/* Copyright (C) CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/defines.h" #include "lib/dnssec.h" #include "lib/dnssec/ta.h" #include "lib/resolve.h" #include "lib/utils.h" knot_rrset_t *kr_ta_get(trie_t *trust_anchors, const knot_dname_t *name) { trie_val_t *val = trie_get_try(trust_anchors, (const char *)name, strlen((const char *)name)); return (val) ? *val : NULL; } const knot_dname_t * kr_ta_closest(const struct kr_context *ctx, const knot_dname_t *name, const uint16_t type) { kr_require(ctx && name); if (type == KNOT_RRTYPE_DS && name[0] != '\0') { /* DS is parent-side record, so the parent name needs to be covered. */ name = knot_dname_next_label(name); } do { struct kr_context *ctx_nc = (struct kr_context *)/*const-cast*/ctx; if (kr_ta_get(ctx_nc->trust_anchors, name)) { return name; } if (kr_ta_get(ctx_nc->negative_anchors, name)) { return NULL; } if (name[0] == '\0') { return NULL; } else { name = knot_dname_next_label(name); } } while (true); } /* @internal Create DS from DNSKEY, caller MUST free dst if successful. */ static int dnskey2ds(dnssec_binary_t *dst, const knot_dname_t *owner, const uint8_t *rdata, uint16_t rdlen) { dnssec_key_t *key = NULL; int ret = dnssec_key_new(&key); if (ret) goto cleanup; /* Create DS from DNSKEY and reinsert */ const dnssec_binary_t key_data = { .size = rdlen, .data = (uint8_t *)rdata }; ret = dnssec_key_set_rdata(key, &key_data); if (ret) goto cleanup; /* Accept only keys with Zone and SEP flags that aren't revoked, * as a precaution. RFC 5011 also utilizes these flags. * TODO: kr_dnssec_key_* names are confusing. */ if (!kr_dnssec_key_usable(rdata)) { auto_free char *owner_str = kr_dname_text(owner); kr_log_error(TA, "refusing to trust %s DNSKEY because of flags %d\n", owner_str, dnssec_key_get_flags(key)); ret = kr_error(EILSEQ); goto cleanup; } else if (!kr_dnssec_key_sep_flag(rdata)) { auto_free char *owner_str = kr_dname_text(owner); int flags = dnssec_key_get_flags(key); kr_log_warning(TA, "warning: %s DNSKEY is missing the SEP bit; " "flags %d instead of %d\n", owner_str, flags, flags + 1/*a little ugly*/); } ret = dnssec_key_set_dname(key, owner); if (ret) goto cleanup; ret = dnssec_key_create_ds(key, DNSSEC_KEY_DIGEST_SHA256, dst); cleanup: dnssec_key_free(key); return kr_error(ret); } /* @internal Insert new TA to trust anchor set, rdata MUST be of DS type. */ static int insert_ta(trie_t *trust_anchors, const knot_dname_t *name, uint32_t ttl, const uint8_t *rdata, uint16_t rdlen) { bool is_new_key = false; knot_rrset_t *ta_rr = kr_ta_get(trust_anchors, name); if (!ta_rr) { ta_rr = knot_rrset_new(name, KNOT_RRTYPE_DS, KNOT_CLASS_IN, ttl, NULL); is_new_key = true; } /* Merge-in new key data */ if (!ta_rr || (rdlen > 0 && knot_rrset_add_rdata(ta_rr, rdata, rdlen, NULL) != 0)) { knot_rrset_free(ta_rr, NULL); return kr_error(ENOMEM); } if (is_new_key) { trie_val_t *val = trie_get_ins(trust_anchors, (const char *)name, strlen((const char *)name)); if (kr_fails_assert(val)) return kr_error(EINVAL); *val = ta_rr; } return kr_ok(); } int kr_ta_add(trie_t *trust_anchors, const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t type, uint32_t ttl, const uint8_t *rdata, uint16_t rdlen) { if (!trust_anchors || !name) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } /* DS/DNSKEY types are accepted, for DNSKEY we * need to compute a DS digest. */ if (type == KNOT_RRTYPE_DS) { return insert_ta(trust_anchors, name, ttl, rdata, rdlen); } else if (type == KNOT_RRTYPE_DNSKEY) { dnssec_binary_t ds_rdata = { 0, }; int ret = dnskey2ds(&ds_rdata, name, rdata, rdlen); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } ret = insert_ta(trust_anchors, name, ttl, ds_rdata.data, ds_rdata.size); dnssec_binary_free(&ds_rdata); return ret; } else { /* Invalid type for TA */ return kr_error(EINVAL); } } /* Delete record data */ static int del_record(trie_val_t *v, void *ext) { knot_rrset_t *ta_rr = *v; if (ta_rr) { knot_rrset_free(ta_rr, NULL); } return 0; } int kr_ta_del(trie_t *trust_anchors, const knot_dname_t *name) { knot_rrset_t *ta_rr; int ret = trie_del(trust_anchors, (const char *)name, strlen((const char *)name), (trie_val_t *) &ta_rr); if (ret == KNOT_EOK && ta_rr) knot_rrset_free(ta_rr, NULL); return kr_ok(); } void kr_ta_clear(trie_t *trust_anchors) { trie_apply(trust_anchors, del_record, NULL); trie_clear(trust_anchors); }