// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "global/global_init.h" #include "common/ceph_argparse.h" #include "include/stringify.h" #include "include/scope_guard.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "os/bluestore/Allocator.h" #include "os/bluestore/bluestore_common.h" #include "os/bluestore/BlueFS.h" using namespace std; std::unique_ptr gen_buffer(uint64_t size) { std::unique_ptr buffer = std::make_unique(size); std::independent_bits_engine e; std::generate(buffer.get(), buffer.get()+size, std::ref(e)); return buffer; } class TempBdev { public: TempBdev(uint64_t size) : path{get_temp_bdev(size)} {} ~TempBdev() { rm_temp_bdev(path); } const std::string path; private: static string get_temp_bdev(uint64_t size) { static int n = 0; string fn = "ceph_test_bluefs.tmp.block." + stringify(getpid()) + "." + stringify(++n); int fd = ::open(fn.c_str(), O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, 0644); ceph_assert(fd >= 0); int r = ::ftruncate(fd, size); ceph_assert(r >= 0); ::close(fd); return fn; } static void rm_temp_bdev(string f) { ::unlink(f.c_str()); } }; class ConfSaver { std::stack> saved_settings; ConfigProxy& conf; public: ConfSaver(ConfigProxy& conf) : conf(conf) { conf._clear_safe_to_start_threads(); }; ~ConfSaver() { conf._clear_safe_to_start_threads(); while(saved_settings.size() > 0) { auto& e = saved_settings.top(); conf.set_val_or_die(e.first, e.second); saved_settings.pop(); } conf.set_safe_to_start_threads(); conf.apply_changes(nullptr); } void SetVal(const char* key, const char* val) { std::string skey(key); std::string prev_val; conf.get_val(skey, &prev_val); conf.set_val_or_die(skey, val); saved_settings.emplace(skey, prev_val); } void ApplyChanges() { conf.set_safe_to_start_threads(); conf.apply_changes(nullptr); } }; TEST(BlueFS, mkfs) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; uuid_d fsid; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); } TEST(BlueFS, mkfs_mount) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(fs.get_total(BlueFS::BDEV_DB), size - SUPER_RESERVED); ASSERT_LT(fs.get_free(BlueFS::BDEV_DB), size - SUPER_RESERVED); fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, write_read) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file", &h, false)); h->append("foo", 3); h->append("bar", 3); h->append("baz", 3); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } { BlueFS::FileReader *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_read("dir", "file", &h)); bufferlist bl; ASSERT_EQ(9, fs.read(h, 0, 1024, &bl, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, strncmp("foobarbaz", bl.c_str(), 9)); delete h; } fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, small_appends) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file", &h, false)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { h->append("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabc", 23); } fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file_sync", &h, false)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { h->append("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabc", 23); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.fsync(h)); } fs.close_writer(h); } fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, very_large_write) { // we'll write a ~5G file, so allocate more than that for the whole fs uint64_t size = 1048576 * 1024 * 6ull; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); bool old = g_ceph_context->_conf.get_val("bluefs_buffered_io"); g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val("bluefs_buffered_io", "false"); uint64_t total_written = 0; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); char buf[1048571]; // this is biggish, but intentionally not evenly aligned for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); ++i) { buf[i] = i; } { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "bigfile", &h, false)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3*1024*1048576ull / sizeof(buf); ++i) { h->append(buf, sizeof(buf)); total_written += sizeof(buf); } fs.fsync(h); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2*1024*1048576ull / sizeof(buf); ++i) { h->append(buf, sizeof(buf)); total_written += sizeof(buf); } fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } { BlueFS::FileReader *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_read("dir", "bigfile", &h)); bufferlist bl; ASSERT_EQ(h->file->fnode.size, total_written); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3*1024*1048576ull / sizeof(buf); ++i) { bl.clear(); fs.read(h, i * sizeof(buf), sizeof(buf), &bl, NULL); int r = memcmp(buf, bl.c_str(), sizeof(buf)); if (r) { cerr << "read got mismatch at offset " << i*sizeof(buf) << " r " << r << std::endl; } ASSERT_EQ(0, r); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2*1024*1048576ull / sizeof(buf); ++i) { bl.clear(); fs.read(h, i * sizeof(buf), sizeof(buf), &bl, NULL); int r = memcmp(buf, bl.c_str(), sizeof(buf)); if (r) { cerr << "read got mismatch at offset " << i*sizeof(buf) << " r " << r << std::endl; } ASSERT_EQ(0, r); } delete h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_read("dir", "bigfile", &h)); ASSERT_EQ(h->file->fnode.size, total_written); auto huge_buf = std::make_unique(h->file->fnode.size); auto l = h->file->fnode.size; int64_t r = fs.read(h, 0, l, NULL, huge_buf.get()); ASSERT_EQ(r, l); delete h; } fs.umount(); g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val("bluefs_buffered_io", stringify((int)old)); } TEST(BlueFS, very_large_write2) { // we'll write a ~5G file, so allocate more than that for the whole fs uint64_t size_full = 1048576 * 1024 * 6ull; uint64_t size = 1048576 * 1024 * 5ull; TempBdev bdev{ size_full }; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); bool old = g_ceph_context->_conf.get_val("bluefs_buffered_io"); g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val("bluefs_buffered_io", "false"); uint64_t total_written = 0; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); char fill_arr[1 << 20]; // 1M for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(fill_arr); ++i) { fill_arr[i] = (char)i; } std::unique_ptr buf; buf.reset(new char[size]); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i += sizeof(fill_arr)) { memcpy(buf.get() + i, fill_arr, sizeof(fill_arr)); } { BlueFS::FileWriter* h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "bigfile", &h, false)); fs.append_try_flush(h, buf.get(), size); total_written = size; fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } memset(buf.get(), 0, size); { BlueFS::FileReader* h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_read("dir", "bigfile", &h)); ASSERT_EQ(h->file->fnode.size, total_written); auto l = h->file->fnode.size; int64_t r = fs.read(h, 0, l, NULL, buf.get()); ASSERT_EQ(r, l); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i += sizeof(fill_arr)) { ceph_assert(memcmp(buf.get() + i, fill_arr, sizeof(fill_arr)) == 0); } delete h; } fs.umount(); g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val("bluefs_buffered_io", stringify((int)old)); } #define ALLOC_SIZE 4096 void write_data(BlueFS &fs, uint64_t rationed_bytes) { int j=0, r=0; uint64_t written_bytes = 0; rationed_bytes -= ALLOC_SIZE; stringstream ss; string dir = "dir."; ss << std::this_thread::get_id(); dir.append(ss.str()); dir.append("."); dir.append(to_string(j)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir)); while (1) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); auto sg = make_scope_guard([&fs, h] { fs.close_writer(h); }); bufferlist bl; std::unique_ptr buf = gen_buffer(ALLOC_SIZE); bufferptr bp = buffer::claim_char(ALLOC_SIZE, buf.get()); bl.push_back(bp); h->append(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); r = fs.fsync(h); if (r < 0) { break; } written_bytes += g_conf()->bluefs_alloc_size; j++; if ((rationed_bytes - written_bytes) <= g_conf()->bluefs_alloc_size) { break; } } } void create_single_file(BlueFS &fs) { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; stringstream ss; string dir = "dir.test"; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir)); string file = "testfile"; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); bufferlist bl; std::unique_ptr buf = gen_buffer(ALLOC_SIZE); bufferptr bp = buffer::claim_char(ALLOC_SIZE, buf.get()); bl.push_back(bp); h->append(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } void write_single_file(BlueFS &fs, uint64_t rationed_bytes) { stringstream ss; const string dir = "dir.test"; const string file = "testfile"; uint64_t written_bytes = 0; rationed_bytes -= ALLOC_SIZE; while (1) { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); auto sg = make_scope_guard([&fs, h] { fs.close_writer(h); }); bufferlist bl; std::unique_ptr buf = gen_buffer(ALLOC_SIZE); bufferptr bp = buffer::claim_char(ALLOC_SIZE, buf.get()); bl.push_back(bp); h->append(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); int r = fs.fsync(h); if (r < 0) { break; } written_bytes += g_conf()->bluefs_alloc_size; if ((rationed_bytes - written_bytes) <= g_conf()->bluefs_alloc_size) { break; } } } bool writes_done = false; void sync_fs(BlueFS &fs) { while (1) { if (writes_done == true) break; fs.sync_metadata(false); sleep(1); } } void do_join(std::thread& t) { t.join(); } void join_all(std::vector& v) { std::for_each(v.begin(),v.end(),do_join); } #define NUM_WRITERS 3 #define NUM_SYNC_THREADS 1 #define NUM_SINGLE_FILE_WRITERS 1 #define NUM_MULTIPLE_FILE_WRITERS 2 TEST(BlueFS, test_flush_1) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "bluefs_alloc_size", "65536"); g_ceph_context->_conf.apply_changes(nullptr); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { std::vector write_thread_multiple; uint64_t effective_size = size - (32 * 1048576); // leaving the last 32 MB for log compaction uint64_t per_thread_bytes = (effective_size/(NUM_MULTIPLE_FILE_WRITERS + NUM_SINGLE_FILE_WRITERS)); for (int i=0; i write_thread_single; for (int i=0; i_conf.set_val( "bluefs_alloc_size", "65536"); g_ceph_context->_conf.apply_changes(nullptr); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { uint64_t effective_size = size - (128 * 1048576); // leaving the last 32 MB for log compaction uint64_t per_thread_bytes = (effective_size/(NUM_WRITERS)); std::vector write_thread_multiple; for (int i=0; i_conf.set_val( "bluefs_alloc_size", "65536"); g_ceph_context->_conf.apply_changes(nullptr); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { std::vector write_threads; uint64_t effective_size = size - (64 * 1048576); // leaving the last 11 MB for log compaction uint64_t per_thread_bytes = (effective_size/(NUM_WRITERS)); for (int i=0; i sync_threads; for (int i=0; i_conf.set_val( "bluefs_compact_log_sync", "true"); uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); auto sg = make_scope_guard([&fs, h] { fs.close_writer(h); }); bufferlist bl; std::unique_ptr buf = gen_buffer(4096); bufferptr bp = buffer::claim_char(4096, buf.get()); bl.push_back(bp); h->append(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); fs.fsync(h); } } } { for (int i=0; i<10; i+=2) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); fs.unlink(dir, file); fs.sync_metadata(false); } ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.rmdir(dir)); fs.sync_metadata(false); } } fs.compact_log(); fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, test_simple_compaction_async) { g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); auto sg = make_scope_guard([&fs, h] { fs.close_writer(h); }); bufferlist bl; std::unique_ptr buf = gen_buffer(4096); bufferptr bp = buffer::claim_char(4096, buf.get()); bl.push_back(bp); h->append(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); fs.fsync(h); } } } { for (int i=0; i<10; i+=2) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); fs.unlink(dir, file); fs.sync_metadata(false); } ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.rmdir(dir)); fs.sync_metadata(false); } } fs.compact_log(); fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, test_compaction_sync) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "bluefs_alloc_size", "65536"); g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "bluefs_compact_log_sync", "true"); const char* canary_dir = "dir.after_compact_test"; const char* canary_file = "file.after_compact_test"; const char* canary_data = "some random data"; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { std::vector write_threads; uint64_t effective_size = size - (32 * 1048576); // leaving the last 32 MB for log compaction uint64_t per_thread_bytes = (effective_size/(NUM_WRITERS)); for (int i=0; i sync_threads; for (int i=0; iappend(canary_data, strlen(canary_data)); int r = fs.fsync(h); ASSERT_EQ(r, 0); } } fs.umount(); fs.mount(); { BlueFS::FileReader *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_read(canary_dir, canary_file, &h)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); bufferlist bl; ASSERT_EQ(strlen(canary_data), fs.read(h, 0, 1024, &bl, NULL)); std::cout << bl.c_str() << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(0, strncmp(canary_data, bl.c_str(), strlen(canary_data))); delete h; } fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, test_compaction_async) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "bluefs_alloc_size", "65536"); g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); const char* canary_dir = "dir.after_compact_test"; const char* canary_file = "file.after_compact_test"; const char* canary_data = "some random data"; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { std::vector write_threads; uint64_t effective_size = size - (32 * 1048576); // leaving the last 32 MB for log compaction uint64_t per_thread_bytes = (effective_size/(NUM_WRITERS)); for (int i=0; i sync_threads; for (int i=0; iappend(canary_data, strlen(canary_data)); int r = fs.fsync(h); ASSERT_EQ(r, 0); } } fs.umount(); fs.mount(); { BlueFS::FileReader *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_read(canary_dir, canary_file, &h)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); bufferlist bl; ASSERT_EQ(strlen(canary_data), fs.read(h, 0, 1024, &bl, NULL)); std::cout << bl.c_str() << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(0, strncmp(canary_data, bl.c_str(), strlen(canary_data))); delete h; } fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, test_replay) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "bluefs_alloc_size", "65536"); g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { std::vector write_threads; uint64_t effective_size = size - (32 * 1048576); // leaving the last 32 MB for log compaction uint64_t per_thread_bytes = (effective_size/(NUM_WRITERS)); for (int i=0; i sync_threads; for (int i=0; i_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_alloc_size", "4096"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_shared_alloc_size", "4096"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_min_log_runway", "32768"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_max_log_runway", "65536"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_allocator", "stupid"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_sync_write", "true"); conf.ApplyChanges(); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); char data[2000] = {'x'}; BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file", &h, false)); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { h->append(data, 2000); fs.fsync(h); } fs.close_writer(h); fs.umount(true); //do not compact on exit! // remount and check log can replay safe? ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, test_tracker_50965) { uint64_t size_wal = 1048576 * 64; TempBdev bdev_wal{size_wal}; uint64_t size_db = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev_db{size_db}; uint64_t size_slow = 1048576 * 256; TempBdev bdev_slow{size_slow}; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_min_flush_size", "65536"); conf.ApplyChanges(); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_WAL, bdev_wal.path, false)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev_db.path, false)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_SLOW, bdev_slow.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, true, true })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, true, true })); string dir_slow = "dir.slow"; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir_slow)); string dir_db = "dir_db"; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir_db)); string file_slow = "file"; BlueFS::FileWriter *h_slow; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir_slow, file_slow, &h_slow, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h_slow); string file_db = "file"; BlueFS::FileWriter *h_db; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir_db, file_db, &h_db, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h_db); bufferlist bl1; std::unique_ptr buf1 = gen_buffer(70000); bufferptr bp1 = buffer::claim_char(70000, buf1.get()); bl1.push_back(bp1); h_slow->append(bl1.c_str(), bl1.length()); fs.flush(h_slow); uint64_t h_slow_dirty_seq_1 = fs.debug_get_dirty_seq(h_slow); bufferlist bl2; std::unique_ptr buf2 = gen_buffer(1000); bufferptr bp2 = buffer::claim_char(1000, buf2.get()); bl2.push_back(bp2); h_db->append(bl2.c_str(), bl2.length()); fs.fsync(h_db); uint64_t h_slow_dirty_seq_2 = fs.debug_get_dirty_seq(h_slow); bool h_slow_dev_dirty = fs.debug_get_is_dev_dirty(h_slow, BlueFS::BDEV_SLOW); //problem if allocations are stable in log but slow device is not flushed yet ASSERT_FALSE(h_slow_dirty_seq_1 != 0 && h_slow_dirty_seq_2 == 0 && h_slow_dev_dirty == true); fs.close_writer(h_slow); fs.close_writer(h_db); fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, test_truncate_stable_53129) { ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_min_flush_size", "65536"); conf.ApplyChanges(); uint64_t size_wal = 1048576 * 64; TempBdev bdev_wal{size_wal}; uint64_t size_db = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev_db{size_db}; uint64_t size_slow = 1048576 * 256; TempBdev bdev_slow{size_slow}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_WAL, bdev_wal.path, false)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev_db.path, false)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_SLOW, bdev_slow.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, true, true })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, true, true })); string dir_slow = "dir.slow"; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir_slow)); string dir_db = "dir_db"; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir_db)); string file_slow = "file"; BlueFS::FileWriter *h_slow; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir_slow, file_slow, &h_slow, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h_slow); string file_db = "file"; BlueFS::FileWriter *h_db; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir_db, file_db, &h_db, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h_db); bufferlist bl1; std::unique_ptr buf1 = gen_buffer(70000); bufferptr bp1 = buffer::claim_char(70000, buf1.get()); bl1.push_back(bp1); // add 70000 bytes h_slow->append(bl1.c_str(), bl1.length()); fs.flush(h_slow); // and truncate to 60000 bytes fs.truncate(h_slow, 60000); // write something to file on DB device bufferlist bl2; std::unique_ptr buf2 = gen_buffer(1000); bufferptr bp2 = buffer::claim_char(1000, buf2.get()); bl2.push_back(bp2); h_db->append(bl2.c_str(), bl2.length()); // and force bluefs log to flush fs.fsync(h_db); // This is the actual test point. // We completed truncate, and we expect // - size to be 60000 // - data to be stable on slow device // OR // - size = 0 or file does not exist // - dev_dirty is irrelevant bool h_slow_dev_dirty = fs.debug_get_is_dev_dirty(h_slow, BlueFS::BDEV_SLOW); // Imagine power goes down here. fs.close_writer(h_slow); fs.close_writer(h_db); fs.umount(); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, true, true })); uint64_t size; utime_t mtime; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.stat("dir.slow", "file", &size, &mtime)); // check file size 60000 ASSERT_EQ(size, 60000); // check that dev_dirty was false (data stable on media) ASSERT_EQ(h_slow_dev_dirty, false); fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, test_update_ino1_delta_after_replay) { uint64_t size = 1048576LL * (2 * 1024 + 128); TempBdev bdev{size}; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_alloc_size", "4096"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_shared_alloc_size", "4096"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_min_log_runway", "32768"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_max_log_runway", "65536"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_allocator", "stupid"); conf.ApplyChanges(); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); char data[2000] = {'a'}; BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file", &h, false)); for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { h->append(data, 2000); fs.fsync(h); } fs.close_writer(h); fs.umount(true); //do not compact on exit! ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file2", &h, false)); for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { h->append(data, 2000); fs.fsync(h); } fs.close_writer(h); fs.umount(); // remount and check log can replay safe? ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, broken_unlink_fsync_seq) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { /* * This reproduces a weird file op sequence (unlink+fsync) that Octopus * RocksDB might issue to BlueFS when recycle_log_file_num setting is 0 * See https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/55636 for more details * */ char buf[1048571]; // this is biggish, but intentionally not evenly aligned for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); ++i) { buf[i] = i; } BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file", &h, false)); h->append(buf, sizeof(buf)); fs.flush(h); h->append(buf, sizeof(buf)); fs.unlink("dir", "file"); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } fs.umount(); // remount and check log can replay safe? ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); fs.umount(); } TEST(BlueFS, truncate_fsync) { uint64_t bdev_size = 128 * 1048576; uint64_t block_size = 4096; TempBdev bdev{bdev_size}; uuid_d fsid; const char* DIR_NAME="dir"; const char* FILE_NAME="file1"; size_t sizes[] = {3, 1024, 4096, 1024 * 4096}; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(sizes[0]); i++) { const size_t content_size= sizes[i]; const size_t read_size = p2roundup(content_size, size_t(block_size)); const std::string content(content_size, 'x'); { BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(DIR_NAME, FILE_NAME, &h, false)); h->append(content.c_str(), content.length()); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } { BlueFS::FileReader *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_read(DIR_NAME, FILE_NAME, &h)); bufferlist bl; ASSERT_EQ(content.length(), fs.read(h, 0, read_size, &bl, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, strncmp(content.c_str(), bl.c_str(), content.length())); delete h; } { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(DIR_NAME, FILE_NAME, &h, true)); fs.truncate(h, 0); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } } { //this was broken due to https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/55307 BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); BlueFS::FileReader *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_read(DIR_NAME, FILE_NAME, &h)); bufferlist bl; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.read(h, 0, read_size, &bl, NULL)); delete h; fs.umount(); } } } TEST(BlueFS, test_shared_alloc) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev_slow{size}; uint64_t size_db = 1048576 * 8; TempBdev bdev_db{size_db}; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_shared_alloc_size", "1048576"); bluefs_shared_alloc_context_t shared_alloc; uint64_t shared_alloc_unit = 4096; shared_alloc.set( Allocator::create(g_ceph_context, g_ceph_context->_conf->bluefs_allocator, size, shared_alloc_unit, "test shared allocator"), shared_alloc_unit); shared_alloc.a->init_add_free(0, size); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); // DB device is fully utilized ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev_db.path, false)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_SLOW, bdev_slow.path, false, &shared_alloc)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); auto sg = make_scope_guard([&fs, h] { fs.close_writer(h); }); bufferlist bl; std::unique_ptr buf = gen_buffer(4096); bufferptr bp = buffer::claim_char(4096, buf.get()); bl.push_back(bp); h->append(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); fs.fsync(h); } } } { for (int i=0; i<10; i+=2) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); fs.unlink(dir, file); fs.sync_metadata(false); } ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.rmdir(dir)); fs.sync_metadata(false); } } fs.compact_log(); uint64_t num_files = 0; { auto *logger = fs.get_perf_counters(); ASSERT_NE(logger->get(l_bluefs_alloc_shared_dev_fallbacks), 0); num_files = logger->get(l_bluefs_num_files); fs.umount(); } { fs.mount(); auto *logger = fs.get_perf_counters(); ASSERT_EQ(num_files, logger->get(l_bluefs_num_files)); fs.umount(); } } TEST(BlueFS, test_shared_alloc_sparse) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128 * 2; uint64_t main_unit = 4096; uint64_t bluefs_alloc_unit = 1048576; TempBdev bdev_slow{size}; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_shared_alloc_size", stringify(bluefs_alloc_unit).c_str()); bluefs_shared_alloc_context_t shared_alloc; shared_alloc.set( Allocator::create(g_ceph_context, g_ceph_context->_conf->bluefs_allocator, size, main_unit, "test shared allocator"), main_unit); // prepare sparse free space but let's have a continuous chunk at // the beginning to fit initial log's fnode into superblock, // we don't have any tricks to deal with sparse allocations // (and hence long fnode) at mkfs shared_alloc.a->init_add_free(bluefs_alloc_unit, 4 * bluefs_alloc_unit); for(uint64_t i = 5 * bluefs_alloc_unit; i < size; i += 2 * main_unit) { shared_alloc.a->init_add_free(i, main_unit); } BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev_slow.path, false, &shared_alloc)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); auto sg = make_scope_guard([&fs, h] { fs.close_writer(h); }); bufferlist bl; std::unique_ptr buf = gen_buffer(4096); bufferptr bp = buffer::claim_char(4096, buf.get()); bl.push_back(bp); h->append(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); fs.fsync(h); } } } { for (int i=0; i<10; i+=2) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); fs.unlink(dir, file); fs.sync_metadata(false); } ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.rmdir(dir)); fs.sync_metadata(false); } } fs.compact_log(); uint64_t num_files = 0; { auto *logger = fs.get_perf_counters(); ASSERT_NE(logger->get(l_bluefs_alloc_shared_size_fallbacks), 0); num_files = logger->get(l_bluefs_num_files); fs.umount(); } { fs.mount(); auto *logger = fs.get_perf_counters(); ASSERT_EQ(num_files, logger->get(l_bluefs_num_files)); fs.umount(); } } TEST(BlueFS, test_4k_shared_alloc) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128 * 2; uint64_t main_unit = 4096; uint64_t bluefs_alloc_unit = main_unit; TempBdev bdev_slow{size}; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_shared_alloc_size", stringify(bluefs_alloc_unit).c_str()); bluefs_shared_alloc_context_t shared_alloc; shared_alloc.set( Allocator::create(g_ceph_context, g_ceph_context->_conf->bluefs_allocator, size, main_unit, "test shared allocator"), main_unit); shared_alloc.a->init_add_free(bluefs_alloc_unit, size - bluefs_alloc_unit); BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev_slow.path, false, &shared_alloc)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); auto sg = make_scope_guard([&fs, h] { fs.close_writer(h); }); bufferlist bl; std::unique_ptr buf = gen_buffer(4096); bufferptr bp = buffer::claim_char(4096, buf.get()); bl.push_back(bp); h->append(bl.c_str(), bl.length()); fs.fsync(h); } } } { for (int i=0; i<10; i+=2) { string dir = "dir."; dir.append(to_string(i)); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(j)); fs.unlink(dir, file); fs.sync_metadata(false); } ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.rmdir(dir)); fs.sync_metadata(false); } } fs.compact_log(); uint64_t num_files = 0; { auto *logger = fs.get_perf_counters(); ASSERT_EQ(logger->get(l_bluefs_alloc_shared_dev_fallbacks), 0); ASSERT_EQ(logger->get(l_bluefs_alloc_shared_size_fallbacks), 0); num_files = logger->get(l_bluefs_num_files); fs.umount(); } { fs.mount(); auto *logger = fs.get_perf_counters(); ASSERT_EQ(num_files, logger->get(l_bluefs_num_files)); fs.umount(); } } void create_files(BlueFS &fs, atomic_bool& stop_creating, atomic_bool& started_creating) { uint32_t i = 0; stringstream ss; string dir = "dir."; ss << std::this_thread::get_id(); dir.append(ss.str()); dir.append("."); dir.append(to_string(i)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(dir)); while (!stop_creating.load()) { string file = "file."; file.append(to_string(i)); BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(dir, file, &h, false)); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, h); fs.close_writer(h); i++; started_creating = true; } } TEST(BlueFS, test_concurrent_dir_link_and_compact_log_56210) { uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_alloc_size", "65536"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); // make sure fsync always trigger log compact conf.SetVal("bluefs_log_compact_min_ratio", "0"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_log_compact_min_size", "0"); conf.ApplyChanges(); for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); { atomic_bool stop_creating{false}; atomic_bool started_creating{false}; std::thread create_thread; create_thread = std::thread(create_files, std::ref(fs), std::ref(stop_creating), std::ref(started_creating)); while (!started_creating.load()) { } BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("foo")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("foo", "bar", &h, false)); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); stop_creating = true; do_join(create_thread); fs.umount(true); //do not compact on exit! ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); fs.umount(); } } } TEST(BlueFS, test_log_runway) { uint64_t max_log_runway = 65536; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_min_log_runway", "32768"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_max_log_runway", std::to_string(max_log_runway).c_str()); conf.ApplyChanges(); uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); // longer transaction than current runway std::string longdir(max_log_runway, 'a'); fs.mkdir(longdir); { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file", &h, false)); h->append("foo", 3); h->append("bar", 3); h->append("baz", 3); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } fs.umount(true); fs.mount(); std::vector ls; fs.readdir("dir", &ls); ASSERT_EQ(ls.front(), "file"); uint64_t file_size = 0; utime_t mtime; fs.stat("dir", "file", &file_size, &mtime); ASSERT_EQ(file_size, 9); } TEST(BlueFS, test_log_runway_2) { uint64_t max_log_runway = 65536; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_min_log_runway", "32768"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_max_log_runway", std::to_string(max_log_runway).c_str()); conf.ApplyChanges(); uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); // longer transaction than current runway size_t name_length = max_log_runway * 2; std::string longdir(name_length, 'a'); std::string longfile(name_length, 'b'); { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(longdir)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(longdir, longfile, &h, false)); h->append("canary", 6); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); fs.sync_metadata(true); } { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file", &h, false)); h->append("foo", 3); h->append("bar", 3); h->append("baz", 3); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } fs.umount(true); fs.mount(); std::vector ls; fs.readdir("dir", &ls); ASSERT_EQ(ls.front(), "file"); uint64_t file_size = 0; utime_t mtime; fs.stat("dir", "file", &file_size, &mtime); ASSERT_EQ(file_size, 9); fs.stat(longdir, longfile, &file_size, &mtime); ASSERT_EQ(file_size, 6); std::vector ls_longdir; fs.readdir(longdir, &ls_longdir); ASSERT_EQ(ls_longdir.front(), longfile); } TEST(BlueFS, test_log_runway_3) { uint64_t max_log_runway = 65536; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_alloc_size", "4096"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_shared_alloc_size", "4096"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_min_log_runway", "32768"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_max_log_runway", std::to_string(max_log_runway).c_str()); conf.ApplyChanges(); uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); // longer transaction than current runway for (size_t m = 0; m < 40; m++) { std::string longdir(max_log_runway + m, 'A' + m); std::string longfile(max_log_runway + m, 'A' + m); BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir(longdir)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write(longdir, longfile, &h, false)); h->append("canary", 6); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); fs.sync_metadata(true); } { BlueFS::FileWriter *h; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkdir("dir")); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.open_for_write("dir", "file", &h, false)); h->append("foo", 3); h->append("bar", 3); h->append("baz", 3); fs.fsync(h); fs.close_writer(h); } fs.umount(true); fs.mount(); std::vector ls; fs.readdir("dir", &ls); ASSERT_EQ(ls.front(), "file"); uint64_t file_size = 0; utime_t mtime; fs.stat("dir", "file", &file_size, &mtime); ASSERT_EQ(file_size, 9); for (size_t m = 0; m < 40; m++) { uint64_t file_size = 0; utime_t mtime; std::string longdir(max_log_runway + m, 'A' + m); std::string longfile(max_log_runway + m, 'A' + m); fs.stat(longdir, longfile, &file_size, &mtime); ASSERT_EQ(file_size, 6); } } TEST(BlueFS, test_log_runway_advance_seq) { uint64_t max_log_runway = 65536; ConfSaver conf(g_ceph_context->_conf); conf.SetVal("bluefs_alloc_size", "4096"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_shared_alloc_size", "4096"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_compact_log_sync", "false"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_min_log_runway", "32768"); conf.SetVal("bluefs_max_log_runway", std::to_string(max_log_runway).c_str()); conf.ApplyChanges(); uint64_t size = 1048576 * 128; TempBdev bdev{size}; BlueFS fs(g_ceph_context); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.add_block_device(BlueFS::BDEV_DB, bdev.path, false)); uuid_d fsid; ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mkfs(fsid, { BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.mount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, fs.maybe_verify_layout({ BlueFS::BDEV_DB, false, false })); std::string longdir(max_log_runway*2, 'A'); ASSERT_EQ(fs.mkdir(longdir), 0); fs.compact_log(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { auto args = argv_to_vec(argc, argv); map defaults = { { "debug_bluefs", "1/20" }, { "debug_bdev", "1/20" } }; auto cct = global_init(&defaults, args, CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_CLIENT, CODE_ENVIRONMENT_UTILITY, CINIT_FLAG_NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE); common_init_finish(g_ceph_context); g_ceph_context->_conf.set_val( "enable_experimental_unrecoverable_data_corrupting_features", "*"); g_ceph_context->_conf.apply_changes(nullptr); ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }