// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #include "services/svc_zone.h" #include "rgw_b64.h" #include "rgw_sal.h" #include "rgw_pubsub.h" #include "rgw_tools.h" #include "rgw_xml.h" #include "rgw_arn.h" #include "rgw_pubsub_push.h" #include #include #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw void set_event_id(std::string& id, const std::string& hash, const utime_t& ts) { char buf[64]; const auto len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%010ld.%06ld.%s", (long)ts.sec(), (long)ts.usec(), hash.c_str()); if (len > 0) { id.assign(buf, len); } } void rgw_s3_key_filter::dump(Formatter *f) const { if (!prefix_rule.empty()) { f->open_object_section("FilterRule"); ::encode_json("Name", "prefix", f); ::encode_json("Value", prefix_rule, f); f->close_section(); } if (!suffix_rule.empty()) { f->open_object_section("FilterRule"); ::encode_json("Name", "suffix", f); ::encode_json("Value", suffix_rule, f); f->close_section(); } if (!regex_rule.empty()) { f->open_object_section("FilterRule"); ::encode_json("Name", "regex", f); ::encode_json("Value", regex_rule, f); f->close_section(); } } bool rgw_s3_key_filter::decode_xml(XMLObj* obj) { XMLObjIter iter = obj->find("FilterRule"); XMLObj *o; const auto throw_if_missing = true; auto prefix_not_set = true; auto suffix_not_set = true; auto regex_not_set = true; std::string name; while ((o = iter.get_next())) { RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Name", name, o, throw_if_missing); if (name == "prefix" && prefix_not_set) { prefix_not_set = false; RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Value", prefix_rule, o, throw_if_missing); } else if (name == "suffix" && suffix_not_set) { suffix_not_set = false; RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Value", suffix_rule, o, throw_if_missing); } else if (name == "regex" && regex_not_set) { regex_not_set = false; RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Value", regex_rule, o, throw_if_missing); } else { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("invalid/duplicate S3Key filter rule name: '" + name + "'"); } } return true; } void rgw_s3_key_filter::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { if (!prefix_rule.empty()) { f->open_object_section("FilterRule"); ::encode_xml("Name", "prefix", f); ::encode_xml("Value", prefix_rule, f); f->close_section(); } if (!suffix_rule.empty()) { f->open_object_section("FilterRule"); ::encode_xml("Name", "suffix", f); ::encode_xml("Value", suffix_rule, f); f->close_section(); } if (!regex_rule.empty()) { f->open_object_section("FilterRule"); ::encode_xml("Name", "regex", f); ::encode_xml("Value", regex_rule, f); f->close_section(); } } bool rgw_s3_key_filter::has_content() const { return !(prefix_rule.empty() && suffix_rule.empty() && regex_rule.empty()); } void rgw_s3_key_value_filter::dump(Formatter *f) const { for (const auto& key_value : kv) { f->open_object_section("FilterRule"); ::encode_json("Name", key_value.first, f); ::encode_json("Value", key_value.second, f); f->close_section(); } } bool rgw_s3_key_value_filter::decode_xml(XMLObj* obj) { kv.clear(); XMLObjIter iter = obj->find("FilterRule"); XMLObj *o; const auto throw_if_missing = true; std::string key; std::string value; while ((o = iter.get_next())) { RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Name", key, o, throw_if_missing); RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Value", value, o, throw_if_missing); kv.emplace(key, value); } return true; } void rgw_s3_key_value_filter::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { for (const auto& key_value : kv) { f->open_object_section("FilterRule"); ::encode_xml("Name", key_value.first, f); ::encode_xml("Value", key_value.second, f); f->close_section(); } } bool rgw_s3_key_value_filter::has_content() const { return !kv.empty(); } void rgw_s3_filter::dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("S3Key", key_filter, f); encode_json("S3Metadata", metadata_filter, f); encode_json("S3Tags", tag_filter, f); } bool rgw_s3_filter::decode_xml(XMLObj* obj) { RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("S3Key", key_filter, obj); RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("S3Metadata", metadata_filter, obj); RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("S3Tags", tag_filter, obj); return true; } void rgw_s3_filter::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { if (key_filter.has_content()) { ::encode_xml("S3Key", key_filter, f); } if (metadata_filter.has_content()) { ::encode_xml("S3Metadata", metadata_filter, f); } if (tag_filter.has_content()) { ::encode_xml("S3Tags", tag_filter, f); } } bool rgw_s3_filter::has_content() const { return key_filter.has_content() || metadata_filter.has_content() || tag_filter.has_content(); } bool match(const rgw_s3_key_filter& filter, const std::string& key) { const auto key_size = key.size(); const auto prefix_size = filter.prefix_rule.size(); if (prefix_size != 0) { // prefix rule exists if (prefix_size > key_size) { // if prefix is longer than key, we fail return false; } if (!std::equal(filter.prefix_rule.begin(), filter.prefix_rule.end(), key.begin())) { return false; } } const auto suffix_size = filter.suffix_rule.size(); if (suffix_size != 0) { // suffix rule exists if (suffix_size > key_size) { // if suffix is longer than key, we fail return false; } if (!std::equal(filter.suffix_rule.begin(), filter.suffix_rule.end(), (key.end() - suffix_size))) { return false; } } if (!filter.regex_rule.empty()) { // TODO add regex chaching in the filter const std::regex base_regex(filter.regex_rule); if (!std::regex_match(key, base_regex)) { return false; } } return true; } bool match(const rgw_s3_key_value_filter& filter, const KeyValueMap& kv) { // all filter pairs must exist with the same value in the object's metadata/tags // object metadata/tags may include items not in the filter return std::includes(kv.begin(), kv.end(), filter.kv.begin(), filter.kv.end()); } bool match(const rgw_s3_key_value_filter& filter, const KeyMultiValueMap& kv) { // all filter pairs must exist with the same value in the object's metadata/tags // object metadata/tags may include items not in the filter for (auto& filter : filter.kv) { auto result = kv.equal_range(filter.first); if (std::any_of(result.first, result.second, [&filter](const std::pair& p) { return p.second == filter.second;})) continue; else return false; } return true; } bool match(const rgw::notify::EventTypeList& events, rgw::notify::EventType event) { // if event list exists, and none of the events in the list matches the event type, filter the message if (!events.empty() && std::find(events.begin(), events.end(), event) == events.end()) { return false; } return true; } void do_decode_xml_obj(rgw::notify::EventTypeList& l, const std::string& name, XMLObj *obj) { l.clear(); XMLObjIter iter = obj->find(name); XMLObj *o; while ((o = iter.get_next())) { std::string val; decode_xml_obj(val, o); l.push_back(rgw::notify::from_string(val)); } } bool rgw_pubsub_s3_notification::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { const auto throw_if_missing = true; RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Id", id, obj, throw_if_missing); RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Topic", topic_arn, obj, throw_if_missing); RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Filter", filter, obj); do_decode_xml_obj(events, "Event", obj); if (events.empty()) { // if no events are provided, we assume all events events.push_back(rgw::notify::ObjectCreated); events.push_back(rgw::notify::ObjectRemoved); } return true; } void rgw_pubsub_s3_notification::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { ::encode_xml("Id", id, f); ::encode_xml("Topic", topic_arn.c_str(), f); if (filter.has_content()) { ::encode_xml("Filter", filter, f); } for (const auto& event : events) { ::encode_xml("Event", rgw::notify::to_string(event), f); } } bool rgw_pubsub_s3_notifications::decode_xml(XMLObj *obj) { do_decode_xml_obj(list, "TopicConfiguration", obj); return true; } rgw_pubsub_s3_notification::rgw_pubsub_s3_notification(const rgw_pubsub_topic_filter& topic_filter) : id(topic_filter.s3_id), events(topic_filter.events), topic_arn(topic_filter.topic.arn), filter(topic_filter.s3_filter) {} void rgw_pubsub_s3_notifications::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { do_encode_xml("NotificationConfiguration", list, "TopicConfiguration", f); } void rgw_pubsub_s3_event::dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("eventVersion", eventVersion, f); encode_json("eventSource", eventSource, f); encode_json("awsRegion", awsRegion, f); utime_t ut(eventTime); encode_json("eventTime", ut, f); encode_json("eventName", eventName, f); { Formatter::ObjectSection s(*f, "userIdentity"); encode_json("principalId", userIdentity, f); } { Formatter::ObjectSection s(*f, "requestParameters"); encode_json("sourceIPAddress", sourceIPAddress, f); } { Formatter::ObjectSection s(*f, "responseElements"); encode_json("x-amz-request-id", x_amz_request_id, f); encode_json("x-amz-id-2", x_amz_id_2, f); } { Formatter::ObjectSection s(*f, "s3"); encode_json("s3SchemaVersion", s3SchemaVersion, f); encode_json("configurationId", configurationId, f); { Formatter::ObjectSection sub_s(*f, "bucket"); encode_json("name", bucket_name, f); { Formatter::ObjectSection sub_sub_s(*f, "ownerIdentity"); encode_json("principalId", bucket_ownerIdentity, f); } encode_json("arn", bucket_arn, f); encode_json("id", bucket_id, f); } { Formatter::ObjectSection sub_s(*f, "object"); encode_json("key", object_key, f); encode_json("size", object_size, f); encode_json("eTag", object_etag, f); encode_json("versionId", object_versionId, f); encode_json("sequencer", object_sequencer, f); encode_json("metadata", x_meta_map, f); encode_json("tags", tags, f); } } encode_json("eventId", id, f); encode_json("opaqueData", opaque_data, f); } void rgw_pubsub_topic::dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("user", user, f); encode_json("name", name, f); encode_json("dest", dest, f); encode_json("arn", arn, f); encode_json("opaqueData", opaque_data, f); encode_json("policy", policy_text, f); } void rgw_pubsub_topic::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { encode_xml("User", user, f); encode_xml("Name", name, f); encode_xml("EndPoint", dest, f); encode_xml("TopicArn", arn, f); encode_xml("OpaqueData", opaque_data, f); encode_xml("Policy", policy_text, f); } void encode_xml_key_value_entry(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, Formatter *f) { f->open_object_section("entry"); encode_xml("key", key, f); encode_xml("value", value, f); f->close_section(); // entry } void rgw_pubsub_topic::dump_xml_as_attributes(Formatter *f) const { f->open_array_section("Attributes"); std::string str_user; user.to_str(str_user); encode_xml_key_value_entry("User", str_user, f); encode_xml_key_value_entry("Name", name, f); encode_xml_key_value_entry("EndPoint", dest.to_json_str(), f); encode_xml_key_value_entry("TopicArn", arn, f); encode_xml_key_value_entry("OpaqueData", opaque_data, f); encode_xml_key_value_entry("Policy", policy_text, f); f->close_section(); // Attributes } void encode_json(const char *name, const rgw::notify::EventTypeList& l, Formatter *f) { f->open_array_section(name); for (auto iter = l.cbegin(); iter != l.cend(); ++iter) { f->dump_string("obj", rgw::notify::to_string(*iter)); } f->close_section(); } void rgw_pubsub_topic_filter::dump(Formatter *f) const { encode_json("TopicArn", topic.arn, f); encode_json("Id", s3_id, f); encode_json("Events", events, f); encode_json("Filter", s3_filter, f); } void rgw_pubsub_bucket_topics::dump(Formatter *f) const { Formatter::ArraySection s(*f, "notifications"); for (auto& t : topics) { encode_json(t.first.c_str(), t.second, f); } } void rgw_pubsub_topics::dump(Formatter *f) const { Formatter::ArraySection s(*f, "topics"); for (auto& t : topics) { auto& topic = t.second; if (topic.name == topic.dest.arn_topic) { encode_json(t.first.c_str(), topic, f); } } } void rgw_pubsub_topics::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { for (auto& t : topics) { encode_xml("member", t.second, f); } } void rgw_pubsub_dest::dump(Formatter *f) const { using rgw::notify::DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE; using rgw::notify::DEFAULT_CONFIG; encode_json("push_endpoint", push_endpoint, f); encode_json("push_endpoint_args", push_endpoint_args, f); encode_json("push_endpoint_topic", arn_topic, f); encode_json("stored_secret", stored_secret, f); encode_json("persistent", persistent, f); encode_json("time_to_live", time_to_live!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(time_to_live): DEFAULT_CONFIG, f); encode_json("max_retries", max_retries!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(max_retries): DEFAULT_CONFIG, f); encode_json("retry_sleep_duration", retry_sleep_duration!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(retry_sleep_duration): DEFAULT_CONFIG, f); } void rgw_pubsub_dest::dump_xml(Formatter *f) const { using rgw::notify::DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE; using rgw::notify::DEFAULT_CONFIG; encode_xml("EndpointAddress", push_endpoint, f); encode_xml("EndpointArgs", push_endpoint_args, f); encode_xml("EndpointTopic", arn_topic, f); encode_xml("HasStoredSecret", stored_secret, f); encode_xml("Persistent", persistent, f); encode_xml("TimeToLive", time_to_live!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(time_to_live): DEFAULT_CONFIG, f); encode_xml("MaxRetries", max_retries!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(max_retries): DEFAULT_CONFIG, f); encode_xml("RetrySleepDuration", retry_sleep_duration!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(retry_sleep_duration): DEFAULT_CONFIG, f); } std::string rgw_pubsub_dest::to_json_str() const { using rgw::notify::DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE; using rgw::notify::DEFAULT_CONFIG; JSONFormatter f; f.open_object_section(""); encode_json("EndpointAddress", push_endpoint, &f); encode_json("EndpointArgs", push_endpoint_args, &f); encode_json("EndpointTopic", arn_topic, &f); encode_json("HasStoredSecret", stored_secret, &f); encode_json("Persistent", persistent, &f); encode_json("TimeToLive", time_to_live!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(time_to_live): DEFAULT_CONFIG, &f); encode_json("MaxRetries", max_retries!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(max_retries): DEFAULT_CONFIG, &f); encode_json("RetrySleepDuration", retry_sleep_duration!=DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VALUE? std::to_string(retry_sleep_duration): DEFAULT_CONFIG, &f); f.close_section(); std::stringstream ss; f.flush(ss); return ss.str(); } RGWPubSub::RGWPubSub(rgw::sal::Driver* _driver, const std::string& _tenant) : driver(_driver), tenant(_tenant) {} int RGWPubSub::read_topics(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw_pubsub_topics& result, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, optional_yield y) const { const int ret = driver->read_topics(tenant, result, objv_tracker, y, dpp); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "WARNING: failed to read topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWPubSub::write_topics(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_pubsub_topics& topics, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, optional_yield y) const { const int ret = driver->write_topics(tenant, topics, objv_tracker, y, dpp); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to write topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::read_topics(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw_pubsub_bucket_topics& result, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, optional_yield y) const { const int ret = bucket->read_topics(result, objv_tracker, y, dpp); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to read bucket topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::write_topics(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_pubsub_bucket_topics& topics, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, optional_yield y) const { const int ret = bucket->write_topics(topics, objv_tracker, y, dpp); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to write bucket topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWPubSub::get_topic(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const std::string& name, rgw_pubsub_topic& result, optional_yield y) const { rgw_pubsub_topics topics; const int ret = read_topics(dpp, topics, nullptr, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to read topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } auto iter = topics.topics.find(name); if (iter == topics.topics.end()) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: topic not found" << dendl; return -ENOENT; } result = iter->second; return 0; } // from list of bucket topics, find the one that was auto-generated by a notification auto find_unique_topic(const rgw_pubsub_bucket_topics &bucket_topics, const std::string ¬ification_id) { auto it = std::find_if(bucket_topics.topics.begin(), bucket_topics.topics.end(), [&](const auto& val) { return notification_id == val.second.s3_id; }); return it != bucket_topics.topics.end() ? std::optional>(it->second): std::nullopt; } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::get_notification_by_id(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const std::string& notification_id, rgw_pubsub_topic_filter& result, optional_yield y) const { rgw_pubsub_bucket_topics bucket_topics; const int ret = read_topics(dpp, bucket_topics, nullptr, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to read bucket_topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } auto iter = find_unique_topic(bucket_topics, notification_id); if (!iter) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: notification was not found" << dendl; return -ENOENT; } result = iter->get(); return 0; } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::create_notification(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const std::string& topic_name, const rgw::notify::EventTypeList& events, optional_yield y) const { return create_notification(dpp, topic_name, events, std::nullopt, "", y); } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::create_notification(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const std::string& topic_name, const rgw::notify::EventTypeList& events, OptionalFilter s3_filter, const std::string& notif_name, optional_yield y) const { rgw_pubsub_topic topic_info; int ret = ps.get_topic(dpp, topic_name, topic_info, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to read topic '" << topic_name << "' info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "successfully read topic '" << topic_name << "' info" << dendl; RGWObjVersionTracker objv_tracker; rgw_pubsub_bucket_topics bucket_topics; ret = read_topics(dpp, bucket_topics, &objv_tracker, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to read topics from bucket '" << bucket->get_name() << "': ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "successfully read " << bucket_topics.topics.size() << " topics from bucket '" << bucket->get_name() << "'" << dendl; auto& topic_filter = bucket_topics.topics[topic_name]; topic_filter.topic = topic_info; topic_filter.events = events; topic_filter.s3_id = notif_name; if (s3_filter) { topic_filter.s3_filter = *s3_filter; } ret = write_topics(dpp, bucket_topics, &objv_tracker, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to write topics to bucket '" << bucket->get_name() << "': ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } ldpp_dout(dpp, 20) << "successfully wrote " << bucket_topics.topics.size() << " topics to bucket '" << bucket->get_name() << "'" << dendl; return 0; } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::remove_notification(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const std::string& topic_name, optional_yield y) const { return remove_notification_inner(dpp, topic_name, false, y); } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::remove_notification_inner(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const std::string& notification_id, bool is_notification_id, optional_yield y) const { RGWObjVersionTracker objv_tracker; rgw_pubsub_bucket_topics bucket_topics; auto ret = read_topics(dpp, bucket_topics, &objv_tracker, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to read bucket topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } std::unique_ptr topic_name = std::make_unique(notification_id); if(is_notification_id) { auto iter = find_unique_topic(bucket_topics, notification_id); if (!iter) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: notification was not found" << dendl; return -ENOENT; } topic_name = std::make_unique(iter->get().topic.name); } if (bucket_topics.topics.erase(*topic_name) == 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "INFO: no need to remove, topic does not exist" << dendl; return 0; } if (bucket_topics.topics.empty()) { // no more topics - delete the notification object of the bucket ret = bucket->remove_topics(&objv_tracker, y, dpp); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to remove bucket topics: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } // write back the notifications without the deleted one ret = write_topics(dpp, bucket_topics, &objv_tracker, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to write topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::remove_notification_by_id(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const std::string& notif_id, optional_yield y) const { return remove_notification_inner(dpp, notif_id, true, y); } int RGWPubSub::Bucket::remove_notifications(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, optional_yield y) const { // get all topics on a bucket rgw_pubsub_bucket_topics bucket_topics; auto ret = get_topics(dpp, bucket_topics, y); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to get list of topics from bucket '" << bucket->get_name() << "', ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret ; } // remove all auto-generated topics for (const auto& topic : bucket_topics.topics) { const auto& topic_name = topic.first; ret = ps.remove_topic(dpp, topic_name, y); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 5) << "WARNING: failed to remove auto-generated topic '" << topic_name << "', ret=" << ret << dendl; } } // delete the notification object of the bucket ret = bucket->remove_topics(nullptr, y, dpp); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to remove bucket topics: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWPubSub::create_topic(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const std::string& name, const rgw_pubsub_dest& dest, const std::string& arn, const std::string& opaque_data, const rgw_user& user, const std::string& policy_text, optional_yield y) const { RGWObjVersionTracker objv_tracker; rgw_pubsub_topics topics; int ret = read_topics(dpp, topics, &objv_tracker, y); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { // its not an error if not topics exist, we create one ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to read topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } rgw_pubsub_topic& new_topic = topics.topics[name]; new_topic.user = user; new_topic.name = name; new_topic.dest = dest; new_topic.arn = arn; new_topic.opaque_data = opaque_data; new_topic.policy_text = policy_text; ret = write_topics(dpp, topics, &objv_tracker, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to write topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; } int RGWPubSub::remove_topic(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const std::string& name, optional_yield y) const { RGWObjVersionTracker objv_tracker; rgw_pubsub_topics topics; int ret = read_topics(dpp, topics, &objv_tracker, y); if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to read topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } else if (ret == -ENOENT) { // its not an error if no topics exist, just a no-op ldpp_dout(dpp, 10) << "WARNING: failed to read topics info, deletion is a no-op: ret=" << ret << dendl; return 0; } topics.topics.erase(name); ret = write_topics(dpp, topics, &objv_tracker, y); if (ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(dpp, 1) << "ERROR: failed to remove topics info: ret=" << ret << dendl; return ret; } return 0; }