCounter() = default; BucketCounter(const std::string& bucket, int count) : bucket(bucket), count(count) {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const; void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p); }; using Vector = std::vector; /// request bucket trim counters from peer gateways struct Request { uint16_t max_buckets; //< maximum number of bucket counters to return void encode(bufferlist& bl) const; void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p); }; /// return the current bucket trim counters struct Response { Vector bucket_counters; void encode(bufferlist& bl) const; void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p); }; /// server interface to query the hottest buckets struct Server { virtual ~Server() = default; virtual void get_bucket_counters(int count, Vector& counters) = 0; virtual void reset_bucket_counters() = 0; }; /// notify handler class Handler : public TrimNotifyHandler { Server *const server; public: explicit Handler(Server *server) : server(server) {} void handle(bufferlist::const_iterator& input, bufferlist& output) override; }; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TrimCounters::BucketCounter& rhs) { return out << rhs.bucket << ":" << rhs.count; } void TrimCounters::BucketCounter::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { using ceph::encode; // no versioning to save space encode(bucket, bl); encode(count, bl); } void TrimCounters::BucketCounter::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p) { using ceph::decode; decode(bucket, p); decode(count, p); } WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(TrimCounters::BucketCounter); void TrimCounters::Request::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); encode(max_buckets, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void TrimCounters::Request::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p) { DECODE_START(1, p); decode(max_buckets, p); DECODE_FINISH(p); } WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(TrimCounters::Request); void TrimCounters::Response::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); encode(bucket_counters, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void TrimCounters::Response::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p) { DECODE_START(1, p); decode(bucket_counters, p); DECODE_FINISH(p); } WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(TrimCounters::Response); void TrimCounters::Handler::handle(bufferlist::const_iterator& input, bufferlist& output) { Request request; decode(request, input); auto count = std::min(request.max_buckets, 128); Response response; server->get_bucket_counters(count, response.bucket_counters); encode(response, output); } /// api to notify peer gateways that trim has completed and their bucket change /// counters can be reset struct TrimComplete { struct Request { void encode(bufferlist& bl) const; void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p); }; struct Response { void encode(bufferlist& bl) const; void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p); }; /// server interface to reset bucket counters using Server = TrimCounters::Server; /// notify handler class Handler : public TrimNotifyHandler { Server *const server; public: explicit Handler(Server *server) : server(server) {} void handle(bufferlist::const_iterator& input, bufferlist& output) override; }; }; void TrimComplete::Request::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void TrimComplete::Request::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p) { DECODE_START(1, p); DECODE_FINISH(p); } WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(TrimComplete::Request); void TrimComplete::Response::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void TrimComplete::Response::decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& p) { DECODE_START(1, p); DECODE_FINISH(p); } WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(TrimComplete::Response); void TrimComplete::Handler::handle(bufferlist::const_iterator& input, bufferlist& output) { Request request; decode(request, input); server->reset_bucket_counters(); Response response; encode(response, output); } /// rados watcher for bucket trim notifications class BucketTrimWatcher : public librados::WatchCtx2 { rgw::sal::RadosStore* const store; const rgw_raw_obj& obj; rgw_rados_ref ref; uint64_t handle{0}; using HandlerPtr = std::unique_ptr; boost::container::flat_map handlers; public: BucketTrimWatcher(rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, const rgw_raw_obj& obj, TrimCounters::Server *counters) : store(store), obj(obj) { handlers.emplace(NotifyTrimCounters, std::make_unique(counters)); handlers.emplace(NotifyTrimComplete, std::make_unique(counters)); } ~BucketTrimWatcher() { stop(); } int start(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) { int r = store->getRados()->get_raw_obj_ref(dpp, obj, &ref); if (r < 0) { return r; } // register a watch on the realm's control object r = ref.ioctx.watch2(ref.obj.oid, &handle, this); if (r == -ENOENT) { constexpr bool exclusive = true; r = ref.ioctx.create(ref.obj.oid, exclusive); if (r == -EEXIST || r == 0) { r = ref.ioctx.watch2(ref.obj.oid, &handle, this); } } if (r < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, -1) << "Failed to watch " << ref.obj << " with " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; ref.ioctx.close(); return r; } ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "Watching " << ref.obj.oid << dendl; return 0; } int restart() { int r = ref.ioctx.unwatch2(handle); if (r < 0) { lderr(store->ctx()) << "Failed to unwatch on " << ref.obj << " with " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; } r = ref.ioctx.watch2(ref.obj.oid, &handle, this); if (r < 0) { lderr(store->ctx()) << "Failed to restart watch on " << ref.obj << " with " << cpp_strerror(-r) << dendl; ref.ioctx.close(); } return r; } void stop() { if (handle) { ref.ioctx.unwatch2(handle); ref.ioctx.close(); } } /// respond to bucket trim notifications void handle_notify(uint64_t notify_id, uint64_t cookie, uint64_t notifier_id, bufferlist& bl) override { if (cookie != handle) { return; } bufferlist reply; try { auto p = bl.cbegin(); TrimNotifyType type; decode(type, p); auto handler = handlers.find(type); if (handler != handlers.end()) { handler->second->handle(p, reply); } else { lderr(store->ctx()) << "no handler for notify type " << type << dendl; } } catch (const buffer::error& e) { lderr(store->ctx()) << "Failed to decode notification: " << e.what() << dendl; } ref.ioctx.notify_ack(ref.obj.oid, notify_id, cookie, reply); } /// reestablish the watch if it gets disconnected void handle_error(uint64_t cookie, int err) override { if (cookie != handle) { return; } if (err == -ENOTCONN) { ldout(store->ctx(), 4) << "Disconnected watch on " << ref.obj << dendl; restart(); } } }; /// Interface to communicate with the trim manager about completed operations struct BucketTrimObserver { virtual ~BucketTrimObserver() = default; virtual void on_bucket_trimmed(std::string&& bucket_instance) = 0; virtual bool trimmed_recently(const std::string_view& bucket_instance) = 0; }; /// trim each bilog shard to the given marker, while limiting the number of /// concurrent requests class BucketTrimShardCollectCR : public RGWShardCollectCR { static constexpr int MAX_CONCURRENT_SHARDS = 16; const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp; rgw::sal::RadosStore* const store; const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info; rgw::bucket_index_layout_generation generation; const std::vector& markers; //< shard markers to trim size_t i{0}; //< index of current shard marker int handle_result(int r) override { if (r == -ENOENT) { // ENOENT is not a fatal error return 0; } if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 4) << "failed to trim bilog shard: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; } return r; } public: BucketTrimShardCollectCR(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, const rgw::bucket_index_layout_generation& generation, const std::vector& markers) : RGWShardCollectCR(store->ctx(), MAX_CONCURRENT_SHARDS), dpp(dpp), store(store), bucket_info(bucket_info), generation(generation), markers(markers) {} bool spawn_next() override; }; bool BucketTrimShardCollectCR::spawn_next() { while (i < markers.size()) { const auto& marker = markers[i]; const auto shard_id = i++; // skip empty markers if (!marker.empty()) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "trimming bilog shard " << shard_id << " of " << bucket_info.bucket << " at marker " << marker << dendl; spawn(new RGWRadosBILogTrimCR(dpp, store, bucket_info, shard_id, generation, std::string{}, marker), false); return true; } } return false; } /// Delete a BI generation, limiting the number of requests in flight. class BucketCleanIndexCollectCR : public RGWShardCollectCR { static constexpr int MAX_CONCURRENT_SHARDS = 16; const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp; rgw::sal::RadosStore* const store; const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info; rgw::bucket_index_layout_generation index; uint32_t shard = 0; const uint32_t num_shards = rgw::num_shards(index); int handle_result(int r) override { if (r == -ENOENT) { // ENOENT is not a fatal error return 0; } if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 4) << "clean index: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; } return r; } public: BucketCleanIndexCollectCR(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, rgw::bucket_index_layout_generation index) : RGWShardCollectCR(store->ctx(), MAX_CONCURRENT_SHARDS), dpp(dpp), store(store), bucket_info(bucket_info), index(index) {} bool spawn_next() override { if (shard < num_shards) { RGWRados::BucketShard bs(store->getRados()); bs.init(dpp, bucket_info, index, shard, null_yield); spawn(new RGWRadosRemoveOidCR(store, std::move(bs.bucket_obj), nullptr), false); ++shard; return true; } else { return false; } } }; /// trim the bilog of all of the given bucket instance's shards class BucketTrimInstanceCR : public RGWCoroutine { static constexpr auto MAX_RETRIES = 25u; rgw::sal::RadosStore* const store; RGWHTTPManager *const http; BucketTrimObserver *const observer; std::string bucket_instance; rgw_bucket_get_sync_policy_params get_policy_params; std::shared_ptr source_policy; rgw_bucket bucket; const std::string& zone_id; //< my zone id RGWBucketInfo _bucket_info; const RGWBucketInfo *pbucket_info; //< pointer to bucket instance info to locate bucket indices int child_ret = 0; const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp; public: struct StatusShards { uint64_t generation = 0; std::vector shards; }; private: std::vector peer_status; //< sync status for each peer std::vector min_markers; //< min marker per shard /// The log generation to trim rgw::bucket_log_layout_generation totrim; /// Generation to be cleaned/New bucket info (if any) std::optional> clean_info; /// Maximum number of times to attempt to put bucket info unsigned retries = 0; int take_min_generation() { // Initialize the min_generation to the bucket's current // generation, used in case we have no peers. auto min_generation = pbucket_info->layout.logs.back().gen; // Determine the minimum generation if (auto m = std::min_element(peer_status.begin(), peer_status.end(), [](const StatusShards& l, const StatusShards& r) { return l.generation < r.generation; }); m != peer_status.end()) { min_generation = m->generation; } auto& logs = pbucket_info->layout.logs; auto log = std::find_if(logs.begin(), logs.end(), rgw::matches_gen(min_generation)); if (log == logs.end()) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "ERROR: No log layout for min_generation=" << min_generation << dendl; return -ENOENT; } totrim = *log; return 0; } /// If there is a generation below the minimum, prepare to clean it up. int maybe_remove_generation() { if (clean_info) return 0; if (pbucket_info->layout.logs.front().gen < totrim.gen) { clean_info = {*pbucket_info, {}}; auto log = clean_info->first.layout.logs.cbegin(); clean_info->second = *log; if (clean_info->first.layout.logs.size() == 1) { ldpp_dout(dpp, -1) << "Critical error! Attempt to remove only log generation! " << "log.gen=" << log->gen << ", totrim.gen=" << totrim.gen << dendl; return -EIO; } clean_info->first.layout.logs.erase(log); } return 0; } public: BucketTrimInstanceCR(rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, RGWHTTPManager *http, BucketTrimObserver *observer, const std::string& bucket_instance, const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) : RGWCoroutine(store->ctx()), store(store), http(http), observer(observer), bucket_instance(bucket_instance), zone_id(store->svc()->zone->get_zone().id), dpp(dpp) { rgw_bucket_parse_bucket_key(cct, bucket_instance, &bucket, nullptr); source_policy = make_shared(); } int operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override; }; namespace { /// populate the status with the minimum stable marker of each shard int take_min_status( CephContext *cct, const uint64_t min_generation, std::vector::const_iterator first, std::vector::const_iterator last, std::vector *status) { for (auto peer = first; peer != last; ++peer) { // Peers on later generations don't get a say in the matter if (peer->generation > min_generation) { continue; } if (peer->shards.size() != status->size()) { // all peers must agree on the number of shards return -EINVAL; } auto m = status->begin(); for (auto& shard : peer->shards) { auto& marker = *m++; // always take the first marker, or any later marker that's smaller if (peer == first || marker > shard.inc_marker.position) { marker = std::move(shard.inc_marker.position); } } } return 0; } } template<> inline int parse_decode_json( BucketTrimInstanceCR::StatusShards& s, bufferlist& bl) { JSONParser p; if (!p.parse(bl.c_str(), bl.length())) { return -EINVAL; } try { bilog_status_v2 v; decode_json_obj(v, &p); s.generation = v.sync_status.incremental_gen; s.shards = std::move(v.inc_status); } catch (JSONDecoder::err& e) { try { // Fall back if we're talking to an old node that can't give v2 // output. s.generation = 0; decode_json_obj(s.shards, &p); } catch (JSONDecoder::err& e) { return -EINVAL; } } return 0; } int BucketTrimInstanceCR::operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) { reenter(this) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 4) << "starting trim on bucket=" << bucket_instance << dendl; get_policy_params.zone = zone_id; get_policy_params.bucket = bucket; yield call(new RGWBucketGetSyncPolicyHandlerCR(store->svc()->async_processor, store, get_policy_params, source_policy, dpp)); if (retcode < 0) { if (retcode != -ENOENT) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "ERROR: failed to fetch policy handler for bucket=" << bucket << dendl; } return set_cr_error(retcode); } if (auto& opt_bucket_info = source_policy->policy_handler->get_bucket_info(); opt_bucket_info) { pbucket_info = &(*opt_bucket_info); } else { /* this shouldn't really happen */ return set_cr_error(-ENOENT); } if (pbucket_info->layout.logs.empty()) { return set_cr_done(); // no bilogs to trim } // query peers for sync status set_status("fetching sync status from relevant peers"); yield { const auto& all_dests = source_policy->policy_handler->get_all_dests(); vector zids; rgw_zone_id last_zid; for (auto& diter : all_dests) { const auto& zid = diter.first; if (zid == last_zid) { continue; } last_zid = zid; zids.push_back(zid); } peer_status.resize(zids.size()); auto& zone_conn_map = store->svc()->zone->get_zone_conn_map(); auto p = peer_status.begin(); for (auto& zid : zids) { // query data sync status from each sync peer rgw_http_param_pair params[] = { { "type", "bucket-index" }, { "status", nullptr }, { "options", "merge" }, { "bucket", bucket_instance.c_str() }, /* equal to source-bucket when `options==merge` and source-bucket param is not provided */ { "source-zone", zone_id.c_str() }, { "version", "2" }, { nullptr, nullptr } }; auto ziter = zone_conn_map.find(zid); if (ziter == zone_conn_map.end()) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "WARNING: no connection to zone " << zid << ", can't trim bucket: " << bucket << dendl; return set_cr_error(-ECANCELED); } using StatusCR = RGWReadRESTResourceCR; spawn(new StatusCR(cct, ziter->second, http, "/admin/log/", params, &*p), false); ++p; } } // wait for a response from each peer. all must respond to attempt trim while (num_spawned()) { yield wait_for_child(); collect(&child_ret, nullptr); if (child_ret < 0) { drain_all(); return set_cr_error(child_ret); } } // Determine the minimum generation retcode = take_min_generation(); if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 4) << "failed to find minimum generation" << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } retcode = maybe_remove_generation(); if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 4) << "error removing old generation from log: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } if (clean_info) { if (clean_info->second.layout.type != rgw::BucketLogType::InIndex) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "Unable to convert log of unknown type " << clean_info->second.layout.type << " to rgw::bucket_index_layout_generation " << dendl; return set_cr_error(-EINVAL); } yield call(new BucketCleanIndexCollectCR(dpp, store, clean_info->first, clean_info->second.layout.in_index)); if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "failed to remove previous generation: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } while (clean_info && retries < MAX_RETRIES) { yield call(new RGWPutBucketInstanceInfoCR( store->svc()->async_processor, store, clean_info->first, false, {}, no_change_attrs(), dpp)); // Raced, try again. if (retcode == -ECANCELED) { yield call(new RGWGetBucketInstanceInfoCR( store->svc()->async_processor, store, clean_info->first.bucket, &(clean_info->first), nullptr, dpp)); if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "failed to get bucket info: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } if (clean_info->first.layout.logs.front().gen == clean_info->second.gen) { clean_info->first.layout.logs.erase( clean_info->first.layout.logs.begin()); ++retries; continue; } // Raced, but someone else did what we needed to. retcode = 0; } if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "failed to put bucket info: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } clean_info = std::nullopt; } } else { if (totrim.layout.type != rgw::BucketLogType::InIndex) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 0) << "Unable to convert log of unknown type " << totrim.layout.type << " to rgw::bucket_index_layout_generation " << dendl; return set_cr_error(-EINVAL); } // To avoid hammering the OSD too hard, either trim old // generations OR trim the current one. // determine the minimum marker for each shard // initialize each shard with the maximum marker, which is only used when // there are no peers syncing from us min_markers.assign(std::max(1u, rgw::num_shards(totrim.layout.in_index)), RGWSyncLogTrimCR::max_marker); retcode = take_min_status(cct, totrim.gen, peer_status.cbegin(), peer_status.cend(), &min_markers); if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 4) << "failed to correlate bucket sync status from peers" << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } // trim shards with a ShardCollectCR ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "trimming bilogs for bucket=" << pbucket_info->bucket << " markers=" << min_markers << ", shards=" << min_markers.size() << dendl; set_status("trimming bilog shards"); yield call(new BucketTrimShardCollectCR(dpp, store, *pbucket_info, totrim.layout.in_index, min_markers)); // ENODATA just means there were no keys to trim if (retcode == -ENODATA) { retcode = 0; } if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 4) << "failed to trim bilog shards: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } } observer->on_bucket_trimmed(std::move(bucket_instance)); return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } /// trim each bucket instance while limiting the number of concurrent operations class BucketTrimInstanceCollectCR : public RGWShardCollectCR { rgw::sal::RadosStore* const store; RGWHTTPManager *const http; BucketTrimObserver *const observer; std::vector::const_iterator bucket; std::vector::const_iterator end; const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp; int handle_result(int r) override { if (r == -ENOENT) { // ENOENT is not a fatal error return 0; } if (r < 0) { ldout(cct, 4) << "failed to trim bucket instance: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; } return r; } public: BucketTrimInstanceCollectCR(rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, RGWHTTPManager *http, BucketTrimObserver *observer, const std::vector& buckets, int max_concurrent, const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) : RGWShardCollectCR(store->ctx(), max_concurrent), store(store), http(http), observer(observer), bucket(buckets.begin()), end(buckets.end()), dpp(dpp) {} bool spawn_next() override; }; bool BucketTrimInstanceCollectCR::spawn_next() { if (bucket == end) { return false; } spawn(new BucketTrimInstanceCR(store, http, observer, *bucket, dpp), false); ++bucket; return true; } /// correlate the replies from each peer gateway into the given counter int accumulate_peer_counters(bufferlist& bl, BucketChangeCounter& counter) { counter.clear(); try { // decode notify responses auto p = bl.cbegin(); std::map, bufferlist> replies; std::set> timeouts; decode(replies, p); decode(timeouts, p); for (auto& peer : replies) { auto q = peer.second.cbegin(); TrimCounters::Response response; decode(response, q); for (const auto& b : response.bucket_counters) { counter.insert(b.bucket, b.count); } } } catch (const buffer::error& e) { return -EIO; } return 0; } /// metadata callback has the signature bool(string&& key, string&& marker) using MetadataListCallback = std::function; /// lists metadata keys, passing each to a callback until it returns false. /// on reaching the end, it will restart at the beginning and list up to the /// initial marker class AsyncMetadataList : public RGWAsyncRadosRequest { CephContext *const cct; RGWMetadataManager *const mgr; const std::string section; const std::string start_marker; MetadataListCallback callback; int _send_request(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override; public: AsyncMetadataList(CephContext *cct, RGWCoroutine *caller, RGWAioCompletionNotifier *cn, RGWMetadataManager *mgr, const std::string& section, const std::string& start_marker, const MetadataListCallback& callback) : RGWAsyncRadosRequest(caller, cn), cct(cct), mgr(mgr), section(section), start_marker(start_marker), callback(callback) {} }; int AsyncMetadataList::_send_request(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) { void* handle = nullptr; std::list keys; bool truncated{false}; std::string marker; // start a listing at the given marker int r = mgr->list_keys_init(dpp, section, start_marker, &handle); if (r == -EINVAL) { // restart with empty marker below } else if (r < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "failed to init metadata listing: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } else { ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "starting metadata listing at " << start_marker << dendl; // release the handle when scope exits auto g = make_scope_guard([=, this] { mgr->list_keys_complete(handle); }); do { // get the next key and marker r = mgr->list_keys_next(dpp, handle, 1, keys, &truncated); if (r < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "failed to list metadata: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } marker = mgr->get_marker(handle); if (!keys.empty()) { ceph_assert(keys.size() == 1); auto& key = keys.front(); if (!callback(std::move(key), std::move(marker))) { return 0; } } } while (truncated); if (start_marker.empty()) { // already listed all keys return 0; } } // restart the listing from the beginning (empty marker) handle = nullptr; r = mgr->list_keys_init(dpp, section, "", &handle); if (r < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "failed to restart metadata listing: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "restarting metadata listing" << dendl; // release the handle when scope exits auto g = make_scope_guard([=, this] { mgr->list_keys_complete(handle); }); do { // get the next key and marker r = mgr->list_keys_next(dpp, handle, 1, keys, &truncated); if (r < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "failed to list metadata: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } marker = mgr->get_marker(handle); if (!keys.empty()) { ceph_assert(keys.size() == 1); auto& key = keys.front(); // stop at original marker if (marker > start_marker) { return 0; } if (!callback(std::move(key), std::move(marker))) { return 0; } } } while (truncated); return 0; } /// coroutine wrapper for AsyncMetadataList class MetadataListCR : public RGWSimpleCoroutine { RGWAsyncRadosProcessor *const async_rados; RGWMetadataManager *const mgr; const std::string& section; const std::string& start_marker; MetadataListCallback callback; RGWAsyncRadosRequest *req{nullptr}; public: MetadataListCR(CephContext *cct, RGWAsyncRadosProcessor *async_rados, RGWMetadataManager *mgr, const std::string& section, const std::string& start_marker, const MetadataListCallback& callback) : RGWSimpleCoroutine(cct), async_rados(async_rados), mgr(mgr), section(section), start_marker(start_marker), callback(callback) {} ~MetadataListCR() override { request_cleanup(); } int send_request(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override { req = new AsyncMetadataList(cct, this, stack->create_completion_notifier(), mgr, section, start_marker, callback); async_rados->queue(req); return 0; } int request_complete() override { return req->get_ret_status(); } void request_cleanup() override { if (req) { req->finish(); req = nullptr; } } }; class BucketTrimCR : public RGWCoroutine { rgw::sal::RadosStore* const store; RGWHTTPManager *const http; const BucketTrimConfig& config; BucketTrimObserver *const observer; const rgw_raw_obj& obj; ceph::mono_time start_time; bufferlist notify_replies; BucketChangeCounter counter; std::vector buckets; //< buckets selected for trim BucketTrimStatus status; RGWObjVersionTracker objv; //< version tracker for trim status object std::string last_cold_marker; //< position for next trim marker const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp; static const std::string section; //< metadata section for bucket instances public: BucketTrimCR(rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, RGWHTTPManager *http, const BucketTrimConfig& config, BucketTrimObserver *observer, const rgw_raw_obj& obj, const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) : RGWCoroutine(store->ctx()), store(store), http(http), config(config), observer(observer), obj(obj), counter(config.counter_size), dpp(dpp) {} int operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override; }; const std::string BucketTrimCR::section{"bucket.instance"}; int BucketTrimCR::operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) { reenter(this) { start_time = ceph::mono_clock::now(); if (config.buckets_per_interval) { // query watch/notify for hot buckets ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "fetching active bucket counters" << dendl; set_status("fetching active bucket counters"); yield { // request the top bucket counters from each peer gateway const TrimNotifyType type = NotifyTrimCounters; TrimCounters::Request request{32}; bufferlist bl; encode(type, bl); encode(request, bl); call(new RGWRadosNotifyCR(store, obj, bl, config.notify_timeout_ms, ¬ify_replies)); } if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "failed to fetch peer bucket counters" << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } // select the hottest buckets for trim retcode = accumulate_peer_counters(notify_replies, counter); if (retcode < 0) { ldout(cct, 4) << "failed to correlate peer bucket counters" << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } buckets.reserve(config.buckets_per_interval); const int max_count = config.buckets_per_interval - config.min_cold_buckets_per_interval; counter.get_highest(max_count, [this] (const std::string& bucket, int count) { buckets.push_back(bucket); }); } if (buckets.size() < config.buckets_per_interval) { // read BucketTrimStatus for marker position set_status("reading trim status"); using ReadStatus = RGWSimpleRadosReadCR; yield call(new ReadStatus(dpp, store, obj, &status, true, &objv)); if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "failed to read bilog trim status: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } if (status.marker == "MAX") { status.marker.clear(); // restart at the beginning } ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "listing cold buckets from marker=" << status.marker << dendl; set_status("listing cold buckets for trim"); yield { // capture a reference so 'this' remains valid in the callback auto ref = boost::intrusive_ptr{this}; // list cold buckets to consider for trim auto cb = [this, ref] (std::string&& bucket, std::string&& marker) { // filter out keys that we trimmed recently if (observer->trimmed_recently(bucket)) { return true; } // filter out active buckets that we've already selected auto i = std::find(buckets.begin(), buckets.end(), bucket); if (i != buckets.end()) { return true; } buckets.emplace_back(std::move(bucket)); // remember the last cold bucket spawned to update the status marker last_cold_marker = std::move(marker); // return true if there's room for more return buckets.size() < config.buckets_per_interval; }; call(new MetadataListCR(cct, store->svc()->async_processor, store->ctl()->meta.mgr, section, status.marker, cb)); } if (retcode < 0) { ldout(cct, 4) << "failed to list bucket instance metadata: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } } // trim bucket instances with limited concurrency set_status("trimming buckets"); ldpp_dout(dpp, 4) << "collected " << buckets.size() << " buckets for trim" << dendl; yield call(new BucketTrimInstanceCollectCR(store, http, observer, buckets, config.concurrent_buckets, dpp)); // ignore errors from individual buckets // write updated trim status if (!last_cold_marker.empty() && status.marker != last_cold_marker) { set_status("writing updated trim status"); status.marker = std::move(last_cold_marker); ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "writing bucket trim marker=" << status.marker << dendl; using WriteStatus = RGWSimpleRadosWriteCR; yield call(new WriteStatus(dpp, store, obj, status, &objv)); if (retcode < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 4) << "failed to write updated trim status: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } } // notify peers that trim completed set_status("trim completed"); yield { const TrimNotifyType type = NotifyTrimComplete; TrimComplete::Request request; bufferlist bl; encode(type, bl); encode(request, bl); call(new RGWRadosNotifyCR(store, obj, bl, config.notify_timeout_ms, nullptr)); } if (retcode < 0) { ldout(cct, 10) << "failed to notify peers of trim completion" << dendl; return set_cr_error(retcode); } ldpp_dout(dpp, 4) << "bucket index log processing completed in " << ceph::mono_clock::now() - start_time << dendl; return set_cr_done(); } return 0; } class BucketTrimPollCR : public RGWCoroutine { rgw::sal::RadosStore* const store; RGWHTTPManager *const http; const BucketTrimConfig& config; BucketTrimObserver *const observer; const rgw_raw_obj& obj; const std::string name{"trim"}; //< lock name const std::string cookie; const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp; public: BucketTrimPollCR(rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, RGWHTTPManager *http, const BucketTrimConfig& config, BucketTrimObserver *observer, const rgw_raw_obj& obj, const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) : RGWCoroutine(store->ctx()), store(store), http(http), config(config), observer(observer), obj(obj), cookie(RGWSimpleRadosLockCR::gen_random_cookie(cct)), dpp(dpp) {} int operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) override; }; int BucketTrimPollCR::operate(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp) { reenter(this) { for (;;) { set_status("sleeping"); wait(utime_t{static_cast(config.trim_interval_sec), 0}); // prevent others from trimming for our entire wait interval set_status("acquiring trim lock"); yield call(new RGWSimpleRadosLockCR(store->svc()->async_processor, store, obj, name, cookie, config.trim_interval_sec)); if (retcode < 0) { ldout(cct, 4) << "failed to lock: " << cpp_strerror(retcode) << dendl; continue; } set_status("trimming"); yield call(new BucketTrimCR(store, http, config, observer, obj, dpp)); if (retcode < 0) { // on errors, unlock so other gateways can try set_status("unlocking"); yield call(new RGWSimpleRadosUnlockCR(store->svc()->async_processor, store, obj, name, cookie)); } } } return 0; } /// tracks a bounded list of events with timestamps. old events can be expired, /// and recent events can be searched by key. expiration depends on events being /// inserted in temporal order template class RecentEventList { public: using clock_type = Clock; using time_point = typename clock_type::time_point; RecentEventList(size_t max_size, const ceph::timespan& max_duration) : events(max_size), max_duration(max_duration) {} /// insert an event at the given point in time. this time must be at least as /// recent as the last inserted event void insert(T&& value, const time_point& now) { // ceph_assert(events.empty() || now >= events.back().time) events.push_back(Event{std::move(value), now}); } /// performs a linear search for an event matching the given key, whose type /// U can be any that provides operator==(U, T) template bool lookup(const U& key) const { for (const auto& event : events) { if (key == event.value) { return true; } } return false; } /// remove events that are no longer recent compared to the given point in time void expire_old(const time_point& now) { const auto expired_before = now - max_duration; while (!events.empty() && events.front().time < expired_before) { events.pop_front(); } } private: struct Event { T value; time_point time; }; boost::circular_buffer events; const ceph::timespan max_duration; }; namespace rgw { // read bucket trim configuration from ceph context void configure_bucket_trim(CephContext *cct, BucketTrimConfig& config) { const auto& conf = cct->_conf; config.trim_interval_sec = conf.get_val("rgw_sync_log_trim_interval"); config.counter_size = 512; config.buckets_per_interval = conf.get_val("rgw_sync_log_trim_max_buckets"); config.min_cold_buckets_per_interval = conf.get_val("rgw_sync_log_trim_min_cold_buckets"); config.concurrent_buckets = conf.get_val("rgw_sync_log_trim_concurrent_buckets"); config.notify_timeout_ms = 10000; config.recent_size = 128; config.recent_duration = std::chrono::hours(2); } class BucketTrimManager::Impl : public TrimCounters::Server, public BucketTrimObserver { public: rgw::sal::RadosStore* const store; const BucketTrimConfig config; const rgw_raw_obj status_obj; /// count frequency of bucket instance entries in the data changes log BucketChangeCounter counter; using RecentlyTrimmedBucketList = RecentEventList; using clock_type = RecentlyTrimmedBucketList::clock_type; /// track recently trimmed buckets to focus trim activity elsewhere RecentlyTrimmedBucketList trimmed; /// serve the bucket trim watch/notify api BucketTrimWatcher watcher; /// protect data shared between data sync, trim, and watch/notify threads std::mutex mutex; Impl(rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, const BucketTrimConfig& config) : store(store), config(config), status_obj(store->svc()->zone->get_zone_params().log_pool, BucketTrimStatus::oid), counter(config.counter_size), trimmed(config.recent_size, config.recent_duration), watcher(store, status_obj, this) {} /// TrimCounters::Server interface for watch/notify api void get_bucket_counters(int count, TrimCounters::Vector& buckets) { buckets.reserve(count); std::lock_guard lock(mutex); counter.get_highest(count, [&buckets] (const std::string& key, int count) { buckets.emplace_back(key, count); }); ldout(store->ctx(), 20) << "get_bucket_counters: " << buckets << dendl; } void reset_bucket_counters() override { ldout(store->ctx(), 20) << "bucket trim completed" << dendl; std::lock_guard lock(mutex); counter.clear(); trimmed.expire_old(clock_type::now()); } /// BucketTrimObserver interface to remember successfully-trimmed buckets void on_bucket_trimmed(std::string&& bucket_instance) override { ldout(store->ctx(), 20) << "trimmed bucket instance " << bucket_instance << dendl; std::lock_guard lock(mutex); trimmed.insert(std::move(bucket_instance), clock_type::now()); } bool trimmed_recently(const std::string_view& bucket_instance) override { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); return trimmed.lookup(bucket_instance); } }; BucketTrimManager::BucketTrimManager(rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, const BucketTrimConfig& config) : impl(new Impl(store, config)) { } BucketTrimManager::~BucketTrimManager() = default; int BucketTrimManager::init() { return impl->watcher.start(this); } void BucketTrimManager::on_bucket_changed(const std::string_view& bucket) { std::lock_guard lock(impl->mutex); // filter recently trimmed bucket instances out of bucket change counter if (impl->trimmed.lookup(bucket)) { return; } impl->counter.insert(std::string(bucket)); } RGWCoroutine* BucketTrimManager::create_bucket_trim_cr(RGWHTTPManager *http) { return new BucketTrimPollCR(impl->store, http, impl->config, impl.get(), impl->status_obj, this); } RGWCoroutine* BucketTrimManager::create_admin_bucket_trim_cr(RGWHTTPManager *http) { // return the trim coroutine without any polling return new BucketTrimCR(impl->store, http, impl->config, impl.get(), impl->status_obj, this); } CephContext* BucketTrimManager::get_cct() const { return impl->store->ctx(); } unsigned BucketTrimManager::get_subsys() const { return dout_subsys; } std::ostream& BucketTrimManager::gen_prefix(std::ostream& out) const { return out << "rgw bucket trim manager: "; } } // namespace rgw int bilog_trim(const DoutPrefixProvider* p, rgw::sal::RadosStore* store, RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, uint64_t gen, int shard_id, std::string_view start_marker, std::string_view end_marker) { auto& logs = bucket_info.layout.logs; auto log = std::find_if(logs.begin(), logs.end(), rgw::matches_gen(gen)); if (log == logs.end()) { ldpp_dout(p, 5) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "ERROR: no log layout with gen=" << gen << dendl; return -ENOENT; } auto log_layout = *log; auto r = store->svc()->bilog_rados->log_trim(p, bucket_info, log_layout, shard_id, start_marker, end_marker); if (r < 0) { ldpp_dout(p, 5) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "ERROR: bilog_rados->log_trim returned r=" << r << dendl; } return r; }