// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include #include #include #include #include #include "json_spirit/json_spirit.h" #include "common/ceph_json.h" #include "rgw_op.h" #include "rgw_common.h" #include "rgw_acl.h" #include "rgw_string.h" #include "rgw_rados.h" #include "rgw_http_errors.h" #include "common/ceph_crypto.h" #include "common/armor.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/Clock.h" #include "common/Formatter.h" #include "common/convenience.h" #include "common/strtol.h" #include "include/str_list.h" #include "auth/Crypto.h" #include "rgw_crypt_sanitize.h" #include #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw using rgw::IAM::ARN; using rgw::IAM::Effect; using rgw::IAM::op_to_perm; using rgw::IAM::Policy; const uint32_t RGWBucketInfo::NUM_SHARDS_BLIND_BUCKET(UINT32_MAX); rgw_http_errors rgw_http_s3_errors({ { 0, {200, "" }}, { STATUS_CREATED, {201, "Created" }}, { STATUS_ACCEPTED, {202, "Accepted" }}, { STATUS_NO_CONTENT, {204, "NoContent" }}, { STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT, {206, "" }}, { ERR_PERMANENT_REDIRECT, {301, "PermanentRedirect" }}, { ERR_WEBSITE_REDIRECT, {301, "WebsiteRedirect" }}, { STATUS_REDIRECT, {303, "" }}, { ERR_NOT_MODIFIED, {304, "NotModified" }}, { EINVAL, {400, "InvalidArgument" }}, { ERR_INVALID_REQUEST, {400, "InvalidRequest" }}, { ERR_INVALID_DIGEST, {400, "InvalidDigest" }}, { ERR_BAD_DIGEST, {400, "BadDigest" }}, { ERR_INVALID_LOCATION_CONSTRAINT, {400, "InvalidLocationConstraint" }}, { ERR_ZONEGROUP_DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_MISCONFIGURATION, {400, "ZonegroupDefaultPlacementMisconfiguration" }}, { ERR_INVALID_BUCKET_NAME, {400, "InvalidBucketName" }}, { ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_NAME, {400, "InvalidObjectName" }}, { ERR_UNRESOLVABLE_EMAIL, {400, "UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress" }}, { ERR_INVALID_PART, {400, "InvalidPart" }}, { ERR_INVALID_PART_ORDER, {400, "InvalidPartOrder" }}, { ERR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, {400, "RequestTimeout" }}, { ERR_TOO_LARGE, {400, "EntityTooLarge" }}, { ERR_TOO_SMALL, {400, "EntityTooSmall" }}, { ERR_TOO_MANY_BUCKETS, {400, "TooManyBuckets" }}, { ERR_MALFORMED_XML, {400, "MalformedXML" }}, { ERR_AMZ_CONTENT_SHA256_MISMATCH, {400, "XAmzContentSHA256Mismatch" }}, { ERR_MALFORMED_DOC, {400, "MalformedPolicyDocument"}}, { ERR_INVALID_TAG, {400, "InvalidTag"}}, { ERR_MALFORMED_ACL_ERROR, {400, "MalformedACLError" }}, { ERR_INVALID_CORS_RULES_ERROR, {400, "InvalidRequest" }}, { ERR_INVALID_WEBSITE_ROUTING_RULES_ERROR, {400, "InvalidRequest" }}, { ERR_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, {400, "InvalidEncryptionAlgorithmError" }}, { ERR_LENGTH_REQUIRED, {411, "MissingContentLength" }}, { EACCES, {403, "AccessDenied" }}, { EPERM, {403, "AccessDenied" }}, { ERR_SIGNATURE_NO_MATCH, {403, "SignatureDoesNotMatch" }}, { ERR_INVALID_ACCESS_KEY, {403, "InvalidAccessKeyId" }}, { ERR_USER_SUSPENDED, {403, "UserSuspended" }}, { ERR_REQUEST_TIME_SKEWED, {403, "RequestTimeTooSkewed" }}, { ERR_QUOTA_EXCEEDED, {403, "QuotaExceeded" }}, { ERR_MFA_REQUIRED, {403, "AccessDenied" }}, { ENOENT, {404, "NoSuchKey" }}, { ERR_NO_SUCH_BUCKET, {404, "NoSuchBucket" }}, { ERR_NO_SUCH_WEBSITE_CONFIGURATION, {404, "NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration" }}, { ERR_NO_SUCH_UPLOAD, {404, "NoSuchUpload" }}, { ERR_NOT_FOUND, {404, "Not Found"}}, { ERR_NO_SUCH_LC, {404, "NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration"}}, { ERR_NO_SUCH_BUCKET_POLICY, {404, "NoSuchBucketPolicy"}}, { ERR_NO_SUCH_USER, {404, "NoSuchUser"}}, { ERR_NO_ROLE_FOUND, {404, "NoSuchEntity"}}, { ERR_NO_CORS_FOUND, {404, "NoSuchCORSConfiguration"}}, { ERR_NO_SUCH_SUBUSER, {404, "NoSuchSubUser"}}, { ERR_NO_SUCH_ENTITY, {404, "NoSuchEntity"}}, { ERR_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, {405, "MethodNotAllowed" }}, { ETIMEDOUT, {408, "RequestTimeout" }}, { EEXIST, {409, "BucketAlreadyExists" }}, { ERR_USER_EXIST, {409, "UserAlreadyExists" }}, { ERR_EMAIL_EXIST, {409, "EmailExists" }}, { ERR_KEY_EXIST, {409, "KeyExists"}}, { ERR_TAG_CONFLICT, {409, "OperationAborted"}}, { ERR_ROLE_EXISTS, {409, "EntityAlreadyExists"}}, { ERR_DELETE_CONFLICT, {409, "DeleteConflict"}}, { ERR_POSITION_NOT_EQUAL_TO_LENGTH, {409, "PositionNotEqualToLength"}}, { ERR_OBJECT_NOT_APPENDABLE, {409, "ObjectNotAppendable"}}, { ERR_INVALID_BUCKET_STATE, {409, "InvalidBucketState"}}, { ERR_INVALID_SECRET_KEY, {400, "InvalidSecretKey"}}, { ERR_INVALID_KEY_TYPE, {400, "InvalidKeyType"}}, { ERR_INVALID_CAP, {400, "InvalidCapability"}}, { ERR_INVALID_TENANT_NAME, {400, "InvalidTenantName" }}, { ENOTEMPTY, {409, "BucketNotEmpty" }}, { ERR_PRECONDITION_FAILED, {412, "PreconditionFailed" }}, { ERANGE, {416, "InvalidRange" }}, { ERR_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, {422, "UnprocessableEntity" }}, { ERR_LOCKED, {423, "Locked" }}, { ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, {500, "InternalError" }}, { ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, {501, "NotImplemented" }}, { ERR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, {503, "ServiceUnavailable"}}, { ERR_RATE_LIMITED, {503, "SlowDown"}}, { ERR_ZERO_IN_URL, {400, "InvalidRequest" }}, }); rgw_http_errors rgw_http_swift_errors({ { EACCES, {403, "AccessDenied" }}, { EPERM, {401, "AccessDenied" }}, { ENAMETOOLONG, {400, "Metadata name too long" }}, { ERR_USER_SUSPENDED, {401, "UserSuspended" }}, { ERR_INVALID_UTF8, {412, "Invalid UTF8" }}, { ERR_BAD_URL, {412, "Bad URL" }}, { ERR_NOT_SLO_MANIFEST, {400, "Not an SLO manifest" }}, { ERR_QUOTA_EXCEEDED, {413, "QuotaExceeded" }}, { ENOTEMPTY, {409, "There was a conflict when trying " "to complete your request." }}, /* FIXME(rzarzynski): we need to find a way to apply Swift's error handling * procedures also for ERR_ZERO_IN_URL. This make a problem as the validation * is performed very early, even before setting the req_state::proto_flags. */ { ERR_ZERO_IN_URL, {412, "Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL"}}, { ERR_RATE_LIMITED, {498, "Rate Limited"}}, }); rgw_http_errors rgw_http_sts_errors({ { ERR_PACKED_POLICY_TOO_LARGE, {400, "PackedPolicyTooLarge" }}, { ERR_INVALID_IDENTITY_TOKEN, {400, "InvalidIdentityToken" }}, }); using namespace ceph::crypto; rgw_err:: rgw_err() { clear(); } void rgw_err:: clear() { http_ret = 200; ret = 0; err_code.clear(); } bool rgw_err:: is_clear() const { return (http_ret == 200); } bool rgw_err:: is_err() const { return !(http_ret >= 200 && http_ret <= 399); } // The requestURI transferred from the frontend can be abs_path or absoluteURI // If it is absoluteURI, we should adjust it to abs_path for the following // S3 authorization and some other processes depending on the requestURI // The absoluteURI can start with "http://", "https://", "ws://" or "wss://" static string get_abs_path(const string& request_uri) { const static string ABS_PREFIXS[] = {"http://", "https://", "ws://", "wss://"}; bool isAbs = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(request_uri, ABS_PREFIXS[i])) { isAbs = true; break; } } if (!isAbs) { // it is not a valid absolute uri return request_uri; } size_t beg_pos = request_uri.find("://") + 3; size_t len = request_uri.size(); beg_pos = request_uri.find('/', beg_pos); if (beg_pos == string::npos) return request_uri; return request_uri.substr(beg_pos, len - beg_pos); } req_info::req_info(CephContext *cct, const class RGWEnv *env) : env(env) { method = env->get("REQUEST_METHOD", ""); script_uri = env->get("SCRIPT_URI", cct->_conf->rgw_script_uri.c_str()); request_uri = env->get("REQUEST_URI", cct->_conf->rgw_request_uri.c_str()); if (request_uri[0] != '/') { request_uri = get_abs_path(request_uri); } auto pos = request_uri.find('?'); if (pos != string::npos) { request_params = request_uri.substr(pos + 1); request_uri = request_uri.substr(0, pos); } else { request_params = env->get("QUERY_STRING", ""); } host = env->get("HTTP_HOST", ""); // strip off any trailing :port from host (added by CrossFTP and maybe others) size_t colon_offset = host.find_last_of(':'); if (colon_offset != string::npos) { bool all_digits = true; for (unsigned i = colon_offset + 1; i < host.size(); ++i) { if (!isdigit(host[i])) { all_digits = false; break; } } if (all_digits) { host.resize(colon_offset); } } } void req_info::rebuild_from(req_info& src) { method = src.method; script_uri = src.script_uri; args = src.args; if (src.effective_uri.empty()) { request_uri = src.request_uri; } else { request_uri = src.effective_uri; } effective_uri.clear(); host = src.host; x_meta_map = src.x_meta_map; x_meta_map.erase("x-amz-date"); } req_state::req_state(CephContext* _cct, RGWEnv* e, RGWUserInfo* u, uint64_t id) : cct(_cct), user(u), info(_cct, e), id(id) { enable_ops_log = e->get_enable_ops_log(); enable_usage_log = e->get_enable_usage_log(); defer_to_bucket_acls = e->get_defer_to_bucket_acls(); time = Clock::now(); } req_state::~req_state() { delete formatter; } std::ostream& req_state::gen_prefix(std::ostream& out) const { auto p = out.precision(); return out << "req " << id << ' ' << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed << time_elapsed() // '0.123s' << std::setprecision(p) << std::defaultfloat << ' '; } bool search_err(rgw_http_errors& errs, int err_no, int& http_ret, string& code) { auto r = errs.find(err_no); if (r != errs.end()) { http_ret = r->second.first; code = r->second.second; return true; } return false; } void set_req_state_err(struct rgw_err& err, /* out */ int err_no, /* in */ const int prot_flags) /* in */ { if (err_no < 0) err_no = -err_no; err.ret = -err_no; if (prot_flags & RGW_REST_SWIFT) { if (search_err(rgw_http_swift_errors, err_no, err.http_ret, err.err_code)) return; } if (prot_flags & RGW_REST_STS) { if (search_err(rgw_http_sts_errors, err_no, err.http_ret, err.err_code)) return; } //Default to searching in s3 errors if (search_err(rgw_http_s3_errors, err_no, err.http_ret, err.err_code)) return; dout(0) << "WARNING: set_req_state_err err_no=" << err_no << " resorting to 500" << dendl; err.http_ret = 500; err.err_code = "UnknownError"; } void set_req_state_err(struct req_state* s, int err_no, const string& err_msg) { if (s) { set_req_state_err(s, err_no); if (s->prot_flags & RGW_REST_SWIFT && !err_msg.empty()) { /* TODO(rzarzynski): there never ever should be a check like this one. * It's here only for the sake of the patch's backportability. Further * commits will move the logic to a per-RGWHandler replacement of * the end_header() function. Alternativaly, we might consider making * that just for the dump(). Please take a look on @cbodley's comments * in PR #10690 (https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/10690). */ s->err.err_code = err_msg; } else { s->err.message = err_msg; } } } void set_req_state_err(struct req_state* s, int err_no) { if (s) { set_req_state_err(s->err, err_no, s->prot_flags); } } void dump(struct req_state* s) { if (s->format != RGW_FORMAT_HTML) s->formatter->open_object_section("Error"); if (!s->err.err_code.empty()) s->formatter->dump_string("Code", s->err.err_code); if (!s->err.message.empty()) s->formatter->dump_string("Message", s->err.message); if (!s->bucket_name.empty()) // TODO: connect to expose_bucket s->formatter->dump_string("BucketName", s->bucket_name); if (!s->trans_id.empty()) // TODO: connect to expose_bucket or another toggle s->formatter->dump_string("RequestId", s->trans_id); s->formatter->dump_string("HostId", s->host_id); if (s->format != RGW_FORMAT_HTML) s->formatter->close_section(); } struct str_len { const char *str; int len; }; #define STR_LEN_ENTRY(s) { s, sizeof(s) - 1 } struct str_len meta_prefixes[] = { STR_LEN_ENTRY("HTTP_X_AMZ"), STR_LEN_ENTRY("HTTP_X_GOOG"), STR_LEN_ENTRY("HTTP_X_DHO"), STR_LEN_ENTRY("HTTP_X_RGW"), STR_LEN_ENTRY("HTTP_X_OBJECT"), STR_LEN_ENTRY("HTTP_X_CONTAINER"), STR_LEN_ENTRY("HTTP_X_ACCOUNT"), {NULL, 0} }; void req_info::init_meta_info(bool *found_bad_meta) { x_meta_map.clear(); for (const auto& kv: env->get_map()) { const char *prefix; const string& header_name = kv.first; const string& val = kv.second; for (int prefix_num = 0; (prefix = meta_prefixes[prefix_num].str) != NULL; prefix_num++) { int len = meta_prefixes[prefix_num].len; const char *p = header_name.c_str(); if (strncmp(p, prefix, len) == 0) { dout(10) << "meta>> " << p << dendl; const char *name = p+len; /* skip the prefix */ int name_len = header_name.size() - len; if (found_bad_meta && strncmp(name, "_META_", name_len) == 0) *found_bad_meta = true; char name_low[meta_prefixes[0].len + name_len + 1]; snprintf(name_low, meta_prefixes[0].len - 5 + name_len + 1, "%s%s", meta_prefixes[0].str + 5 /* skip HTTP_ */, name); // normalize meta prefix int j; for (j = 0; name_low[j]; j++) { if (name_low[j] != '_') name_low[j] = tolower(name_low[j]); else name_low[j] = '-'; } name_low[j] = 0; auto it = x_meta_map.find(name_low); if (it != x_meta_map.end()) { string old = it->second; boost::algorithm::trim_right(old); old.append(","); old.append(val); x_meta_map[name_low] = old; } else { x_meta_map[name_low] = val; } } } } for (const auto& kv: x_meta_map) { dout(10) << "x>> " << kv.first << ":" << rgw::crypt_sanitize::x_meta_map{kv.first, kv.second} << dendl; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oss, const rgw_err &err) { oss << "rgw_err(http_ret=" << err.http_ret << ", err_code='" << err.err_code << "') "; return oss; } string rgw_string_unquote(const string& s) { if (s[0] != '"' || s.size() < 2) return s; int len; for (len = s.size(); len > 2; --len) { if (s[len - 1] != ' ') break; } if (s[len-1] != '"') return s; return s.substr(1, len - 2); } static bool check_str_end(const char *s) { if (!s) return false; while (*s) { if (!isspace(*s)) return false; s++; } return true; } static bool check_gmt_end(const char *s) { if (!s || !*s) return false; while (isspace(*s)) { ++s; } /* check for correct timezone */ if ((strncmp(s, "GMT", 3) != 0) && (strncmp(s, "UTC", 3) != 0)) { return false; } return true; } static bool parse_rfc850(const char *s, struct tm *t) { memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t)); return check_gmt_end(strptime(s, "%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S ", t)); } static bool parse_asctime(const char *s, struct tm *t) { memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t)); return check_str_end(strptime(s, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", t)); } static bool parse_rfc1123(const char *s, struct tm *t) { memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t)); return check_gmt_end(strptime(s, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ", t)); } static bool parse_rfc1123_alt(const char *s, struct tm *t) { memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t)); return check_str_end(strptime(s, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", t)); } bool parse_rfc2616(const char *s, struct tm *t) { return parse_rfc850(s, t) || parse_asctime(s, t) || parse_rfc1123(s, t) || parse_rfc1123_alt(s,t); } bool parse_iso8601(const char *s, struct tm *t, uint32_t *pns, bool extended_format) { memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t)); const char *p; if (!s) s = ""; if (extended_format) { p = strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%T", t); if (!p) { p = strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %T", t); } } else { p = strptime(s, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", t); } if (!p) { dout(0) << "parse_iso8601 failed" << dendl; return false; } const boost::string_view str = rgw_trim_whitespace(boost::string_view(p)); int len = str.size(); if (len == 0 || (len == 1 && str[0] == 'Z')) return true; if (str[0] != '.' || str[len - 1] != 'Z') return false; uint32_t ms; boost::string_view nsstr = str.substr(1, len - 2); int r = stringtoul(nsstr.to_string(), &ms); if (r < 0) return false; if (!pns) { return true; } if (nsstr.size() > 9) { nsstr = nsstr.substr(0, 9); } uint64_t mul_table[] = { 0, 100000000LL, 10000000LL, 1000000LL, 100000LL, 10000LL, 1000LL, 100LL, 10LL, 1 }; *pns = ms * mul_table[nsstr.size()]; return true; } int parse_key_value(string& in_str, const char *delim, string& key, string& val) { if (delim == NULL) return -EINVAL; auto pos = in_str.find(delim); if (pos == string::npos) return -EINVAL; key = rgw_trim_whitespace(in_str.substr(0, pos)); val = rgw_trim_whitespace(in_str.substr(pos + 1)); return 0; } int parse_key_value(string& in_str, string& key, string& val) { return parse_key_value(in_str, "=", key,val); } boost::optional> parse_key_value(const boost::string_view& in_str, const boost::string_view& delim) { const size_t pos = in_str.find(delim); if (pos == boost::string_view::npos) { return boost::none; } const auto key = rgw_trim_whitespace(in_str.substr(0, pos)); const auto val = rgw_trim_whitespace(in_str.substr(pos + 1)); return std::make_pair(key, val); } boost::optional> parse_key_value(const boost::string_view& in_str) { return parse_key_value(in_str, "="); } int parse_time(const char *time_str, real_time *time) { struct tm tm; uint32_t ns = 0; if (!parse_rfc2616(time_str, &tm) && !parse_iso8601(time_str, &tm, &ns)) { return -EINVAL; } time_t sec = internal_timegm(&tm); *time = utime_t(sec, ns).to_real_time(); return 0; } #define TIME_BUF_SIZE 128 void rgw_to_iso8601(const real_time& t, char *dest, int buf_size) { utime_t ut(t); char buf[TIME_BUF_SIZE]; struct tm result; time_t epoch = ut.sec(); struct tm *tmp = gmtime_r(&epoch, &result); if (tmp == NULL) return; if (strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%dT%T", tmp) == 0) return; snprintf(dest, buf_size, "%s.%03dZ", buf, (int)(ut.usec() / 1000)); } void rgw_to_iso8601(const real_time& t, string *dest) { char buf[TIME_BUF_SIZE]; rgw_to_iso8601(t, buf, sizeof(buf)); *dest = buf; } string rgw_to_asctime(const utime_t& t) { stringstream s; t.asctime(s); return s.str(); } /* * calculate the sha1 value of a given msg and key */ void calc_hmac_sha1(const char *key, int key_len, const char *msg, int msg_len, char *dest) /* destination should be CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA1_DIGESTSIZE bytes long */ { HMACSHA1 hmac((const unsigned char *)key, key_len); hmac.Update((const unsigned char *)msg, msg_len); hmac.Final((unsigned char *)dest); } /* * calculate the sha256 value of a given msg and key */ void calc_hmac_sha256(const char *key, int key_len, const char *msg, int msg_len, char *dest) { char hash_sha256[CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA256_DIGESTSIZE]; HMACSHA256 hmac((const unsigned char *)key, key_len); hmac.Update((const unsigned char *)msg, msg_len); hmac.Final((unsigned char *)hash_sha256); memcpy(dest, hash_sha256, CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA256_DIGESTSIZE); } using ceph::crypto::SHA256; /* * calculate the sha256 hash value of a given msg */ sha256_digest_t calc_hash_sha256(const boost::string_view& msg) { sha256_digest_t hash; SHA256 hasher; hasher.Update(reinterpret_cast(msg.data()), msg.size()); hasher.Final(hash.v); return hash; } SHA256* calc_hash_sha256_open_stream() { return new SHA256; } void calc_hash_sha256_update_stream(SHA256 *hash, const char *msg, int len) { hash->Update((const unsigned char *)msg, len); } string calc_hash_sha256_close_stream(SHA256 **phash) { SHA256 *hash = *phash; if (!hash) { hash = calc_hash_sha256_open_stream(); } char hash_sha256[CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA256_DIGESTSIZE]; hash->Final((unsigned char *)hash_sha256); char hex_str[(CEPH_CRYPTO_SHA256_DIGESTSIZE * 2) + 1]; buf_to_hex((unsigned char *)hash_sha256, CEPH_CRYPTO_SHA256_DIGESTSIZE, hex_str); delete hash; *phash = NULL; return std::string(hex_str); } std::string calc_hash_sha256_restart_stream(SHA256 **phash) { const auto hash = calc_hash_sha256_close_stream(phash); *phash = calc_hash_sha256_open_stream(); return hash; } int gen_rand_base64(CephContext *cct, char *dest, int size) /* size should be the required string size + 1 */ { char buf[size]; char tmp_dest[size + 4]; /* so that there's space for the extra '=' characters, and some */ int ret; cct->random()->get_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); ret = ceph_armor(tmp_dest, &tmp_dest[sizeof(tmp_dest)], (const char *)buf, ((const char *)buf) + ((size - 1) * 3 + 4 - 1) / 4); if (ret < 0) { lderr(cct) << "ceph_armor failed" << dendl; return ret; } tmp_dest[ret] = '\0'; memcpy(dest, tmp_dest, size); dest[size-1] = '\0'; return 0; } static const char alphanum_upper_table[]="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; void gen_rand_alphanumeric_upper(CephContext *cct, char *dest, int size) /* size should be the required string size + 1 */ { cct->random()->get_bytes(dest, size); int i; for (i=0; irandom()->get_bytes(dest, size); int i; for (i=0; irandom()->get_bytes(dest, size); int i; for (i=0; irandom()->get_bytes(dest, size); int i; for (i=0; irandom()->get_bytes(dest, size); int i; for (i=0; i= 0) { string& name = nv.get_name(); string& val = nv.get_val(); append(name, val); } pos = fpos + 1; } return 0; } void RGWHTTPArgs::append(const string& name, const string& val) { if (name.compare(0, sizeof(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX) - 1, RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX) == 0) { sys_val_map[name] = val; } else { val_map[name] = val; } if ((name.compare("acl") == 0) || (name.compare("cors") == 0) || (name.compare("notification") == 0) || (name.compare("location") == 0) || (name.compare("logging") == 0) || (name.compare("usage") == 0) || (name.compare("lifecycle") == 0) || (name.compare("delete") == 0) || (name.compare("uploads") == 0) || (name.compare("partNumber") == 0) || (name.compare("uploadId") == 0) || (name.compare("versionId") == 0) || (name.compare("start-date") == 0) || (name.compare("end-date") == 0) || (name.compare("versions") == 0) || (name.compare("versioning") == 0) || (name.compare("website") == 0) || (name.compare("requestPayment") == 0) || (name.compare("torrent") == 0) || (name.compare("tagging") == 0) || (name.compare("append") == 0) || (name.compare("position") == 0)) { sub_resources[name] = val; } else if (name[0] == 'r') { // root of all evil if ((name.compare("response-content-type") == 0) || (name.compare("response-content-language") == 0) || (name.compare("response-expires") == 0) || (name.compare("response-cache-control") == 0) || (name.compare("response-content-disposition") == 0) || (name.compare("response-content-encoding") == 0)) { sub_resources[name] = val; has_resp_modifier = true; } } else if ((name.compare("subuser") == 0) || (name.compare("key") == 0) || (name.compare("caps") == 0) || (name.compare("index") == 0) || (name.compare("policy") == 0) || (name.compare("quota") == 0) || (name.compare("list") == 0) || (name.compare("object") == 0)) { if (!admin_subresource_added) { sub_resources[name] = ""; admin_subresource_added = true; } } } const string& RGWHTTPArgs::get(const string& name, bool *exists) const { auto iter = val_map.find(name); bool e = (iter != std::end(val_map)); if (exists) *exists = e; if (e) return iter->second; return empty_str; } boost::optional RGWHTTPArgs::get_optional(const std::string& name) const { bool exists; const std::string& value = get(name, &exists); if (exists) { return value; } else { return boost::none; } } int RGWHTTPArgs::get_bool(const string& name, bool *val, bool *exists) { map::iterator iter; iter = val_map.find(name); bool e = (iter != val_map.end()); if (exists) *exists = e; if (e) { const char *s = iter->second.c_str(); if (strcasecmp(s, "false") == 0) { *val = false; } else if (strcasecmp(s, "true") == 0) { *val = true; } else { return -EINVAL; } } return 0; } int RGWHTTPArgs::get_bool(const char *name, bool *val, bool *exists) { string s(name); return get_bool(s, val, exists); } void RGWHTTPArgs::get_bool(const char *name, bool *val, bool def_val) { bool exists = false; if ((get_bool(name, val, &exists) < 0) || !exists) { *val = def_val; } } int RGWHTTPArgs::get_int(const char *name, int *val, int def_val) { bool exists = false; string val_str; val_str = get(name, &exists); if (!exists) { *val = def_val; return 0; } string err; *val = (int)strict_strtol(val_str.c_str(), 10, &err); if (!err.empty()) { *val = def_val; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } string RGWHTTPArgs::sys_get(const string& name, bool * const exists) const { const auto iter = sys_val_map.find(name); const bool e = (iter != sys_val_map.end()); if (exists) { *exists = e; } return e ? iter->second : string(); } bool rgw_transport_is_secure(CephContext *cct, const RGWEnv& env) { const auto& m = env.get_map(); // frontend connected with ssl if (m.count("SERVER_PORT_SECURE")) { return true; } // ignore proxy headers unless explicitly enabled if (!cct->_conf->rgw_trust_forwarded_https) { return false; } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Forwarded // Forwarded: by=; for=; host=; proto= auto i = m.find("HTTP_FORWARDED"); if (i != m.end() && i->second.find("proto=https") != std::string::npos) { return true; } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-Proto i = m.find("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO"); if (i != m.end() && i->second == "https") { return true; } return false; } namespace { Effect eval_or_pass(const boost::optional& policy, const rgw::IAM::Environment& env, boost::optional id, const uint64_t op, const ARN& arn) { if (!policy) return Effect::Pass; else return policy->eval(env, id, op, arn); } } Effect eval_user_policies(const vector& user_policies, const rgw::IAM::Environment& env, boost::optional id, const uint64_t op, const ARN& arn) { auto usr_policy_res = Effect::Pass, prev_res = Effect::Pass; for (auto& user_policy : user_policies) { if (usr_policy_res = eval_or_pass(user_policy, env, id, op, arn); usr_policy_res == Effect::Deny) return usr_policy_res; else if (usr_policy_res == Effect::Allow) prev_res = Effect::Allow; else if (usr_policy_res == Effect::Pass && prev_res == Effect::Allow) usr_policy_res = Effect::Allow; } return usr_policy_res; } bool verify_user_permission(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const user_acl, const vector& user_policies, const rgw::IAM::ARN& res, const uint64_t op) { auto usr_policy_res = eval_user_policies(user_policies, s->env, boost::none, op, res); if (usr_policy_res == Effect::Deny) { return false; } if (usr_policy_res == Effect::Allow) { return true; } if (op == rgw::IAM::s3CreateBucket || op == rgw::IAM::s3ListAllMyBuckets) { auto perm = op_to_perm(op); return verify_user_permission_no_policy(dpp, s, user_acl, perm); } return false; } bool verify_user_permission_no_policy(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const user_acl, const int perm) { if (s->auth.identity->get_identity_type() == TYPE_ROLE) return false; /* S3 doesn't support account ACLs. */ if (!user_acl) return true; if ((perm & (int)s->perm_mask) != perm) return false; return user_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, perm, perm); } bool verify_user_permission(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, const rgw::IAM::ARN& res, const uint64_t op) { return verify_user_permission(dpp, s, s->user_acl.get(), s->iam_user_policies, res, op); } bool verify_user_permission_no_policy(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, const int perm) { return verify_user_permission_no_policy(dpp, s, s->user_acl.get(), perm); } bool verify_requester_payer_permission(struct req_state *s) { if (!s->bucket_info.requester_pays) return true; if (s->auth.identity->is_owner_of(s->bucket_info.owner)) return true; if (s->auth.identity->is_anonymous()) { return false; } const char *request_payer = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AMZ_REQUEST_PAYER"); if (!request_payer) { bool exists; request_payer = s->info.args.get("x-amz-request-payer", &exists).c_str(); if (!exists) { return false; } } if (strcasecmp(request_payer, "requester") == 0) { return true; } return false; } bool verify_bucket_permission(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const user_acl, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const bucket_acl, const boost::optional& bucket_policy, const vector& user_policies, const uint64_t op) { if (!verify_requester_payer_permission(s)) return false; auto usr_policy_res = eval_user_policies(user_policies, s->env, boost::none, op, ARN(bucket)); if (usr_policy_res == Effect::Deny) return false; auto r = eval_or_pass(bucket_policy, s->env, *s->auth.identity, op, ARN(bucket)); if (r == Effect::Allow) // It looks like S3 ACLs only GRANT permissions rather than // denying them, so this should be safe. return true; else if (r == Effect::Deny) return false; else if (usr_policy_res == Effect::Allow) // r is Effect::Pass at this point return true; const auto perm = op_to_perm(op); return verify_bucket_permission_no_policy(dpp, s, user_acl, bucket_acl, perm); } bool verify_bucket_permission_no_policy(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const user_acl, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const bucket_acl, const int perm) { if (!bucket_acl) return false; if ((perm & (int)s->perm_mask) != perm) return false; if (bucket_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, perm, perm, s->info.env->get("HTTP_REFERER"))) return true; if (!user_acl) return false; return user_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, perm, perm); } bool verify_bucket_permission_no_policy(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, const int perm) { if (!verify_requester_payer_permission(s)) return false; return verify_bucket_permission_no_policy(dpp, s, s->user_acl.get(), s->bucket_acl.get(), perm); } bool verify_bucket_permission(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, const uint64_t op) { return verify_bucket_permission(dpp, s, s->bucket, s->user_acl.get(), s->bucket_acl.get(), s->iam_policy, s->iam_user_policies, op); } // Authorize anyone permitted by the policy and the bucket owner // unless explicitly denied by the policy. int verify_bucket_owner_or_policy(struct req_state* const s, const uint64_t op) { auto e = eval_or_pass(s->iam_policy, s->env, *s->auth.identity, op, ARN(s->bucket)); if (e == Effect::Allow || (e == Effect::Pass && s->auth.identity->is_owner_of(s->bucket_owner.get_id()))) { return 0; } else { return -EACCES; } } static inline bool check_deferred_bucket_perms(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, const rgw_bucket& bucket, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const user_acl, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const bucket_acl, const boost::optional& bucket_policy, const vector& user_policies, const uint8_t deferred_check, const uint64_t op) { return (s->defer_to_bucket_acls == deferred_check \ && verify_bucket_permission(dpp, s, bucket, user_acl, bucket_acl, bucket_policy, user_policies,op)); } static inline bool check_deferred_bucket_only_acl(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const user_acl, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const bucket_acl, const uint8_t deferred_check, const int perm) { return (s->defer_to_bucket_acls == deferred_check \ && verify_bucket_permission_no_policy(dpp, s, user_acl, bucket_acl, perm)); } bool verify_object_permission(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, const rgw_obj& obj, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const user_acl, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const bucket_acl, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const object_acl, const boost::optional& bucket_policy, const vector& user_policies, const uint64_t op) { if (!verify_requester_payer_permission(s)) return false; auto usr_policy_res = eval_user_policies(user_policies, s->env, boost::none, op, ARN(obj)); if (usr_policy_res == Effect::Deny) return false; auto r = eval_or_pass(bucket_policy, s->env, *s->auth.identity, op, ARN(obj)); if (r == Effect::Allow) // It looks like S3 ACLs only GRANT permissions rather than // denying them, so this should be safe. return true; else if (r == Effect::Deny) return false; else if (usr_policy_res == Effect::Allow) return true; const auto perm = op_to_perm(op); if (check_deferred_bucket_perms(dpp, s, obj.bucket, user_acl, bucket_acl, bucket_policy, user_policies, RGW_DEFER_TO_BUCKET_ACLS_RECURSE, op) || check_deferred_bucket_perms(dpp, s, obj.bucket, user_acl, bucket_acl, bucket_policy, user_policies, RGW_DEFER_TO_BUCKET_ACLS_FULL_CONTROL, rgw::IAM::s3All)) { return true; } if (!object_acl) { return false; } bool ret = object_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, s->perm_mask, perm); if (ret) { return true; } if (!s->cct->_conf->rgw_enforce_swift_acls) return ret; if ((perm & (int)s->perm_mask) != perm) return false; int swift_perm = 0; if (perm & (RGW_PERM_READ | RGW_PERM_READ_ACP)) swift_perm |= RGW_PERM_READ_OBJS; if (perm & RGW_PERM_WRITE) swift_perm |= RGW_PERM_WRITE_OBJS; if (!swift_perm) return false; /* we already verified the user mask above, so we pass swift_perm as the mask here, otherwise the mask might not cover the swift permissions bits */ if (bucket_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, swift_perm, swift_perm, s->info.env->get("HTTP_REFERER"))) return true; if (!user_acl) return false; return user_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, swift_perm, swift_perm); } bool verify_object_permission_no_policy(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state * const s, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const user_acl, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const bucket_acl, RGWAccessControlPolicy * const object_acl, const int perm) { if (check_deferred_bucket_only_acl(dpp, s, user_acl, bucket_acl, RGW_DEFER_TO_BUCKET_ACLS_RECURSE, perm) || check_deferred_bucket_only_acl(dpp, s, user_acl, bucket_acl, RGW_DEFER_TO_BUCKET_ACLS_FULL_CONTROL, RGW_PERM_FULL_CONTROL)) { return true; } if (!object_acl) { return false; } bool ret = object_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, s->perm_mask, perm); if (ret) { return true; } if (!s->cct->_conf->rgw_enforce_swift_acls) return ret; if ((perm & (int)s->perm_mask) != perm) return false; int swift_perm = 0; if (perm & (RGW_PERM_READ | RGW_PERM_READ_ACP)) swift_perm |= RGW_PERM_READ_OBJS; if (perm & RGW_PERM_WRITE) swift_perm |= RGW_PERM_WRITE_OBJS; if (!swift_perm) return false; /* we already verified the user mask above, so we pass swift_perm as the mask here, otherwise the mask might not cover the swift permissions bits */ if (bucket_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, swift_perm, swift_perm, s->info.env->get("HTTP_REFERER"))) return true; if (!user_acl) return false; return user_acl->verify_permission(dpp, *s->auth.identity, swift_perm, swift_perm); } bool verify_object_permission_no_policy(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state *s, int perm) { if (!verify_requester_payer_permission(s)) return false; return verify_object_permission_no_policy(dpp, s, s->user_acl.get(), s->bucket_acl.get(), s->object_acl.get(), perm); } bool verify_object_permission(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, struct req_state *s, uint64_t op) { return verify_object_permission(dpp, s, rgw_obj(s->bucket, s->object), s->user_acl.get(), s->bucket_acl.get(), s->object_acl.get(), s->iam_policy, s->iam_user_policies, op); } class HexTable { char table[256]; public: HexTable() { memset(table, -1, sizeof(table)); int i; for (i = '0'; i<='9'; i++) table[i] = i - '0'; for (i = 'A'; i<='F'; i++) table[i] = i - 'A' + 0xa; for (i = 'a'; i<='f'; i++) table[i] = i - 'a' + 0xa; } char to_num(char c) { return table[(int)c]; } }; static char hex_to_num(char c) { static HexTable hex_table; return hex_table.to_num(c); } std::string url_decode(const boost::string_view& src_str, bool in_query) { std::string dest_str; dest_str.reserve(src_str.length() + 1); for (auto src = std::begin(src_str); src != std::end(src_str); ++src) { if (*src != '%') { if (!in_query || *src != '+') { if (*src == '?') { in_query = true; } dest_str.push_back(*src); } else { dest_str.push_back(' '); } } else { /* 3 == strlen("%%XX") */ if (std::distance(src, std::end(src_str)) < 3) { break; } src++; const char c1 = hex_to_num(*src++); const char c2 = hex_to_num(*src); if (c1 < 0 || c2 < 0) { return std::string(); } else { dest_str.push_back(c1 << 4 | c2); } } } return dest_str; } void rgw_uri_escape_char(char c, string& dst) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%%%.2X", (int)(unsigned char)c); dst.append(buf); } static bool char_needs_url_encoding(char c) { if (c <= 0x20 || c >= 0x7f) return true; switch (c) { case 0x22: case 0x23: case 0x25: case 0x26: case 0x2B: case 0x2C: case 0x2F: case 0x3A: case 0x3B: case 0x3C: case 0x3E: case 0x3D: case 0x3F: case 0x40: case 0x5B: case 0x5D: case 0x5C: case 0x5E: case 0x60: case 0x7B: case 0x7D: return true; } return false; } void url_encode(const string& src, string& dst, bool encode_slash) { const char *p = src.c_str(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < src.size(); i++, p++) { if ((!encode_slash && *p == 0x2F) || !char_needs_url_encoding(*p)) { dst.append(p, 1); }else { rgw_uri_escape_char(*p, dst); } } } std::string url_encode(const std::string& src, bool encode_slash) { std::string dst; url_encode(src, dst, encode_slash); return dst; } string rgw_trim_whitespace(const string& src) { if (src.empty()) { return string(); } int start = 0; for (; start != (int)src.size(); start++) { if (!isspace(src[start])) break; } int end = src.size() - 1; if (end < start) { return string(); } for (; end > start; end--) { if (!isspace(src[end])) break; } return src.substr(start, end - start + 1); } boost::string_view rgw_trim_whitespace(const boost::string_view& src) { boost::string_view res = src; while (res.size() > 0 && std::isspace(res.front())) { res.remove_prefix(1); } while (res.size() > 0 && std::isspace(res.back())) { res.remove_suffix(1); } return res; } string rgw_trim_quotes(const string& val) { string s = rgw_trim_whitespace(val); if (s.size() < 2) return s; int start = 0; int end = s.size() - 1; int quotes_count = 0; if (s[start] == '"') { start++; quotes_count++; } if (s[end] == '"') { end--; quotes_count++; } if (quotes_count == 2) { return s.substr(start, end - start + 1); } return s; } struct rgw_name_to_flag { const char *type_name; uint32_t flag; }; static int parse_list_of_flags(struct rgw_name_to_flag *mapping, const string& str, uint32_t *perm) { list strs; get_str_list(str, strs); list::iterator iter; uint32_t v = 0; for (iter = strs.begin(); iter != strs.end(); ++iter) { string& s = *iter; for (int i = 0; mapping[i].type_name; i++) { if (s.compare(mapping[i].type_name) == 0) v |= mapping[i].flag; } } *perm = v; return 0; } static struct rgw_name_to_flag cap_names[] = { {"*", RGW_CAP_ALL}, {"read", RGW_CAP_READ}, {"write", RGW_CAP_WRITE}, {NULL, 0} }; int RGWUserCaps::parse_cap_perm(const string& str, uint32_t *perm) { return parse_list_of_flags(cap_names, str, perm); } int RGWUserCaps::get_cap(const string& cap, string& type, uint32_t *pperm) { int pos = cap.find('='); if (pos >= 0) { type = rgw_trim_whitespace(cap.substr(0, pos)); } if (!is_valid_cap_type(type)) return -ERR_INVALID_CAP; string cap_perm; uint32_t perm = 0; if (pos < (int)cap.size() - 1) { cap_perm = cap.substr(pos + 1); int r = RGWUserCaps::parse_cap_perm(cap_perm, &perm); if (r < 0) return r; } *pperm = perm; return 0; } int RGWUserCaps::add_cap(const string& cap) { uint32_t perm; string type; int r = get_cap(cap, type, &perm); if (r < 0) return r; caps[type] |= perm; return 0; } int RGWUserCaps::remove_cap(const string& cap) { uint32_t perm; string type; int r = get_cap(cap, type, &perm); if (r < 0) return r; map::iterator iter = caps.find(type); if (iter == caps.end()) return 0; uint32_t& old_perm = iter->second; old_perm &= ~perm; if (!old_perm) caps.erase(iter); return 0; } int RGWUserCaps::add_from_string(const string& str) { int start = 0; do { auto end = str.find(';', start); if (end == string::npos) end = str.size(); int r = add_cap(str.substr(start, end - start)); if (r < 0) return r; start = end + 1; } while (start < (int)str.size()); return 0; } int RGWUserCaps::remove_from_string(const string& str) { int start = 0; do { auto end = str.find(';', start); if (end == string::npos) end = str.size(); int r = remove_cap(str.substr(start, end - start)); if (r < 0) return r; start = end + 1; } while (start < (int)str.size()); return 0; } void RGWUserCaps::dump(Formatter *f) const { dump(f, "caps"); } void RGWUserCaps::dump(Formatter *f, const char *name) const { f->open_array_section(name); map::const_iterator iter; for (iter = caps.begin(); iter != caps.end(); ++iter) { f->open_object_section("cap"); f->dump_string("type", iter->first); uint32_t perm = iter->second; string perm_str; for (int i=0; cap_names[i].type_name; i++) { if ((perm & cap_names[i].flag) == cap_names[i].flag) { if (perm_str.size()) perm_str.append(", "); perm_str.append(cap_names[i].type_name); perm &= ~cap_names[i].flag; } } if (perm_str.empty()) perm_str = ""; f->dump_string("perm", perm_str); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } struct RGWUserCap { string type; uint32_t perm; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { JSONDecoder::decode_json("type", type, obj); string perm_str; JSONDecoder::decode_json("perm", perm_str, obj); if (RGWUserCaps::parse_cap_perm(perm_str, &perm) < 0) { throw JSONDecoder::err("failed to parse permissions"); } } }; void RGWUserCaps::decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { list caps_list; decode_json_obj(caps_list, obj); list::iterator iter; for (iter = caps_list.begin(); iter != caps_list.end(); ++iter) { RGWUserCap& cap = *iter; caps[cap.type] = cap.perm; } } int RGWUserCaps::check_cap(const string& cap, uint32_t perm) { map::iterator iter = caps.find(cap); if ((iter == caps.end()) || (iter->second & perm) != perm) { return -EPERM; } return 0; } bool RGWUserCaps::is_valid_cap_type(const string& tp) { static const char *cap_type[] = { "user", "users", "buckets", "metadata", "usage", "zone", "bilog", "mdlog", "datalog", "roles", "user-policy"}; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(cap_type) / sizeof(char *); ++i) { if (tp.compare(cap_type[i]) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } void rgw_pool::from_str(const string& s) { size_t pos = rgw_unescape_str(s, 0, '\\', ':', &name); if (pos != string::npos) { pos = rgw_unescape_str(s, pos, '\\', ':', &ns); /* ignore return; if pos != string::npos it means that we had a colon * in the middle of ns that wasn't escaped, we're going to stop there */ } } string rgw_pool::to_str() const { string esc_name; rgw_escape_str(name, '\\', ':', &esc_name); if (ns.empty()) { return esc_name; } string esc_ns; rgw_escape_str(ns, '\\', ':', &esc_ns); return esc_name + ":" + esc_ns; } void rgw_raw_obj::decode_from_rgw_obj(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { using ceph::decode; rgw_obj old_obj; decode(old_obj, bl); get_obj_bucket_and_oid_loc(old_obj, oid, loc); pool = old_obj.get_explicit_data_pool(); } std::string rgw_bucket::get_key(char tenant_delim, char id_delim, size_t reserve) const { const size_t max_len = tenant.size() + sizeof(tenant_delim) + name.size() + sizeof(id_delim) + bucket_id.size() + reserve; std::string key; key.reserve(max_len); if (!tenant.empty() && tenant_delim) { key.append(tenant); key.append(1, tenant_delim); } key.append(name); if (!bucket_id.empty() && id_delim) { key.append(1, id_delim); key.append(bucket_id); } return key; } std::string rgw_bucket_shard::get_key(char tenant_delim, char id_delim, char shard_delim) const { static constexpr size_t shard_len{12}; // ":4294967295\0" auto key = bucket.get_key(tenant_delim, id_delim, shard_len); if (shard_id >= 0 && shard_delim) { key.append(1, shard_delim); key.append(std::to_string(shard_id)); } return key; } static struct rgw_name_to_flag op_type_mapping[] = { {"*", RGW_OP_TYPE_ALL}, {"read", RGW_OP_TYPE_READ}, {"write", RGW_OP_TYPE_WRITE}, {"delete", RGW_OP_TYPE_DELETE}, {NULL, 0} }; int rgw_parse_op_type_list(const string& str, uint32_t *perm) { return parse_list_of_flags(op_type_mapping, str, perm); } bool match_policy(boost::string_view pattern, boost::string_view input, uint32_t flag) { const uint32_t flag2 = flag & (MATCH_POLICY_ACTION|MATCH_POLICY_ARN) ? MATCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0; const bool colonblocks = !(flag & (MATCH_POLICY_RESOURCE | MATCH_POLICY_STRING)); const auto npos = boost::string_view::npos; boost::string_view::size_type last_pos_input = 0, last_pos_pattern = 0; while (true) { auto cur_pos_input = colonblocks ? input.find(":", last_pos_input) : npos; auto cur_pos_pattern = colonblocks ? pattern.find(":", last_pos_pattern) : npos; auto substr_input = input.substr(last_pos_input, cur_pos_input); auto substr_pattern = pattern.substr(last_pos_pattern, cur_pos_pattern); if (!match_wildcards(substr_pattern, substr_input, flag2)) return false; if (cur_pos_pattern == npos) return cur_pos_input == npos; if (cur_pos_input == npos) return false; last_pos_pattern = cur_pos_pattern + 1; last_pos_input = cur_pos_input + 1; } } /* * make attrs look-like-this * converts underscores to dashes */ string lowercase_dash_http_attr(const string& orig) { const char *s = orig.c_str(); char buf[orig.size() + 1]; buf[orig.size()] = '\0'; for (size_t i = 0; i < orig.size(); ++i, ++s) { switch (*s) { case '_': buf[i] = '-'; break; default: buf[i] = tolower(*s); } } return string(buf); } /* * make attrs Look-Like-This * converts underscores to dashes */ string camelcase_dash_http_attr(const string& orig) { const char *s = orig.c_str(); char buf[orig.size() + 1]; buf[orig.size()] = '\0'; bool last_sep = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < orig.size(); ++i, ++s) { switch (*s) { case '_': case '-': buf[i] = '-'; last_sep = true; break; default: if (last_sep) { buf[i] = toupper(*s); } else { buf[i] = tolower(*s); } last_sep = false; } } return string(buf); }