// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include #include #include #include #include #include "rgw_swift_auth.h" #include "rgw_rest.h" #include "common/ceph_crypto.h" #include "common/Clock.h" #include "include/random.h" #include "rgw_client_io.h" #include "rgw_http_client.h" #include "include/str_list.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw #define DEFAULT_SWIFT_PREFIX "/swift" using namespace ceph::crypto; namespace rgw { namespace auth { namespace swift { /* TempURL: applier */ void TempURLApplier::modify_request_state(req_state* s) const /* in/out */ { bool inline_exists = false; const std::string& filename = s->info.args.get("filename"); s->info.args.get("inline", &inline_exists); if (inline_exists) { s->content_disp.override = "inline"; } else if (!filename.empty()) { std::string fenc; url_encode(filename, fenc); s->content_disp.override = "attachment; filename=\"" + fenc + "\""; } else { std::string fenc; url_encode(s->object.name, fenc); s->content_disp.fallback = "attachment; filename=\"" + fenc + "\""; } ldout(s->cct, 20) << "finished applying changes to req_state for TempURL: " << " content_disp override " << s->content_disp.override << " content_disp fallback " << s->content_disp.fallback << dendl; } /* TempURL: engine */ bool TempURLEngine::is_applicable(const req_state* const s) const noexcept { return s->info.args.exists("temp_url_sig") || s->info.args.exists("temp_url_expires"); } void TempURLEngine::get_owner_info(const req_state* const s, RGWUserInfo& owner_info) const { /* We cannot use req_state::bucket_name because it isn't available * now. It will be initialized in RGWHandler_REST_SWIFT::postauth_init(). */ const string& bucket_name = s->init_state.url_bucket; /* TempURL requires that bucket and object names are specified. */ if (bucket_name.empty() || s->object.empty()) { throw -EPERM; } /* TempURL case is completely different than the Keystone auth - you may * get account name only through extraction from URL. In turn, knowledge * about account is neccessary to obtain its bucket tenant. Without that, * the access would be limited to accounts with empty tenant. */ string bucket_tenant; if (!s->account_name.empty()) { RGWUserInfo uinfo; bool found = false; const rgw_user uid(s->account_name); if (uid.tenant.empty()) { const rgw_user tenanted_uid(uid.id, uid.id); if (rgw_get_user_info_by_uid(store, tenanted_uid, uinfo) >= 0) { /* Succeeded. */ bucket_tenant = uinfo.user_id.tenant; found = true; } } if (!found && rgw_get_user_info_by_uid(store, uid, uinfo) < 0) { throw -EPERM; } else { bucket_tenant = uinfo.user_id.tenant; } } /* Need to get user info of bucket owner. */ RGWBucketInfo bucket_info; int ret = store->get_bucket_info(*static_cast(s->obj_ctx), bucket_tenant, bucket_name, bucket_info, nullptr); if (ret < 0) { throw ret; } ldout(cct, 20) << "temp url user (bucket owner): " << bucket_info.owner << dendl; if (rgw_get_user_info_by_uid(store, bucket_info.owner, owner_info) < 0) { throw -EPERM; } } bool TempURLEngine::is_expired(const std::string& expires) const { string err; const utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); const uint64_t expiration = (uint64_t)strict_strtoll(expires.c_str(), 10, &err); if (!err.empty()) { dout(5) << "failed to parse temp_url_expires: " << err << dendl; return true; } if (expiration <= (uint64_t)now.sec()) { dout(5) << "temp url expired: " << expiration << " <= " << now.sec() << dendl; return true; } return false; } std::string extract_swift_subuser(const std::string& swift_user_name) { size_t pos = swift_user_name.find(':'); if (std::string::npos == pos) { return swift_user_name; } else { return swift_user_name.substr(pos + 1); } } class TempURLEngine::SignatureHelper { private: static constexpr uint32_t output_size = CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA1_DIGESTSIZE * 2 + 1; unsigned char dest[CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA1_DIGESTSIZE]; // 20 char dest_str[output_size]; public: SignatureHelper() = default; const char* calc(const std::string& key, const boost::string_view& method, const boost::string_view& path, const std::string& expires) { using ceph::crypto::HMACSHA1; using UCHARPTR = const unsigned char*; HMACSHA1 hmac((UCHARPTR) key.c_str(), key.size()); hmac.Update((UCHARPTR) method.data(), method.size()); hmac.Update((UCHARPTR) "\n", 1); hmac.Update((UCHARPTR) expires.c_str(), expires.size()); hmac.Update((UCHARPTR) "\n", 1); hmac.Update((UCHARPTR) path.data(), path.size()); hmac.Final(dest); buf_to_hex((UCHARPTR) dest, sizeof(dest), dest_str); return dest_str; } bool is_equal_to(const std::string& rhs) const { /* never allow out-of-range exception */ if (rhs.size() < (output_size - 1)) { return false; } return rhs.compare(0 /* pos */, output_size, dest_str) == 0; } }; /* TempURLEngine::SignatureHelper */ class TempURLEngine::PrefixableSignatureHelper : private TempURLEngine::SignatureHelper { using base_t = SignatureHelper; const boost::string_view decoded_uri; const boost::string_view object_name; boost::string_view no_obj_uri; const boost::optional prefix; public: PrefixableSignatureHelper(const std::string& _decoded_uri, const std::string& object_name, const boost::optional prefix) : decoded_uri(_decoded_uri), object_name(object_name), prefix(prefix) { /* Transform: v1/acct/cont/obj - > v1/acct/cont/ * * NOTE(rzarzynski): we really want to substr() on boost::string_view, * not std::string. Otherwise we would end with no_obj_uri referencing * a temporary. */ no_obj_uri = \ decoded_uri.substr(0, decoded_uri.length() - object_name.length()); } const char* calc(const std::string& key, const boost::string_view& method, const boost::string_view& path, const std::string& expires) { if (!prefix) { return base_t::calc(key, method, path, expires); } else { const auto prefixed_path = \ string_cat_reserve("prefix:", no_obj_uri, *prefix); return base_t::calc(key, method, prefixed_path, expires); } } bool is_equal_to(const std::string& rhs) const { bool is_auth_ok = base_t::is_equal_to(rhs); if (prefix && is_auth_ok) { const auto prefix_uri = string_cat_reserve(no_obj_uri, *prefix); is_auth_ok = boost::algorithm::starts_with(decoded_uri, prefix_uri); } return is_auth_ok; } }; /* TempURLEngine::PrefixableSignatureHelper */ TempURLEngine::result_t TempURLEngine::authenticate(const req_state* const s) const { if (! is_applicable(s)) { return result_t::deny(); } /* NOTE(rzarzynski): RGWHTTPArgs::get(), in contrast to RGWEnv::get(), * never returns nullptr. If the requested parameter is absent, we will * get the empty string. */ const std::string& temp_url_sig = s->info.args.get("temp_url_sig"); const std::string& temp_url_expires = s->info.args.get("temp_url_expires"); if (temp_url_sig.empty() || temp_url_expires.empty()) { return result_t::deny(); } /* Though, for prefixed tempurls we need to differentiate between empty * prefix and lack of prefix. Empty prefix means allowance for whole * container. */ const boost::optional temp_url_prefix = \ s->info.args.get_optional("temp_url_prefix"); RGWUserInfo owner_info; try { get_owner_info(s, owner_info); } catch (...) { ldout(cct, 5) << "cannot get user_info of account's owner" << dendl; return result_t::reject(); } if (owner_info.temp_url_keys.empty()) { ldout(cct, 5) << "user does not have temp url key set, aborting" << dendl; return result_t::reject(); } if (is_expired(temp_url_expires)) { ldout(cct, 5) << "temp url link expired" << dendl; return result_t::reject(-EPERM); } /* We need to verify two paths because of compliance with Swift, Tempest * and old versions of RadosGW. The second item will have the prefix * of Swift API entry point removed. */ /* XXX can we search this ONCE? */ const size_t pos = g_conf->rgw_swift_url_prefix.find_last_not_of('/') + 1; const boost::string_view ref_uri = s->decoded_uri; const std::array allowed_paths = { ref_uri, ref_uri.substr(pos + 1) }; /* Account owner calculates the signature also against a HTTP method. */ boost::container::static_vector allowed_methods; if (strcmp("HEAD", s->info.method) == 0) { /* HEAD requests are specially handled. */ /* TODO: after getting a newer boost (with static_vector supporting * initializers lists), get back to the good notation: * allowed_methods = {"HEAD", "GET", "PUT" }; * Just for now let's use emplace_back to construct the vector. */ allowed_methods.emplace_back("HEAD"); allowed_methods.emplace_back("GET"); allowed_methods.emplace_back("PUT"); } else if (strlen(s->info.method) > 0) { allowed_methods.emplace_back(s->info.method); } /* Need to try each combination of keys, allowed path and methods. */ PrefixableSignatureHelper sig_helper { s->decoded_uri, s->object.name, temp_url_prefix }; for (const auto& kv : owner_info.temp_url_keys) { const int temp_url_key_num = kv.first; const string& temp_url_key = kv.second; if (temp_url_key.empty()) { continue; } for (const auto& path : allowed_paths) { for (const auto& method : allowed_methods) { const char* const local_sig = sig_helper.calc(temp_url_key, method, path, temp_url_expires); ldout(s->cct, 20) << "temp url signature [" << temp_url_key_num << "] (calculated): " << local_sig << dendl; if (sig_helper.is_equal_to(temp_url_sig)) { auto apl = apl_factory->create_apl_turl(cct, s, owner_info); return result_t::grant(std::move(apl)); } else { ldout(s->cct, 5) << "temp url signature mismatch: " << local_sig << " != " << temp_url_sig << dendl; } } } } return result_t::reject(); } /* External token */ bool ExternalTokenEngine::is_applicable(const std::string& token) const noexcept { if (token.empty()) { return false; } else if (g_conf->rgw_swift_auth_url.empty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } ExternalTokenEngine::result_t ExternalTokenEngine::authenticate(const std::string& token, const req_state* const s) const { if (! is_applicable(token)) { return result_t::deny(); } std::string auth_url = g_conf->rgw_swift_auth_url; if (auth_url.back() != '/') { auth_url.append("/"); } auth_url.append("token"); char url_buf[auth_url.size() + 1 + token.length() + 1]; sprintf(url_buf, "%s/%s", auth_url.c_str(), token.c_str()); RGWHTTPHeadersCollector validator(cct, "GET", url_buf, { "X-Auth-Groups", "X-Auth-Ttl" }); ldout(cct, 10) << "rgw_swift_validate_token url=" << url_buf << dendl; int ret = validator.process(); if (ret < 0) { throw ret; } std::string swift_user; try { std::vector swift_groups; get_str_vec(validator.get_header_value("X-Auth-Groups"), ",", swift_groups); if (0 == swift_groups.size()) { return result_t::deny(-EPERM); } else { swift_user = std::move(swift_groups[0]); } } catch (std::out_of_range) { /* The X-Auth-Groups header isn't present in the response. */ return result_t::deny(-EPERM); } if (swift_user.empty()) { return result_t::deny(-EPERM); } ldout(cct, 10) << "swift user=" << swift_user << dendl; RGWUserInfo tmp_uinfo; ret = rgw_get_user_info_by_swift(store, swift_user, tmp_uinfo); if (ret < 0) { ldout(cct, 0) << "NOTICE: couldn't map swift user" << dendl; throw ret; } auto apl = apl_factory->create_apl_local(cct, s, tmp_uinfo, extract_swift_subuser(swift_user)); return result_t::grant(std::move(apl)); } static int build_token(const string& swift_user, const string& key, const uint64_t nonce, const utime_t& expiration, bufferlist& bl) { using ceph::encode; encode(swift_user, bl); encode(nonce, bl); encode(expiration, bl); bufferptr p(CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA1_DIGESTSIZE); char buf[bl.length() * 2 + 1]; buf_to_hex((const unsigned char *)bl.c_str(), bl.length(), buf); dout(20) << "build_token token=" << buf << dendl; char k[CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA1_DIGESTSIZE]; memset(k, 0, sizeof(k)); const char *s = key.c_str(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)key.length(); i++, s++) { k[i % CEPH_CRYPTO_HMACSHA1_DIGESTSIZE] |= *s; } calc_hmac_sha1(k, sizeof(k), bl.c_str(), bl.length(), p.c_str()); bl.append(p); return 0; } static int encode_token(CephContext *cct, string& swift_user, string& key, bufferlist& bl) { const auto nonce = ceph::util::generate_random_number(); utime_t expiration = ceph_clock_now(); expiration += cct->_conf->rgw_swift_token_expiration; return build_token(swift_user, key, nonce, expiration, bl); } /* AUTH_rgwtk (signed token): engine */ bool SignedTokenEngine::is_applicable(const std::string& token) const noexcept { if (token.empty()) { return false; } else { return token.compare(0, 10, "AUTH_rgwtk") == 0; } } SignedTokenEngine::result_t SignedTokenEngine::authenticate(const std::string& token, const req_state* const s) const { if (! is_applicable(token)) { return result_t::deny(-EPERM); } /* Effective token string is the part after the prefix. */ const std::string etoken = token.substr(strlen("AUTH_rgwtk")); const size_t etoken_len = etoken.length(); if (etoken_len & 1) { ldout(cct, 0) << "NOTICE: failed to verify token: odd token length=" << etoken_len << dendl; throw -EINVAL; } ceph::bufferptr p(etoken_len/2); int ret = hex_to_buf(etoken.c_str(), p.c_str(), etoken_len); if (ret < 0) { throw ret; } ceph::bufferlist tok_bl; tok_bl.append(p); uint64_t nonce; utime_t expiration; std::string swift_user; try { /*const*/ auto iter = tok_bl.begin(); using ceph::decode; decode(swift_user, iter); decode(nonce, iter); decode(expiration, iter); } catch (buffer::error& err) { ldout(cct, 0) << "NOTICE: failed to decode token" << dendl; throw -EINVAL; } const utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); if (expiration < now) { ldout(cct, 0) << "NOTICE: old timed out token was used now=" << now << " token.expiration=" << expiration << dendl; return result_t::deny(-EPERM); } RGWUserInfo user_info; ret = rgw_get_user_info_by_swift(store, swift_user, user_info); if (ret < 0) { throw ret; } ldout(cct, 10) << "swift_user=" << swift_user << dendl; const auto siter = user_info.swift_keys.find(swift_user); if (siter == std::end(user_info.swift_keys)) { return result_t::deny(-EPERM); } const auto swift_key = siter->second; bufferlist local_tok_bl; ret = build_token(swift_user, swift_key.key, nonce, expiration, local_tok_bl); if (ret < 0) { throw ret; } if (local_tok_bl.length() != tok_bl.length()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "NOTICE: tokens length mismatch:" << " tok_bl.length()=" << tok_bl.length() << " local_tok_bl.length()=" << local_tok_bl.length() << dendl; return result_t::deny(-EPERM); } if (memcmp(local_tok_bl.c_str(), tok_bl.c_str(), local_tok_bl.length()) != 0) { char buf[local_tok_bl.length() * 2 + 1]; buf_to_hex(reinterpret_cast(local_tok_bl.c_str()), local_tok_bl.length(), buf); ldout(cct, 0) << "NOTICE: tokens mismatch tok=" << buf << dendl; return result_t::deny(-EPERM); } auto apl = apl_factory->create_apl_local(cct, s, user_info, extract_swift_subuser(swift_user)); return result_t::grant(std::move(apl)); } } /* namespace swift */ } /* namespace auth */ } /* namespace rgw */ void RGW_SWIFT_Auth_Get::execute() { int ret = -EPERM; const char *key = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AUTH_KEY"); const char *user = s->info.env->get("HTTP_X_AUTH_USER"); s->prot_flags |= RGW_REST_SWIFT; string user_str; RGWUserInfo info; bufferlist bl; RGWAccessKey *swift_key; map::iterator siter; string swift_url = g_conf->rgw_swift_url; string swift_prefix = g_conf->rgw_swift_url_prefix; string tenant_path; /* * We did not allow an empty Swift prefix before, but we want it now. * So, we take rgw_swift_url_prefix = "/" to yield the empty prefix. * The rgw_swift_url_prefix = "" is the default and yields "/swift" * in a backwards-compatible way. */ if (swift_prefix.size() == 0) { swift_prefix = DEFAULT_SWIFT_PREFIX; } else if (swift_prefix == "/") { swift_prefix.clear(); } else { if (swift_prefix[0] != '/') { swift_prefix.insert(0, "/"); } } if (swift_url.size() == 0) { bool add_port = false; const char *server_port = s->info.env->get("SERVER_PORT_SECURE"); const char *protocol; if (server_port) { add_port = (strcmp(server_port, "443") != 0); protocol = "https"; } else { server_port = s->info.env->get("SERVER_PORT"); add_port = (strcmp(server_port, "80") != 0); protocol = "http"; } const char *host = s->info.env->get("HTTP_HOST"); if (!host) { dout(0) << "NOTICE: server is misconfigured, missing rgw_swift_url_prefix or rgw_swift_url, HTTP_HOST is not set" << dendl; ret = -EINVAL; goto done; } swift_url = protocol; swift_url.append("://"); swift_url.append(host); if (add_port && !strchr(host, ':')) { swift_url.append(":"); swift_url.append(server_port); } } if (!key || !user) goto done; user_str = user; if ((ret = rgw_get_user_info_by_swift(store, user_str, info)) < 0) { ret = -EACCES; goto done; } siter = info.swift_keys.find(user_str); if (siter == info.swift_keys.end()) { ret = -EPERM; goto done; } swift_key = &siter->second; if (swift_key->key.compare(key) != 0) { dout(0) << "NOTICE: RGW_SWIFT_Auth_Get::execute(): bad swift key" << dendl; ret = -EPERM; goto done; } if (!g_conf->rgw_swift_tenant_name.empty()) { tenant_path = "/AUTH_"; tenant_path.append(g_conf->rgw_swift_tenant_name); } else if (g_conf->rgw_swift_account_in_url) { tenant_path = "/AUTH_"; tenant_path.append(info.user_id.to_str()); } dump_header(s, "X-Storage-Url", swift_url + swift_prefix + "/v1" + tenant_path); using rgw::auth::swift::encode_token; if ((ret = encode_token(s->cct, swift_key->id, swift_key->key, bl)) < 0) goto done; { static constexpr size_t PREFIX_LEN = sizeof("AUTH_rgwtk") - 1; char token_val[PREFIX_LEN + bl.length() * 2 + 1]; snprintf(token_val, PREFIX_LEN + 1, "AUTH_rgwtk"); buf_to_hex((const unsigned char *)bl.c_str(), bl.length(), token_val + PREFIX_LEN); dump_header(s, "X-Storage-Token", token_val); dump_header(s, "X-Auth-Token", token_val); } ret = STATUS_NO_CONTENT; done: set_req_state_err(s, ret); dump_errno(s); end_header(s); } int RGWHandler_SWIFT_Auth::init(RGWRados *store, struct req_state *state, rgw::io::BasicClient *cio) { state->dialect = "swift-auth"; state->formatter = new JSONFormatter; state->format = RGW_FORMAT_JSON; return RGWHandler::init(store, state, cio); } int RGWHandler_SWIFT_Auth::authorize() { return 0; } RGWOp *RGWHandler_SWIFT_Auth::op_get() { return new RGW_SWIFT_Auth_Get; }