// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #include #include #include #include "include/types.h" #include "rgw_user.h" #include "rgw_lc_s3.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw_lifecycle using namespace std; static bool check_date(const string& _date) { boost::optional date = ceph::from_iso_8601(_date); if (boost::none == date) { return false; } struct timespec time = ceph::real_clock::to_timespec(*date); if (time.tv_sec % (24*60*60) || time.tv_nsec) { return false; } return true; } void LCExpiration_S3::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { if (dm_expiration) { encode_xml("ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker", "true", f); } else if (!days.empty()) { encode_xml("Days", days, f); } else { encode_xml("Date", date, f); } } void LCExpiration_S3::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { bool has_days = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Days", days, obj); bool has_date = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Date", date, obj); string dm; bool has_dm = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker", dm, obj); int num = !!has_days + !!has_date + !!has_dm; if (num != 1) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("bad Expiration section"); } if (has_date && !check_date(date)) { //We need return xml error according to S3 throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("bad date in Date section"); } if (has_dm) { dm_expiration = (dm == "true"); } } void LCNoncurExpiration_S3::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("NewerNoncurrentVersions", newer_noncurrent, obj); RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("NoncurrentDays", days, obj, true); } void LCNoncurExpiration_S3::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { if(has_newer()) { encode_xml("NewerNoncurrentVersions", newer_noncurrent, f); } encode_xml("NoncurrentDays", days, f); } void LCMPExpiration_S3::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("DaysAfterInitiation", days, obj, true); } void LCMPExpiration_S3::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { encode_xml("DaysAfterInitiation", days, f); } void RGWLifecycleConfiguration_S3::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { if (!cct) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("ERROR: RGWLifecycleConfiguration_S3 can't be decoded without cct initialized"); } vector rules; RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Rule", rules, obj, true); for (auto& rule : rules) { if (rule.get_id().empty()) { // S3 generates a 48 bit random ID, maybe we could generate shorter IDs static constexpr auto LC_ID_LENGTH = 48; string id = gen_rand_alphanumeric_lower(cct, LC_ID_LENGTH); rule.set_id(id); } add_rule(rule); } if (cct->_conf->rgw_lc_max_rules < rule_map.size()) { stringstream ss; ss << "Warn: The lifecycle config has too many rules, rule number is:" << rule_map.size() << ", max number is:" << cct->_conf->rgw_lc_max_rules; throw RGWXMLDecoder::err(ss.str()); } } void LCFilter_S3::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { bool multi = has_multi_condition(); if (multi) { f->open_array_section("And"); } if (has_prefix()) { encode_xml("Prefix", prefix, f); } if (has_tags()) { const auto& tagset_s3 = static_cast(obj_tags); tagset_s3.dump_xml(f); } if (has_flags()) { if (have_flag(LCFlagType::ArchiveZone)) { encode_xml("ArchiveZone", "", f); } } if (has_size_gt()) { encode_xml("ObjectSizeGreaterThan", size_gt, f); } if (has_size_lt()) { encode_xml("ObjectSizeLessThan", size_lt, f); } if (multi) { f->close_section(); // And } } void LCFilter_S3::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { /* * The prior logic here looked for an And element, but did not * structurally parse the Filter clause (and incorrectly rejected * the base case where a Prefix and one Tag were supplied). It * could not reject generally malformed Filter syntax. * * Empty filters are allowed: * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/intro-lifecycle-rules.html */ XMLObj* o = obj->find_first("And"); if (o == nullptr){ o = obj; } RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Prefix", prefix, o); /* parse optional ArchiveZone flag (extension) */ if (o->find_first("ArchiveZone")) { flags |= make_flag(LCFlagType::ArchiveZone); } RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("ObjectSizeGreaterThan", size_gt, o, false); RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("ObjectSizeLessThan", size_lt, o, false); if (has_size_gt() && has_size_lt() && (size_lt <= size_gt)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("Filter maximum object size must be larger than the minimum object size"); } obj_tags.clear(); // why is this needed? auto tags_iter = o->find("Tag"); while (auto tag_xml = tags_iter.get_next()){ std::string _key,_val; RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Key", _key, tag_xml); RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Value", _val, tag_xml); obj_tags.emplace_tag(std::move(_key), std::move(_val)); } } void LCTransition_S3::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { bool has_days = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Days", days, obj); bool has_date = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Date", date, obj); if ((has_days && has_date) || (!has_days && !has_date)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("bad Transition section"); } if (has_date && !check_date(date)) { //We need return xml error according to S3 throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("bad Date in Transition section"); } if (!RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("StorageClass", storage_class, obj)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("missing StorageClass in Transition section"); } } void LCTransition_S3::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { if (!days.empty()) { encode_xml("Days", days, f); } else { encode_xml("Date", date, f); } encode_xml("StorageClass", storage_class, f); } void LCNoncurTransition_S3::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { if (!RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("NoncurrentDays", days, obj)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("missing NoncurrentDays in NoncurrentVersionTransition section"); } if (!RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("StorageClass", storage_class, obj)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("missing StorageClass in NoncurrentVersionTransition section"); } } void LCNoncurTransition_S3::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { encode_xml("NoncurrentDays", days, f); encode_xml("StorageClass", storage_class, f); } void LCRule_S3::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { id.clear(); prefix.clear(); status.clear(); dm_expiration = false; RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("ID", id, obj); if (!RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Status", status, obj)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("missing Status in Rule"); } if (status.compare("Enabled") != 0 && status.compare("Disabled") != 0) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("bad Status in Rule"); } LCFilter_S3 filter_s3; if (!RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Filter", filter_s3, obj)) { // Ideally the following code should be deprecated and we should return // False here, The new S3 LC configuration xml spec. makes Filter mandatory // and Prefix optional. However older clients including boto2 still generate // xml according to the older spec, where Prefix existed outside of Filter // and S3 itself seems to be sloppy on enforcing the mandatory Filter // argument. A day will come when S3 enforces their own xml-spec, but it is // not this day if (!RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Prefix", prefix, obj)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("missing Prefix in Filter"); } } filter = (LCFilter)filter_s3; LCExpiration_S3 s3_expiration; LCNoncurExpiration_S3 s3_noncur_expiration; LCMPExpiration_S3 s3_mp_expiration; LCFilter_S3 s3_filter; bool has_expiration = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Expiration", s3_expiration, obj); bool has_noncur_expiration = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("NoncurrentVersionExpiration", s3_noncur_expiration, obj); bool has_mp_expiration = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload", s3_mp_expiration, obj); vector transitions; vector noncur_transitions; bool has_transition = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Transition", transitions, obj); bool has_noncur_transition = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("NoncurrentVersionTransition", noncur_transitions, obj); if (!has_expiration && !has_noncur_expiration && !has_mp_expiration && !has_transition && !has_noncur_transition) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("bad Rule"); } if (has_expiration) { if (s3_expiration.has_days() || s3_expiration.has_date()) { expiration = s3_expiration; } else { dm_expiration = s3_expiration.get_dm_expiration(); } } if (has_noncur_expiration) { noncur_expiration = s3_noncur_expiration; } if (has_mp_expiration) { mp_expiration = s3_mp_expiration; } for (auto& t : transitions) { if (!add_transition(t)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("Failed to add transition"); } } for (auto& t : noncur_transitions) { if (!add_noncur_transition(t)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("Failed to add non-current version transition"); } } } void LCRule_S3::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { encode_xml("ID", id, f); // In case of an empty filter and an empty Prefix, we defer to Prefix. if (!filter.empty()) { const LCFilter_S3& lc_filter = static_cast(filter); encode_xml("Filter", lc_filter, f); } else { encode_xml("Prefix", prefix, f); } encode_xml("Status", status, f); if (!expiration.empty() || dm_expiration) { LCExpiration_S3 expir(expiration.get_days_str(), expiration.get_date(), dm_expiration); encode_xml("Expiration", expir, f); } if (!noncur_expiration.empty()) { const LCNoncurExpiration_S3& noncur_expir = static_cast(noncur_expiration); encode_xml("NoncurrentVersionExpiration", noncur_expir, f); } if (!mp_expiration.empty()) { const LCMPExpiration_S3& mp_expir = static_cast(mp_expiration); encode_xml("AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload", mp_expir, f); } if (!transitions.empty()) { for (auto &elem : transitions) { const LCTransition_S3& tran = static_cast(elem.second); encode_xml("Transition", tran, f); } } if (!noncur_transitions.empty()) { for (auto &elem : noncur_transitions) { const LCNoncurTransition_S3& noncur_tran = static_cast(elem.second); encode_xml("NoncurrentVersionTransition", noncur_tran, f); } } } int RGWLifecycleConfiguration_S3::rebuild(RGWLifecycleConfiguration& dest) { int ret = 0; multimap::iterator iter; for (iter = rule_map.begin(); iter != rule_map.end(); ++iter) { LCRule& src_rule = iter->second; ret = dest.check_and_add_rule(src_rule); if (ret < 0) return ret; } if (!dest.valid()) { ret = -ERR_INVALID_REQUEST; } return ret; } void RGWLifecycleConfiguration_S3::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { for (auto iter = rule_map.begin(); iter != rule_map.end(); ++iter) { const LCRule_S3& rule = static_cast(iter->second); encode_xml("Rule", rule, f); } }