// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "rgw_xml.h" #include "rgw_lc.h" #include "rgw_lc_s3.h" #include #include #include #include #include static const char* xmldoc_1 = R"( tax/ key1 value1 key2 value2 )"; TEST(TestLCFilterDecoder, XMLDoc1) { RGWXMLDecoder::XMLParser parser; ASSERT_TRUE(parser.init()); ASSERT_TRUE(parser.parse(xmldoc_1, strlen(xmldoc_1), 1)); LCFilter_S3 filter; auto result = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Filter", filter, &parser, true); ASSERT_TRUE(result); /* check repeated Tag element */ auto tag_map = filter.get_tags().get_tags(); auto val1 = tag_map.find("key1"); ASSERT_EQ(val1->second, "value1"); auto val2 = tag_map.find("key2"); ASSERT_EQ(val2->second, "value2"); /* check our flags */ ASSERT_EQ(filter.get_flags(), 0); } static const char* xmldoc_2 = R"( spongebob squarepants )"; TEST(TestLCFilterDecoder, XMLDoc2) { RGWXMLDecoder::XMLParser parser; ASSERT_TRUE(parser.init()); ASSERT_TRUE(parser.parse(xmldoc_2, strlen(xmldoc_2), 1)); LCFilter_S3 filter; auto result = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Filter", filter, &parser, true); ASSERT_TRUE(result); /* check tags */ auto tag_map = filter.get_tags().get_tags(); auto val1 = tag_map.find("spongebob"); ASSERT_EQ(val1->second, "squarepants"); /* check our flags */ ASSERT_EQ(filter.get_flags(), LCFilter::make_flag(LCFlagType::ArchiveZone)); } // invalid And element placement static const char* xmldoc_3 = R"( miles davis spongebob squarepants )"; TEST(TestLCFilterInvalidAnd, XMLDoc3) { RGWXMLDecoder::XMLParser parser; ASSERT_TRUE(parser.init()); ASSERT_TRUE(parser.parse(xmldoc_3, strlen(xmldoc_3), 1)); LCFilter_S3 filter; auto result = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Filter", filter, &parser, true); ASSERT_TRUE(result); /* check repeated Tag element */ auto tag_map = filter.get_tags().get_tags(); auto val1 = tag_map.find("spongebob"); ASSERT_TRUE(val1 == tag_map.end()); /* because the invalid 2nd tag element was not recognized, * we cannot access it: ASSERT_EQ(val1->second, "squarepants"); */ /* check our flags */ ASSERT_EQ(filter.get_flags(), uint32_t(LCFlagType::none)); } TEST(ExpHdr, ReplaceStrftime) { using namespace std::chrono; constexpr auto dec21 = year(2012)/12/21; auto exp = sys_days(dec21) + 9h + 13min + 7s ; auto exp_str = fmt::format("{:%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z}", fmt::gmtime(exp)); std::cout << "exp_str: " << exp_str << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(exp_str, "Fri, 21 Dec 2012 09:13:07 GMT"); } static const char *xmldoc_4 = R"( noncur-cleanup-rule Enabled 5 365 )"; TEST(TestLCConfigurationDecoder, XMLDoc4) { RGWXMLDecoder::XMLParser parser; ASSERT_TRUE(parser.init()); ASSERT_TRUE(parser.parse(xmldoc_4, strlen(xmldoc_4), 1)); LCRule_S3 rule; auto result = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Rule", rule, &parser, true); ASSERT_TRUE(result); /* check results */ ASSERT_TRUE(rule.is_enabled()); const auto& noncur_expiration = rule.get_noncur_expiration(); ASSERT_EQ(noncur_expiration.get_days(), 365); ASSERT_EQ(noncur_expiration.get_newer(), 5); } static const char *xmldoc_5 = R"( expire-gt 365 1024 65536 Enabled )"; TEST(TestLCConfigurationDecoder, XMLDoc5) { RGWXMLDecoder::XMLParser parser; ASSERT_TRUE(parser.init()); auto result1 = parser.parse(xmldoc_5, strlen(xmldoc_5), 1); ASSERT_TRUE(result1); LCRule_S3 rule; auto result2 = RGWXMLDecoder::decode_xml("Rule", rule, &parser, true); ASSERT_TRUE(result2); /* check results */ ASSERT_TRUE(rule.is_enabled()); const auto& expiration = rule.get_expiration(); ASSERT_EQ(expiration.get_days(), 365); const auto& filter = rule.get_filter(); ASSERT_EQ(filter.get_size_gt(), 1024); ASSERT_EQ(filter.get_size_lt(), 65536); } struct LCWorkTimeTests : ::testing::Test { boost::intrusive_ptr cct; std::unique_ptr worker; // expects input in the form of "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"; e.g., "01/15/23 23:59:01" utime_t get_utime_by_date_time_string(const std::string& date_time_str) { struct tm tm{}; struct timespec ts = {0}; strptime(date_time_str.c_str(), "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", &tm); ts.tv_sec = mktime(&tm); return utime_t(ts); } // expects a map from input value (date & time string) to expected result (boolean) void run_should_work_test(const auto& test_values_to_expectations_map) { for (const auto& [date_time_str, expected_value] : test_values_to_expectations_map) { auto ut = get_utime_by_date_time_string(date_time_str); auto should_work = worker->should_work(ut); ASSERT_EQ(should_work, expected_value) << "input time: " << ut << " expected: " << expected_value << " should_work: " << should_work << " work-time-window: " << cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time << std::endl; } } // expects a map from input value (a tuple of date & time strings) to expected result (seconds) void run_schedule_next_start_time_test(const auto& test_values_to_expectations_map) { for (const auto& [date_time_str_tuple, expected_value] : test_values_to_expectations_map) { auto work_started_at = get_utime_by_date_time_string(std::get<0>(date_time_str_tuple)); auto work_completed_at = get_utime_by_date_time_string(std::get<1>(date_time_str_tuple)); auto wait_secs_till_next_start = worker->schedule_next_start_time(work_started_at, work_completed_at); ASSERT_EQ(wait_secs_till_next_start, expected_value) << "work_started_at: " << work_started_at << " work_completed_at: " << work_completed_at << " expected: " << expected_value << " wait_secs_till_next_start: " << wait_secs_till_next_start << " work-time-window: " << cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time << std::endl; } } protected: void SetUp() override { cct.reset(new CephContext(CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_ANY), false); cct->_conf->set_value("rgw_lc_max_wp_worker", 0, 0); // no need to create a real workpool worker = std::make_unique(nullptr, cct.get(), nullptr, 0); } void TearDown() override { worker.reset(); cct.reset(); } }; TEST_F(LCWorkTimeTests, ShouldWorkDefaultWorkTime) { std::unordered_map test_values_to_expectations = { {"01/01/23 00:00:00", true}, {"01/01/24 00:00:00", true}, // date is not relevant, but only the time-window {"01/01/23 00:00:01", true}, {"01/01/23 03:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 05:59:59", true}, {"01/01/23 06:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 06:00:59", true}, // seconds don't matter, but only hours and minutes {"01/01/23 06:01:00", false}, {"01/01/23 23:59:59", false}, {"01/02/23 23:59:59", false}, {"01/01/23 12:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 14:00:00", false} }; run_should_work_test(test_values_to_expectations); } TEST_F(LCWorkTimeTests, ShouldWorkCustomWorkTimeEndTimeInTheSameDay) { cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time = "14:00-16:00"; std::unordered_map test_values_to_expectations = { {"01/01/23 00:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 12:00:00", false}, {"01/01/24 13:59:59", false}, {"01/01/23 14:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 16:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 16:00:59", true}, {"01/01/23 16:01:00", false}, {"01/01/23 17:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 23:59:59", false}, }; run_should_work_test(test_values_to_expectations); } TEST_F(LCWorkTimeTests, ShouldWorkCustomWorkTimeEndTimeInTheSameDay24Hours) { cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time = "00:00-23:59"; std::unordered_map test_values_to_expectations = { {"01/01/23 23:59:00", true}, {"01/01/23 23:59:59", true}, {"01/01/23 00:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 00:00:01", true}, {"01/01/23 00:01:00", true}, {"01/01/23 01:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 12:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 17:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 23:00:00", true} }; run_should_work_test(test_values_to_expectations); } TEST_F(LCWorkTimeTests, ShouldWorkCustomWorkTimeEndTimeInTheNextDay) { cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time = "14:00-01:00"; std::unordered_map test_values_to_expectations = { {"01/01/23 13:59:00", false}, {"01/01/23 13:59:59", false}, {"01/01/24 14:00:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/24 17:00:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/24 23:59:59", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/23 00:00:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/23 00:59:59", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/23 01:00:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/23 01:00:59", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/23 01:01:00", false}, {"01/01/23 05:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 12:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 13:00:00", false} }; run_should_work_test(test_values_to_expectations); } TEST_F(LCWorkTimeTests, ShouldWorkCustomWorkTimeEndTimeInTheNextDay24Hours) { cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time = "14:00-13:59"; // all of the below cases used-to-fail std::unordered_map test_values_to_expectations = { {"01/01/23 00:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 00:00:01", true}, {"01/01/23 00:01:00", true}, {"01/01/24 01:00:00", true}, {"01/01/24 12:00:00", true}, {"01/01/24 13:00:00", true}, {"01/01/24 13:59:00", true}, {"01/01/24 13:59:59", true}, {"01/01/23 14:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 14:00:01", true}, {"01/01/23 14:01:00", true}, {"01/01/23 16:00:00", true}, {"01/01/23 23:59:00", true}, {"01/01/23 23:59:59", true}, }; run_should_work_test(test_values_to_expectations); } TEST_F(LCWorkTimeTests, ShouldWorkCustomWorkTimeEndTimeInTheNextDayIrregularMins) { cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time = "22:15-03:33"; std::unordered_map test_values_to_expectations = { {"01/01/23 22:14:59", false}, {"01/01/23 22:15:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/24 00:00:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/24 01:00:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/24 02:00:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/23 03:33:00", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/23 03:33:59", true}, // used-to-fail {"01/01/23 03:34:00", false}, {"01/01/23 04:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 12:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 22:00:00", false}, }; run_should_work_test(test_values_to_expectations); } TEST_F(LCWorkTimeTests, ShouldWorkCustomWorkTimeStartEndSameHour) { cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time = "22:15-22:45"; std::unordered_map test_values_to_expectations = { {"01/01/23 22:14:59", false}, {"01/01/23 22:15:00", true}, {"01/01/24 22:44:59", true}, {"01/01/24 22:45:59", true}, {"01/01/24 22:46:00", false}, {"01/01/23 23:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 00:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 12:00:00", false}, {"01/01/23 21:00:00", false}, }; run_should_work_test(test_values_to_expectations); } TEST_F(LCWorkTimeTests, ScheduleNextStartTime) { cct->_conf->rgw_lifecycle_work_time = "22:15-03:33"; // items of the map: [ (work_started_time, work_completed_time), expected_value (seconds) ] // // expected_value is the difference between configured start time (i.e, 22:15:00) and // the second item of the tuple (i.e., work_completed_time). // // Note that "seconds" of work completion time is taken into account but date is not relevant. // e.g., the first testcase: 75713 == 01:13:07 - 22:15:00 (https://tinyurl.com/ydm86752) std::map, int> test_values_to_expectations = { {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/01/23 01:13:07"}, 75713}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/02/23 01:13:07"}, 75713}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/01/23 22:17:07"}, 86273}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/02/23 22:17:07"}, 86273}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/01/23 22:14:00"}, 60}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/02/23 22:14:00"}, 60}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/01/23 22:15:00"}, 24 * 60 * 60}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/02/23 22:15:00"}, 24 * 60 * 60}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/01/23 22:15:01"}, 24 * 60 * 60 - 1}, {{"01/01/23 22:15:05", "01/02/23 22:15:01"}, 24 * 60 * 60 - 1}, }; run_schedule_next_start_time_test(test_values_to_expectations); }