// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2016 Casey Bodley * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "os/ObjectStore.h" #include #include "common/Clock.h" #include "include/utime.h" #include using namespace std; TEST(Transaction, MoveConstruct) { auto a = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; a.nop(); ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); // move-construct in b auto b = std::move(a); ASSERT_TRUE(a.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(b.empty()); } TEST(Transaction, MoveAssign) { auto a = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; a.nop(); ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); auto b = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; b = std::move(a); // move-assign to b ASSERT_TRUE(a.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(b.empty()); } TEST(Transaction, CopyConstruct) { auto a = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; a.nop(); ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); auto b = a; // copy-construct in b ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(b.empty()); } TEST(Transaction, CopyAssign) { auto a = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; a.nop(); ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); auto b = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; b = a; // copy-assign to b ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(b.empty()); } TEST(Transaction, Swap) { auto a = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; a.nop(); ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); auto b = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; std::swap(a, b); // swap a and b ASSERT_TRUE(a.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(b.empty()); } ObjectStore::Transaction generate_transaction() { auto a = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; a.nop(); coll_t cid; object_t obj("test_name"); snapid_t snap(0); hobject_t hoid(obj, "key", snap, 0, 0, "nspace"); ghobject_t oid(hoid); coll_t acid; object_t aobj("another_test_name"); hobject_t ahoid(obj, "another_key", snap, 0, 0, "another_nspace"); ghobject_t aoid(hoid); std::set keys; keys.insert("any_1"); keys.insert("any_2"); keys.insert("any_3"); bufferlist bl; bl.append_zero(4096); a.write(cid, oid, 1, 4096, bl, 0); a.omap_setkeys(acid, aoid, bl); a.omap_rmkeys(cid, aoid, keys); a.touch(acid, oid); return a; } TEST(Transaction, MoveRangesDelSrcObj) { auto t = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; t.nop(); coll_t c(spg_t(pg_t(1,2), shard_id_t::NO_SHARD)); ghobject_t o1(hobject_t("obj", "", 123, 456, -1, "")); ghobject_t o2(hobject_t("obj2", "", 123, 456, -1, "")); vector> move_info = { make_pair(1, 5), make_pair(10, 5) }; t.touch(c, o1); bufferlist bl; bl.append("some data"); t.write(c, o1, 1, bl.length(), bl); t.write(c, o1, 10, bl.length(), bl); t.clone(c, o1, o2); bl.append("some other data"); t.write(c, o2, 1, bl.length(), bl); } TEST(Transaction, GetNumBytes) { auto a = ObjectStore::Transaction{}; a.nop(); ASSERT_TRUE(a.get_encoded_bytes() == a.get_encoded_bytes_test()); coll_t cid; object_t obj("test_name"); snapid_t snap(0); hobject_t hoid(obj, "key", snap, 0, 0, "nspace"); ghobject_t oid(hoid); coll_t acid; object_t aobj("another_test_name"); hobject_t ahoid(obj, "another_key", snap, 0, 0, "another_nspace"); ghobject_t aoid(hoid); std::set keys; keys.insert("any_1"); keys.insert("any_2"); keys.insert("any_3"); bufferlist bl; bl.append_zero(4096); a.write(cid, oid, 1, 4096, bl, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(a.get_encoded_bytes() == a.get_encoded_bytes_test()); a.omap_setkeys(acid, aoid, bl); ASSERT_TRUE(a.get_encoded_bytes() == a.get_encoded_bytes_test()); a.omap_rmkeys(cid, aoid, keys); ASSERT_TRUE(a.get_encoded_bytes() == a.get_encoded_bytes_test()); a.touch(acid, oid); ASSERT_TRUE(a.get_encoded_bytes() == a.get_encoded_bytes_test()); } void bench_num_bytes(bool legacy) { const int max = 2500000; auto a = generate_transaction(); if (legacy) { cout << "get_encoded_bytes_test: "; } else { cout << "get_encoded_bytes: "; } utime_t start = ceph_clock_now(); if (legacy) { for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { a.get_encoded_bytes_test(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { a.get_encoded_bytes(); } } utime_t end = ceph_clock_now(); cout << max << " encodes in " << (end - start) << std::endl; } TEST(Transaction, GetNumBytesBenchLegacy) { bench_num_bytes(true); } TEST(Transaction, GetNumBytesBenchCurrent) { bench_num_bytes(false); }