variables: # Locale settings do not affect the build, but might affect tests. LC_ALL: C # Fuzzing CFL_ARTIFACTS_DIR: '/tmp/cfl-artifacts' CFL_CACHE_DIR: '/ccache/cfl-cache' CFL_IMAGE: '' CFL_PLATFORM: gitlab FUZZ_SECONDS: 600 # 10 min (ClusterFuzzLite defaults) FUZZING_ARGS: '-rss_limit_mb=8192' LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "/opt/kea/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/builds/isc-projects/kea" PARALLEL_FUZZING: true CCACHE_BASEDIR: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" CCACHE_DIR: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache" # SAST SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX: "" # Leave only bandit, flawfinder, semgrep. SAST_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS: "eslint, spotbugs" default: image: '' tags: - linux - aws - runner-manager - amd64 stages: - test - fuzz .base_rules_for_test_jobs: &rules_for_test_stage rules: # Do not run the test stage on pipeline schedule trigger. - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'schedule' when: never # Prevent duplicate pipelines. - if: $CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == null when: never # On any other event, including push to MR branch and push to master. - when: always are-database-scripts-in-sync: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - ./src/share/database/scripts/utils/ check-for-json-errors-in-doc: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - ./tools/ danger: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage before_script: - export CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID=$(git ls-remote -q origin merge-requests\*\head | grep $CI_COMMIT_SHA | sed 's/.*refs\/merge-requests\/\([0-9]*\)\/head/\1/g') - export CI_PROJECT_PATH=$CI_PROJECT_ID #some version of gitlab has problems with searching by project path - export - export DANGER_GITLAB_API_BASE_URL= script: - danger --fail-on-errors=true --new-comment duplicate-includes: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - ./tools/ duplicate-log-messages: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - ./tools/ uninstalled-headers: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - ./tools/ missing-api-commands: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - ./tools/ missing-config-h-include: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - FILES=$(./tools/ -n) - printf '%s\n' "${FILES}" - test -z "${FILES}" missing-git-attribute: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - git_diff=$(git diff) - if test -n "${git_diff}"; then printf '%s\n\ngit diff should be empty here under all circumstances. CI broken?\n' "${git_diff}"; exit 1; fi - ./tools/ -a - git_diff=$(git diff) - if test -n "${git_diff}"; then printf '%s\n\n.gitattributes are missing a generated file. Please run "./tools/ -a" and commit the resulting change to fix them.\n' "${git_diff}"; exit 1; fi shellcheck: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - ./tools/ .base_get_list_of_modified_files: &get_modified_files - MODIFIED_FILES=$(git diff --name-only $(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)) - echo "${MODIFIED_FILES}" .base_get_list_of_python_scripts: &get_python_scripts - PYTHON_SCRIPTS=$(find ${INPUT-.} -type f -not -path './.git/*' -and \( -name '*.py' -or -name '*' \) | sort) - echo "${PYTHON_SCRIPTS}" - if test -z "${PYTHON_SCRIPTS}"; then echo "No python scripts to check. Exiting early."; exit 0; fi bandit: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: - bandit -r ./src -x ./.git pycodestyle: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: # - *get_modified_files # - INPUT="${MODIFIED_FILES}" - *get_python_scripts - pycodestyle --config=.gitlab/ci/pycodestyle.cfg ${PYTHON_SCRIPTS} pylint: stage: test <<: *rules_for_test_stage script: # - *get_modified_files # - INPUT="${MODIFIED_FILES}" - *get_python_scripts - pylint --jobs "$(nproc || gnproc || echo 1)" --rcfile ./.gitlab/ci/pylint.rc ${PYTHON_SCRIPTS} # If we reached this point, it means pylint passed. Run again with all warnings enabled, but ignore the return code to show a list of improvements that the developer could do, even when CI is passing. - pylint --jobs "$(nproc || gnproc || echo 1)" --rcfile ./.gitlab/ci/pylint.rc --enable all ${PYTHON_SCRIPTS} || true ############################## Fuzzing ############################## # Fuzz code changes. Fuzzes all merge requests. fuzz: image: name: "${CFL_IMAGE}" entrypoint: [''] stage: fuzz tags: - docker-fuzz needs: [] parallel: matrix: - SANITIZER: [address, undefined] rules: # Prevent duplicate pipelines. - if: $CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == null when: never # On merge request. - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS variables: MODE: "code-change" when: manual allow_failure: true # Run on any other event, including push to MR branch and push to master. - when: always before_script: # Get GitLab's container id. - export CFL_CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -q -f "$CI_JOB_ID" -f "label=com.gitlab.gitlab-runner.type=build"` script: # local cfl-cache to mounted volume - if ! test -L cfl-cache; then ln -s /cfl-cache cfl-cache; fi # Will build and run the fuzzers. - python3 "/opt/oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/" artifacts: # Upload artifacts when a crash makes the job fail. when: always expire_in: 30 days paths: - "${CFL_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" # Batch fuzzing enables continuous, regular fuzzing on your latest HEAD # and allows a corpus of inputs to build up over time, which greatly improves # the effectiveness of fuzzing. Batch fuzzing should be run on a schedule. fuzz-batch: image: name: "${CFL_IMAGE}" entrypoint: [''] stage: fuzz needs: [] tags: - docker-fuzz variables: FUZZ_SECONDS: 86400 # 24 hours rules: - if: $MODE == "batch" before_script: - export CFL_CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -q -f "$CI_JOB_ID" -f "label=com.gitlab.gitlab-runner.type=build"` script: - python3 "/opt/oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/" artifacts: when: always expire_in: 30 days paths: - "${CFL_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" # Corpus pruning is a helper function that minimizes the corpuses by # removing corpus files (testcases) that do not increase the fuzzer’s # code coverage. fuzz-prune: image: name: "${CFL_IMAGE}" entrypoint: [''] stage: fuzz needs: [] tags: - docker-fuzz rules: - if: $MODE == "prune" before_script: - export CFL_CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -q -f "$CI_JOB_ID" -f "label=com.gitlab.gitlab-runner.type=build"` script: - python3 "/opt/oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/" artifacts: when: always expire_in: 30 days paths: - "${CFL_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" # Continuous builds are used when a crash is found during MR fuzzing to determine # whether the crash was newly introduced. If the crash was not newly introduced, # MR fuzzing will not report it. This means that there will be fewer unrelated # failures when running code change fuzzing. fuzz-build: image: name: "${CFL_IMAGE}" entrypoint: [''] stage: fuzz needs: [] tags: - docker-fuzz rules: # Use $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH or $CFL_BRANCH. - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CFL_BRANCH && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" variables: MODE: "code-change" UPLOAD_BUILD: "true" before_script: - export CFL_CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -q -f "$CI_JOB_ID" -f "label=com.gitlab.gitlab-runner.type=build"` script: - python3 "/opt/oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/" artifacts: when: always expire_in: 30 days paths: - "${CFL_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" # scheduled job - generates periodic coverage reports fuzz-coverage: image: name: "${CFL_IMAGE}" entrypoint: [''] stage: fuzz needs: [] tags: - docker-fuzz variables: SANITIZER: "coverage" rules: - if: $MODE == "coverage" before_script: - export CFL_CONTAINER_ID=`cut -c9- < /proc/1/cpuset` script: - python3 "/opt/oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/" after_script: - shasum /opt/kea/sbin/* - shasum /tmp/not-out/*/* - shasum ${OUT}/*/* artifacts: when: always expire_in: 30 days paths: - "${CFL_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ############################### SAST ################################ # Read more about this feature here: # # Configure SAST with CI/CD variables ( # List of available variables: include: - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml .sast-analyzer: extends: sast stage: test allow_failure: true script: - /analyzer run flawfinder-sast: extends: .sast-analyzer image: name: "$SAST_ANALYZER_IMAGE" variables: SAST_ANALYZER_IMAGE_TAG: latest SAST_ANALYZER_IMAGE: "$SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX/flawfinder:$SAST_ANALYZER_IMAGE_TAG" rules: - if: $SAST_DISABLED when: never - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'schedule' when: never - if: $SAST_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS =~ /flawfinder/ when: never # Prevent duplicate pipelines. - if: $CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == null when: never # Run on any other event, including push to master. - when: always semgrep-sast: extends: .sast-analyzer rules: - if: $SAST_DISABLED when: never - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'schedule' when: never # Prevent duplicate pipelines. - if: $CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == null when: never # Run on any other event, including push to MR branch and push to master. - when: always