// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "include/page.h" #include "rgw_rest.h" #include "rgw_op.h" #include "rgw_rest_s3.h" #include "rgw_rest_metadata.h" #include "rgw_client_io.h" #include "rgw_mdlog_types.h" #include "rgw_sal_rados.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "common/strtol.h" #include "rgw/rgw_b64.h" #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw using namespace std; static inline void frame_metadata_key(req_state *s, string& out) { bool exists; string key = s->info.args.get("key", &exists); string section; if (!s->init_state.url_bucket.empty()) { section = s->init_state.url_bucket; } else { section = key; key.clear(); } out = section; if (!key.empty()) { out += string(":") + key; } } void RGWOp_Metadata_Get::execute(optional_yield y) { string metadata_key; frame_metadata_key(s, metadata_key); auto meta_mgr = static_cast(driver)->ctl()->meta.mgr; /* Get keys */ op_ret = meta_mgr->get(metadata_key, s->formatter, s->yield, s); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(s, 5) << "ERROR: can't get key: " << cpp_strerror(op_ret) << dendl; return; } op_ret = 0; } void RGWOp_Metadata_Get_Myself::execute(optional_yield y) { s->info.args.append("key", to_string(s->owner.id)); return RGWOp_Metadata_Get::execute(y); } void RGWOp_Metadata_List::execute(optional_yield y) { string marker; ldpp_dout(this, 16) << __func__ << " raw marker " << s->info.args.get("marker") << dendl; try { marker = s->info.args.get("marker"); if (!marker.empty()) { marker = rgw::from_base64(marker); } ldpp_dout(this, 16) << __func__ << " marker " << marker << dendl; } catch (...) { marker = std::string(""); } bool max_entries_specified; string max_entries_str = s->info.args.get("max-entries", &max_entries_specified); bool extended_response = (max_entries_specified); /* for backward compatibility, if max-entries is not specified we will send the old response format */ uint64_t max_entries = 0; if (max_entries_specified) { string err; max_entries = (unsigned)strict_strtol(max_entries_str.c_str(), 10, &err); if (!err.empty()) { ldpp_dout(this, 5) << "Error parsing max-entries " << max_entries_str << dendl; op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } } string metadata_key; frame_metadata_key(s, metadata_key); /* List keys */ void *handle; int max = 1000; /* example markers: marker = "3:b55a9110:root::bu_9:head"; marker = "3:b9a8b2a6:root::sorry_janefonda_890:head"; marker = "3:bf885d8f:root::sorry_janefonda_665:head"; */ op_ret = driver->meta_list_keys_init(this, metadata_key, marker, &handle); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 5) << "ERROR: can't get key: " << cpp_strerror(op_ret) << dendl; return; } bool truncated; uint64_t count = 0; if (extended_response) { s->formatter->open_object_section("result"); } s->formatter->open_array_section("keys"); uint64_t left; do { list keys; left = (max_entries_specified ? max_entries - count : max); op_ret = driver->meta_list_keys_next(this, handle, left, keys, &truncated); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(this, 5) << "ERROR: lists_keys_next(): " << cpp_strerror(op_ret) << dendl; return; } for (list::iterator iter = keys.begin(); iter != keys.end(); ++iter) { s->formatter->dump_string("key", *iter); ++count; } } while (truncated && left > 0); s->formatter->close_section(); if (extended_response) { encode_json("truncated", truncated, s->formatter); encode_json("count", count, s->formatter); if (truncated) { string esc_marker = rgw::to_base64(driver->meta_get_marker(handle)); encode_json("marker", esc_marker, s->formatter); } s->formatter->close_section(); } driver->meta_list_keys_complete(handle); op_ret = 0; } int RGWOp_Metadata_Put::get_data(bufferlist& bl) { size_t cl = 0; char *data; int read_len; if (s->length) cl = atoll(s->length); if (cl) { data = (char *)malloc(cl + 1); if (!data) { return -ENOMEM; } read_len = recv_body(s, data, cl); if (cl != (size_t)read_len) { ldpp_dout(this, 10) << "recv_body incomplete" << dendl; } if (read_len < 0) { free(data); return read_len; } bl.append(data, read_len); } else { int chunk_size = CEPH_PAGE_SIZE; const char *enc = s->info.env->get("HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING"); if (!enc || strcmp(enc, "chunked")) { return -ERR_LENGTH_REQUIRED; } data = (char *)malloc(chunk_size); if (!data) { return -ENOMEM; } do { read_len = recv_body(s, data, chunk_size); if (read_len < 0) { free(data); return read_len; } bl.append(data, read_len); } while (read_len == chunk_size); } free(data); return 0; } static bool string_to_sync_type(const string& sync_string, RGWMDLogSyncType& type) { if (sync_string.compare("update-by-version") == 0) type = APPLY_UPDATES; else if (sync_string.compare("update-by-timestamp") == 0) type = APPLY_NEWER; else if (sync_string.compare("always") == 0) type = APPLY_ALWAYS; else return false; return true; } void RGWOp_Metadata_Put::execute(optional_yield y) { bufferlist bl; string metadata_key; op_ret = get_data(bl); if (op_ret < 0) { return; } op_ret = do_aws4_auth_completion(); if (op_ret < 0) { return; } frame_metadata_key(s, metadata_key); RGWMDLogSyncType sync_type = RGWMDLogSyncType::APPLY_ALWAYS; bool mode_exists = false; string mode_string = s->info.args.get("update-type", &mode_exists); if (mode_exists) { bool parsed = string_to_sync_type(mode_string, sync_type); if (!parsed) { op_ret = -EINVAL; return; } } op_ret = static_cast(driver)->ctl()->meta.mgr->put(metadata_key, bl, s->yield, s, sync_type, false, &ondisk_version); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(s, 5) << "ERROR: can't put key: " << cpp_strerror(op_ret) << dendl; return; } // translate internal codes into return header if (op_ret == STATUS_NO_APPLY) update_status = "skipped"; else if (op_ret == STATUS_APPLIED) update_status = "applied"; } void RGWOp_Metadata_Put::send_response() { int op_return_code = op_ret; if ((op_ret == STATUS_NO_APPLY) || (op_ret == STATUS_APPLIED)) op_return_code = STATUS_NO_CONTENT; set_req_state_err(s, op_return_code); dump_errno(s); stringstream ver_stream; ver_stream << "ver:" << ondisk_version.ver <<",tag:" << ondisk_version.tag; dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "RGWX_UPDATE_STATUS", update_status); dump_header_if_nonempty(s, "RGWX_UPDATE_VERSION", ver_stream.str()); end_header(s); } void RGWOp_Metadata_Delete::execute(optional_yield y) { string metadata_key; frame_metadata_key(s, metadata_key); op_ret = static_cast(driver)->ctl()->meta.mgr->remove(metadata_key, s->yield, s); if (op_ret < 0) { ldpp_dout(s, 5) << "ERROR: can't remove key: " << cpp_strerror(op_ret) << dendl; return; } op_ret = 0; } RGWOp *RGWHandler_Metadata::op_get() { if (s->info.args.exists("myself")) return new RGWOp_Metadata_Get_Myself; if (s->info.args.exists("key")) return new RGWOp_Metadata_Get; else return new RGWOp_Metadata_List; } RGWOp *RGWHandler_Metadata::op_put() { return new RGWOp_Metadata_Put; } RGWOp *RGWHandler_Metadata::op_delete() { return new RGWOp_Metadata_Delete; }