PREFIX ?= /usr/local VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --dirty --always | sed -e 's/^v//') IS_SNAPSHOT = $(if $(findstring -, $(VERSION)),true,false) MAJOR_VERSION = $(word 1, $(subst ., ,$(VERSION))) MINOR_VERSION = $(word 2, $(subst ., ,$(VERSION))) PATCH_VERSION = $(word 3, $(subst ., ,$(word 1,$(subst -, , $(VERSION))))) NEW_VERSION ?= $(MAJOR_VERSION).$(MINOR_VERSION).$(shell echo $$(( $(PATCH_VERSION) + 1)) ) GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE ?= # renovate: datasource=go fix = false ifeq (true,$(fix)) FIX = --fix endif ACT ?= go run main.go HAS_TOKEN = $(if $(test -e ~/.config/github/token),true,false) ifeq (true,$(HAS_TOKEN)) export GITHUB_TOKEN := $(shell cat ~/.config/github/token) endif .PHONY: pr pr: tidy format-all lint test .PHONY: build build: go build -ldflags "-X main.version=$(VERSION)" -o dist/local/act main.go .PHONY: format format: go fmt ./... .PHONY: format-all format-all: go fmt ./... npx prettier --write . .PHONY: test test: go test ./... $(ACT) .PHONY: lint-go lint-go: go run $(GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE) run $(FIX) .PHONY: lint-js lint-js: npx standard $(FIX) .PHONY: lint-md lint-md: npx markdownlint . $(FIX) .PHONY: lint-rest lint-rest: docker run --rm -it \ -v $(PWD):/tmp/lint \ -e GITHUB_STATUS_REPORTER=false \ -e GITHUB_COMMENT_REPORTER=false \ megalinter/megalinter-go:v5 .PHONY: lint lint: lint-go lint-rest .PHONY: lint-fix lint-fix: lint-md lint-go .PHONY: fix fix: make lint-fix fix=true .PHONY: tidy tidy: go mod tidy .PHONY: install install: build @cp dist/local/act $(PREFIX)/bin/act @chmod 755 $(PREFIX)/bin/act @act --version .PHONY: installer installer: @GO111MODULE=off go get godownloader -r nektos/act -o .PHONY: promote promote: @git fetch --tags @echo "VERSION:$(VERSION) IS_SNAPSHOT:$(IS_SNAPSHOT) NEW_VERSION:$(NEW_VERSION)" ifeq (false,$(IS_SNAPSHOT)) @echo "Unable to promote a non-snapshot" @exit 1 endif ifneq ($(shell git status -s),) @echo "Unable to promote a dirty workspace" @exit 1 endif echo -n $(NEW_VERSION) > VERSION git add VERSION git commit -m "chore: bump VERSION to $(NEW_VERSION)" git tag -a -m "releasing v$(NEW_VERSION)" v$(NEW_VERSION) git push origin master git push origin v$(NEW_VERSION) .PHONY: snapshot snapshot: goreleaser build \ --clean \ --single-target \ --snapshot .PHONY: clean all