path: root/src/lib/dns/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dns/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dns/tests/ b/src/lib/dns/tests/
index 3cada14cbc..8b13789179 100644
--- a/src/lib/dns/tests/
+++ b/src/lib/dns/tests/
@@ -1,279 +1 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at
-#include <config.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <util/buffer.h>
-#include <dns/messagerenderer.h>
-#include <dns/rrttl.h>
-#include <dns/tests/unittest_util.h>
-#include <util/unittests/wiredata.h>
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace isc;
-using namespace isc::dns;
-using namespace isc::util;
-using boost::scoped_ptr;
-using isc::util::unittests::matchWireData;
-namespace {
-class RRTTLTest : public ::testing::Test {
- RRTTLTest() : obuffer(0) {}
- OutputBuffer obuffer;
- MessageRenderer renderer;
- static RRTTL rrttlFactoryFromWire(const char* datafile);
- static const RRTTL ttl_0, ttl_1h, ttl_1d, ttl_32bit, ttl_max;
- static const RRTTL ttl_small, ttl_large;
- static const uint8_t wiredata[20];
-const RRTTL RRTTLTest::ttl_0(0);
-const RRTTL RRTTLTest::ttl_1h(3600);
-const RRTTL RRTTLTest::ttl_1d(86400);
-const RRTTL RRTTLTest::ttl_32bit(0x12345678);
-const RRTTL RRTTLTest::ttl_max(0xffffffff);
-const RRTTL RRTTLTest::ttl_small(1);
-const RRTTL RRTTLTest::ttl_large(0x80000001);
-// This is wire-format data for the above sample RRTTLs rendered in the
-// appearing order.
-const uint8_t RRTTLTest::wiredata[20] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x10,
- 0x00, 0x01, 0x51, 0x80,
- 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78,
- 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
-RRTTLTest::rrttlFactoryFromWire(const char* datafile) {
- std::vector<unsigned char> data;
- UnitTestUtil::readWireData(datafile, data);
- InputBuffer buffer(&data[0], data.size());
- return (RRTTL(buffer));
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, getValue) {
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ttl_0.getValue());
- EXPECT_EQ(3600, ttl_1h.getValue());
- EXPECT_EQ(86400, ttl_1d.getValue());
- EXPECT_EQ(0x12345678, ttl_32bit.getValue());
- EXPECT_EQ(0xffffffff, ttl_max.getValue());
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, copyConstruct) {
- const RRTTL ttl1(3600);
- const RRTTL ttl2(ttl1);
- EXPECT_EQ(ttl1.getValue(), ttl2.getValue());
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, fromText) {
- // Border cases
- EXPECT_EQ(0, RRTTL("0").getValue());
- EXPECT_EQ(4294967295U, RRTTL("4294967295").getValue());
- // Invalid cases
- EXPECT_THROW(RRTTL("0xdeadbeef"), InvalidRRTTL); // must be decimal
- EXPECT_THROW(RRTTL("-1"), InvalidRRTTL); // must be positive
- EXPECT_THROW(RRTTL("1.1"), InvalidRRTTL); // must be integer
- EXPECT_THROW(RRTTL("4294967296"), InvalidRRTTL); // must be 32-bit
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, createFromText) {
- // It returns an actual RRTTL iff the given text is recognized as a
- // valid RR TTL.
- scoped_ptr<RRTTL> good_ttl(RRTTL::createFromText("3600"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(good_ttl);
- EXPECT_EQ(RRTTL(3600), *good_ttl);
- scoped_ptr<RRTTL> bad_ttl(RRTTL::createFromText("bad"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(bad_ttl);
-checkUnit(unsigned multiply, char suffix) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(string("Unit check with suffix ") + suffix);
- const uint32_t value = 10 * multiply;
- const string num = "10";
- // Check both lower and upper version of the suffix
- EXPECT_EQ(value,
- RRTTL(num + static_cast<char>(tolower(suffix))).getValue());
- EXPECT_EQ(value,
- RRTTL(num + static_cast<char>(toupper(suffix))).getValue());
-// Check parsing the unit form (1D, etc)
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, fromTextUnit) {
- // Check each of the units separately
- checkUnit(1, 'S');
- checkUnit(60, 'M');
- checkUnit(60 * 60, 'H');
- checkUnit(24 * 60 * 60, 'D');
- checkUnit(7 * 24 * 60 * 60, 'W');
- // Some border cases (with units)
- EXPECT_EQ(4294967295U, RRTTL("4294967295S").getValue());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, RRTTL("0W0D0H0M0S").getValue());
- EXPECT_EQ(4294967295U, RRTTL("1193046H1695S").getValue());
- // Leading zeroes are accepted
- EXPECT_EQ(4294967295U, RRTTL("0000000000000004294967295S").getValue());
- // Now some compound ones. We allow any order (it would be much work to
- // check the order anyway).
- EXPECT_EQ(60 * 60 + 3, RRTTL("1H3S").getValue());
- // Awkward, but allowed case - the same unit used twice.
- EXPECT_EQ(20 * 3600, RRTTL("12H8H").getValue());
- // Negative number in part of the expression, but the total is positive.
- // Rejected.
- // Some things out of range in the ttl, but it wraps to number in range
- // in int64_t. Should still not get fooled and reject it.
- // First part out of range
- EXPECT_THROW(RRTTL("9223372036854775807S9223372036854775807S2S"),
- InvalidRRTTL);
- // Second part out of range, but it immediately wraps (2S+2^64-2S)
- EXPECT_THROW(RRTTL("2S18446744073709551614S"), InvalidRRTTL);
- // The whole thing wraps right away (2^64S)
- EXPECT_THROW(RRTTL("18446744073709551616S"), InvalidRRTTL);
- // Second part out of range, and will become negative with the unit,
- EXPECT_THROW(RRTTL("256S307445734561825856M"), InvalidRRTTL);
- // Missing before unit.
- // Empty string is not allowed
- // Missing the last unit is not allowed
- // There are some wrong units
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, fromWire) {
- EXPECT_EQ(0x12345678,
- rrttlFactoryFromWire("rrcode32_fromWire1").getValue());
- EXPECT_THROW(rrttlFactoryFromWire("rrcode32_fromWire2"),
- IncompleteRRTTL);
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, toText) {
- EXPECT_EQ("0", ttl_0.toText());
- EXPECT_EQ("3600", ttl_1h.toText());
- EXPECT_EQ("86400", ttl_1d.toText());
- EXPECT_EQ("305419896", ttl_32bit.toText());
- EXPECT_EQ("4294967295", ttl_max.toText());
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, toWireBuffer) {
- ttl_0.toWire(obuffer);
- ttl_1h.toWire(obuffer);
- ttl_1d.toWire(obuffer);
- ttl_32bit.toWire(obuffer);
- ttl_max.toWire(obuffer);
- matchWireData(wiredata, sizeof(wiredata),
- obuffer.getData(), obuffer.getLength());
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, toWireRenderer) {
- ttl_0.toWire(renderer);
- ttl_1h.toWire(renderer);
- ttl_1d.toWire(renderer);
- ttl_32bit.toWire(renderer);
- ttl_max.toWire(renderer);
- matchWireData(wiredata, sizeof(wiredata),
- renderer.getData(), renderer.getLength());
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, equal) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(RRTTL("3600") == ttl_1h);
- EXPECT_TRUE(RRTTL("86400").equals(ttl_1d));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_1d != ttl_1h);
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_1d.nequals(ttl_max));
-// The following set of tests confirm the result of <=, <, >=, >
-// The test logic is simple, and all tests are just straightforward variations
-// of the first one.
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, leq) {
- // small <= large is true
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_small.leq(ttl_large));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_small <= ttl_large);
- // small <= small is true
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_small.leq(ttl_small));
- EXPECT_LE(ttl_small, ttl_small);
- // large <= small is false
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_large.leq(ttl_small));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_large <= ttl_small);
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, geq) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_large.geq(ttl_small));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_large >= ttl_small);
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_large.geq(ttl_large));
- EXPECT_GE(ttl_large, ttl_large);
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_small.geq(ttl_large));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_small >= ttl_large);
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, lthan) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_small.lthan(ttl_large));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_small < ttl_large);
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_small.lthan(ttl_small));
- // cppcheck-suppress duplicateExpression
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_small < ttl_small);
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_large.lthan(ttl_small));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_large < ttl_small);
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, gthan) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_large.gthan(ttl_small));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ttl_large > ttl_small);
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_large.gthan(ttl_large));
- // cppcheck-suppress duplicateExpression
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_large > ttl_large);
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_small.gthan(ttl_large));
- EXPECT_FALSE(ttl_small > ttl_large);
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, maxTTL) {
- EXPECT_EQ((1u << 31) - 1, RRTTL::MAX_TTL().getValue());
-// test operator<<. We simply confirm it appends the result of toText().
-TEST_F(RRTTLTest, LeftShiftOperator) {
- ostringstream oss;
- oss << ttl_1h;
- EXPECT_EQ(ttl_1h.toText(), oss.str());