// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #ifndef CEPH_RGW_BUCKET_H #define CEPH_RGW_BUCKET_H #include #include #include "include/types.h" #include "rgw_common.h" #include "rgw_tools.h" #include "rgw_metadata.h" #include "rgw_string.h" #include "common/Formatter.h" #include "common/lru_map.h" #include "common/ceph_time.h" #include "rgw_formats.h" #include "services/svc_bucket_types.h" class RGWSI_Meta; class RGWBucketMetadataHandler; class RGWBucketInstanceMetadataHandler; class RGWUserCtl; namespace rgw { namespace sal { class RGWRadosStore; } } extern int rgw_bucket_parse_bucket_instance(const string& bucket_instance, string *bucket_name, string *bucket_id, int *shard_id); extern int rgw_bucket_parse_bucket_key(CephContext *cct, const string& key, rgw_bucket* bucket, int *shard_id); extern std::string rgw_make_bucket_entry_name(const std::string& tenant_name, const std::string& bucket_name); static inline void rgw_make_bucket_entry_name(const string& tenant_name, const string& bucket_name, std::string& bucket_entry) { bucket_entry = rgw_make_bucket_entry_name(tenant_name, bucket_name); } extern void rgw_parse_url_bucket(const string& bucket, const string& auth_tenant, string &tenant_name, string &bucket_name); struct RGWBucketCompleteInfo { RGWBucketInfo info; map attrs; void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); }; class RGWBucketEntryMetadataObject : public RGWMetadataObject { RGWBucketEntryPoint ep; map attrs; public: RGWBucketEntryMetadataObject(RGWBucketEntryPoint& _ep, const obj_version& v, real_time m) : ep(_ep) { objv = v; mtime = m; set_pattrs (&attrs); } RGWBucketEntryMetadataObject(RGWBucketEntryPoint& _ep, const obj_version& v, real_time m, std::map&& _attrs) : ep(_ep), attrs(std::move(_attrs)) { objv = v; mtime = m; set_pattrs (&attrs); } void dump(Formatter *f) const override { ep.dump(f); } RGWBucketEntryPoint& get_ep() { return ep; } map& get_attrs() { return attrs; } }; class RGWBucketInstanceMetadataObject : public RGWMetadataObject { RGWBucketCompleteInfo info; public: RGWBucketInstanceMetadataObject() {} RGWBucketInstanceMetadataObject(RGWBucketCompleteInfo& i, const obj_version& v, real_time m) : info(i) { objv = v; mtime = m; } void dump(Formatter *f) const override { info.dump(f); } void decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { info.decode_json(obj); } RGWBucketCompleteInfo& get_bci() { return info; } RGWBucketInfo& get_bucket_info() { return info.info; } }; /** * Store a list of the user's buckets, with associated functinos. */ class RGWUserBuckets { std::map buckets; public: RGWUserBuckets() = default; RGWUserBuckets(RGWUserBuckets&&) = default; RGWUserBuckets& operator=(const RGWUserBuckets&) = default; void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { using ceph::encode; encode(buckets, bl); } void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { using ceph::decode; decode(buckets, bl); } /** * Check if the user owns a bucket by the given name. */ bool owns(string& name) { map::iterator iter; iter = buckets.find(name); return (iter != buckets.end()); } /** * Add a (created) bucket to the user's bucket list. */ void add(const RGWBucketEnt& bucket) { buckets[bucket.bucket.name] = bucket; } /** * Remove a bucket from the user's list by name. */ void remove(const string& name) { map::iterator iter; iter = buckets.find(name); if (iter != buckets.end()) { buckets.erase(iter); } } /** * Get the user's buckets as a map. */ map& get_buckets() { return buckets; } /** * Cleanup data structure */ void clear() { buckets.clear(); } size_t count() { return buckets.size(); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(RGWUserBuckets) class RGWBucketMetadataHandlerBase : public RGWMetadataHandler_GenericMetaBE { public: virtual ~RGWBucketMetadataHandlerBase() {} virtual void init(RGWSI_Bucket *bucket_svc, RGWBucketCtl *bucket_ctl) = 0; }; class RGWBucketInstanceMetadataHandlerBase : public RGWMetadataHandler_GenericMetaBE { public: virtual ~RGWBucketInstanceMetadataHandlerBase() {} virtual void init(RGWSI_Zone *zone_svc, RGWSI_Bucket *bucket_svc, RGWSI_BucketIndex *bi_svc) = 0; }; class RGWBucketMetaHandlerAllocator { public: static RGWBucketMetadataHandlerBase *alloc(); }; class RGWBucketInstanceMetaHandlerAllocator { public: static RGWBucketInstanceMetadataHandlerBase *alloc(); }; class RGWArchiveBucketMetaHandlerAllocator { public: static RGWBucketMetadataHandlerBase *alloc(); }; class RGWArchiveBucketInstanceMetaHandlerAllocator { public: static RGWBucketInstanceMetadataHandlerBase *alloc(); }; /** * Get all the buckets owned by a user and fill up an RGWUserBuckets with them. * Returns: 0 on success, -ERR# on failure. */ extern int rgw_read_user_buckets(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, const rgw_user& user_id, RGWUserBuckets& buckets, const string& marker, const string& end_marker, uint64_t max, bool need_stats, bool* is_truncated, uint64_t default_amount = 1000); extern int rgw_remove_object(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, const rgw_bucket& bucket, rgw_obj_key& key); extern int rgw_remove_bucket(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, rgw_bucket& bucket, bool delete_children, optional_yield y); extern int rgw_remove_bucket_bypass_gc(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, rgw_bucket& bucket, int concurrent_max, optional_yield y); extern int rgw_object_get_attr(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore* store, const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, const rgw_obj& obj, const char* attr_name, bufferlist& out_bl, optional_yield y); extern void check_bad_user_bucket_mapping(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, const rgw_user& user_id, bool fix); struct RGWBucketAdminOpState { rgw_user uid; std::string display_name; std::string bucket_name; std::string bucket_id; std::string object_name; std::string new_bucket_name; bool list_buckets; bool stat_buckets; bool check_objects; bool fix_index; bool delete_child_objects; bool bucket_stored; bool sync_bucket; int max_aio = 0; rgw_bucket bucket; RGWQuotaInfo quota; void set_fetch_stats(bool value) { stat_buckets = value; } void set_check_objects(bool value) { check_objects = value; } void set_fix_index(bool value) { fix_index = value; } void set_delete_children(bool value) { delete_child_objects = value; } void set_max_aio(int value) { max_aio = value; } void set_user_id(const rgw_user& user_id) { if (!user_id.empty()) uid = user_id; } void set_tenant(const std::string& tenant_str) { uid.tenant = tenant_str; } void set_bucket_name(const std::string& bucket_str) { bucket_name = bucket_str; } void set_object(std::string& object_str) { object_name = object_str; } void set_new_bucket_name(std::string& new_bucket_str) { new_bucket_name = new_bucket_str; } void set_quota(RGWQuotaInfo& value) { quota = value; } void set_sync_bucket(bool value) { sync_bucket = value; } rgw_user& get_user_id() { return uid; } std::string& get_user_display_name() { return display_name; } std::string& get_bucket_name() { return bucket_name; } std::string& get_object_name() { return object_name; } std::string& get_tenant() { return uid.tenant; } rgw_bucket& get_bucket() { return bucket; } void set_bucket(rgw_bucket& _bucket) { bucket = _bucket; bucket_stored = true; } void set_bucket_id(const string& bi) { bucket_id = bi; } const string& get_bucket_id() { return bucket_id; } bool will_fetch_stats() { return stat_buckets; } bool will_fix_index() { return fix_index; } bool will_delete_children() { return delete_child_objects; } bool will_check_objects() { return check_objects; } bool is_user_op() { return !uid.empty(); } bool is_system_op() { return uid.empty(); } bool has_bucket_stored() { return bucket_stored; } int get_max_aio() { return max_aio; } bool will_sync_bucket() { return sync_bucket; } RGWBucketAdminOpState() : list_buckets(false), stat_buckets(false), check_objects(false), fix_index(false), delete_child_objects(false), bucket_stored(false), sync_bucket(true) {} }; /* * A simple wrapper class for administrative bucket operations */ class RGWBucket { RGWUserBuckets buckets; rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store; RGWAccessHandle handle; RGWUserInfo user_info; rgw_bucket bucket; bool failure; RGWBucketInfo bucket_info; RGWObjVersionTracker ep_objv; // entrypoint object version public: RGWBucket() : store(NULL), handle(NULL), failure(false) {} int init(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *storage, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL, map *pattrs = NULL); int check_bad_index_multipart(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int check_object_index(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int check_index(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, map& existing_stats, map& calculated_stats, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int remove(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, bool bypass_gc = false, bool keep_index_consistent = true, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int link(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, map& attrs, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int chown(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, const string& marker, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int unlink(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int set_quota(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int remove_object(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int policy_bl_to_stream(bufferlist& bl, ostream& o); int get_policy(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWAccessControlPolicy& policy, optional_yield y); int sync(RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, map *attrs, std::string *err_msg = NULL); void clear_failure() { failure = false; } const RGWBucketInfo& get_bucket_info() const { return bucket_info; } }; class RGWBucketAdminOp { public: static int get_policy(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher); static int get_policy(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWAccessControlPolicy& policy); static int dump_s3_policy(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, ostream& os); static int unlink(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state); static int link(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, string *err_msg = NULL); static int chown(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, const string& marker, string *err_msg = NULL); static int check_index(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); static int remove_bucket(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, bool bypass_gc = false, bool keep_index_consistent = true); static int remove_object(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state); static int info(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher); static int limit_check(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, const std::list& user_ids, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, bool warnings_only = false); static int set_quota(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state); static int list_stale_instances(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher); static int clear_stale_instances(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher); static int fix_lc_shards(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher); static int fix_obj_expiry(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, bool dry_run = false); static int sync_bucket(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketAdminOpState& op_state, string *err_msg = NULL); }; enum DataLogEntityType { ENTITY_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, ENTITY_TYPE_BUCKET = 1, }; struct rgw_data_change { DataLogEntityType entity_type; string key; real_time timestamp; void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); uint8_t t = (uint8_t)entity_type; encode(t, bl); encode(key, bl); encode(timestamp, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); uint8_t t; decode(t, bl); entity_type = (DataLogEntityType)t; decode(key, bl); decode(timestamp, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_data_change) struct rgw_data_change_log_entry { string log_id; real_time log_timestamp; rgw_data_change entry; void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); encode(log_id, bl); encode(log_timestamp, bl); encode(entry, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); decode(log_id, bl); decode(log_timestamp, bl); decode(entry, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_data_change_log_entry) struct RGWDataChangesLogInfo { string marker; real_time last_update; void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); }; namespace rgw { struct BucketChangeObserver; } struct RGWDataChangesLogMarker { int shard; string marker; RGWDataChangesLogMarker() : shard(0) {} }; class RGWDataChangesLog { CephContext *cct; rgw::BucketChangeObserver *observer = nullptr; struct Svc { RGWSI_Zone *zone{nullptr}; RGWSI_Cls *cls{nullptr}; } svc; int num_shards; string *oids; ceph::mutex lock = ceph::make_mutex("RGWDataChangesLog::lock"); ceph::shared_mutex modified_lock = ceph::make_shared_mutex("RGWDataChangesLog::modified_lock"); map > modified_shards; std::atomic down_flag = { false }; struct ChangeStatus { real_time cur_expiration; real_time cur_sent; bool pending = false; RefCountedCond *cond = nullptr; ceph::mutex lock = ceph::make_mutex("RGWDataChangesLog::ChangeStatus"); }; typedef std::shared_ptr ChangeStatusPtr; lru_map changes; map cur_cycle; void _get_change(const rgw_bucket_shard& bs, ChangeStatusPtr& status); void register_renew(rgw_bucket_shard& bs); void update_renewed(rgw_bucket_shard& bs, real_time& expiration); class ChangesRenewThread : public Thread { CephContext *cct; RGWDataChangesLog *log; ceph::mutex lock = ceph::make_mutex("ChangesRenewThread::lock"); ceph::condition_variable cond; public: ChangesRenewThread(CephContext *_cct, RGWDataChangesLog *_log) : cct(_cct), log(_log) {} void *entry() override; void stop(); }; ChangesRenewThread *renew_thread; public: RGWDataChangesLog(RGWSI_Zone *zone_svc, RGWSI_Cls *cls_svc); ~RGWDataChangesLog(); int choose_oid(const rgw_bucket_shard& bs); const std::string& get_oid(int shard_id) const { return oids[shard_id]; } int add_entry(const rgw_bucket& bucket, int shard_id); int get_log_shard_id(rgw_bucket& bucket, int shard_id); int renew_entries(); int list_entries(int shard, const real_time& start_time, const real_time& end_time, int max_entries, list& entries, const string& marker, string *out_marker, bool *truncated); int trim_entries(int shard_id, const real_time& start_time, const real_time& end_time, const string& start_marker, const string& end_marker); int get_info(int shard_id, RGWDataChangesLogInfo *info); using LogMarker = RGWDataChangesLogMarker; int list_entries(const real_time& start_time, const real_time& end_time, int max_entries, list& entries, LogMarker& marker, bool *ptruncated); void mark_modified(int shard_id, const rgw_bucket_shard& bs); void read_clear_modified(map > &modified); void set_observer(rgw::BucketChangeObserver *observer) { this->observer = observer; } bool going_down(); }; struct rgw_ep_info { RGWBucketEntryPoint &ep; map& attrs; rgw_ep_info(RGWBucketEntryPoint &ep, map& attrs) : ep(ep), attrs(attrs) { } }; class RGWBucketCtl { CephContext *cct; struct Svc { RGWSI_Zone *zone{nullptr}; RGWSI_Bucket *bucket{nullptr}; RGWSI_BucketIndex *bi{nullptr}; } svc; struct Ctl { RGWUserCtl *user{nullptr}; } ctl; RGWBucketMetadataHandler *bm_handler; RGWBucketInstanceMetadataHandler *bmi_handler; RGWSI_Bucket_BE_Handler bucket_be_handler; /* bucket backend handler */ RGWSI_BucketInstance_BE_Handler bi_be_handler; /* bucket instance backend handler */ int call(std::function f); public: RGWBucketCtl(RGWSI_Zone *zone_svc, RGWSI_Bucket *bucket_svc, RGWSI_BucketIndex *bi_svc); void init(RGWUserCtl *user_ctl, RGWBucketMetadataHandler *_bm_handler, RGWBucketInstanceMetadataHandler *_bmi_handler); struct Bucket { struct GetParams { RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; real_time *mtime{nullptr}; map *attrs{nullptr}; rgw_cache_entry_info *cache_info{nullptr}; boost::optional refresh_version; std::optional bectx_params; GetParams() {} GetParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } GetParams& set_mtime(ceph::real_time *_mtime) { mtime = _mtime; return *this; } GetParams& set_attrs(map *_attrs) { attrs = _attrs; return *this; } GetParams& set_cache_info(rgw_cache_entry_info *_cache_info) { cache_info = _cache_info; return *this; } GetParams& set_refresh_version(const obj_version& _refresh_version) { refresh_version = _refresh_version; return *this; } GetParams& set_bectx_params(std::optional _bectx_params) { bectx_params = _bectx_params; return *this; } }; struct PutParams { RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; ceph::real_time mtime; bool exclusive{false}; map *attrs{nullptr}; PutParams() {} PutParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } PutParams& set_mtime(const ceph::real_time& _mtime) { mtime = _mtime; return *this; } PutParams& set_exclusive(bool _exclusive) { exclusive = _exclusive; return *this; } PutParams& set_attrs(map *_attrs) { attrs = _attrs; return *this; } }; struct RemoveParams { RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; RemoveParams() {} RemoveParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } }; }; struct BucketInstance { struct GetParams { real_time *mtime{nullptr}; map *attrs{nullptr}; rgw_cache_entry_info *cache_info{nullptr}; boost::optional refresh_version; RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; std::optional bectx_params; GetParams() {} GetParams& set_mtime(ceph::real_time *_mtime) { mtime = _mtime; return *this; } GetParams& set_attrs(map *_attrs) { attrs = _attrs; return *this; } GetParams& set_cache_info(rgw_cache_entry_info *_cache_info) { cache_info = _cache_info; return *this; } GetParams& set_refresh_version(const obj_version& _refresh_version) { refresh_version = _refresh_version; return *this; } GetParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } GetParams& set_bectx_params(std::optional _bectx_params) { bectx_params = _bectx_params; return *this; } }; struct PutParams { std::optional orig_info; /* nullopt: orig_info was not fetched, nullptr: orig_info was not found (new bucket instance */ ceph::real_time mtime; bool exclusive{false}; map *attrs{nullptr}; RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; PutParams() {} PutParams& set_orig_info(RGWBucketInfo *pinfo) { orig_info = pinfo; return *this; } PutParams& set_mtime(const ceph::real_time& _mtime) { mtime = _mtime; return *this; } PutParams& set_exclusive(bool _exclusive) { exclusive = _exclusive; return *this; } PutParams& set_attrs(map *_attrs) { attrs = _attrs; return *this; } PutParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } }; struct RemoveParams { RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; RemoveParams() {} RemoveParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } }; }; /* bucket entrypoint */ int read_bucket_entrypoint_info(const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketEntryPoint *info, optional_yield y, const Bucket::GetParams& params = {}); int store_bucket_entrypoint_info(const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketEntryPoint& info, optional_yield y, const Bucket::PutParams& params = {}); int remove_bucket_entrypoint_info(const rgw_bucket& bucket, optional_yield y, const Bucket::RemoveParams& params = {}); /* bucket instance */ int read_bucket_instance_info(const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketInfo *info, optional_yield y, const BucketInstance::GetParams& params = {}); int store_bucket_instance_info(const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketInfo& info, optional_yield y, const BucketInstance::PutParams& params = {}); int remove_bucket_instance_info(const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketInfo& info, optional_yield y, const BucketInstance::RemoveParams& params = {}); /* * bucket_id may or may not be provided * * ep_objv_tracker might not be populated even if provided. Will only be set if entrypoint is read * (that is: if bucket_id is empty). */ int read_bucket_info(const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketInfo *info, optional_yield y, const BucketInstance::GetParams& params = {}, RGWObjVersionTracker *ep_objv_tracker = nullptr); int set_bucket_instance_attrs(RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, map& attrs, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, optional_yield y); /* user/bucket */ int link_bucket(const rgw_user& user_id, const rgw_bucket& bucket, ceph::real_time creation_time, optional_yield y, bool update_entrypoint = true, rgw_ep_info *pinfo = nullptr); int unlink_bucket(const rgw_user& user_id, const rgw_bucket& bucket, optional_yield y, bool update_entrypoint = true); int chown(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, const rgw_user& user_id, const std::string& display_name, const std::string& marker, optional_yield y); int set_acl(ACLOwner& owner, rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, bufferlist& bl, optional_yield y); int read_buckets_stats(map& m, optional_yield y); int read_bucket_stats(const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketEnt *result, optional_yield y); /* quota related */ int sync_user_stats(const rgw_user& user_id, const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, RGWBucketEnt* pent = nullptr); private: int convert_old_bucket_info(RGWSI_Bucket_X_Ctx& ctx, const rgw_bucket& bucket, optional_yield y); int do_store_bucket_instance_info(RGWSI_Bucket_BI_Ctx& ctx, const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWBucketInfo& info, optional_yield y, const BucketInstance::PutParams& params); int do_store_linked_bucket_info(RGWSI_Bucket_X_Ctx& ctx, RGWBucketInfo& info, RGWBucketInfo *orig_info, bool exclusive, real_time mtime, obj_version *pep_objv, map *pattrs, bool create_entry_point, optional_yield); int do_link_bucket(RGWSI_Bucket_EP_Ctx& ctx, const rgw_user& user, const rgw_bucket& bucket, ceph::real_time creation_time, optional_yield y, bool update_entrypoint, rgw_ep_info *pinfo); int do_unlink_bucket(RGWSI_Bucket_EP_Ctx& ctx, const rgw_user& user_id, const rgw_bucket& bucket, optional_yield y, bool update_entrypoint); }; #endif