#!/bin/sh range="$1" TMP=/tmp/credits declare -A mail2author declare -A mail2organization remap="s/'/ /g" git log --pretty='%ae %aN <%aE>' $range | sed -e "$remap" | sort -u > $TMP while read mail who ; do author=$(echo $who | git -c mailmap.file=.peoplemap check-mailmap --stdin) mail2author[$mail]="$author" organization=$(echo $who | git -c mailmap.file=.organizationmap check-mailmap --stdin) mail2organization[$mail]="$organization" done < $TMP declare -A author2lines declare -A organization2lines git log --no-merges --pretty='%ae' $range | sed -e "$remap" | sort -u > $TMP while read mail ; do count=$(git log --numstat --author="$mail" --pretty='%h' $range | perl -e 'while() { if(/(\d+)\t(\d+)/) { $added += $1; $deleted += $2 } }; print $added + $deleted;') (( author2lines["${mail2author[$mail]}"] += $count )) (( organization2lines["${mail2organization[$mail]}"] += $count )) done < $TMP echo echo "Number of lines added and removed, by authors" for author in "${!author2lines[@]}" ; do printf "%6s %s\n" ${author2lines["$author"]} "$author" done | sort -rn | nl echo echo "Number of lines added and removed, by organization" for organization in "${!organization2lines[@]}" ; do printf "%6s %s\n" ${organization2lines["$organization"]} "$organization" done | sort -rn | nl echo echo "Commits, by authors" git log --no-merges --pretty='%aN <%aE>' $range | git -c mailmap.file=.peoplemap check-mailmap --stdin | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | nl echo echo "Commits, by organizations" git log --no-merges --pretty='%aN <%aE>' $range | git -c mailmap.file=.organizationmap check-mailmap --stdin | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | nl echo echo "Reviews, by authors (one review spans multiple commits)" git log --pretty=%b $range | perl -n -e 'print "$_\n" if(s/^\s*Reviewed-by:\s*(.*<.*>)\s*$/\1/i)' | git check-mailmap --stdin | git -c mailmap.file=.peoplemap check-mailmap --stdin | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | nl echo echo "Reviews, by organizations (one review spans multiple commits)" git log --pretty=%b $range | perl -n -e 'print "$_\n" if(s/^\s*Reviewed-by:\s*(.*<.*>)\s*$/\1/i)' | git check-mailmap --stdin | git -c mailmap.file=.organizationmap check-mailmap --stdin | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | nl