#include "include/buffer.h" #include "include/encoding.h" #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include // for std::cout using namespace std; template < typename T > static void test_encode_and_decode(const T& src) { bufferlist bl(1000000); encode(src, bl); T dst; auto i = bl.cbegin(); decode(dst, i); ASSERT_EQ(src, dst) << "Encoding roundtrip changed the string: orig=" << src << ", but new=" << dst; } TEST(EncodingRoundTrip, StringSimple) { string my_str("I am the very model of a modern major general"); test_encode_and_decode < std::string >(my_str); } TEST(EncodingRoundTrip, StringEmpty) { string my_str(""); test_encode_and_decode < std::string >(my_str); } TEST(EncodingRoundTrip, StringNewline) { string my_str("foo bar baz\n"); test_encode_and_decode < std::string >(my_str); } template static void test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(Size len, const T& src) { bufferlist bl(1000000); encode(len, bl); encode_nohead(src, bl); T dst; auto i = bl.cbegin(); decode(len, i); decode_nohead(len, dst, i); ASSERT_EQ(src, dst) << "Encoding roundtrip changed the string: orig=" << src << ", but new=" << dst; } TEST(EncodingRoundTrip, StringNoHead) { const string str("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); auto size = str.size(); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast(size), str); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast(size), str); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast(size), str); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast<__u32>(size), str); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast(size), str); } TEST(EncodingRoundTrip, BufferListNoHead) { bufferlist bl; bl.append("is this a dagger which i see before me?"); auto size = bl.length(); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast(size), bl); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast(size), bl); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast(size), bl); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast<__u32>(size), bl); test_encode_and_nohead_nohead(static_cast(size), bl); } typedef std::multimap < int, std::string > multimap_t; typedef multimap_t::value_type my_val_ty; namespace std { static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oss, const multimap_t &multimap) { for (multimap_t::const_iterator m = multimap.begin(); m != multimap.end(); ++m) { oss << m->first << "->" << m->second << " "; } return oss; } } TEST(EncodingRoundTrip, Multimap) { multimap_t multimap; multimap.insert( my_val_ty(1, "foo") ); multimap.insert( my_val_ty(2, "bar") ); multimap.insert( my_val_ty(2, "baz") ); multimap.insert( my_val_ty(3, "lucky number 3") ); multimap.insert( my_val_ty(10000, "large number") ); test_encode_and_decode < multimap_t >(multimap); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ConstructorCounter /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template class ConstructorCounter { public: ConstructorCounter() : data(0) { default_ctor++; } explicit ConstructorCounter(const T& data_) : data(data_) { one_arg_ctor++; } ConstructorCounter(const ConstructorCounter &rhs) : data(rhs.data) { copy_ctor++; } ConstructorCounter &operator=(const ConstructorCounter &rhs) { data = rhs.data; assigns++; return *this; } static void init(void) { default_ctor = 0; one_arg_ctor = 0; copy_ctor = 0; assigns = 0; } static int get_default_ctor(void) { return default_ctor; } static int get_one_arg_ctor(void) { return one_arg_ctor; } static int get_copy_ctor(void) { return copy_ctor; } static int get_assigns(void) { return assigns; } bool operator<(const ConstructorCounter &rhs) const { return data < rhs.data; } bool operator==(const ConstructorCounter &rhs) const { return data == rhs.data; } friend void decode(ConstructorCounter &s, bufferlist::const_iterator& p) { decode(s.data, p); } friend void encode(const ConstructorCounter &s, bufferlist& p) { encode(s.data, p); } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &oss, const ConstructorCounter &cc) { oss << cc.data; return oss; } T data; private: static int default_ctor; static int one_arg_ctor; static int copy_ctor; static int assigns; }; template class ConstructorCounter ; template class ConstructorCounter ; typedef ConstructorCounter my_key_t; typedef ConstructorCounter my_val_t; typedef std::multimap < my_key_t, my_val_t > multimap2_t; typedef multimap2_t::value_type val2_ty; template int ConstructorCounter::default_ctor = 0; template int ConstructorCounter::one_arg_ctor = 0; template int ConstructorCounter::copy_ctor = 0; template int ConstructorCounter::assigns = 0; static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oss, const multimap2_t &multimap) { for (multimap2_t::const_iterator m = multimap.begin(); m != multimap.end(); ++m) { oss << m->first << "->" << m->second << " "; } return oss; } TEST(EncodingRoundTrip, MultimapConstructorCounter) { multimap2_t multimap2; multimap2.insert( val2_ty(my_key_t(1), my_val_t(10)) ); multimap2.insert( val2_ty(my_key_t(2), my_val_t(20)) ); multimap2.insert( val2_ty(my_key_t(2), my_val_t(30)) ); multimap2.insert( val2_ty(my_key_t(3), my_val_t(40)) ); multimap2.insert( val2_ty(my_key_t(10000), my_val_t(1)) ); my_key_t::init(); my_val_t::init(); test_encode_and_decode < multimap2_t >(multimap2); EXPECT_EQ(my_key_t::get_default_ctor(), 5); EXPECT_EQ(my_key_t::get_one_arg_ctor(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(my_key_t::get_copy_ctor(), 5); EXPECT_EQ(my_key_t::get_assigns(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(my_val_t::get_default_ctor(), 5); EXPECT_EQ(my_val_t::get_one_arg_ctor(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(my_val_t::get_copy_ctor(), 5); EXPECT_EQ(my_val_t::get_assigns(), 0); } namespace ceph { // make sure that the legacy encode/decode methods are selected // over the ones defined using templates. the later is likely to // be slower, see also the definition of "WRITE_INT_DENC" in // include/denc.h template<> void encode>(const uint64_t&, bufferlist&, uint64_t f) { static_assert(denc_traits::supported, "should support new encoder"); static_assert(!denc_traits::featured, "should not be featured"); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, f); // make sure the test fails if i get called ASSERT_TRUE(false); } template<> void encode>(const ceph_le64&, bufferlist&, uint64_t f) { static_assert(denc_traits::supported, "should support new encoder"); static_assert(!denc_traits::featured, "should not be featured"); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, f); // make sure the test fails if i get called ASSERT_TRUE(false); } } namespace { // search `underlying_type` in denc.h for supported underlying types enum class Colour : int8_t { R,G,B }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Colour c) { switch (c) { case Colour::R: return os << "Colour::R"; case Colour::G: return os << "Colour::G"; case Colour::B: return os << "Colour::B"; default: return os << "Colour::???"; } } } TEST(EncodingRoundTrip, Integers) { // int types { uint64_t i = 42; test_encode_and_decode(i); } { int16_t i = 42; test_encode_and_decode(i); } { bool b = true; test_encode_and_decode(b); } { bool b = false; test_encode_and_decode(b); } // raw encoder { ceph_le64 i; i = 42; test_encode_and_decode(i); } // enum { test_encode_and_decode(Colour::R); // this should not build, as the size of unsigned is not the same on // different archs, that's why denc_traits<> intentionally leaves // `int` and `unsigned int` out of supported types. // // enum E { R, G, B }; // test_encode_and_decode(R); } } TEST(EncodingException, Macros) { const struct { buffer::malformed_input exc; std::string expected_what; } tests[] = { { DECODE_ERR_OLDVERSION(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, 100, 200), fmt::format("{} no longer understands old encoding version 100 < 200: Malformed input", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__) }, { DECODE_ERR_PAST(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__), fmt::format("{} decode past end of struct encoding: Malformed input", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__) } }; for (auto& [exec, expected_what] : tests) { try { throw exec; } catch (const exception& e) { ASSERT_NE(string(e.what()).find(expected_what), string::npos); } } } TEST(small_encoding, varint) { uint32_t v[][4] = { /* value, varint bytes, signed varint bytes, signed varint bytes (neg) */ {0, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {2, 1, 1, 1}, {31, 1, 1, 1}, {32, 1, 1, 1}, {0xff, 2, 2, 2}, {0x100, 2, 2, 2}, {0xfff, 2, 2, 2}, {0x1000, 2, 2, 2}, {0x2000, 2, 3, 3}, {0x3fff, 2, 3, 3}, {0x4000, 3, 3, 3}, {0x4001, 3, 3, 3}, {0x10001, 3, 3, 3}, {0x20001, 3, 3, 3}, {0x40001, 3, 3, 3}, {0x80001, 3, 3, 3}, {0x7f0001, 4, 4, 4}, {0xff00001, 4, 5, 5}, {0x1ff00001, 5, 5, 5}, {0xffff0001, 5, 5, 5}, {0xffffffff, 5, 5, 5}, {1074790401, 5, 5, 5}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; for (unsigned i=0; v[i][1]; ++i) { { bufferlist bl; { auto app = bl.get_contiguous_appender(16, true); denc_varint(v[i][0], app); } cout << std::hex << v[i][0] << "\t" << v[i][1] << "\t"; bl.hexdump(cout, false); cout << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(bl.length(), v[i][1]); uint32_t u; auto p = bl.begin().get_current_ptr().cbegin(); denc_varint(u, p); ASSERT_EQ(v[i][0], u); } { bufferlist bl; { auto app = bl.get_contiguous_appender(16, true); denc_signed_varint(v[i][0], app); } cout << std::hex << v[i][0] << "\t" << v[i][2] << "\t"; bl.hexdump(cout, false); cout << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(bl.length(), v[i][2]); int32_t u; auto p = bl.begin().get_current_ptr().cbegin(); denc_signed_varint(u, p); ASSERT_EQ((int32_t)v[i][0], u); } { bufferlist bl; int64_t x = -(int64_t)v[i][0]; { auto app = bl.get_contiguous_appender(16, true); denc_signed_varint(x, app); } cout << std::dec << x << std::hex << "\t" << v[i][3] << "\t"; bl.hexdump(cout, false); cout << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(bl.length(), v[i][3]); int64_t u; auto p = bl.begin().get_current_ptr().cbegin(); denc_signed_varint(u, p); ASSERT_EQ(x, u); } } } TEST(small_encoding, varint_lowz) { uint32_t v[][4] = { /* value, bytes encoded */ {0, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {2, 1, 1, 1}, {15, 1, 1, 1}, {16, 1, 1, 1}, {31, 1, 2, 2}, {63, 2, 2, 2}, {64, 1, 1, 1}, {0xff, 2, 2, 2}, {0x100, 1, 1, 1}, {0x7ff, 2, 2, 2}, {0xfff, 2, 3, 3}, {0x1000, 1, 1, 1}, {0x4000, 1, 1, 1}, {0x8000, 1, 1, 1}, {0x10000, 1, 2, 2}, {0x20000, 2, 2, 2}, {0x40000, 2, 2, 2}, {0x80000, 2, 2, 2}, {0x7f0000, 2, 2, 2}, {0xffff0000, 4, 4, 4}, {0xffffffff, 5, 5, 5}, {0x41000000, 3, 4, 4}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; for (unsigned i=0; v[i][1]; ++i) { { bufferlist bl; { auto app = bl.get_contiguous_appender(16, true); denc_varint_lowz(v[i][0], app); } cout << std::hex << v[i][0] << "\t" << v[i][1] << "\t"; bl.hexdump(cout, false); cout << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(bl.length(), v[i][1]); uint32_t u; auto p = bl.begin().get_current_ptr().cbegin(); denc_varint_lowz(u, p); ASSERT_EQ(v[i][0], u); } { bufferlist bl; int64_t x = v[i][0]; { auto app = bl.get_contiguous_appender(16, true); denc_signed_varint_lowz(x, app); } cout << std::hex << x << "\t" << v[i][1] << "\t"; bl.hexdump(cout, false); cout << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(bl.length(), v[i][2]); int64_t u; auto p = bl.begin().get_current_ptr().cbegin(); denc_signed_varint_lowz(u, p); ASSERT_EQ(x, u); } { bufferlist bl; int64_t x = -(int64_t)v[i][0]; { auto app = bl.get_contiguous_appender(16, true); denc_signed_varint_lowz(x, app); } cout << std::dec << x << "\t" << v[i][1] << "\t"; bl.hexdump(cout, false); cout << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(bl.length(), v[i][3]); int64_t u; auto p = bl.begin().get_current_ptr().cbegin(); denc_signed_varint_lowz(u, p); ASSERT_EQ(x, u); } } } TEST(small_encoding, lba) { uint64_t v[][2] = { /* value, bytes encoded */ {0, 4}, {1, 4}, {0xff, 4}, {0x10000, 4}, {0x7f0000, 4}, {0xffff0000, 4}, {0x0fffffff, 4}, {0x1fffffff, 5}, {0xffffffff, 5}, {0x3fffffff000, 4}, {0x7fffffff000, 5}, {0x1fffffff0000, 4}, {0x3fffffff0000, 5}, {0xfffffff00000, 4}, {0x1fffffff00000, 5}, {0x41000000, 4}, {0, 0} }; for (unsigned i=0; v[i][1]; ++i) { bufferlist bl; { auto app = bl.get_contiguous_appender(16, true); denc_lba(v[i][0], app); } cout << std::hex << v[i][0] << "\t" << v[i][1] << "\t"; bl.hexdump(cout, false); cout << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(bl.length(), v[i][1]); uint64_t u; auto p = bl.begin().get_current_ptr().cbegin(); denc_lba(u, p); ASSERT_EQ(v[i][0], u); } }