[tool.poetry] name = "knot-resolver" version = "6.0.9" description = "Knot Resolver Manager - a Python program that automatically manages the other components of the resolver" license = "GPL-3.0-or-later" authors = [ "Aleš Mrázek ", "Václav Šraier " ] maintainers = [ "Aleš Mrázek " ] readme = "README.md" homepage = "https://www.knot-resolver.cz" repository = "https://gitlab.nic.cz/knot/knot-resolver" documentation = "https://www.knot-resolver.cz/documentation" packages = [ {include = "knot_resolver", from = "python"} ] exclude = ["**/*.in", "**/meson.build"] # See currently open issue about building C extensions here: # https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/2740 [tool.poetry.build] script = "build_c_extensions.py" generate-setup-file = true [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.8" aiohttp = "*" jinja2 = "*" pyyaml = "*" supervisor = "*" typing-extensions = "*" prometheus-client = { version = "*", optional = true } watchdog = { version = "*", optional = true } [tool.poetry.extras] prometheus = ["prometheus-client"] watchdog = ["watchdog"] [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] poetry = "^1.8.3" pyparsing = "^3.1.1" poethepoet = "^0.24.4" debugpy = "^1.8.1" [tool.poetry.group.test.dependencies] pytest = "^8.0.1" pytest-cov = "^4.1.0" pytest-asyncio = "^0.23.5" toml = "^0.10.2" [tool.poetry.group.lint.dependencies] ruff = "^0.6.9" mypy = "^1.8.0" types-pyyaml = "^" [tool.poetry.group.docs.dependencies] sphinx = "^5.3.0" sphinx-tabs = "^3.4.5" sphinx-rtd-theme = "^2.0.0" breathe = "^4.35.0" json-schema-for-humans = "^0.47" [tool.poetry.scripts] kresctl = 'knot_resolver.client.main:main' knot-resolver = 'knot_resolver.manager.main:main' [tool.poe.tasks] # tasks runed through scripts located in 'scripts/poe-tasks/' configure = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/configure", help = "(Re)configure Meson build directory" } run = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/run", help = "Run Knot Resolver" } run-debug = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/run-debug", help = "Debug Knot Resolver with debugpy" } doc = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/doc", help = "Create Knot Resolver HTML documentation" } schema = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/schema", help = "Generate a JSON schema of the Knot Resolver configuration"} test = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/test", help = "Run pytest unit tests" } lint = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/lint", help = "Run static code analysis (Ruff) and check typing (Mypy)" } check = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/check", help = "Check that all dependencies are properly installed and generated files are not behind project." } examples = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/examples", help = "Validate all configuration examples using 'kresctl validate' utility" } gen-constantspy = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/gen-constantspy", help = "Generate 'constants.py' module using Meson configured options" } gen-setuppy = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/gen-setuppy", help = "Generate 'setup.py' file for backwards compatibility" } format = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/format", help = "Check and fix code formatting using Ruff." } kresctl = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/kresctl", help="Run kresctl utility" } clean = { cmd = "scripts/poe-tasks/clean", help="Cleanup build directories and files" } [tool.ruff] line-length = 120 target-version = "py38" exclude = ["setup.py"] [tool.ruff.lint] # extend default config # https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules extend-select = [ "W", # pycodestyle warnings "A", # flake8-builtins "B", # flake8-bugbearp "PL", # pylint "N", # pep8-naming "SLF", # flake8-self "RET", # flake8-return ] ignore = [ "B009", # https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/get-attr-with-constant/ "PLR2004", # https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/magic-value-comparison/ "PLW0603", # https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/global-statement/ ] [tool.ruff.lint.isort] known-first-party=["knot_resolver"] [tool.mypy] python_version = "3.8" disallow_any_generics = true disallow_subclassing_any = true disallow_untyped_calls = false disallow_untyped_decorators = true pretty = true show_error_codes = true allow_redefinition = true disallow_untyped_defs = false strict_equality = true disallow_incomplete_defs = true check_untyped_defs = true implicit_reexport = false no_implicit_optional = true [build-system] requires = [ "poetry-core>=1.0.0", "setuptools>=67.8.0" ] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"