SHELL=/bin/bash -o pipefail -o errexit include include # Targets all: info lib daemon client modules etc install: lib-install daemon-install client-install modules-install etc-install check: all tests clean: contrib-clean lib-clean daemon-clean client-clean modules-clean \ tests-clean doc-clean bench-clean coverage-clean doc: doc-html lint: lint-lua lint-c lint-c: libkres-lint kresd-lint kresc-lint lint-lua: $(patsubst,%.lua,$(wildcard */*/* luacheck --codes --formatter TAP . .PHONY: all install check clean doc info lint # Dependencies KNOT_MINVER := 2.7.6 $(eval $(call find_lib,libknot,$(KNOT_MINVER),yes)) $(eval $(call find_lib,libdnssec,$(KNOT_MINVER),yes)) $(eval $(call find_lib,libzscanner,$(KNOT_MINVER),yes)) $(eval $(call find_lib,lmdb)) $(eval $(call find_lib,libuv,1.0,yes)) $(eval $(call find_lib,nettle,,yes)) $(eval $(call find_alt,lua,luajit)) $(eval $(call find_luapkg,ltn12)) $(eval $(call find_luapkg,ssl.https)) $(eval $(call find_lib,cmocka)) $(eval $(call find_bin,doxygen)) $(eval $(call find_bin,sphinx-build)) $(eval $(call find_pythonpkg,breathe)) $(eval $(call find_lib,socket_wrapper)) $(eval $(call find_lib,libsystemd,227)) $(eval $(call find_lib,gnutls)) $(eval $(call find_lib,libedit)) $(eval $(call find_lib,libprotobuf-c,1)) $(eval $(call find_lib,libfstrm,0.2)) $(eval $(call find_bin,protoc-c)) $(eval $(call find_bin,lcov)) $(eval $(call find_bin,luacov)) # Lookup SONAME $(eval $(call find_soname,libknot)) $(eval $(call find_soname,libzscanner)) ifeq ($(libknot_SONAME),) $(error "Unable to resolve libknot_SONAME, update find_soname in") endif ifeq ($(libzscanner_SONAME),) $(error "Unable to resolve libzscanner_SONAME, update find_some in") endif # Find Go version and platform GO_VERSION := $(shell $(GO) version 2>/dev/null) ifeq ($(GO_VERSION),) GO_VERSION := 0 else GO_PLATFORM := $(word 2,$(subst /, ,$(word 4,$(GO_VERSION)))) GO_VERSION := $(subst .,,$(subst go,,$(word 3,$(GO_VERSION)))) endif $(eval $(call find_ver,go,$(GO_VERSION),16)) # Check if Go is able to build shared libraries ifeq ($(HAS_go),yes) ifneq ($(GO_PLATFORM),$(filter $(GO_PLATFORM),amd64 386 arm arm64)) HAS_go := no endif else $(eval $(call find_ver,go,$(GO_VERSION),15)) ifeq ($HAS_go,yes) ifneq ($(GO_PLATFORM),$(filter $(GO_PLATFORM),arm amd64)) HAS_go := no endif endif endif # check for fstrm and protobuf for dnstap ifeq ($(HAS_libfstrm)|$(HAS_libprotobuf-c)|$(HAS_protoc-c),yes|yes|yes) ENABLE_DNSTAP := yes endif # Overview info: $(info Target: Knot Resolver $(VERSION)-$(PLATFORM)) $(info Compiler: $(CC) $(BUILD_CFLAGS)) $(info Linker: $(CCLD) $(BUILD_LDFLAGS)) $(info ) $(info Variables) $(info ---------) $(info HARDENING: $(HARDENING)) $(info BUILDMODE: $(BUILDMODE)) $(info PREFIX: $(PREFIX)) $(info PREFIX: $(PREFIX)) $(info DESTDIR: $(DESTDIR)) $(info BINDIR: $(BINDIR)) $(info SBINDIR: $(SBINDIR)) $(info LIBDIR: $(LIBDIR)) $(info ETCDIR: $(ETCDIR)) $(info INCLUDEDIR: $(INCLUDEDIR)) $(info MODULEDIR: $(MODULEDIR)) $(info ) $(info Core Dependencies) $(info ------------) $(info [$(HAS_libknot)] libknot (lib)) $(info [yes] $(if $(filter $(HAS_lmdb),yes),system,embedded) lmdb (lib)) $(info [$(HAS_lua)] luajit (daemon)) $(info [$(HAS_libuv)] libuv (daemon)) $(info [$(HAS_gnutls)] libgnutls (daemon)) $(info ) $(info Optional) $(info --------) $(info [$(HAS_doxygen)] doxygen (doc)) $(info [$(HAS_sphinx-build)] sphinx-build (doc)) $(info [$(HAS_breathe)] python-breathe (doc)) $(info [$(HAS_go)] go (modules/go, Go buildmode=c-shared support)) $(info [$(HAS_cmocka)] cmocka (tests/unit)) $(info [$(HAS_libsystemd)] systemd (daemon)) # $(info [$(HAS_nettle)] nettle (modules/cookies)) $(info [$(HAS_ltn12)] Lua socket ltn12 (trust anchor bootstrapping)) $(info [$(HAS_ssl.https)] Lua ssl.https (trust anchor bootstrapping)) $(info [$(HAS_libedit)] libedit (client)) $(info [$(HAS_libfstrm)] libfstrm (modules/dnstap)) $(info [$(HAS_libprotobuf-c)] libprotobuf-c (modules/dnstap)) $(info [$(HAS_protoc-c)] proto-c (modules/dnstap)) $(info [$(HAS_lcov)] lcov (code coverage)) $(info [$(HAS_luacov)] luacov (code coverage)) $(info ) # Verify required dependencies are met, as listed above ifeq ($(HAS_libknot),no) $(error libknot >= $(KNOT_MINVER) required) endif ifeq ($(HAS_libzscanner),no) $(error libzscanner >= $(KNOT_MINVER) required) endif ifeq ($(HAS_libdnssec),no) $(error libdnssec >= $(KNOT_MINVER) required) endif ifeq ($(HAS_lua),no) $(error luajit required) endif ifeq ($(HAS_libuv),no) $(error libuv >= 1.0 required) endif ifeq ($(HAS_gnutls),no) $(error gnutls required) endif BUILD_CFLAGS += $(libknot_CFLAGS) $(libuv_CFLAGS) $(nettle_CFLAGS) $(cmocka_CFLAGS) $(lua_CFLAGS) $(libdnssec_CFLAGS) $(libsystemd_CFLAGS) BUILD_CFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(wildcard contrib/ccan/*) contrib/murmurhash3) # Work around luajit on OS X ifeq ($(PLATFORM), Darwin) ifneq (,$(findstring luajit, $(lua_LIBS))) lua_LIBS += -pagezero_size 10000 -image_base 100000000 endif endif # Check if it has nettle to support DNS cookies # temporarily turn off cookies #ifeq ($(HAS_nettle), yes) #BUILD_CFLAGS += -DENABLE_COOKIES #ENABLE_COOKIES := yes #endif ENABLE_COOKIES := no # Installation directories $(DESTDIR)$(MODULEDIR): $(INSTALL) -d $@ $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR): $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -d $@ # Sub-targets include contrib/ include include lib/ include client/ include daemon/ include modules/ include tests/ include doc/ include etc/ include bench/