/* * Command format string parser for CLI backend. * * -- * Copyright (C) 2016 Cumulus Networks, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Zebra. * * GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * GNU Zebra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Zebra; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ %{ // compile with debugging facilities #define YYDEBUG 1 %} %define api.pure full /* define api.prefix {cmd_yy} */ /* names for generated header and parser files */ %defines "command_parse.h" %output "command_parse.c" /* note: code blocks are output in order, to both .c and .h: * 1. %code requires * 2. %union + bison forward decls * 3. %code provides * command_lex.h needs to be included at 3.; it needs the union and YYSTYPE. * struct parser_ctx is needed for the bison forward decls. */ %code requires { #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "command.h" #include "log.h" #include "graph.h" #define YYSTYPE CMD_YYSTYPE struct parser_ctx; } %union { long long number; char *string; struct graph_node *node; struct subgraph *subgraph; } %code provides { #ifndef FLEX_SCANNER #include "command_lex.h" #endif extern void set_lexer_string (yyscan_t *scn, const char *string); extern void cleanup_lexer (yyscan_t *scn); struct parser_ctx { yyscan_t scanner; struct cmd_element *el; struct graph *graph; struct graph_node *currnode, *startnode; /* pointers to copy of command docstring */ char *docstr_start, *docstr; }; } /* union types for lexed tokens */ %token WORD %token IPV4 %token IPV4_PREFIX %token IPV6 %token IPV6_PREFIX %token VARIABLE %token RANGE /* union types for parsed rules */ %type start %type sentence_root %type literal_token %type placeholder_token %type simple_token %type option %type option_token %type option_token_seq %type selector %type selector_token %type selector_token_seq %type selector_seq_seq %type compound_token %code { /* bison declarations */ void cmd_yyerror (struct parser_ctx *ctx, char const *msg); /* subgraph semantic value */ struct subgraph { struct graph_node *start, *end; }; /* helper functions for parser */ static char * doc_next (struct parser_ctx *ctx); static struct graph_node * node_adjacent (struct graph_node *, struct graph_node *); static struct graph_node * add_edge_dedup (struct graph_node *, struct graph_node *); static int cmp_token (struct cmd_token *, struct cmd_token *); static struct graph_node * new_token_node (struct parser_ctx *, enum cmd_token_type type, char *text, char *doc); static void terminate_graph (struct parser_ctx *ctx, struct graph_node *); static void cleanup (struct parser_ctx *ctx); #define scanner ctx->scanner } /* yyparse parameters */ %lex-param {yyscan_t scanner} %parse-param {struct parser_ctx *ctx} /* called automatically before yyparse */ %initial-action { /* clear state pointers */ ctx->currnode = ctx->startnode = NULL; ctx->startnode = vector_slot (ctx->graph->nodes, 0); /* copy docstring and keep a pointer to the copy */ if (ctx->el->doc) { // allocate a new buffer, making room for a flag size_t length = (size_t) strlen (ctx->el->doc) + 2; ctx->docstr = malloc (length); memcpy (ctx->docstr, ctx->el->doc, strlen (ctx->el->doc)); // set the flag so doc_next knows when to print a warning ctx->docstr[length - 2] = 0x03; // null terminate ctx->docstr[length - 1] = 0x00; } ctx->docstr_start = ctx->docstr; } %% start: sentence_root cmd_token_seq { // tack on the command element terminate_graph (ctx, ctx->currnode); } | sentence_root cmd_token_seq placeholder_token '.' '.' '.' { if ((ctx->currnode = add_edge_dedup (ctx->currnode, $3)) != $3) graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, $3); ctx->currnode->allowrepeat = 1; // adding a node as a child of itself accepts any number // of the same token, which is what we want for variadics add_edge_dedup (ctx->currnode, ctx->currnode); // tack on the command element terminate_graph (ctx, ctx->currnode); } ; sentence_root: WORD { struct graph_node *root = new_token_node (ctx, WORD_TKN, strdup ($1), doc_next(ctx)); if ((ctx->currnode = add_edge_dedup (ctx->startnode, root)) != root) graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, root); free ($1); $$ = ctx->currnode; } ; cmd_token_seq: /* empty */ | cmd_token_seq cmd_token ; cmd_token: simple_token { if ((ctx->currnode = add_edge_dedup (ctx->currnode, $1)) != $1) graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, $1); } | compound_token { graph_add_edge (ctx->currnode, $1->start); ctx->currnode = $1->end; free ($1); } ; simple_token: literal_token | placeholder_token ; compound_token: selector | option ; literal_token: WORD { $$ = new_token_node (ctx, WORD_TKN, strdup($1), doc_next(ctx)); free ($1); } ; placeholder_token: IPV4 { $$ = new_token_node (ctx, IPV4_TKN, strdup($1), doc_next(ctx)); free ($1); } | IPV4_PREFIX { $$ = new_token_node (ctx, IPV4_PREFIX_TKN, strdup($1), doc_next(ctx)); free ($1); } | IPV6 { $$ = new_token_node (ctx, IPV6_TKN, strdup($1), doc_next(ctx)); free ($1); } | IPV6_PREFIX { $$ = new_token_node (ctx, IPV6_PREFIX_TKN, strdup($1), doc_next(ctx)); free ($1); } | VARIABLE { $$ = new_token_node (ctx, VARIABLE_TKN, strdup($1), doc_next(ctx)); free ($1); } | RANGE { $$ = new_token_node (ctx, RANGE_TKN, strdup($1), doc_next(ctx)); struct cmd_token *token = $$->data; // get the numbers out yylval.string++; token->min = strtoll (yylval.string, &yylval.string, 10); strsep (&yylval.string, "-"); token->max = strtoll (yylval.string, &yylval.string, 10); // validate range if (token->min > token->max) cmd_yyerror (ctx, "Invalid range."); free ($1); } /* productions */ selector: '<' selector_seq_seq '>' { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); $$->start = new_token_node (ctx, SELECTOR_TKN, NULL, NULL); $$->end = new_token_node (ctx, NUL_TKN, NULL, NULL); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vector_active ($2->start->to); i++) { struct graph_node *sn = vector_slot ($2->start->to, i), *en = vector_slot ($2->end->from, i); graph_add_edge ($$->start, sn); graph_add_edge (en, $$->end); } graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, $2->start); graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, $2->end); free ($2); }; selector_seq_seq: selector_seq_seq '|' selector_token_seq { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); $$->start = graph_new_node (ctx->graph, NULL, NULL); $$->end = graph_new_node (ctx->graph, NULL, NULL); // link in last sequence graph_add_edge ($$->start, $3->start); graph_add_edge ($3->end, $$->end); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vector_active ($1->start->to); i++) { struct graph_node *sn = vector_slot ($1->start->to, i), *en = vector_slot ($1->end->from, i); graph_add_edge ($$->start, sn); graph_add_edge (en, $$->end); } graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, $1->start); graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, $1->end); free ($1); free ($3); } | selector_token_seq '|' selector_token_seq { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); $$->start = graph_new_node (ctx->graph, NULL, NULL); $$->end = graph_new_node (ctx->graph, NULL, NULL); graph_add_edge ($$->start, $1->start); graph_add_edge ($1->end, $$->end); graph_add_edge ($$->start, $3->start); graph_add_edge ($3->end, $$->end); free ($1); free ($3); } ; /* {keyword} productions */ selector: '{' selector_seq_seq '}' { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); $$->start = new_token_node (ctx, SELECTOR_TKN, NULL, NULL); $$->end = new_token_node (ctx, NUL_TKN, NULL, NULL); graph_add_edge ($$->start, $$->end); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vector_active ($2->start->to); i++) { struct graph_node *sn = vector_slot ($2->start->to, i), *en = vector_slot ($2->end->from, i); graph_add_edge ($$->start, sn); graph_add_edge (en, $$->start); } graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, $2->start); graph_delete_node (ctx->graph, $2->end); free ($2); }; selector_token_seq: simple_token { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); $$->start = $$->end = $1; } | selector_token_seq selector_token { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); graph_add_edge ($1->end, $2->start); $$->start = $1->start; $$->end = $2->end; free ($1); free ($2); } ; selector_token: simple_token { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); $$->start = $$->end = $1; } | option | selector ; /* [option] productions */ option: '[' option_token_seq ']' { // make a new option $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); $$->start = new_token_node (ctx, OPTION_TKN, NULL, NULL); $$->end = new_token_node (ctx, NUL_TKN, NULL, NULL); // add a path through the sequence to the end graph_add_edge ($$->start, $2->start); graph_add_edge ($2->end, $$->end); // add a path directly from the start to the end graph_add_edge ($$->start, $$->end); free ($2); } ; option_token_seq: option_token | option_token_seq option_token { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); graph_add_edge ($1->end, $2->start); $$->start = $1->start; $$->end = $2->end; free ($1); free ($2); } ; option_token: simple_token { $$ = malloc (sizeof (struct subgraph)); $$->start = $$->end = $1; } | compound_token ; %% #undef scanner void command_parse_format (struct graph *graph, struct cmd_element *cmd) { struct parser_ctx ctx = { .graph = graph, .el = cmd }; // set to 1 to enable parser traces yydebug = 0; set_lexer_string (&ctx.scanner, cmd->string); // parse command into DFA cmd_yyparse (&ctx); /* cleanup lexer */ cleanup_lexer (&ctx.scanner); // cleanup cleanup (&ctx); } /* parser helper functions */ void yyerror (struct parser_ctx *ctx, char const *msg) { zlog_err ("%s: FATAL parse error: %s", __func__, msg); zlog_err ("while parsing this command definition: \n\t%s\n", ctx->el->string); //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void cleanup (struct parser_ctx *ctx) { /* free resources */ free (ctx->docstr_start); /* clear state pointers */ ctx->currnode = NULL; ctx->docstr_start = ctx->docstr = NULL; } static void terminate_graph (struct parser_ctx *ctx, struct graph_node *finalnode) { // end of graph should look like this // * -> finalnode -> END_TKN -> cmd_element struct cmd_element *element = ctx->el; struct graph_node *end_token_node = new_token_node (ctx, END_TKN, strdup (CMD_CR_TEXT), strdup ("")); struct graph_node *end_element_node = graph_new_node (ctx->graph, element, NULL); if (node_adjacent (finalnode, end_token_node)) cmd_yyerror (ctx, "Duplicate command."); graph_add_edge (finalnode, end_token_node); graph_add_edge (end_token_node, end_element_node); } static char * doc_next (struct parser_ctx *ctx) { const char *piece = ctx->docstr ? strsep (&ctx->docstr, "\n") : ""; if (*piece == 0x03) { zlog_debug ("Ran out of docstring while parsing '%s'", ctx->el->string); piece = ""; } return strdup (piece); } static struct graph_node * new_token_node (struct parser_ctx *ctx, enum cmd_token_type type, char *text, char *doc) { struct cmd_token *token = new_cmd_token (type, ctx->el->attr, text, doc); return graph_new_node (ctx->graph, token, (void (*)(void *)) &del_cmd_token); } /** * Determines if there is an out edge from the first node to the second */ static struct graph_node * node_adjacent (struct graph_node *first, struct graph_node *second) { struct graph_node *adj; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vector_active (first->to); i++) { adj = vector_slot (first->to, i); struct cmd_token *ftok = adj->data, *stok = second->data; if (cmp_token (ftok, stok)) return adj; } return NULL; } /** * Creates an edge betwen two nodes, unless there is already an edge to an * equivalent node. * * The first node's out edges are searched to see if any of them point to a * node that is equivalent to the second node. If such a node exists, it is * returned. Otherwise an edge is created from the first node to the second. * * @param from start node for edge * @param to end node for edge * @return the node which the new edge points to */ static struct graph_node * add_edge_dedup (struct graph_node *from, struct graph_node *to) { struct graph_node *existing = node_adjacent (from, to); if (existing) { struct cmd_token *ex_tok = existing->data; struct cmd_token *to_tok = to->data; // NORMAL takes precedence over DEPRECATED takes precedence over HIDDEN ex_tok->attr = (ex_tok->attr < to_tok->attr) ? ex_tok->attr : to_tok->attr; return existing; } else return graph_add_edge (from, to); } /** * Compares two cmd_token's for equality, * * As such, this function is the working definition of token equality * for parsing purposes and determines overall graph structure. */ static int cmp_token (struct cmd_token *first, struct cmd_token *second) { // compare types if (first->type != second->type) return 0; switch (first->type) { case WORD_TKN: case VARIABLE_TKN: if (first->text && second->text) { if (strcmp (first->text, second->text)) return 0; } else if (first->text != second->text) return 0; break; case RANGE_TKN: if (first->min != second->min || first->max != second->max) return 0; break; /* selectors and options should be equal if their subgraphs are equal, * but the graph isomorphism problem is not known to be solvable in * polynomial time so we consider selectors and options inequal in all * cases; ultimately this forks the graph, but the matcher can handle * this regardless */ case SELECTOR_TKN: case OPTION_TKN: return 0; /* end nodes are always considered equal, since each node may only * have one END_TKN child at a time */ case START_TKN: case END_TKN: case NUL_TKN: default: break; } return 1; }