// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2015 John Spray * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. */ #include "common/ceph_argparse.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include "mds/SessionMap.h" #include "mds/InoTable.h" #include "mds/SnapServer.h" #include "TableTool.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mds #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix *_dout << __func__ << ": " void TableTool::usage() { std::cout << "Usage: \n" << " cephfs-table-tool " << " cephfs-table-tool " << std::endl; generic_client_usage(); } /** * For a function that takes an MDS role as an argument and * returns an error code, execute it on the roles specified * by `role_selector`. */ int TableTool::apply_role_fn(std::function fptr, Formatter *f) { assert(f != NULL); int r = 0; f->open_object_section("ranks"); for (auto role : role_selector.get_roles()) { std::ostringstream rank_str; rank_str << role.rank; f->open_object_section(rank_str.str().c_str()); f->open_object_section("data"); int rank_r = fptr(role, f); f->close_section(); r = r ? r : rank_r; f->dump_int("result", rank_r); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); return r; } /** * This class wraps an MDS table class (SessionMap, SnapServer, InoTable) * with offline load/store code such that we can do offline dumps and resets * on those tables. */ template class TableHandler { protected: // The RADOS object ID for the table std::string object_name; // The role in question (may be NONE) mds_role_t role; // Whether this is an MDSTable subclass (i.e. has leading version field to decode) bool mds_table; public: TableHandler(mds_role_t r, std::string const &name, bool mds_table_) : role(r), mds_table(mds_table_) { // Compose object name of the table we will dump std::ostringstream oss; oss << "mds"; if (!role.is_none()) { oss << role.rank; } oss << "_" << name; object_name = oss.str(); } int load_and_dump(librados::IoCtx *io, Formatter *f) { assert(io != NULL); assert(f != NULL); // Attempt read bufferlist table_bl; int read_r = io->read(object_name, table_bl, 0, 0); if (read_r >= 0) { bufferlist::iterator q = table_bl.begin(); try { if (mds_table) { version_t version; ::decode(version, q); f->dump_int("version", version); } A table_inst; table_inst.set_rank(role.rank); table_inst.decode(q); table_inst.dump(f); return 0; } catch (buffer::error &e) { derr << "table " << object_name << " is corrupt" << dendl; return -EIO; } } else { derr << "error reading table object " << object_name << ": " << cpp_strerror(read_r) << dendl; return read_r; } } int reset(librados::IoCtx *io) { A table_inst; // Compose new (blank) table table_inst.set_rank(role.rank); table_inst.reset_state(); // Write the table out return write(table_inst, io); } protected: int write(const A &table_inst, librados::IoCtx *io) { bufferlist new_bl; if (mds_table) { version_t version = 1; ::encode(version, new_bl); } table_inst.encode_state(new_bl); // Write out new table int r = io->write_full(object_name, new_bl); if (r != 0) { derr << "error writing table object " << object_name << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } return r; } }; template class TableHandlerOmap { private: // The RADOS object ID for the table std::string object_name; // The role (rank may be NONE) mds_role_t role; // Whether this is an MDSTable subclass (i.e. has leading version field to decode) bool mds_table; public: TableHandlerOmap(mds_role_t r, std::string const &name, bool mds_table_) : role(r), mds_table(mds_table_) { // Compose object name of the table we will dump std::ostringstream oss; oss << "mds"; if (!role.is_none()) { oss << role.rank; } oss << "_" << name; object_name = oss.str(); } int load_and_dump(librados::IoCtx *io, Formatter *f) { assert(io != NULL); assert(f != NULL); // Read in the header bufferlist header_bl; int r = io->omap_get_header(object_name, &header_bl); if (r != 0) { derr << "error reading header on '" << object_name << "': " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } // Decode the header A table_inst; table_inst.set_rank(role.rank); try { table_inst.decode_header(header_bl); } catch (buffer::error &e) { derr << "table " << object_name << " is corrupt" << dendl; return -EIO; } // Read and decode OMAP values in chunks std::string last_key = ""; while(true) { std::map values; int r = io->omap_get_vals(object_name, last_key, g_conf->mds_sessionmap_keys_per_op, &values); if (r != 0) { derr << "error reading values: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } if (values.empty()) { break; } try { table_inst.decode_values(values); } catch (buffer::error &e) { derr << "table " << object_name << " is corrupt" << dendl; return -EIO; } last_key = values.rbegin()->first; } table_inst.dump(f); return 0; } int reset(librados::IoCtx *io) { A table_inst; table_inst.set_rank(role.rank); table_inst.reset_state(); bufferlist header_bl; table_inst.encode_header(&header_bl); // Compose a transaction to clear and write header librados::ObjectWriteOperation op; op.omap_clear(); op.set_op_flags2(LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG_FAILOK); op.omap_set_header(header_bl); return io->operate(object_name, &op); } }; class InoTableHandler : public TableHandler { public: explicit InoTableHandler(mds_role_t r) : TableHandler(r, "inotable", true) {} int take_inos(librados::IoCtx *io, inodeno_t max, Formatter *f) { InoTable inst; inst.set_rank(role.rank); inst.reset_state(); int r = 0; if (inst.force_consume_to(max)) { r = write(inst, io); } f->dump_int("version", inst.get_version()); inst.dump(f); return r; } }; int TableTool::main(std::vector &argv) { int r; dout(10) << __func__ << dendl; // RADOS init // ========== r = rados.init_with_context(g_ceph_context); if (r < 0) { derr << "RADOS unavailable, cannot scan filesystem journal" << dendl; return r; } dout(4) << "connecting to RADOS..." << dendl; r = rados.connect(); if (r < 0) { derr << "couldn't connect to cluster: " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; return r; } // Require at least 3 args [args...] if (argv.size() < 3) { usage(); return -EINVAL; } const std::string role_str = std::string(argv[0]); const std::string mode = std::string(argv[1]); const std::string table = std::string(argv[2]); r = role_selector.parse(*fsmap, role_str); if (r < 0) { derr << "Bad rank selection: " << role_str << "'" << dendl; return r; } auto fs = fsmap->get_filesystem(role_selector.get_ns()); assert(fs != nullptr); int64_t const pool_id = fs->mds_map.get_metadata_pool(); dout(4) << "resolving pool " << pool_id << dendl; std::string pool_name; r = rados.pool_reverse_lookup(pool_id, &pool_name); if (r < 0) { derr << "Pool " << pool_id << " identified in MDS map not found in RADOS!" << dendl; return r; } dout(4) << "creating IoCtx.." << dendl; r = rados.ioctx_create(pool_name.c_str(), io); if (r != 0) { return r; } JSONFormatter jf(true); if (mode == "reset") { const std::string table = std::string(argv[2]); if (table == "session") { r = apply_role_fn([this](mds_role_t rank, Formatter *f) -> int { return TableHandlerOmap(rank, "sessionmap", false).reset(&io); }, &jf); } else if (table == "inode") { r = apply_role_fn([this](mds_role_t rank, Formatter *f) -> int { return TableHandler(rank, "inotable", true).reset(&io); }, &jf); } else if (table == "snap") { r = TableHandler(mds_role_t(), "snaptable", true).reset(&io); jf.open_object_section("reset_snap_status"); jf.dump_int("result", r); jf.close_section(); } else { derr << "Invalid table '" << table << "'" << dendl; usage(); return -EINVAL; } } else if (mode == "show") { const std::string table = std::string(argv[2]); if (table == "session") { r = apply_role_fn([this](mds_role_t rank, Formatter *f) -> int { return TableHandlerOmap(rank, "sessionmap", false).load_and_dump(&io, f); }, &jf); } else if (table == "inode") { r = apply_role_fn([this](mds_role_t rank, Formatter *f) -> int { return TableHandler(rank, "inotable", true).load_and_dump(&io, f);; }, &jf); } else if (table == "snap") { jf.open_object_section("show_snap_table"); { r = TableHandler( mds_role_t(), "snaptable", true).load_and_dump(&io, &jf); jf.dump_int("result", r); } jf.close_section(); } else { derr << "Invalid table '" << table << "'" << dendl; usage(); return -EINVAL; } } else if (mode == "take_inos") { const std::string ino_str = std::string(argv[2]); std::string ino_err; inodeno_t ino = strict_strtoll(ino_str.c_str(), 10, &ino_err); if (!ino_err.empty()) { derr << "Bad ino '" << ino_str << "'" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } r = apply_role_fn([this, ino](mds_role_t rank, Formatter *f) -> int { return InoTableHandler(rank).take_inos(&io, ino, f); }, &jf); } else { derr << "Invalid mode '" << mode << "'" << dendl; usage(); return -EINVAL; } // Subcommand should have written to formatter, flush it jf.flush(std::cout); std::cout << std::endl; return r; }