// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #include #include #include #include #include "include/types.h" #include "include/utime.h" #include "rgw_xml.h" using namespace std; XMLObjIter:: XMLObjIter() { } XMLObjIter:: ~XMLObjIter() { } void XMLObjIter:: set(const XMLObjIter::map_iter_t &_cur, const XMLObjIter::map_iter_t &_end) { cur = _cur; end = _end; } XMLObj *XMLObjIter:: get_next() { XMLObj *obj = NULL; if (cur != end) { obj = cur->second; ++cur; } return obj; } bool XMLObjIter::get_name(std::string& name) const { if (cur == end) { return false; } name = cur->first; return true; } ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const XMLObj &obj) { out << obj.obj_type << ": " << obj.data; return out; } XMLObj:: ~XMLObj() { } bool XMLObj:: xml_start(XMLObj *parent, const char *el, const char **attr) { this->parent = parent; obj_type = el; for (int i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { attr_map[attr[i]] = std::string(attr[i + 1]); } return true; } bool XMLObj:: xml_end(const char *el) { return true; } void XMLObj:: xml_handle_data(const char *s, int len) { data.append(s, len); } const std::string& XMLObj:: XMLObj::get_data() const { return data; } const std::string& XMLObj:: XMLObj::get_obj_type() const { return obj_type; } XMLObj *XMLObj:: XMLObj::get_parent() { return parent; } void XMLObj:: add_child(const std::string& el, XMLObj *obj) { children.insert(std::pair(el, obj)); } bool XMLObj:: get_attr(const std::string& name, std::string& attr) const { const std::map::const_iterator iter = attr_map.find(name); if (iter == attr_map.end()) return false; attr = iter->second; return true; } XMLObjIter XMLObj:: find(const std::string& name) { XMLObjIter iter; const XMLObjIter::const_map_iter_t first = children.find(name); XMLObjIter::const_map_iter_t last; if (first != children.end()) { last = children.upper_bound(name); }else last = children.end(); iter.set(first, last); return iter; } XMLObjIter XMLObj::find_first() { XMLObjIter iter; const XMLObjIter::const_map_iter_t first = children.begin(); const XMLObjIter::const_map_iter_t last = children.end(); iter.set(first, last); return iter; } XMLObj *XMLObj:: find_first(const std::string& name) { const XMLObjIter::const_map_iter_t first = children.find(name); if (first != children.end()) return first->second; return nullptr; } RGWXMLParser:: RGWXMLParser() : buf(nullptr), buf_len(0), cur_obj(nullptr), success(true), init_called(false) { p = XML_ParserCreate(nullptr); } RGWXMLParser:: ~RGWXMLParser() { XML_ParserFree(p); free(buf); std::list::const_iterator iter; for (iter = allocated_objs.begin(); iter != allocated_objs.end(); ++iter) { XMLObj *obj = *iter; delete obj; } } void RGWXMLParser::call_xml_start(void* user_data, const char *el, const char **attr) { RGWXMLParser *handler = static_cast(user_data); XMLObj * obj = handler->alloc_obj(el); if (!obj) { handler->unallocated_objs.push_back(XMLObj()); obj = &handler->unallocated_objs.back(); } else { handler->allocated_objs.push_back(obj); } if (!obj->xml_start(handler->cur_obj, el, attr)) { handler->success = false; return; } if (handler->cur_obj) { handler->cur_obj->add_child(el, obj); } else { handler->children.insert(std::pair(el, obj)); } handler->cur_obj = obj; handler->objs.push_back(obj); } void RGWXMLParser::call_xml_end(void* user_data, const char *el) { RGWXMLParser *handler = static_cast(user_data); XMLObj *parent_obj = handler->cur_obj->get_parent(); if (!handler->cur_obj->xml_end(el)) { handler->success = false; return; } handler->cur_obj = parent_obj; } void RGWXMLParser::call_xml_handle_data(void* user_data, const char *s, int len) { RGWXMLParser *handler = static_cast(user_data); handler->cur_obj->xml_handle_data(s, len); } bool RGWXMLParser::init() { if (!p) { return false; } init_called = true; XML_SetElementHandler(p, RGWXMLParser::call_xml_start, RGWXMLParser::call_xml_end); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(p, RGWXMLParser::call_xml_handle_data); XML_SetUserData(p, (void *)this); return true; } bool RGWXMLParser::parse(const char *_buf, int len, int done) { ceph_assert(init_called); int pos = buf_len; char *tmp_buf; tmp_buf = (char *)realloc(buf, buf_len + len); if (tmp_buf == NULL){ free(buf); buf = NULL; return false; } else { buf = tmp_buf; } memcpy(&buf[buf_len], _buf, len); buf_len += len; success = true; if (!XML_Parse(p, &buf[pos], len, done)) { fprintf(stderr, "Parse error at line %d:\n%s\n", (int)XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(p), XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(p))); success = false; } return success; } void decode_xml_obj(unsigned long& val, XMLObj *obj) { auto& s = obj->get_data(); const char *start = s.c_str(); char *p; errno = 0; val = strtoul(start, &p, 10); /* Check for various possible errors */ if ((errno == ERANGE && val == ULONG_MAX) || (errno != 0 && val == 0)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to number"); } if (p == start) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } while (*p != '\0') { if (!isspace(*p)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } p++; } } void decode_xml_obj(long& val, XMLObj *obj) { const std::string s = obj->get_data(); const char *start = s.c_str(); char *p; errno = 0; val = strtol(start, &p, 10); /* Check for various possible errors */ if ((errno == ERANGE && (val == LONG_MAX || val == LONG_MIN)) || (errno != 0 && val == 0)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } if (p == start) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } while (*p != '\0') { if (!isspace(*p)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } p++; } } void decode_xml_obj(long long& val, XMLObj *obj) { const std::string s = obj->get_data(); const char *start = s.c_str(); char *p; errno = 0; val = strtoll(start, &p, 10); /* Check for various possible errors */ if ((errno == ERANGE && (val == LLONG_MAX || val == LLONG_MIN)) || (errno != 0 && val == 0)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } if (p == start) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } while (*p != '\0') { if (!isspace(*p)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } p++; } } void decode_xml_obj(unsigned long long& val, XMLObj *obj) { const std::string s = obj->get_data(); const char *start = s.c_str(); char *p; errno = 0; val = strtoull(start, &p, 10); /* Check for various possible errors */ if ((errno == ERANGE && val == ULLONG_MAX) || (errno != 0 && val == 0)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } if (p == start) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } while (*p != '\0') { if (!isspace(*p)) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to parse number"); } p++; } } void decode_xml_obj(int& val, XMLObj *obj) { long l; decode_xml_obj(l, obj); #if LONG_MAX > INT_MAX if (l > INT_MAX || l < INT_MIN) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("integer out of range"); } #endif val = (int)l; } void decode_xml_obj(unsigned& val, XMLObj *obj) { unsigned long l; decode_xml_obj(l, obj); #if ULONG_MAX > UINT_MAX if (l > UINT_MAX) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("unsigned integer out of range"); } #endif val = (unsigned)l; } void decode_xml_obj(bool& val, XMLObj *obj) { const std::string s = obj->get_data(); if (strncasecmp(s.c_str(), "true", 8) == 0) { val = true; return; } if (strncasecmp(s.c_str(), "false", 8) == 0) { val = false; return; } int i; decode_xml_obj(i, obj); val = (bool)i; } void decode_xml_obj(bufferlist& val, XMLObj *obj) { const std::string s = obj->get_data(); bufferlist bl; bl.append(s.c_str(), s.size()); try { val.decode_base64(bl); } catch (buffer::error& err) { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to decode base64"); } } void decode_xml_obj(utime_t& val, XMLObj *obj) { const std::string s = obj->get_data(); uint64_t epoch; uint64_t nsec; int r = utime_t::parse_date(s, &epoch, &nsec); if (r == 0) { val = utime_t(epoch, nsec); } else { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to decode utime_t"); } } void decode_xml_obj(ceph::real_time& val, XMLObj *obj) { const std::string s = obj->get_data(); uint64_t epoch; uint64_t nsec; int r = utime_t::parse_date(s, &epoch, &nsec); if (r == 0) { using namespace std::chrono; val = real_time{seconds(epoch) + nanoseconds(nsec)}; } else { throw RGWXMLDecoder::err("failed to decode real_time"); } } void encode_xml(const char *name, const string& val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_string(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, const string_view & val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_string(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, const char *val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_string(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, bool val, Formatter *f) { std::string s; if (val) s = "True"; else s = "False"; f->dump_string(name, s); } void encode_xml(const char *name, int val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_int(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, long val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_int(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, unsigned val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_unsigned(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, unsigned long val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_unsigned(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, unsigned long long val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_unsigned(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, long long val, Formatter *f) { f->dump_int(name, val); } void encode_xml(const char *name, const utime_t& val, Formatter *f) { val.gmtime(f->dump_stream(name)); } void encode_xml(const char *name, const bufferlist& bl, Formatter *f) { /* need to copy data from bl, as it is const bufferlist */ bufferlist src = bl; bufferlist b64; src.encode_base64(b64); const std::string s(b64.c_str(), b64.length()); encode_xml(name, s, f); }