project( 'knot-resolver', ['c', 'cpp'], license: 'GPLv3+', version: '4.3.0', default_options: ['c_std=gnu11', 'b_ndebug=if-release'], meson_version: '>=0.46', ) # Unity build if get_option('unity') != 'off' error('unity builds are not supported! ' + '') endif message('--- required dependencies ---') knot_version = '>=2.8' libknot = dependency('libknot', version: knot_version) libdnssec = dependency('libdnssec', version: knot_version) libzscanner = dependency('libzscanner', version: knot_version) libuv = dependency('libuv', version: '>=1.7') lmdb = dependency('lmdb', required: false) if not lmdb.found() # darwin workaround: missing pkgconfig lmdb = meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('lmdb') endif gnutls = dependency('gnutls') luajit = dependency('luajit') # NOTE avoid using link_args for luajit due to a macOS issue # luajit_inc = luajit.partial_dependency(compile_args: true, includes: true) message('------------------------------') # Variables libkres_soversion = 9 libext = '.so' if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' libext = '.dylib' endif ## Paths prefix = get_option('prefix') data_dir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('datadir'), 'knot-resolver') doc_dir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('datadir'), 'doc', 'knot-resolver') examples_dir = join_paths(doc_dir, 'examples') etc_dir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('sysconfdir'), 'knot-resolver') lib_dir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('libdir'), 'knot-resolver') modules_dir = join_paths(lib_dir, 'kres_modules') sbin_dir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('sbindir')) systemd_work_dir = '' run_dir = '' systemd_unit_dir = '' systemd_tmpfiles_dir = '' mod_inc_dir = include_directories('.', 'contrib/') ## Trust anchors managed_ta = get_option('managed_ta') == 'enabled' keyfile_default = join_paths(etc_dir, get_option('keyfile_default')) if keyfile_default == join_paths(etc_dir, 'root.keys') managed_ta = managed_ta or get_option('managed_ta') == 'auto' endif install_root_keys = get_option('install_root_keys') == 'enabled' if get_option('install_root_keys') == 'auto' install_root_keys = managed_ta endif ## Root hints root_hints = join_paths(etc_dir, get_option('root_hints')) if root_hints == join_paths(etc_dir, 'root.hints') install_root_hints = true else install_root_hints = false endif ## Additional options verbose_log = get_option('verbose_log') == 'enabled' or get_option('verbose_log') == 'auto' user = get_option('user') group = get_option('group') ## Optional dependencies message('--- optional dependencies ---') capng = dependency('libcap-ng', required: false) openssl = dependency('openssl', required: false) ### sendmmsg has_sendmmsg = meson.get_compiler('c').has_function('sendmmsg', prefix: '#define _GNU_SOURCE\n#include ') if get_option('sendmmsg') == 'enabled' and not has_sendmmsg error('missing compiler function: sendmmsg(), use -Dsendmmsg=disabled') elif get_option('sendmmsg') == 'auto' sendmmsg = has_sendmmsg else sendmmsg = get_option('sendmmsg') == 'enabled' endif ### Systemd libsystemd = dependency('libsystemd', required: false) systemd_files = get_option('systemd_files') if systemd_files == 'enabled' and ( not libsystemd.found() or libsystemd.version().version_compare('<227')) error('systemd_files=enabled requires libsystemd >= 227') endif message('---------------------------') ## Compiler args add_project_arguments( '-D_GNU_SOURCE', '-Wformat', '-Wformat-security', '-Wtype-limits', '-Wshadow', '-fvisibility=hidden', language: 'c', ) # Files for clang-tidy lint c_src_lint = files() # Lists of tests # These lists are added to from subdir() and finally used in tests/* unit_tests = [ # [test_name, files(test)] ] config_tests = [ # [name, files(test)] # or # [name, files(test), [extra_suites]] ] integr_tests = [ # [name, test_dir_relative_to_src_root] ] # kresconfig.h conf_data = configuration_data() conf_data.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) conf_data.set_quoted('LIBDIR', lib_dir) conf_data.set_quoted('ROOTHINTS', root_hints) conf_data.set_quoted('LIBEXT', libext) conf_data.set_quoted('libzscanner_SONAME', libzscanner.get_pkgconfig_variable('soname')) conf_data.set_quoted('libknot_SONAME', libknot.get_pkgconfig_variable('soname')) conf_data.set('SYSTEMD_VERSION', libsystemd.found() ? libsystemd.version().to_int() : -1) conf_data.set('NOVERBOSELOG', not verbose_log) conf_data.set('ENABLE_SENDMMSG', sendmmsg.to_int()) conf_data.set('ENABLE_CAP_NG', capng.found()) kresconfig = configure_file( output: 'kresconfig.h', configuration: conf_data, ) kresconfig_dep = declare_dependency( sources: kresconfig, include_directories: include_directories('.'), ) # Compile ## Dependencies first subdir('contrib') subdir('lib') ## Remaining code subdir('daemon') subdir('modules') subdir('utils') if get_option('bench') == 'enabled' subdir('bench') endif # Tests subdir('tests') # Documentation & configs subdir('doc') subdir('etc') # Systemd unit files if systemd_files != 'disabled' subdir('systemd') endif # Additional files install_data( sources: [ 'AUTHORS', 'COPYING', 'NEWS', ], install_dir: doc_dir, ) # Lint message('--- lint dependencies ---') clangtidy = find_program('clang-tidy', required: false) luacheck = find_program('luacheck', required: false) flake8 = find_program('flake8', required: false) pylint_run = find_program('scripts/') message('-------------------------') if clangtidy.found() run_target( 'tidy', command: [ clangtidy, '-quiet', '-p', meson.build_root(), ] + c_src_lint ) endif if luacheck.found() run_target( 'luacheck', command: [ luacheck, '--codes', '--formatter', 'TAP', meson.source_root(), ], ) endif if flake8.found() run_target( 'flake8', command: [ flake8, '--max-line-length=100', join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'tests', 'pytests'), ], ) endif run_target( 'pylint', command: pylint_run, ) # Summary message # NOTE: ternary operator in format() not supported # s_managed_ta = managed_ta ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_install_root_keys = install_root_keys ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_systemd_socket = libsystemd.found() ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_build_client = build_client ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_build_utils = build_utils ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_build_dnstap = build_dnstap ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_build_unit_tests = build_unit_tests ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_build_config_tests = build_config_tests ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_build_extra_tests = build_extra_tests ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_install_kresd_conf = install_kresd_conf ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' s_sendmmsg = sendmmsg ? 'enabled': 'disabled' s_openssl = openssl.found() ? 'present': 'missing' message(''' ======================= SUMMARY ======================= paths prefix: @0@'''.format(prefix) + ''' lib_dir: @0@'''.format(lib_dir) + ''' sbin_dir: @0@'''.format(sbin_dir) + ''' etc_dir: @0@'''.format(etc_dir) + ''' root.hints: @0@'''.format(root_hints) + ''' trust_anchors keyfile_default: @0@'''.format(keyfile_default) + ''' managed_ta: @0@'''.format(s_managed_ta) + ''' install_root_keys: @0@'''.format(s_install_root_keys) + ''' systemd: socket activation: @0@'''.format(s_systemd_socket) + ''' files: @0@'''.format(systemd_files) + ''' work_dir: @0@'''.format(systemd_work_dir) + ''' optional components client: @0@'''.format(s_build_client) + ''' utils: @0@'''.format(s_build_utils) + ''' dnstap: @0@'''.format(s_build_dnstap) + ''' unit_tests: @0@'''.format(s_build_unit_tests) + ''' config_tests: @0@'''.format(s_build_config_tests) + ''' extra_tests: @0@'''.format(s_build_extra_tests) + ''' additional user: @0@'''.format(user) + ''' group: @0@'''.format(group) + ''' install_kresd_conf: @0@'''.format(s_install_kresd_conf) + ''' sendmmsg: @0@'''.format(s_sendmmsg) + ''' openssl debug: @0@'''.format(s_openssl) + ''' ======================================================= ''')